Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set

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Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set Page 7

by Kiki Burrelli

  Weirder than any of that was the nagging pulse of desire, like a red hot ember from an old campfire that refused to be extinguished. He wasn't absolutely sure but it felt a lot like being turned on. But why?

  He eyed Christian with new lenses. He had a lithe, swimmer's body. With his tousled dirty blond hair, tanned skin and tattoos he looked like he would be perfectly at home on a surfboard on some beach.

  But Finn liked them a little sturdier, with dark features and a growl that could turn him on in less than a second.

  Without really meaning to, he looked outside, noticing that Fuckmesohard and his band of probably dog people were still outside, sucking down pints. Fuckmesohard had the dark features, yes, but he also had an air about him that Finn didn't trust. He seemed the type that would ask for a sandwich after and then complain that you didn't make it fast enough.

  Finn was so thirsty his throat ached. He took a very long swig from his glass, abandoning the straw. His skin seemed to grow instantly hotter. His heartbeat quickened like he had sprinted a mile. He was perspiring and didn't have a clue as to why. He just knew that if he swiped his forehead with his finger, it would come off wet.

  He closed his eyes, thankful that the world wasn't spinning. So he wasn't blasted drunk at least. That was little comfort. His lungs screamed for more air and he panted, trying to give them the oxygen they demanded. It was too fast, so he tried to slow his breathing, taking deep breaths in through his mouth. That had been a mistake. His nagging, turned on feeling morphed into a raging wave of uncontrollable horniness. He ached, in literal agony from the extent of his need to be filled. He found Christian with wide, terrified eyes.


  Luke set down the thick manuscript. He'd agreed a long time ago to be an expert on all of Frannie's shifter romance books. He'd tried to tell her that no one actually knew shifters existed so she didn't really need an expert. After all, it wasn't like anyone would accuse her of getting it wrong, but she'd just looked at him with that squinty expression that told him she'd already moved on to something else in her mind and he should just do it. It was the least he could do for a friend who never once asked him to pay any sort of rent.

  "Pay attention to how I describe the transition. I don't want it to sound inauthentic," she said from her spot on the opposite side of the couch. She was painting her toenails and catching up on some god-awful singing show. Her phone rang and she glanced at the ID. "It's Finn, you wanna answer it?" she asked like she was waving a bone in front of a mutt. Which, she was. She sighed. "I can just let it go to voicemail. He is mad at me still and—"

  Luke had gotten to his feet and yanked the phone out of her hand. He retreated to the hallway to answer it, allowing them both a fraction of privacy. "Hello?" he said, hoping he didn't sound too wolfy.

  "Um, is this the right number? Frannie?" a worried male voice asked.

  "This is her number, who is this?" Luke loathed whoever was on the other end of the line. He swallowed his growl. Why the hell did some other man have his mate's phone?

  "Oh, you must be the roommate. Hey, we've met. Anyway, I don't know what is going on. Finn came down for some drinks and now he is acting really weird."

  "Where are you?" Luke barked.

  The guy, Luke tried to remember his name, Christian, told him the name of the pub. "And, um, well, there are these guys outside too. Finn said he didn't recognize them, but—"

  Luke swore, disconnecting the line and throwing the phone back to Frannie. She asked him something, but Luke couldn't stop. His mate was in danger.

  Luke slowed his motorcycle down as he neared the pub. He felt the hairs at his neck rise. The place seemed to be crawling with shifters. Were they all here for his Finn? He parked his bike a block away, choosing to go the rest of the way on foot. He was surer that way. When he got to the block where the pub was he cursed. Across the street, all of the outdoor seating was filled with shifters. He spotted his father at the middle table and could only assume the pack leader was probably with him. And, he'd called what looked like to be most of his pack to join him. Why?

  Luke put his head down, ignoring the curious onlookers. It was generally a bad idea to put two alphas within fighting distance. Luke wasn't here to fight, unless he had to.

  Inside the pub he searched for Finn. There were plenty of other patrons, all completely oblivious to what was happening around them. He felt his claws extend in his frustration. Finally, Christian came running towards him from the back of the pub.

