Loving Rowan

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Loving Rowan Page 13

by Ariadne Wayne

I reached for her, pulling her face towards me to keep kissing her. “I love you,” she said. Not that she needed to; it was written all over her face.

  “I love you too.” I ran a finger down between her breasts, and she wriggled over to snuggle.

  “Hang on, gotta go sort this out.” I climbed out of bed, pulling the condom off. When I came back, she was frowning again.

  “I hate having to stop for those things.” She pouted, and I kissed her nose.

  “I know.” She had tried going on the pill, but had a bad reaction to it. Back to the drawing board we’d gone, so we were using the rubber interrupters, as I liked to call them. “Rowan, we’ll work it out. If this is all we have to worry about, we don’t have that many issues.”

  I climbed back in to bed beside her, and pulled her into my arms for a kiss. “As long as we’re together, none of the other shit matters. It’ll do for now. Thank fuck you’re not allergic to latex.”

  She laughed, pinching my butt.

  I sighed. “Look, if you’re going to sexually harass me, I’ll have no choice but to have sex with you again.”

  “What a shame,” she said straight-faced, pinching me once more.

  “You’re just asking for trouble, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe.” She poked her tongue at me, and I grabbed it between my teeth, wiggling my eyebrows as she laughed. I let go, shaking my head.

  “I’m just a sex object to you, Rowan. That’s all I am.”

  “Oh, woe is you.” She rolled over onto her side. “Look, I’m facing away so I don’t objectify you.”

  I reached over her, pulling her against me, rubbing my already hardening cock between her legs. “You know I love it when you use big words.” I sucked on her earlobe, fondling a breast, and she giggled as she pushed back against me.

  “So, forgetting the slight disruption, are you ready for round two?” I whispered in her ear, my fingers probing her and finding the answer without her using words.

  I’d never thought I’d find someone so perfectly suited to me, but Rowan and I, we were destined to spend our lives together. If I was ever sure of anything, that was it, and she felt the same way.

  Two hours later, we sat, naked and cross-legged in the middle of the living room floor. Rowan had challenged me to a race, and I was trying my best to keep up as our cars zoomed around the track on screen.

  I didn’t care if I lost; the sight of her relaxed and enjoying herself brought me more joy than I would ever admit to. We laughed and loved, revelling in the blissful serenity of our relationship.

  There was one thing that I was certain about. I was going to marry this girl, make her mine until the end of time. And I was sure she loved that idea too.



  I watched her sleep as I climbed into bed beside her. She was so peaceful, her hair a mess from our earlier activities. All she’d ever needed was an outlet for the love she had to give, a partner to share with her rather than taking what they could and throwing her away. Now, she had me.

  Taking her hand in mine, I looked at the ring in my other hand. Dad hadn’t been surprised when I’d asked for it, even gave us his blessing, though that was never really a problem. He adored her too. This had been my mother’s ring, and she had long, slender fingers just like Rowan. Most memories I’d had of Mum had faded, but I still remembered those fingers, stroking my cheek as she told me she was proud of me, and that Dad would take care of me now.

  I fought back the tears that threatened as every piece of emotion that connected me to that memory came to the surface and smiling, I slid the ring onto Rowan’s left ring finger. The thought of her waking up to find it there filled me with a warm buzz, and I closed my eyes, trying to let the good vibe take over the sadness that threatened to engulf me.

  Over the years I’d thought about Mum often, but now more than ever, I wished she were here to meet Rowan. She’d love her too, I knew that for a fact.

  I’d even called Rowan’s father, and he was only too happy to give us his blessing too. Our parents all knew we were just meant to be.

  The ring was a little loose, but would stay in place, and I placed Rowan’s hand back under the blanket where it would be warm. In the morning I’d get her answer, but placing the ring on her finger was enough for now. I’d go to sleep a happy man, dreaming of our life together.

  She woke me with kisses, her soft lips brushing across my face and giggled when I opened my eyes.

  “Are you okay, Rowan?” I asked, trying hard to contain the grin that threatened to break out.

  Holding up her hand, she pressed her lips to mine before breaking away and squealing again.

  “You like it, then?” The diamond glistened in the morning light, and she squeezed me tight, clearly unable to verbalise how she was feeling.

  “Rowan, talk to me.” I laughed, nuzzling her cheek with my nose.

  “It’s beautiful,” she finally said, almost whispering the words.

  “Not as beautiful as you.”

  I hadn’t made her blush in a while, but at that she did, her cheeks flushing with colour as she tried to bury her face in my chest.

  “Don’t believe you’ve given me an answer, Miss Taylor?” I already knew the answer from her reaction, but wanted to hear it from her lips.

  She raised her face and smiled. “That depends on the question.”

  I laughed. “The rock on your finger isn’t enough? Do you really want me to ask?”

  Rowan planted a kiss on my chest. “Ask me the question, Warner,” she whispered. She looked up at me, those beautiful eyes of her pulling me in.

  “Will you marry me, Rowan?” I said, stroking her face with my fingers.

  “You know I will,” she whispered, pushing me back on the bed, rolling on top of me as if claiming me.

