Carbon Life

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Carbon Life Page 78

by HR Ringer

  Taking the pedway to the shopping district gave her time to think about what she intended to prepare for dinner; she had settled on Shepard’s Pie, accompanied by peas and steamed broccoli on the side, for their English dish. Stepping off the pedway in the middle of the shopping district, she walked to an international grocery market and was soon browsing the aisles, looking for the ingredients for the recipe.

  Once she had all the ingredients for dinner – of no small surprise, she was able to buy fresh broccoli, grown in the hydroponics area of the station – she started back for Sammy’s apartment. Before she left the shopping district, Xiùlán discovered a small store that featured a complete selection of foodstuffs aimed at the traditional Chinese palate. ‘Tomorrow,’ she thought. ‘I’ll return tomorrow so I can get everything fresh.’ With a sigh and a smile, she hopped on the pedway to return to the transit docks. ‘Sà mǐ will be so surprised when she arrives home.’

  * * *


  General RaeLee Park completed the access sequence on her desktop comms unit and sat back in her chair to await the connection with Arcturus. When the unit in the next system over from the local cluster completed its ID sequence, Park leaned forward slightly as the image of rather dignified man appeared in front of her, saying, “Captain? I’ve seen the reports on the Tokyo’s encounter with the batarians at Horizon. How have you been?”

  The man’s chuckle at Park’s question had a time-lagged quality to it, almost as if the person in Arcturus was turian rather than human. “General… It’s good to see you! And I’m well… quite well, thank you. Damages to the ship were not severe, but a good many sections received their share. Our DC teams managed to handle the situation and keep us flying and fighting.” After a brief pause, the expression on David Anderson’s face turned serious as he said, “So, I can’t imagine you having the time to call me just to inquire about my health. What’s going on?”

  The corners of Parks mouth turned up slightly as she thought, ‘The man didn’t get to the rank of captain by not being perceptive.’ Leaning back in her chair once more, she replied, “I need you to meet with me here in Vancouver, David, as soon as you can break free for a day. I have some news I need to share with you… news that cannot be sent through normal channels.” RaeLee paused to let her statement sink in before continuing with, “I would appreciate you bringing your XO as well – what I have to share with you will ultimately concern Commander Tyler.”

  Anderson smirked as he replied, “Now I’m sure something bad is heading my way, General. I’ll arrange for a shuttle, have Tyler grab her overnight pack.” Looking at the dual-chronos in his display, he concluded with, “We should be there in seven hours – less if the relays cooperate – see you at 0900 local?”

  “That will be perfect… thank you, Captain,” Park smiled in response. “I’m looking forward to our meeting.”

  * * *


  Xiùlán was nearly to the transit docks when she heard a familiar voice call her name from behind her. “Yuán! Wait up a moment.” Turning around to confirm the owner of the voice, she smiled and waited as Lieutenant Olivia McKenzie jogged up to her. Noting the bags Xiùlán was carrying, she said, “Need a hand?”

  With a smile, Xiùlán offered Kenzie a bag as she responded, “I won’t say no to a bit of help… thanks,”

  Olivia took the bag from her friend and fell in step beside her. “So, heading back to Traynor’s place?” After taking a quick look in the bag, she snarked, “You’re on leave, so… fixing dinner is what you do for fun?”

  Xiùlán chuckled at the implied criticism. “Traynor has to work in the yard, so I’m keeping busy… it’s better than sitting around an empty apartment. Besides, I enjoy cooking. Tonight, London; tomorrow, Shanghai. Night after, we’ll be going out for dinner. So, what brings you over here?”

  Olivia cocked her head as she looked at Yuán and replied, “Just came from the military equipment shops, Xiùlán… some really incredible armor for sale, not that we could afford any of it at our paygrade. Weapons are really awesome as well! Ariake Technologies has a prototype M-23 Katana on display – not for sale, dammit – instead of having to wait for it to cool down after five shots, it uses a replaceable heatsink, so one simply has to eject the overheated clip and insert a fresh one.”

  Xiùlán thought about this for a few moments before observing, “Sounds like a great idea, until you run out of fresh heatsinks. At that point all you have is a short club.”