  "Thank God. He's gotten worse."

  Luke's blood ran cold. He let the other man lead the way through the pub, down a small hallway that ended in a T. The door to the left went to the men's restroom and the door to the right the woman's. He stepped into the bathroom and the scent of arousal slammed into him. Immediately, he turned, pushing Christian back and out of the bathroom before using the garbage can to prop against the door.

  He found Finn, crouched in the opposite corner like a frightened animal. He looked so fragile and vulnerable, there was no way he'd be able to allow Christian inside.

  He inhaled and felt like he could taste his mate's need it was so thick. It lined his mouth like a rich sauce. Finn was bent over at his stomach, panting. He lifted his head up when Luke took a step towards him. Finn rose, leaping into the air. He wound his arms and legs around Luke as he climbed up his body.

  Despite the warmth of Finn's body, cold realization filled Luke. This was why the other alpha had ordered his entire pack around, why they were all skulking outside. They could smell Finn's need. If the pack master was unmated he would be biologically required to at least be allured by the scent of Finn's heat.

  But that didn't make sense for so many reasons. One, Finn wasn't a shifter and two, he was a man. Human males didn't go into heat, not like this. Not unless…

  His wheels turned and turned until Luke wished he could run himself over with them. Had he done this to his mate? Had his sperm transformed him somehow? An alpha was a powerful thing and not just because they were predisposed to leadership. If Luke's theory was correct, then that also meant they were able to transform.

  What did all this mean for his squirming mate who was clinging to his body, pressing his most urgent body parts against Luke?

  "Finn, I am so sorry," Luke said.

  "Apology accepted," Finn replied with pupils so wide Luke wasn't sure he could even see clearly. "Now fuck me. Pleeeease."

  Luke groaned and bit his lip so hard he thought it would bleed. "Finn, honey, try to listen to me. I think your body is going through…some changes. I don't really understand it entirely, but I can say you are not in your right mind right now. I can't take advantage of that. Don't you remember how mad you are at me?"

  "Mmhmm," Finn said, nuzzling against Luke's neck.

  It felt wonderful, Finn's lips brushing against Luke's soft, vulnerable skin. Finn slid down his body and reached for Luke's zipper. He wrapped his fingers around Luke's solid cock. Luke swallowed his groan.

  "No, baby, no—"

  In seconds Finn was on his knees, Luke's cock slid past his lips and down his throat. Holy shit. It was deep in there. Apparently the mating heat had also turned off any sort of gag reflex Finn might have had. Luke felt his shaft throb, a jet of liquid shot from the tip straight down Finn's throat.

  The noise Finn made would give Luke a hard on for a million years--if he lived that long.

  Carnal, basic and appreciative, Finn doubled his sucking efforts and Luke had to use more alpha strength than he would've liked to try and pry his mate off of his cock. Finn finally let it fall from his mouth with an audible pop.

  "I need to get you home," Luke said, working to keep the snarl from his voice. He wasn't mad, but it wasn't like his mate's efforts weren't having an effect on him. How the hell was he supposed to get his writhing mate out of the pub and, more importantly past a group of shifters without a confrontation?

  Not for the first time, Luke wished he'd been a little more attentive when the s
ubject of discussion had been on mates as a teen. He knew next to nothing, but even Luke knew this had to be a special case. If it wasn't special then it simply wasn't spoken of much because Luke had never heard of it. He might have stuck around, despite his father's protest and fought for his place as pack leader if it meant being able to protect a future mate more securely. But no, he had thought that path was taken from him by his orientation and now he was stuck in a bathroom. Luke needed to get Finn home safely where he could have a moment to think with a clear head and breathe air that wasn't laced with his mate's come-fuck-me-pheromones.

  Finn stayed relatively still in his arms and Luke thought, grimly, that it had something to do with the short blow job. Perhaps it had sated Finn's uncontrollable desire somewhat, or at least, taken the edge off. He was able to stand now on his own, which meant he could walk. Luke got an idea that came straight out of every bad spy movie he'd ever seen. He moved the trash can so he could open the door a crack.

