The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens Page 26

by Sorcha Black

  When they reached the spot where he and Elodie usually swam, he ordered her out of her clothes, then stripped and waded into the water. He rinsed the sweat of the day off his body and then did the same for her, making sure to pay particular attention to her pussy and her ass. By the time he pulled her out of the river, she was panting, her gaze hot, nervous, but eager.

  “Put your shirt, skirt and shoes on.” He put his shorts on, left his shirt where it was on the riverbank, and grabbed her panties and bra and stuffed them in his other cargo pocket.

  He pulled her close and kissed her as soon as her clothes were back on. “Now it might seem as though I don’t like you while we’re doing this, but it’ll be like when we do shifter role-play.”

  Tess nodded and bit her bottom lip. “So who are we supposed to be to each other?”

  “It’s your fantasy. What do you want me to be? A stranger?”

  “Nooo. That would be too scary. Maybe the neighbor?”

  “Am I your same-age neighbor, or am I older? Younger?”

  “Um, just a bit older?” Her voice squeaked, and he realized this was probably a specific scenario she masturbated to.

  “This won’t be exactly what happens in your fantasies. You haven’t told me exactly what to do, so you’ll have to deal with my reactions not being the same as what you imagine.”

  “Yes, Sir. That makes it more exciting.” She smiled up at him shyly.

  “You start.”

  She pushed away from him then looked around self-consciously. There hadn’t been any other cars in the lot, and they were in an area that people rarely visited, so he wasn’t concerned.

  “Greg – I didn’t know you were back in town. Are you on summer break?”

  Greg? Okay. At least if she fell out of character he’d know there was something wrong.

  “Yeah, I just finished exams.” Lock moved closer, and Tess looked up at him with doe eyes. “And look at you. You’re looking very grown up.” He took her chin in his hand and turned her head from side to side.

  “I, uh, just finished first year.”

  Had there been a guy she’d been hot for that hadn’t known she existed?

  He spun her around and pulled her to him, pressing his already hard dick along the cleft of her ass. Tess gasped, then struggled, but he put his arm across her chest like a band, and cupped her skirt-covered pussy with his hand.

  Tougher than he would have expected, Tess started to resist. She peeled his hand away, digging her nails into his arm as she did so then ducked under the arm across her chest.

  “I don’t know if all of the other girls fall for you, Greg, but the last thing I want is to have you manhandling me!” She backed a step, glaring, but her bottom lip trembled.

  “I’m sorry, Tess. I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just that I’ve always thought you were pretty, and now look at you. I need to have you.” As he stepped toward her again, she backed a step.

  “I’m not a thing, Greg. I’m a person. You can’t just ‘have’ me because you feel like it. I’m not a candy bar at the corner store.”

  “Show me that sweet little pussy of yours and I’ll leave you alone.”

  She raised a brow. “Promise?”

  He held back a snort. Hopefully she wasn’t this gullible in real life.

  “I swear.” He crossed his finger over his chest, but gave her an evil look, which she didn’t miss.

  She dug the toe of her golf shoe in the dirt, looking thoughtful. “Fiiine. But then you need to go away.” With a sigh, she grabbed the fabric of her skirt and raised the hem slightly, then slid it slowly upward until he could see where her legs met. However, she’d crossed her legs and had her thighs pressed so tightly together that he couldn’t see much. The look on his face must have been priceless because she snickered and dropped her skirt back in place.

  “That doesn’t count. You didn’t do what I said, you just pretended to.”

  “Well, that’s all you’re getting, so suck it up.” She turned away and flipped her hair over her shoulder, then started to stroll off into the woods.

  Lock followed, trying to be quiet, but a telltale branch cracked under his foot.

  Glancing back over her shoulder, she saw how close he was. She squeaked and fled into the forest, her dark hair streaming out behind her like a banner.

  She wasn’t fucking around.

