Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set

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Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set Page 9

by Kiki Burrelli

  Finn groaned in frustration. He tried to reach down and stroke himself. Luke batted his hand away and Finn slammed it back against the shower wall. "Please, Luke, I need."

  "I know, baby." He delivered a short machine gun blast of tongue thrusts in his tight hole.

  "You're making—oh fuck." He tensed and turned, a single shot of liquid flew from his cock, a mini-orgasm that splashed across Luke's face. Finn's eyes widened.

  Luke dragged his finger through the hot line on his face and then drew the finger into his mouth, suckling the salty treat. He stood slowly, staring at Finn the entire time. When he stood before him Luke felt strong and dominant. Nothing in this world could take his mate from him, not while he still lived. "Clean it off," he commanded.

  Finn reached for a washcloth. Luke took it from him.

  "Nope." He let the p sound pop from his mouth.

  The moment Finn realized what he meant, his pupils widened. The idea made him hotter. Of course it would. His mate was perfect for him in every way. Finn leaned forward and tentatively licked Luke's cheek where the majority of the semen had landed. He moaned. Luke didn't know if he enjoyed the taste or the carnality of the act. He enthusiastically licked Luke's face clean and then leaned back, surveying his good work but with a slightly dissatisfied expression.

  "What is it, Finn?" Luke murmured, cupping his face.

  Finn stuck his bottom lip out in an adorable pout. "Yours tastes better."

  Luke chuckled. "Who am I to deny you?" He guided Finn to his knees. The sight of his lithe body, on his knees, his muscles straining and stretching to rise up to the treat Luke was offering him. It almost had him blowing his load right then and there.

  Then he wrapped his lips around him and drew him deep in his mouth and Luke really did almost lose it. Finn's mouth was like a white hot heaven. He was making tiny noises in the back of his throat that Luke could hear as well as feel. Luke felt his penis bottom out and hit the back of Finn's throat. His balls brushed against Finn's chin and Luke didn't dare to even breathe, afraid that the slightest sensation would set him off. Finn offered no mercy though. He cupped Luke's sack, manipulating his most sensitive parts. Then, he flexed his tongue flat under Luke's dick so that each thrust in and out of his sweet mouth dragged over his wet, hot tongue. It was too much.

  "I'm going to—"

  Finn's mouth became a vice on his dick and Luke felt his explosion begin in bursts of utter pleasure. He held onto Finn's face as he delivered wave after wave of bliss into his mate's waiting mouth. In response, Finn kept his lips latched around Luke. His neck muscles convulsed as he consumed all that Luke had to offer, until he finally let Luke's cock slip free while licking his own lips.

  "So much better," Finn said a few moments later as Luke helped him to his feet.

  Luke grabbed the soap and did a quick wash over of them both. "I don't agree," he said absently, still riding the high of a perfect orgasm. "Mine is different. It's…" Was he about to address himself as a shifter for the first time?

  "Dog person?" Finn offered. Clearly, he was trying to be helpful.

  "Dog person?" Luke repeated slowly. "I think you mean, lone wolf. Shifter." He turned off the shower and reached for the door.

  "Shifter," he said like he was trying the word out on his tongue. "Is that why I'm feeling…different?"

  Luke kept his gaze. "Yes. Our sex together, it changed you. Is changing you." Luke stepped out, followed by Finn. His gaze fell on the knife on the counter. He caught his breath. That had been the fear that had driven him in there and he'd been too distracted to confront it. "Finn, you are quickly becoming my entire life. I need you to know that hurting yourself is no longer an option. Do you understand? If you need to…if you feel like you might…come to me. Or to a professional. But, no matter what happens, you may not hurt yourself."

  Finn's eyes widened. "We already talked about this. Why are you…?" he followed Luke's line of sight, his own falling on the knife that was on the counter. "Oh."

