Night Flight

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Night Flight Page 8

by Meriam Wilhelm

  “Okay, but give me a minute to move into the back room so that no mortals can see me casting a spell,” said Gail quietly. “Give me a moment to get ready. And your guess is as good as mine as to whether we have recruited some kind of poltergeist.”

  “In the mean time, I’ll start cleaning up,” I repeated. “And thanks.”

  Not knowing if it was a poltergeist or just some benign spirit creating this havoc Gail began with a spell for protection. Raising her arms, she began to chant:

  Oh Gracious Goddess

  Of Love and Light

  Protect us now with all they might

  Watch over me and mine with care

  So that we may avoid dangers snare

  Fair Goddess

  Protector of right

  Banish all evil from my sight

  Send it far away from me

  May your wisdom shine on through to me

  To tell us who brings this evil down on me

  So it is and so shall it be

  A wind began to race around the back room and Gail had to step aside to miss being knocked down. The back door slammed open and then closed itself again and the room was silent.

  “I think that you chased it out, whatever it was,” I said.

  “I agree. But I still want to know how it got here in the first place,” said Gail as we both heard a nasty little giggle erupt.

  “What in the heck?” we both said together.

  If the poltergeist was gone, what remained in its place? And did it have anything to do with what had been happening to me and now my cat?

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You sage the shop,” I said. “Your magic is much stronger than mine Gail. And whatever that was I wanted to make sure that it’s out of here; giggle and all.”

  Saging is what witches; spiritualists and psychics do when we want to remove a bad spirit from someplace. I wasn’t sure if this spirit was good or bad. I just knew that I didn’t want it hanging around my shop.

  “I’m not sure that it meant to hurt us anyway,” said Gail with a resolute look on her face. “I already did one spell. Don’t you think it might be over-kill?” she asked. “And, by the way, we are running out of time before our classes need to start.”

  “I know, so get going.”

  Taking out her bowl and sage brush Gail prepared to give our shop a Smudge Blessing to ensure that whatever spirit had been hanging around was given the boot. Fearing that someone might see us through the shop window we made sure that our doors were locked and moved to the back room to begin our ceremony.

  Lighting the sage and brushing the smoke upward with encouraging strokes Gail walked around in our backroom chanting:

  Smoke of air

  And fire and earth

  Cleanse and bless

  Our homes, shop and hearth.

  Drive away

  All harm and fear

  Only good may enter here

  From now until eternity

  So mote it be

  “Knock Knock, anybody here?” shouted Larry obviously looking for his girlfriend. But how had he gotten past our locked doors? This was the second time that Larry had not been deterred by doors locked by either a key or a magical ward. We were going to need to talk about this.

  “Are you two taking the day off?” Larry asked as he and Jonathan breezed into our shop.

  “Yuck, what is that smell?” asked Jonathan. “Is that why you have the shop closed? Do you have plumbing problems?” he asked, holding his nose. “Light a candle! Have you figured out what it is?”

  Thankfully Gail had already tucked away our magical supplies when she first heard Larry’s call and answered, “Yeah. We figured it out. Open the front door and let in some of that good smelling sea breeze,” she said as I also opened up a window or two.

  Larry immediately found his way to Gail and was in the midst of giving her a great big bear hug. I must have had a certain look on my face because Jonathan came over and punched my arm saying, “Good morning. Where have you been keeping yourself lately? Matt said you called the other night, but you didn’t leave a message. And what’s this secret of yours that he says he’s keeping?” he asked with questioning eyes.

  “I wish I knew,” I responded. “Yeah, I called but you were busy with Blitz.”

  “She is such a great girl. I really like your cousin,” he responded with a big smile on his face. “I think that her classes are going to be a big hit at the cottages. I never knew that yoga could be so much fun.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t and yeah she is one great girl,” I answered rather despondently.

  “What’s with you?” he asked. “I thought you liked your cousin?”

  “I love my cousin,” I said. “And it looks like you do too,” I said with my back to him.

  Not having heard me, Jonathan continued “I have to admit that she is a lot of fun; so much energy balled up in one tiny blonde.”

  Larry turned and gave Jonathan a look that I couldn’t quite read to which Jonathan responded, “What?”

  “If you don’t know, I’m not about to tell you brother,” said Larry as he moved towards the front door. Turning to look at Gail and I he said, “We just stopped by to ask you guys to come up to the site when you close tonight. We want to show you the first cottage we finished. We’re going to make it the model so that people can get a preview of what Jasmine’s Cottages By The Sea will look like.”

  “It also gives us a chance to try out different styles of furnishing, colors and artwork. We really want your opinions since you’re both so good at design. Oh, and my brother has a bunch of baby fruit trees he wants us to look at,” said Jonathan.

  “I don’t know anything about trees,” I said.

  “No, but Matt does and I guess he wants to make sure that you are all in agreement with him on which trees to plant. He’s especially sensitive to including everyone since you got so mad about not being included in the design of the logo and hauled off in a tear the other day,” he said laughing.

  I felt a million emotions race at me at once. Rage, embarrassment, pain, uncertainty and sadness slammed into my chest.