  For a small girl, she could book it. Lock ran after her, jumping over logs and ducking under branches, cursing at how his height slowed him down. At one point he thought he lost her, but he stopped, and strained his ears over his own breathing and the pounding of his heart. Branches snapped off in another direction, and he followed the sound, hoping it was her. As he ran, he tried to think of what to do when he caught her, while trying to ignore the painful throbbing of his dick. Making her suffer for forcing him to work so hard to catch her was high on the list.

  Eventually she turned back. Maybe she was worried about getting lost? He heard her coming and hid low, behind some underbrush. When she came into view, she was looking around like a lone fawn expecting wolves around every tree trunk. As though she was looking for him, but was afraid she might find him.

  When she was a couple of steps past where he hid, he lunged up and grabbed her. She fought and screamed like a banshee, but there was no one around to hear her. Pinning her to his body only took a minute, and he clamped a hand over her mouth.

  She drummed her heels against his shins, wriggling like her life depended on it.

  “Tess. Tess. Tess!” He said her name in her ear several times before she stopped. “It’s me, Lock. This is a game. Do you remember your safeword?”

  Tess moaned low but nodded, so he took his hand away. “I don’t want to win, Lock. Don’t let me win, okay?”

  “Mmmm. Okay.”

  He grabbed her hair and half dragged the screeching girl to a nearby tree and pinned her against it. “So nice for you to come running back to me, pretty little whore.”

  “I-I got lost. I must have gone in a circle. And I’m not a whore, I’m a virgin!” She tried to knee him in the balls, but he blocked her with his thigh. There was a struggle and she made it a few steps before he recaptured her.

  “You’re going to pay for that, bitch.” Sweat trickled down his spine, and he was glad he hadn’t bothered with the t-shirt, even though he was covered with scratches and welts from both the trees and the girl. It was all ignorable when compared to the way his cock was begging for her. He’d known he liked games like this, but Tess’s body language was perfect and tapped into all of his predatory instincts.

  She cowered back. “I’m sorry. Please don’t hurt me.”

  Lock yanked her top up until her breasts were exposed. She tried to hide them, but he stopped her.

  “Well look at these. A sweet little virgin with sweet little titties.” He pawed at them roughly, loving the way she sobbed and tried to cringe away. Her head was turned aside, as though if she could avoid looking at him, he’d disappear. Instead, she offered her neck, submitting.

  For a flash of a second, the urge to sink his teeth into the soft flesh was overwhelming. His heart throbbed in time with his dick, and he stared at her, realizing he was close to losing control.

  Calm down. Don’t damage her.

  He pulled the rope out of his pocket, not caring when the rest of the things that had been in there fell out. There’d be time to find it all later, after he restrained her. It only took a moment to tie the rope around one wrist, turn her around to face the tree, then wrap the rope around the trunk and fasten it to her other wrist. Although she still had some range of motion, she couldn’t go anywhere.

  “What are you doing?” She tugged at the ropes. “Let me go!”

  He moved up behind her and laughed in her ear, as sinister and slimy as he could manage. Teasing himself, he raised the back of her skirt slowly, making a show of it, then tucked the hem into the back of its waistband so her ass stayed on display.

  “Very pretty,
but I think you need to be taught some manners. You promised to show me your pussy then you were a tease and ran away. Did you expect not to get punished?” Lock stepped back and found a bush that had flexible green branches with smooth bark. He stripped one free then swished it back and forth through the air, satisfied with the way it moved. This was going to hurt.

  “No, no!” Tess tried to dance away, but he brought the twig down across her bottom, gently enough that if there was something sharp, she could tell him before it cut her. She went up prettily on her toes and whined, but didn’t scream.

  He hit her again, harder. This time she danced in place and thrust her ass back out at him. Hmm. She liked this. He’d have to remember to figure out what really worked for punishment.

  Lock switched her ass and the back of her thighs for several minutes, soaking up her noises and protests, toying with her until her skin was red and she was sniffling.