  "Christian," he hollered. Christian scurried over to the door.

  "Is he okay? Something is very wrong, man."

  "Yeah, I know. I think he is having a bad reaction, probably shouldn't have mixed alcohol with the meds he is on." Luke hoped Finn wouldn't be too upset by that little fib.

  "That looks like more than a bad reaction," Christian said suspiciously.

  "Let's just agree there is something serious going on here, alright? Will you help me get him out?"

  "Do you need help carrying him?" He was clearly confused.

  "I need you to strip," Luke said. "I need your clothes," he clarified after seeing that it was needed. Looking at his face, his clarification hadn't helped much.

  "I'm not getting naked in the back of a pub!" he squeaked.

  Luke grimaced. He didn't think his animal instincts would let another male in the same space as his mate while he was so vulnerable.

  "Finn, baby, I need you to get in the stall and strip."

  Finn complied too quickly for Luke's liking. He was enthusiastically undoing his pants when Luke shut the door on him and brought Christian in.

  "Face the urinal," he ordered Christian. "I'll turn away and just throw them on my shoulder." Luke acted as the middle man, handing Christian Finn's clothes as the pieces dropped to the floor and gathering Christian's clothes. When Christian was changed Luke leaned in and sniffed him.

  It might work if they moved fast. Dressed in Finn's clothes, with the jacket hood up and his head down the shifters should just be able to smell the mating heat from far way. If he ran. Even if he was caught by a curious shifter, once they got a real sniff of him, they would lose interest.

  Still, this was his mate's self-proclaimed only friend.

  "You are doing me a huge favor," Luke began. Christian cut him off.

  "I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for Finn. He is a great guy who deserves—well just be what he deserves, got it?"

  Luke didn't expect to have this conversation now. "I am what he needs," he said without shame.

  "Is this going to be dangerous?" Christian asked, finally pondering his own safety.

  Luke could see why Finn had connected with Chris; he was selfless. Luke grabbed the small switchblade he carried. He didn't use it for protection, but if Christian was cornered by a shifter whose nose was too clouded with pheromone to notice he'd gotten the wrong end then a quick stab would sober him up. He handed it to Christian but he held it like he'd been handed a turd covered rattler.

  "Some people might chase you," he said, giving Christian the honest truth. "Just run to a public area in the opposite direction of Finn's house. Do you know where he lives?"

  Christian blushed, Luke scowled. "Yeah, I-I looked it up online the other day."

  Normally, Luke would've taken offense to this guy sniffing up on his mate, but since he was literally in the middle of saving him he would let it slide.

  "Gotta go now before his smell wears off." That last statement had Chris's eyebrows shooting. He'd have questions for sure. "Text when you are safe, but uh, don't come by until…" Until Finn doesn't want to fuck everything with a penis.

  "Got it, be careful," Christian said, determined.

  "You…too…" Luke replied awkwardly. Christian left and Luke went to his naked mate.

  "Hey," he said softly. Finn was standing in his boxers and looked sort of like himself. Maybe it was waning?

  "I don't feel right," Finn said, his hand idly stroking his cock through the boxers.

  "We need to talk about this, but first, I have to get you home. Put these on and then we are going to have go quick, do you understand?"

  Finn gathered his bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it. He was staring at Luke's crotch but nodded.

  Moments later, Finn was dressed and latched to Luke's side. This would work, they looked like a regular couple, almost. Luke held him by his side, guiding him out of the bathroom and through the pub. The tables across the street were empty. Christian had done his job. He kept them at a pace somewhere between a jog and a fast walk until he was able to set Finn on his bike before sliding in front.

  The noise his mate made when Luke started the engine was unbearably erotic. They weren't completely safe yet. Luke ignored the way Finn clutched and rubbed his body and urged his bike quickly down the street. He ignored most traffic laws as he drove and soon, he was pulling into Frannie's driveway. He helped Finn off the back of the bike. The drive seemed to have helped him. His legs were steadier. Luke filed all this information away to think on later, when his mate was safe.