  McKenzie grimaced in response. “Didn’t say it was perfect, Xiùlán. But if all the manufacturers switched over to a replaceable heatsink design… one that could universally fit every pistol, assault rifle and shotgun made, you could simply grab clips from the downed bodies of your enemies.”

  “Damn, Kenzie!” came the astonished reply. “You sound like some kind of bloodthirsty ghoul.”

  Olivia decided to change the subject. “So, you and Traynor? How’s it going?” The slightly embarrassed expression on Xiùlán’s face didn’t go unnoticed. “She made up with you, didn’t she?”

  Face still slightly pink, Yuan nodded. “We… really made up, Kenzie. Whatever you said to her when you bawled her out must have really hit home. She gave me a solemn vow to never break my heart again.” Xiùlán’s body began to betray her as she thought about Sammy’s physical apologies the previous evening; face flushed, she glanced at McKenzie and said. “Change of subject… do you want to come with me, share in our dinner this evening?”

  Olivia’s answer was immediate and emphatic. “Not a chance, Xiùlán. Your time with Traynor will be short, and I want you to make the most of it. You don’t need me there to interfere with whatever apologies Traynor feels she needs to give. You enjoy every minute you have with her, Yuán.”

  “Thanks Kenzie. I’ll do that.”

  * * *


  “Captain! Commander! Welcome… it’s good to see you, Anderson.” General Park came around her desk as Anderson and Tyler were ushered into her office by Corporal Flynn. After pumping Anderson’s hand in greeting, she grasped Alicia’s hand, saying, “Real pleasure to meet you, Commander Tyler.” Motioning to the pair, she asked, “Can I interest either of you in a drink? As I recall, Captain, you enjoyed a scotch and soda… but it’s rather early for that. How about coffee or tea?”

  “Coffee, black, would be quite welcome, General.” Looking at his XO, the captain asked, “Tyler? Name your poison.”

  Thinking to keep things simple, Tyler replied, “Coffee sounds great, thank you.” Following Anderson to the chairs facing General Park’s desk, they stood beside them as RaeLee fixed a cup for each of her guests.

  As Park brought a tray bearing three heavy mugs filled with steaming liquids, she motioned towards the conference table in the corner, saying, “Let’s get comfortable… I have a great deal of information to share, and I’m sure you’ll have a lot of questions for me.” Setting the tray in the center of the table, she placed a mug in front of each of her guests; taking the third for herself, she sipped her drink as she sat in the chair. Setting the tea on the table, she sighed heavily before skewering first Anderson, then Tyler with an intense gaze. “Captain… Commander? While we’re in this room, we can dispense with the formalities. My name is RaeLee… David, I believe you’ll remember my dislike for the use of titles in an informal meeting. There’ll be no recorded report of our conference… Everything I’m about to tell you is for your ears only. It’s information you’ll both need in order to understand the capabilities and training received by one of my protégées… Staff Lieutenant Yuán Xiùlán.”

  The surprise written on Tyler’s face was plain as her mouth fell in amazement. Glancing at Anderson, she said, “General, any information you can share concerning the lieutenant would be welcome. She’s proven to be extremely talented, and it’s q
uite obvious she’s had more training than can be discerned from reading her official dossier.” After taking a sip of her coffee, Tyler set it down and waited expectantly for Park to speak.

  RaeLee glanced between the pair as she once again picked up her mug and sipped her tea. “To begin with, David will be leaving the Tokyo for a new assignment by the end of the month… that’s why I had him bring you along for this meeting, Alicia. It will fall to you to take over as commanding officer on the Tokyo; orders will be cut in a short time, so I’m simply providing a bit of advance notice.”

  Anderson chuckled at the look of amazement on Tyler’s face before asking, “If I may, what will be my new assignment, RaeLee?”

  “You’ll be moving to the new frigate being assembled at the shipyard in Arcturus, David – as captain of the ship. During the final weeks the ship is in the yard, you’ll be involved in handpicking your crew. It’s a combined effort with the turians and sponsored by the Citadel Council... a prototype scout frigate optimized for solo reconnaissance missions deep within unstable regions, using state-of-the-art stealth technology powered by an experimental drive core. She’s already been named by the program director as the SSV Normandy Stealth Reconnaissance-1, or SR-1. I’ve taken the liberty of forwarding your imminent selection and your clearances to the facility and would like you to stop in as soon as you get back... after you drop off Alicia, of course.”