  “You guys came up with a logo?” asked Gail innocently. “What does it look like?”

  “Don’t ask me,” I said under my breath.

  “We’ll show you both when you come up tonight. Now we got to run, we have a million things to get done today,” said Larry as he physically dragged Jonathan out of the shop.

  As soon as they were gone, Gail turned to me and said, “What the heck is going on between you two?”

  “You tell me,” was all that I could say.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The model cottage is so beautiful. It turned out so much better than any of us thought possible. I am truly surprised to see just how well everything the guys have selected actually goes together. Who knew?

  Between Larry and Jonathan they had created a relaxing oasis that anyone would love with tangerine couches and a mixture of Maze and blue floral chairs and ottomans. The artwork over the fireplace mantel captured the sea and sun at various times of the day and was quite breathtaking. I had to actually look close to determine if it was a photograph or an oil painting. I was still considering this when Harmony reacted.

  “This cottage is so beautiful,” said Harmony as she walked the room. And the fireplace in the living room is so welcoming. I just wish that we had planned for fireplaces in the bedrooms.”

  “It’s funny you say that,” said Matt. “That was my suggestion too.”

  “Hmm,” was her only reply.

  “Hmm indeed,” he said smiling. “The guys have been talking about adding a couple bedroom fireplaces throughout the next cottages. Not every cottage will get one, but those that do should rent for more, don’t you think?” he asked, looking at Harmony as she nodded her head in approval.

  “I love the artwork,” I said. “Where did you get it?”

  “You’ll never believe this, but I was walking by Penelope Mart
in’s shop, Be Careful What You Wish For, and these were in the window. But that’s not the best part,” Larry said excitedly.

  “I recognize that art,” said Gail as she arrived at the cottage, better late than never.

  “Whose artwork is this Gail?” I asked.

  “Remember Darcy Drinkward, the girl who’s living with her aunt while her husband’s serving in the military in Afghanistan?” she asked.

  “The girl that Mrs. Schwartz and you adopted?” I asked.

  “Yes. I think that this is her artwork. I think I’m right?” she said with a question in her voice and looking at Larry.

  “Bingo!” he responded. “She’s really good isn’t she? And she’s agreed to paint a few more for our future cottages and maybe even to sell some in the gift shop.”

  “Wasn’t that baby of hers due by now?” I asked.

  “She actually had the baby this morning,” said Gail clapping her hands in joy. “Marcy had a beautiful six pounds, four ounce baby girl early this morning and Mrs. Schwartz and I were there as her coaches and support team,” Gail said glowingly. “That’s why I’m late.”

  “What did she name her?” asked Constance.

  “Morgan which means the sea in Welsh,” said Gail. “She wanted to name her that since she feels so at home here at New Moon Beach. And Lucy is the baby’s middle name.”

  “Lucy?” asked Constance.

  “Lucy, in honor of Mrs. Schwartz. Marcy said that Mrs. Schwartz has been like a mother to her so she wanted to honor her by giving Morgan her name,” said Gail. “I guess that Marcy’s own mother passed away several years ago.”

  Everyone was quiet for a moment, knowing how very special this must have made both Marcy and Mrs. Schwartz feel; especially since Mrs. Schwartz had never had any children of her own.

  “Is her husband coming home anytime soon?” I asked. As no one seemed to have this information, the conversation continued.

  “Marcy said she’d already started several other pictures knowing that she’d be busy for a while once the baby came,” said Larry.

  “Oh, she’ll be getting lots of help from Mrs. Schwartz I bet,” I said smiling.

  We spent the next couple of hours talking about the cottages, any additions or changes to the design package and ended with a discussion on the yoga studio and horse stalls.

  “I was talking with Blitz about where we could offer yoga classes once we open for business. She had a couple of ideas so I asked her to join us to discuss them,” said Larry chancing a quick glance at me.

  “I think I saw Blitz just drive in,” said Jonathan walking out to meet her.

  I saw Larry’s eyes follow me as mine followed Jonathan. I hadn’t known that Blitz was coming up, but I guess that we did need to confirm where her yoga classes would go. I also realized that I needed to get used to the idea that Jonathan was not going to be in my future; at least that’s what I felt the gods kept telling me.

  Blitz bounced in offering hugs to everyone and declaring how happy she was to be joining our cottages team. I watched as Jonathan gave his seat up to her and initiated the conversation about when and where to offer yoga classes. Blitz had some great ideas and it was clear that her excitement was infectious. Suggestions flew back and forth between all of us as we agreed that a small studio with a large deck overlooking the ocean would be the best place for our yoga site.

  Finishing up on our yoga discussions we quickly moved to the topic of horses, trainers and riding trails. It was all so exciting to talk about what would be.

  “I want you to see the variety of fruit trees we are looking at planting,” said Matt as he hauled in a few fruit trees for us to see and talked about which type would go best around the cottages and which should be in one of the groves. We spent a couple of minutes talking about the timing for the opening of a gift shop and agreed that it would be a great place to focus on local artisans.

  “Hey, what about the pool?” Constance asked.

  “Well, we know that we need to add one, we’re just not in agreement as to where it should go,” said Larry.