  “Aw, did that hurt?” He rubbed a hand roughly over her welts, his heart thundering at the way it made her sound so distressed. “Let me kiss it better.” After he dropped to his knees behind her, he held her still and kissed along the raised ridges.

  The poor thing objected, but eventually tipped her hips back, probably hoping he’d ease her clit. Instead, he toyed with her asshole, not letting her move away when she tried to. He used the rest of the rope to tie her ankles to trees on either side, so she was helpless to keep him from taking anything he wanted.

  He looked around in the grass and found the baggie with the buttplug and lube. “Look what I found in your purse. You’re a very dirty girl, for a virgin.”

  “That’s not mine!” she shook her head. “I don’t even know what it is.”

  “It’s something that will help you take my dick up your tiny asshole, sweetheart.”

  She shook her head violently.

  “No, please! I’m a good girl. Don’t do this to me.”

  “Good girls have to learn bad things eventually.” He pulled the plug out of the bag and spread lube on it, then pressed on her lower back until she leaned over far enough to give him easy access to her bottom.

  He inched it into her a bit at a time, pulling it out and re-lubing, only to press it back in, watching avidly as her tight asshole eventually accepted the invasion. The graduated sizes of plugs he’d used with the girls had done their job, and no matter how much she sobbed and begged him to stop, she never safeworded. Eventually it went all the way in.

  When he checked her pussy, it was dripping down the inside of her thigh.

  He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back. “Poor slutty virgin. You’ve been wanting someone to catch you and use you, haven’t you?”

  “No, please Greg. I’ve learned my lesson. Please let me go.” She was panting and sweat dampened the hair at her temples.

  “Why would I let you go when my dick is aching to be inside you? Maybe I’ll keep you as my slave, and train you to crawl to me and beg for cock.” He caught her clit between his fingertips and rolled it while he played with the buttplug. It was the last size before he fucked her ass.

  Elodie wanted him to wait and do them both, one after another. Where was Elodie when he needed her?

  When Tess was gasping and about to come, he stopped then ran his fingers up her sides, and into her armpits, then back down, tickling her until she squirmed and screamed.

  “Stop, oh fuck please!”

  He let her beg for a few minutes then went back to torturing her clit and her ass. As she reached the edge, he stopped again, and beat her with the switch. Overwhelmed, she started to babble, then eventually fell silent, hanging in his restraints while he amused himself with her beautiful body.

  Twisting and toying, he gradually pulled the plug out of her ass then rubbed his dick against her as though he was going to fuck her there. She moaned but didn’t try to get away. Damn it. She was ready but he had to wait for that.

  Unable to bear his poor, aching cock any longer, he stripped off his shorts and went to where he’d dropped the condoms. There was one packet of lube lying there, but even after sifting through the pine needles and leaves around that spot, he couldn’t find a damn condom anywhere. It was like they’d grown feet and run away.

  “Fuck, fuck fuck!”

  Tess was weeping, tears rolling down and dripping from her chin. In a high, thin voice she chanted, “Please, let me come. Please.”

  He went to her and played with her clit.

  “Noo, please fuck me, Master. I need you to fuck me.” She gasped. “So h-hard.”

  “I can’t fuck you, sweetheart. I’m a fucktard and I lost the condoms.” He cast a glance back over his shoulder in vain hope that there might be one visible from this angle. Then he checked his pocket again. Nothing.

  The poor girl cried harder, pushing her sexy ass back as far as she could, begging for him with her body. “Please, Master, please! I don’t care. Fuck me anyway.”

  “I can’t. I’m going to make you come, but you have to wait for sex until we get home. Only a little while, okay?” He tried to touch her clit, but she howled at him.

  “No! No! No! If you don’t fuck me with your cock I’m going to die. Please, Master! Just for a minute, until I come. You can pull out,” she begged. “You can just pull out.”

  Desperate, he went back over the area again, turning over rocks and looking behind trees.

  “Please, Lock. Just let me feel what it’s like once and I won’t ask again. You know we’re both clean. Just don’t come.”