  Anderson raised an eyebrow. “When you say orders will be arriving shortly, you mean they’ll be sitting on my desk by the time we get back, don’t you?”

  “Not quite, David, but you will have them by week’s end,” RaeLee chuckled softly. “Now, seeing as we will soon have a new commander of the Tokyo with a definite ‘need to know’, let me tell you everything I am able to pass on regarding Staff Lieutenant Yuán Xiùlán and the training she has received...”

  * * *


  Soon-to-be-Captain Alicia Tyler sat at her desk to pack up the personal items within. She didn’t really care if anyone asked what she was doing, as the news would be common knowledge soon enough. Anderson had dropped her off and proceeded directly to the shipyard as directed by RaeLee, promising his XO he would begin packing up his own personal belongings as soon as he returned. Glancing at her chrono as she finished up for the day, she called the Bridge. “Has Captain Anderson returned to the ship?” Receiving the negative reply, she shook her head in bewilderment. ‘It’s been hours... must be one hellova ship for him to stay that long.’

  She had to fight the impulse to immediately recall Staff Lieutenant Yuán from her leave. The wide gap between the woman’s dossier and the information provided by General Park was difficult to process, but Xiùlán’s outstanding performance during her time on the Tokyo was certainly beginning to make sense, given the new information. Shaking her head, Alicia picked up the box she had packed along with her regular administrative datapads and proceeded to Anderson’s – soon to be her – office.

  * * *


  Anderson had taken extra time following his tour of the Normandy to perform a personal favor requested of him by General Park. She had warned him the specialist would be extremely wary, so he was to open the conversation with a particular contact phrase. He initially thought it a bit odd, but changed his mind quickly when he considered the information he had received regarding Traynor being Staff Lieutenant Yuán’s classmate, then mission partner, for a period of over two years. The woman approached him guardedly and saluted. “Specialist Samantha Traynor reporting as ordered, Sir.”

  “Relax, Specialist.” Anderson saluted in return. As they both dropped their hands, he continued, “I’ve recently returned from a summoning to General Park’s office in the Vancouver Headquarters. She imparted some rather... interesting... information about you, and said I should advise you that speaking to me won’t be nearly as bad as your time ashore from the ARS Ionsaí… She said you were on… Cartagena Station.”

  ‘No way this Captain could know about that unless...’ Traynor had to work at keeping the surprise from her face as she responded, “Message received, Sir. What did General Park have to say?”

  “She wanted me to let you know that a judge dismissed Michael Moser Lang’s case due to lack of evidence…” He paused, quickly holding up a hand to prevent the interruption he could see forming on her lips. “And… that he was dead within forty minutes of his release… some kind of freak equipment failure at the civilian freight docks. His death was determined to be a tragic accident by the Yard Superintendent.”

  “And yet, she knows it was not an accident, doesn’t she?” Traynor snorted in disgust. “I find it hard to believe we can’t get enough evidence on Sutton to shut that bastard down. Excuse me Sir, but he’s a goddamned traitor!”

  “Sutton?” Anderson perked up at a name he recognized. “As in Lieutenant Commander Garrett Sutton, the installation commander?”

  “One and the same, Sir.” Traynor paused. “I suppose I’ve already revealed more than I should with that statement… he’s responsible for forcing me out of my station posting… shifted me to this special project. On the face of it, I’m well aware it appears to be a great career move, but he only did it to get me out of the way and off the station. My supposedly advantageous transfer came with a serious black mark on my service record, basically stating that I’m a loose cannon who doesn’t play well with others. Thing is, the commander failed to note that those others were planted Cerberus agents.”