  “So that’s a yes, then?” I ran my fingers down her back, feeling her lips on mine as we got lost in one another again.

  I could spend the rest of my life doing this with her, and I would never have anything to complain about.

  “That’s a yes,” she whispered, pressing her nose to mine.

  God, I love her.



  Kyle kept his word about marrying me among the apple trees. In the spring, the orchard was covered in apple blossoms, and we planned our wedding surrounded by flowers. Despite everything, I couldn’t help thinking about Charlie. Her asthma had meant she had never been allowed to visit me here, but I missed her being around for my wedding.

  She hadn’t deserved the treatment she’d had in death from Andrew. Any thought of him disgusted me now. He was a user and not worth thinking about, but of course I thought about them both today.

  Kyle was loving, protective, and everything else I needed. I couldn’t ask for a better man to be my husband.

  His father had travelled down for the wedding, intending to stay at a nearby motel. He hit it off with my dad, opting instead to take up the offer to stay. Everyone I loved, everyone who was family, were all under the same roof.

  I got an email the night before the wedding. Everyone had gone to bed, Kyle in the spare room for the last time, and I was glad I was alone when it arrived as it was from Andrew.

  Hey Row,

  I’m sorry for everything. Especially what I said to you when we argued. I didn’t mean any of it; I just lashed out. You and Charlie meant the world to me, but things just worked out with her. I never saw you as a back-up or second best; I loved you both equally. No matter how hard I try, I can’t forget either of you.

  Whatever happens, I love you, Rowan. Now and forever. If you ever need me, you know where I am.

  Good luck with Kyle. Tomorrow he’ll be the luckiest man alive to marry you. I hope he realises that.



  I looked at the screen, tears rolling down my face. For all his words, to pull this on the eve of my wedding was manipulative and so low. Only now I could see it for what it wa
s, and know it wasn’t just some declaration of love. Even if he meant it, it didn’t matter anymore. I smiled as I pressed delete.

  Behind my door hung my wedding dress in the suit bag. Part of me wanted to take it out and try it on again, but knowing my luck I’d spill something all over it. I couldn’t wait for Kyle to see me in it. I couldn’t wait to share my secret with him. Just one night to go and I would be his wife, and he would know that his child was growing inside me.

  For a week I’d been sitting on that. Keeping it a secret had been hard, but I couldn’t imagine a better time to tell him than the day we exchanged wedding vows.

  I snuggled down into my bed, smiling as I closed my eyes. One more sleep to go.


  Outside, it was still dark when he crept into my room the morning of the wedding.

  “What are you doing?” I whispered.

  “Move over. I’m coming in for a cuddle.”

  I laughed as we squeezed into the bed together. “At least next time we stay with your parents they’ll be okay with us sleeping together.”

  “You shouldn’t be here. Isn’t it bad luck for you to see me before the wedding?”

  He grinned. “Are you wearing your dress? No. That’s the bad luck part. It’s not unlucky for me to see you naked before the wedding.”

  I could feel him pulling at the bottom of my nightgown. “Kyle, stop it. Just behave.”

  “That would be impossible around you.” He kissed me, pulling my nightgown halfway up my back.

  “You’re naughty, Mr Warner.”

  “Just as naughty as you, Mrs Soon-To-Be Warner.” He kissed me gently. “I love you, Rowan.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Do you remember the day we met?”

  I laughed. “Of course I do. I rescued you from the rain.”

  He laughed.

  “And then, we met again.” I smiled as I said the words.

  “All I remember is seeing that beautiful rear end, and I just wanted to slap it. Little did I know what an amazing woman I was about to nearly offend.”

  I buried my face in his chest, suffocating the laughter coming out of me.

  “Somehow I resisted the urge, and found myself looking into the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen. And then you categorised me as a friend and nothing more.”

  I knew I was gaping. “I did not.”

  “You totally did. It was all Andrew this and Andrew that. I never got a look in.” He grinned. “I won in the end, though.”

  “I thought you were gorgeous, and I never thought I would stand a chance with someone like you. I think I did all right for myself.” I nuzzled his cheek.

  He kissed me, and I closed my eyes thinking about how lucky I was. He loved me, truly loved me. Nothing in the world could ever top this feeling. I thought of the tiny human growing inside me, and I wanted to tell him so badly. Somehow I stopped myself; that was news for later, my wedding gift to him.

  “I don’t want to leave this bed, but I think your mother might chase me out of the house if I don’t go,” he said.

  “Just a little longer?”

  I felt his arms around me, hugging me tight. “After tomorrow, nothing on this earth is keeping me from your bed. No matter how small it is.”

  He released me, kissing me on the nose to say goodbye. “You are my everything, Rowan. Never forget that.”

  I could feel the tears building as he climbed off the bed. “Kyle?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  I smiled at him. “See you soon?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  He winked before taking a peep out the door to see if anyone was in the hallway. I lay back in bed, thinking about the day ahead. In a few hours, I would be his wife and we would start our new life together.

  I dozed for a while longer, before Mum came in to wake me.