  “Next time we get together we’ll have suggestions and pictures of options,” said Jonathan. We all agreed with this suggestion and Constance and I decided to walk the grounds to get a better visual of just where a pool might go. It was all so beautiful and we both expressed our gratitude that our great-great grandfather had bought this land so long ago.

  “I wish mom had been here to tell us more about it,” I said.

  “I know. I was thinking about doing some research at the library. Maybe I could find out a little bit more,” said Constance as she headed back towards the orchards.

  “I’m freezing,” I said, rubbing my bare arms. “I think I’ll get my jacket out of the car. Do you need anything?”

  Shaking her head no, Constance continued on her journey alone.

  I walked back to my car, unlocked my car door and grabbed my red sweatshirt out of the front seat. I was instantly happy that I had remembered to bring it along and decided that its warmth would allow me the opportunity to walk over to the cliffs; my favorite part of the property.

  As I wandered closer to the cliffs I took a deep breath and thanked the gods for this beautiful site. It was so clear today that I could see all the way out to a neighboring island; something that didn’t happen very often.

  “Oh,” I cried as the wind instantly whipped up and I wrapped my jacket closer to my body. My gosh, it was cold and windy today. I don’t remember it being this way usually. It was blowing with such force that it flattened my hair back away from my face and stung my eyes. And as the wind continued to blow I felt a sudden and profound peace enveloping me. The force of the wind silenced everything else around me and made me feel free and safe and cocooned in its strength.

  “Do you feel it my child?” came a voice.

  “What?” I said, looking all around me and seeing no one I felt a little stupid. Man the wind can play tricks with your brain. I took a deep breath and instantly felt a sleepiness overtake me.

  “Do you feel the power of your sister the wind?” the voice asked again. “Do you feel her strength?”the voice asked. “Listen to her. She is speaking to you and only to you. You are a strong and capable witch, Olivia. Believe in yourself.”

  “I do,” I responded not really sure who I was speaking to and suddenly not caring. “I hear her. I hear my sister the wind.”

  “Let your sister take hold of your arms. Let your sister lead you,” the voice said.

  “I’m afraid,” I said. “I don’t know what to do.”

  The voice responded, “You are not afraid. You are brave and strong and this is a gift that your sister the wind freely shares with you. Go. Try. Reach out.”

  And without really knowing why I took a step closer to the edge of the cliffs. My foot slipped as the dirt fell away from the hillside. But I felt no fear.

  “This is what you were meant for Olivia. This is who you are.”

  “I don’t understand,” I said calmly.

  “But you do, my child. Take flight. Raise your arms and take flight.”

  I felt the wind all around me and knew that I was somehow sheltered in the arms of a sister I had only just met.

  “Take flight,” the voice said again. “It is who you are.”

  And suddenly I knew that I could. I could fly right out over the ocean. I could do it. I raised my arms and took a step…..

  Chapter Twenty

  I heard Gail scream just as I attempted to rise up.

  “What’s the matter with you? Olivia, Olivia. Wake up,” I could feel his arms around me and pulling me back from somewhere I wanted to be. I could hear his voice, but it was so far away. I was so tired and where he wanted me to return to was just too distant.

  “Olivia. I need you to wake up and look at me.”

  Gail? Was that Gail I heard screaming? I thought it had been a man’s voice I’d heard. I had. I know I had. And there it was again, “It’s time to wake up Olivia be
fore anyone else comes out to the cliffs,” he said.

  “The cliffs?” I answered. “Yes. I am on the cliffs and I am flying with my sister.”

  “No. Olivia wake up. You are here with Larry and me.”

  I shivered as I surfaced from a fog that seemed to want to pull me back into its arms. “Uh oh. Larry?” I asked.

  “Yeah, you’re safe Olivia. You’re going to be fine. We just need to get you back inside and warmed up,” said Larry. “I think that this cold air got the better of you,” he said encouraging me to sit for a moment.

  OMG what had I said? What did Larry know? What was I going to do now? I thought all of these thoughts in an instant as I tried to sit up in Gail’s arms. Where were Jonathan and the others?

  “Gail?” I whispered.

  “Everything is going to be fine. I think that you just got a little close to the edge. That’s all,” Gail said, not sounding convinced herself.

  Close to the edge was an understatement. What had I almost done and why? Who was that voice that had made such perfect sense in my head just moments ago? Would I have died if I had taken that step or would I have been able to fly? Now I wouldn’t know.

  “I’m okay,” I said, clearing my head. “I just need to get up and to walk around a little bit.”

  Larry looked at me with eyes that said he understood more than he was saying. “Thank you, Larry. Thank you Gail. I guess I got a little carried away.”

  “Hey, what’s going on out there?” yelled Matt. “Come on, we’ve decided to go into town to eat,” he said, waving his arms towards our parked cars.

  “Gail, I don’t think I can drive,” I said quietly. “Whatever that was, it really wiped me out.”

  “How about if we all pile into the back of Jonathan’s truck and he drives us into town? That way we won’t have so many cars down there,” Larry said as we all moved towards Jonathan’s truck. “Zip up your jacket Olivia and we’ll get you some coffee when we get to the restaurant.”


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