  From across the yard a man, Luke decided it had to be the pack master, stepped forward, standing between them and the door.

  "I've seen that movie too," he said smoothly.

  Luke didn't know how he'd gotten here so fast. No one had been following him.

  Finn looked up at him. "Fuckmesohard," he mumbled.

  Luke growled and tightened his hold on his mate.

  The pack leader looked shocked for a split second, then he was just amused. He craned forward, inhaling the air in front of him. "It's stronger now. In front of the library it was just the faintest hint of a scent. But it's fading from what it was, even now." He looked at Finn with a gaze that made Luke want to shield him. "Is there a better scent? When my sweet angel went into heat, I would lock her up and tie her down so that I could just visit her and bathe in her glory."

  "You have a mate?" Luke asked.

  "Had," the pack master said packing a million emotions into the one word, pain, love, happiness, insanity. He took a deep breath, shuddering. "You're Luke," he stated. "Your father is a strong shifter. My name is Lucian. What do you think, Luke? Do you think it would work?" Lucian pondered, taking a step toward them.

  Luke snarled, it almost sounded like a bark.

  Lucian stopped, his eyes narrowed. "Careful, lone wolf. You are in my territory."

  "That's right, I'm not a part of your pack and neither is he, so if you'll move out of the way we can go on," Luke said barely able to hold in all the violent things he wanted to do. Even without Finn by his side he would've been on edge around the other alpha. Alphas didn't mesh.

  "You aren't a part of my pack, no. But him," he gestured to Finn, "he is a novelty discovered in my territory. Wouldn't that be something to see? Maybe I'll just rip him from you and see if I can't fuck a litter into him."

  He heard the gun cocking before he saw her. Frannie had slunk out of nowhere. Her curly hair was a mess on her head and she was wearing her favorite polar bear pajama pants and slippers, an altogether cute look, ruined by the nine millimeter she had pointed at the pack leader's head.

  "How bout you get the hell off my property and stay the fuck away from my brother."

  Bless her, her voice hardly shook.

  The pack leader rose a single eyebrow. He wasn't used to being challenged by a woman, especially not non-shifter women. He took a step towards her. Luke's gut tightened. How could he protect them both? Frannie leveled the gun and fired. The bu
llet lodged into her yard right next to the pack leader's foot causing a tuft of grass to go flying.

  "My aim isn't great, but it improves the closer you come."

  Luke saw her hand shaking. Finn was now trying to push from him to get to his sister.

  "The cops are going to be here any minute," Finn said sounding clear headed. "You should just leave while you can."

  The pack leader appraised him. True enough, sirens began wailing softly in the background. He bowed his head slightly in mock submission. "Whatever you say." He turned in the other direction.

  Frannie wheeled on them. "Get in the house, now," she said with much less conviction than she'd had moments before. Her lip trembled, most likely the adrenaline. Finn went to her. Luke wasn't sure who was holding who up. Frannie wrapped a protective arm around Finn and shot Luke a glare that spoke volumes. He waited, not entirely sure if he was welcome inside anymore. Frannie shook her head, "I said get inside, Luke."

  Luke obeyed.

  Chapter Nine

  When Finn woke up he was aware of two very important things. One, he wasn't alone. That was evident from the foot that pressed rudely up against his backside. Second, he was starving. Like, doubled over in pain, you'll eat anything hungry. He rolled over and Frannie was there, curled on the other edge of the bed. One of her legs was stretched out and that foot had been the one he'd felt. He gave that foot a tickle and Frannie opened her eyes, wide at first in panic. Then, as if she realized she was safe, they narrowed back into a sleepy gaze.

  Finn hated that first burst of fear he saw in his little sister's eyes. Hated himself for it.

  He couldn't remember much after they'd gotten inside the house. He did remember his little sister standing in front of her own house, trembling as she leveled a gun at that guy. He thought back to before that happened, the confusing walk home, the haze of the pub, Christian…Oh god, what had he—

  "I know this expression," Frannie said. "The events of the night before crashed upon him with stark clarity," she said like it was a line from one of her books. It probably was.


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