  Luke gathered him, nearing him close to him. "Before you, I wandered in and out of society, never thinking for a moment I could belong. I thought my hopes of a pack were lost that day I came out. But I've found in you and Frannie something I won't willingly let go of. I'll protect it even if it means having unpopular—"

  "I didn't even realize I'd brought it. I didn't mean to. I mean, I didn't have any intention," Finn said quickly, like he was trying to reassure Luke.

  Luke studied him. His breathing was even, his heart steady. He didn't seem to be lying. "You are too special to me, Finn." His wolf could only agree. For the first time in a long time Luke realized he had something that would hurt like hell to lose. Losing his spot in his first pack had been painful, but losing Finn, his mate, was unimaginable.

  Chapter Eleven

  "I can take night watch," Frannie said, pulling a steaming aluminum tray out of the oven. Finn scratched the back of his head. "I don't like this, Frannie, I don't like you being in danger."

  "Same to you, buddy."

  Finn looked to Luke, attempting to give him a, help me out here, look. It was unneeded. Luke's jaw was tense and he flipped a bottle cap from finger to finger—an agitated gesture that Finn was just learning to recognize.

  If he leaned forward and listened, Finn would be able to hear very low and quiet rumblings coming from Luke's chest. Like, he was growling without noticing. Under a different circumstance, it would be hot as hell. Right now, it meant that he was agitated. "Neither of you should be taking watch or being in danger. I can protect you. Both of you."

  It was obvious that this was important to Luke. But Finn thought he could forget that idea right away. If there was a fight to be fought, he would be beside Luke, not cowering behind him. Frannie, on the other hand, was too caring, too accepting to be placed in a position of danger.

  "You can both suck it," caring Frannie said, looking at the both of them. "What are we even up against? That ass is the…leader…?"

  "Pack master," Luke replied. "Said his name was Lucian."

  "So he obviously has the power of the pack behind him."

  "He leads the shifters in this area, so yeah, he can pretty much order them to do what he wants."

  "And he wants me?" Finn asked.

  "Seems that way."

  Finn sat back, letting the information absorb. The idea that he could possible give life to something, not in the way men had been doing it for years but to actually let it grow inside of him, protecting it, providing for it. His heart warmed. All of his life, Finn was never sure of his purpose or his place. Could this be it? To be a father? There were still a lot of unanswered questions and even with a normal female pregnancy, disastrous things could happen to woman and baby. They needed to be careful.

  The table rumbled, breaking Finn from his thoughts. It wasn't the table, he realized, but Luke that rumbled. His nails had lengthened to a point, resembling claws. Finn thought he saw fangs in his mouth before he pushed back from the table, quickly but quietly, stalking away from the table towards the front room and front door. Finn felt his mouth drop open. Other than that first time, he'd never seen Luke's shifter qualities manifest. The sane part of him told him it should've frightened him but it didn't. It intrigued him. He wanted to run his fingers over Luke's claws and feel their curve. Right now though, Luke was peeking out the window, obviously upset by something Finn guessed his human senses hadn't alerted him to yet.

  Frannie moved beside Finn, the nine mil in her hand again. The safety was off.

  "Frannie, give me that," Finn said, reaching for and missing the gun. She grabbed his other hand and crept to join Luke.

  "What is—"

  A knock at the door cut her off. Luke was the first there, opening it slowly. "What do you want?" he demanded.

  Finn strained to here whoever responded.

  "You got yourself into it now, boy," a rough voice like sandpaper replied.

  "And you are the first wave? He sends in the old ones first?" />
  "Could still whip you, boy."

  There was something familiar about how they talked, not like normal shit talking between rivals.

  "Who is it?" Finn asked, stepping forward. Luke threw a halting hand back, keeping him from whoever was at the door. "Luke—" Finn began.

  "Lucian wants him, son. Not letting me in to say my piece isn't going to change that fact."

  "Say what you have to say there," Luke said, his entire body was tight, his every muscle, tensed and ready to act.

  Luke was a solid wall in front of them. Finn and Frannie could only strain on their tiptoes or duck down low. They wore matching expressions of frustration and confusion.