  Anderson arched his brows at the mention of the black ops group. “Cerberus? Now that’s a name I would have been happy to never hear again my entire career, Specialist.” He looked her in the eye as he continued, “Something tells me we need to find some time to have a long… and very private discussion, Ms Traynor.” He glanced at the chrono above the hatch and continued, “Right now, however, I’m rather late getting back to the Tokyo, so that chat will have to wait. Besides which, I think I also need to clear such a conversation with a certain General in Vancouver.” As Anderson turned away, Traynor jumped to attention and started to salute, only to be answered by a quick, “As you were, Specialist. Enjoy your evening.”

  * * *


  Traynor could smell it even before she opened the door – a heavenly aroma of potatoes and beef, tinged with onion. ‘What the hell… am I at the wrong apartment?’ She entered her passcode to the door lock, which responded by turning green. ‘So, right place…’ The specialist opened the door and walked inside, discovering as she did so that the aroma was coming from within. “Xiùlán, I’m home.”

  Her Inamorata peeked at her from the kitchen doorway, saying, “Good… go get cleaned up… our dinner is ready.” So saying, she disappeared back into the kitchen, leaving Sam to wonder just what had gotten into her friend. ‘Never took her for the domestic goddess-homemaker type. Makes me wonder what’s up…’ Mouth watering at the heavenly smells, she moved to her bathroom, there to splash some water on her face and wash her hands; before joining Xiùlán, she changed out of her SDU in favor of a tank top and a pair of cut-off jeans. Joining Xiùlán at the small table she used for meals, she stared in amazement – there was a place setting for each of them, with a complete meal all laid out – it really was Shepard’s Pie. Xiùlán’s shy smile spoke volumes about her feelings regarding Traynor, who sat down across from her and smiled back.

  “Thought I’d try my hand at cooking a meal for you… and me… Chose something you may have had while you were living on Horizon.” Xiùlán paused, then continued with, “So, help yourself. I think you’ll enjoy it… it tasted really great while I was waiting for you to get home from the yard. Oh, by the way, how was your day?”

  Traynor’s one-word response came around a mouthful of potatoes. “Long.” Swallowing her food, she took a sip of wine, rolled her eyes and said,
“This is absolutely delicious. What’s gotten into you? I never knew you could cook.”

  Xiùlán took a sip of wine from her own glass and replied, “Not much to it, actually. Found all the ingredients at a market close to the civilian docks… everything is fresh. The beef actually came from Earth – closer than the colony planets.” Stabbing a chunk of potato with her fork, she stirred it about in the gravy before popping it in her mouth. “Damn! That is really good, even if I do say so.”

  “Good? Xiùlán, after this, you may never make it back to the Tokyo. I’ll just keep you here with me. My dinners usually consist of whatever I pull from the freezer first. Heat and serve, that’s my motto.” Applying herself to the potatoes on her plate, she quickly finished her serving, held the plate up for Xiùlán and asked, “Might I have more?”

  * * *

  After eating more for dinner than was her usual habit, Traynor helped Xiùlán get all the dishes and pans cleaned and put away. Once her kitchen was squared away once again, she placed a chaste kiss on her Inamorata’s cheek and quietly said, “I’m too full to simply sit before we go to bed… care to go for a walk? This may be a shipyard, but they do have a few amenities for the workers… some nice paths nearby, with real shrubs and trees.” At the expression of hesitation on Xiùlán’s face, she added, “I promise it’ll be a short walk – no bad guys around. Come on, it’ll be good for us.”

  Xiùlán smiled as she responded, “Okay, Specialist. Lead the way.”

  After leaving the apartments behind, Traynor led Yuán to a paved path bordered by grass and shrubs. Taking her hand, she said, “I met with an Alliance captain right before I came home from the yard… name’s Anderson… I think you may know him?” Xiùlán remained quiet as the slowly walked, so Traynor continued, “I think he’s the designated captain for the frigate I’m working on – the Normandy.” Sammy walked on in silence for a few moments before adding, “He met with General Park in Vancouver today, Ai… [愛 – Love (Sam’s meaning is ‘luv’)] … she gave him… and your XO… a verbal rundown on your training… your true capabilities. Both of them know a bit of what you’ve done… what we’ve done… together. The gaps in our permanent service records still exist, but Anderson and Tyler are now aware of just how special you are.”


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