  “I’m so proud of you, love,” she said. “He’s a good man. You found someone who will love and take care of you. I couldn’t ask for more.”

  “He really does love me, Mum. I love him so much too. He’s the most amazing person I think I’ve ever met.”

  “So, no more moping around about Andrew?”

  I shook my head. “I nearly lost the best thing that ever happened to me because of him. He’s selfish and manipulative, and I should have seen it so many years ago.”

  She put her hand on mine. “He wasn’t good enough for you, Rowan. There was something never quite right about him.”

  I laughed. “I think you’re saying that because of the way I feel about him. You never had a problem when we hung out together as kids.”

  “He always put himself first, love. You were so caring and sweet, I don’t think you could ever see it. Maybe he does love you as a friend, but at times it was hard to see that.”

  She leaned over and kissed me, leaving my coffee beside the bed. It’s funny how people are honest with you after the heartbreak. If she’d said that to me earlier, I would have denied it. Now it was clear to me just who my best friend was.

  I was about to marry him.



  I stood under the tree, waiting for my girl to appear. Nervous and excited, I knew I’d feel better when I saw her. She had that calming affect on me.

  When I went into her room this morning, it was to reassure myself more than anything else. Deep down, I was still terrified that somehow she would change her mind and go to him. I should have known she would never do that to me.

  My friend Neil stood beside me as best man. We had gone through university together, and while we were not as close as we used to be, he was the closest friend I had. Except for Rowan.

  She was my best friend, as well as everything else. The bond we had was unbreakable now, and there were no more ties to the past holding us back.

  We had so much to look forward to together. We had talked about finding a house rather than staying in an apartment. Apartment living was no good if we were going to have children. Holy crap, children. The thought brought a smile to my face. I had never seen myself as the fatherly type, but now I had Rowan in my life, I looked forward to it.

  Neil’s daughter, Rebecca, came walking out, scattering petals as if there weren’t enough all over the place. Then Rowan’s elder sisters, Michelle and Lindsay. Finally, on the arm of her father, my bride appeared.

  Her hair fell in soft curls down her back, instead of its normal straight appearance. Other than Charlie and Andrew’s wedding, I couldn’t remember seeing her in a dress, but she looked amazing today in a simple white gown with shoestring straps. I held my breath as she walked towards me, such a big smile on her face as she came up to hold my hand.

  “Ready?” I whispered.

  “Oh, yes.” She grinned, squeezing my hand in hers as we turned to look at the celebrant.

  I can’t even remember most of the ceremony, it seemed to go so quickly. All I knew was that she was my wife, and I would love her for the rest of my life. That part was easy with Rowan.

  We had a barbecue as a reception, right there, out the back of Rowan’s parents’ place. Neither of us wanted anything too formal, that wasn’t us, and throughout the whole event, Rowan glowed with happiness.

  Afterwards, we drove to a motel for the night. I’d booked the best room in the place. It overlooked the ocean, and she stood on the balcony, the breeze blowing her veil behind her. She had never looked so beautiful.

  “Come here,” I said, loosening my tie as I came up behind her. She turned, leaning against the rail, a big smile across her face.

  “What are you doing, Mr Warner?” she asked as I drew closer. I kissed her, pulling her into my arms.

  “Kissing my wife.” I said.

  “Your wife, huh?”

  I laughed. “Come with me.” I pulled her by the hand towards the bedroom, not wanting to waste a moment with her. She was all mine now, and I just wanted to love her.

  Unzipping her dress, I pulled it down to the floor. She had
all that sexy lingerie on, but I wanted her naked and under me. My wife.

  “You didn’t make it easy for me, did you?” I teased.

  She grinned, that beautiful, shy smile at me. God, what that did to me …

  “I thought you’d be up for the challenge,” she said, looking at me with that wide-eyed innocent look. I took a sharp breath in. She was really putting it on tonight.

  “You are a temptress, I hope you know that.”

  I was sure she fluttered her eyelashes. This flirtatious, confident woman was worlds away from the quiet, shy girl I had met. I loved that her confidence came from our love, from knowing she was wanted. Just the thought of her being mine tonight and every other night made me as hard as a rock.

  Rowan knew what hold she had over me. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her, and I knew she felt the same way. I’d meant it when I’d told her she was my everything.

  She laughed, pushing me down to the bed as she slowly stripped off her clothes.

  “You are so fucking hot,” I murmured, reaching out to tweak a nipple as she bent to remove her panties. She feigned surprise, slapping my hand before breaking out into a grin.

  “Cheeky, too. Did you want a spanking, Mrs Warner?”

  Rowan laughed, moving over my lap and leaning to kiss me. “You know what I want, Mister.”

  I grabbed her by the waist, pulling her around so she fell backwards onto the bed. Laughing, I moved to kiss her, my tongue finding hers ready for combat as we fought for control.

  “Little Miss Feisty,” I murmured.

  “You know it,” she whispered.

  “I love you, Rowan.” Her smile softened at the words. I knew she liked to hear them, and I loved saying them.

  “I love you too. Always.”

  “Get up onto the pillow. I’ll join you in a minute.”


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