  "I have a package to deliver and I was told to deliver it straight to your mate in there. You don't want me to get in trouble do you?"

  Luke stilled. "Is that what he called him?"

  "Well, no, but my orders are the same." The man with the sandpaper voice put his hand against the door. He leaned in and spoke softer. "You want me to come in and deliver this package. Personally."

  Finn knew the man wasn't saying anything very important. He took another step forward so that he could put his hand on Luke's shoulder. "Let him in, Luke. The package is for me after all."

  Luke looked like he was waging a war in his brain. A part of him wanted to do as his mate requested, but the other part was too worried that the man at the door posed a threat.

  "Luke," Finn put his hand on his shoulder.

  Luke slammed the door shut then. He hauled the three of them back, ordered Frannie to sit at the kitchen table and to turn the safety off. He pulled Finn down the hallway. "I'll let him in, but, if he tries to do anything, if he seems like he is going to try anything, you need to listen to me," he whispered frantically in the dark hallway. "This goes against every instinct. That man is the cruelest man I know and I loathe the idea of him being in the same space as you."

  Finn kissed him lightly on the lips. "I'm not this breakable thing, Luke. I'm not as strong as you, but I can be strong."

  "I know, baby."

  Luke left him with Frannie and went back to the door. When he came back to the kitchen he indicated that Frannie and Finn were to stay on one end of the table while the man was at the other end.

  Finn didn't expect to recognize the man with sandpaper voice, but he did. He'd seen him with the pack outside of the library. He looked grisly and dangerous, but again, Finn was struck with the feeling that he knew that face.

  "Finn, Frannie, meet my father, Daryl," Luke said sardonically.

  Frannie gasped.

  Finn eyeballed the older man. It was a little soon to be meeting Luke's parents.

  "Wait, does that mean your dad is with the enemy?"

  "To be fair, we just became the enemy. Luke had no issues with my pack—"

  Luke snorted. "It wouldn't have mattered."

  "Okay, okay. Enough posturing, enough secrets," Frannie said, cutting in the middle of the crowd with her words and body. "The package? What is it? I don't imagine it is flowers and candy."

  "Actually, you are at least half wrong, there is candy." His father reached a small rectangular box out to Finn. Luke stepped in and grabbed it from him first. "Protective, ain't he?" he said conspiratorially to Finn.

  "Of my mate? Damn right," Luke responded, staring at the small box like it held a bomb.

  Finn blushed slightly. So, Luke wasn't the type of guy to dial back his feelings when his family was around. That was nice if not a little awkward. "Is he trying to woo me or something?" Asking the question only made his cheeks burn brighter.

  Daryl grimaced. "Something like that. I told you you didn't want to get on this pack master's radar. He is creative and a lot crazy. I don't know for sure. I've been with this pack since your dear mother died. Lucian was new then. They say he lost his mate."

  "He spoke about her," Finn remembered. "His sweet angel."

  "Since then, he can be a bit…eccentric. Most times he is normal, bearable. But I have seen him get these bees under his bonnet before and it never ends well for the other party."

  "Can't we just, appeal to the pack or something?" Finn asked, not liking how quickly everything was getting violent.

  Daryl stared at him. "How much does he know about shifters?" he asked Luke.

  Now Luke grimaced as if he'd been caught doing something wrong. "A little."

  Finn thought about what he did know of shifters and realized that the majority of his shifter knowledge was bedroom related. He didn't know anything about the politics of a pack. "I don't know much," he said, daring a glance at Luke who had relaxed enough to give him a pervy smile like the mind-reading bastard he was.

  His dad ignored their exchange and moved to sit down at the table. Frannie settled in a chair in the middle of the table, gripping the gun with her hand furthest from him. "I'll give everyone the condensed version. Shifters have some heightened senses, even while in human form. Our sense of smell is one of our most useful senses. For instance I can tell that you all use the same body wash and that this little lass shot that gun recently. But, not all shifters have the same senses nor are our abilities equal. Alphas like my son here are born with more sensitive senses. Though, when it comes to the mating hormone, even I could smell ya. That was what originally brought Lucian to you. You were like a candle and he was a moth."