  Damn – was he really going to do this? Was he crazy, or an idiot, or both? Tess was watching him with pleading eyes. Even more of an amoral compass today than Elodie usually was.

  “Just for a minute.”

  She whimpered in desperation and his cock twitched. Fuck. There was a possibility he’d have to stop before he got all the way inside her.

  Lock crowded up behind her, using his body to make her feel small and vulnerable. “I’m branding you as mine, sweet little bitch. You’ll hold still and take all of it, even if you complain it doesn’t fit. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Master. Be rough. Hurt me.”

  Fucking hell. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply through his nose, trying to calm down. Feeling more centered, he moved into place and dragged his cock along her drenched pussy.

  “Yes, please! Oh fuck.” She wriggled back, trying to impale herself.

  He grabbed her hips and rammed into her sweet little cunt, withdrew and thrust again, bottoming out.

  Tess yowled and swore, then thrust back against him. “Yes, Master. Harder, please!”

  Control escaped him. He pounded into her, one hand at her pussy pressing her back against him and grinding against her clit, the other grabbing a painful hold of her nipple.

  Mine. This woman is mine.


  He made himself think about how if he came, he might get her pregnant, thinking the idea would turn him off, but instead the risk made it dangerous and hot. He focused on pulling out as soon as she started to get off, or as soon as he couldn’t hold out anymore. So hot and so irresponsible...

  Tess’s body grasped at him, trying to make him lose his mind. His teeth hurt from gritting them. He gave her a few final thrusts, pleasure spiraling out of control, before he had to withdraw. Come sprayed the back of her legs as soon as he pulled out, but the orgasm had had been interrupted, outside of her, leaving him frustrated more than satisfied. Not coming inside her was probably the hardest thing he’d ever done.

  “Nooo,” she whined. “Give it back!”

  Not helping.

  His dick was still hard and desperately needed more. He freed Tess and forced her to her knees. In a fit of pique, she screamed at him and smacked his legs. Ignoring her misbehavior, he pressed down on her chin and shoved his cock in her mouth.

  “Suck, bitch.”

  She sucked like her life depended on it, but he pulled out and pinned her to the forest floor.

  “I’m going to use
your mouth now.”

  Wordless, her face streaked with tears, she nodded and opened her mouth.

  He knelt across her arms, and held her hair, then shoved his dick back into her mouth and face fucked her. She gagged on him, but took it like a good girl. She was patient and only fought when she couldn’t breathe. Although he held out as long as he could, eventually the swirl of her tongue and the sounds of her gagging were irresistible. His eyes rolled back and his body tensed as the pleasure and relief seized him. He emptied into her. A warm possessiveness snuck up on him.

  She lay in the leaves, gazing up at him with worshipful eyes. Because of how small she was, it was easy to gather her into his arms and hold her in his lap. He picked twigs and clumps of earth out of her hair, and tried to clean her dirty, tear-streaked face, but she needed another dunking in the stream – or a hot bath. The girl cuddled into his lap, clinging to him like he was the only thing in the world that could keep her safe. Considering what he’d just done, her trust was misplaced. But then, she’d seemed to like it. A lot.

  Filthy little virginal whore.

  Her expression said it all. He owned every inch of her.

  He fucking adored her.

  Collar. He had to get her a collar.


  As Tess pushed the shopping cart along, she giggled while she watched Elodie sing into a ketchup bottle. They were both hyper, so maybe going grocery shopping had been a bad idea. Babysitting two bratty subs was exhausting, especially considering how sore he was from golf the day before.

  All day, Elodie had teased him about being an old man, and throwing his back out fucking Tess.

  It had been the golf, he was sure.

  The grocery store was missing some essentials, being so late in the day, but at least it was quiet, other than Elodie. He arched a brow at her when she tried to get him to sing accompaniment into the mustard bottle, but otherwise she’d behaved. So far.

  “Aw! Monsieur grumpy got up on the wrong side of the bed.”


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