  Finn sat down on the other side of the table. Luke moved behind him, not before setting the package in the middle of the table like an odd centerpiece. Finn figured he didn't want even the box close to Finn.

  "What is your point, Daryl?" Luke asked.

  "I'm trying to make sure everyone has the information they need to understand what is in that box. So, Finn, you have a scent that notifies those around you of your state. But, since you've been spending time with Luke your scent has been transfused with his."

  "I smell like Luke?"

  "Like peeing on a tree," Frannie said with no small amount of glee.

  Finn scowled. "What does this have to do with the package?"

  "They are candies infused with Lucian's scent. His…personal scent," Luke's father said.

  Luke snarled.

  Finn jumped. "I don't get it."

  Luke's father was grim when he spoke. "Lucian fights dirty and on a basic wolf level. If you ate the chocolate, you would consume the pack master's scent, repelling the wolf in Luke while making your own body more susceptible to accepting the pack master as a mate."

  Finn sat forward, stunned. "That's all it would take? A little change in my scent and he wouldn't want me anymore?"

  "It wouldn't have worked. I am in control of my wolf. Not the other way around."

  Finn didn't know if Luke was trying to convince him or himself. He took a deep breath. "I need to talk to Luke. Excuse us." He stood but then remembered Frannie. "You won't…" he said, not wanting to finish the question to Luke's father.

  "I wouldn't hurt a lass so pretty as your sister," Luke's dad said, sounding fifteen years younger.

  Frannie rolled her eyes. "We're fine."

  Finn led Luke into his room and shut the door. Luke eyed him warily. Finn turned from him and faced the window, the curtains were drawn so he couldn't see out. He concentrated on the tiny flower cut outs that lined the bottom of the curtains. "Luke, things are getting really serious out there. I just met your father and Frannie has a gun and now some other guy is trying to make me smell like him," he said this all in a rush and hoped Luke would understand him. "We kind of just met, so…" He turned but couldn't look at Luke's face, he wasn't sure what expression would be there waiting for him. But, he had to say this before he wasn't brave enough to get the words out. "I'll get it if you need to just cut and run. I'm sure that after a while, this will all wear off and that other pack master won't give two shits about me. I won't be that shiny new toy he can't have and you can just, go about your life, carefree."

  "Is that what you want me to do?" Luke asked with calm, measured words.

  "I want
you to do what is best for you," Finn said, unable to answer the question outright.

  Luke erased the space between them with a quick stride. He cupped Finn's face and pulled his body tight up against his own. "You are what is best for me," Luke said before claiming Finn's mouth. He dipped his tongue inside Finn's mouth like he was posting a flag in newly discovered ground. "I don't care if we just met five seconds ago, because, Finn, I knew then too. I knew the moment I saw you bent over that island that you were my mate. I would've stayed then and I am staying now. You are mine. Frannie is not only your sister but my friend as well. I will protect and defend what is mine."

  "We are a sorry pack," Finn said when he could find his breath. "More than half of us are humans."

  "You aren't exactly just a human now, Finn. I don't think we've seen the last of your changes."

  "I literally have no idea how to respond to that," Finn said.

  "Then kiss me again, and promise me you'll stop trying to send me away, because honestly, it just makes me want to rip your clothes off, throw you on the ground and show you just how much I don't want to be away from you."

  Finn trembled at the mental images that brought up. He held onto Luke's hips as he kissed him back. Too soon though, they were pulling away, as if they both realized that they weren't alone in the house and an extended absence would be embarrassing at the least.

  Finn followed Luke back to the living room. Frannie smirked at the sight of them. "Your fly is down," she said to Luke.

  "What? No it's…" Luke looked down and caught onto Frannie's joke too late.

  "You know, Daryl, it will be great having someone else around who isn't always boning my brother."

  "That's so inappropriate," Finn said.

  At the same time Luke asked, "What do you mean having someone around?"


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