Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set

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Wolf's Mate Mpreg Romance Box Set Page 58

by Kiki Burrelli

  "What do we do in the meantime?" Frannie asked. She seemed more confident now. She and Finn both seemed to sit at the table a little taller than they had even that morning.

  "Right now, we prepare for a party."

  Luke was met with questioning looks, Pippen's included. "That is part two of what Felix and I discussed. For too long our two packs have lived not really knowing the other. It wasn't possible before now. But with Felix acting as pack master, we can finally begin building relations between the two packs."

  Pippen finished dishing up the food and then served it to his pack sitting around the table. He watched them eating, content and hopeful for a peaceful future. The whole time he couldn't help but be afraid.

  He was the puzzle piece that Silas was trying to use.

  Pippen was a ticking bomb.


  Conner watched Pippen from the shadows. It had slowly become, not his favorite hobby, but definitely the thing he did the most. His favorite hobby was something of a more physical nature. Over the past couple of days as the pack prepared for the meet and greet with the downtown pack Pippen had spent each of those nights in Conner's bed. They didn't always have sex, sometimes they just touched and talked. Each night they spent together Conner became more sure that Pippen was his mate, and yet, there still hadn't been a knotting during sex. Could it be that Pippen was his mate, but that no knotting was Conner's punishment for thinking he'd had a mate before? Conner shook his head. It didn't really matter, sex with Pippen on its own was fucking amazing, but then, so was simply sitting side by side and talking.

  Normally, Conner would be thrilled about their closeness, but as the days progressed and they neared the day of the party there was something desperate about Pippen's touches, like to him, they were numbered and with each passing day, that number grew smaller. It made Conner on edge and even more watchful than ever.

  Right then, however, Conner was proud as well as watchful. Pippen was the obvious choice as the one in charge of the food for the party and he had taken his duty very seriously. He stood in the middle of the Howling pub kitchen with a white apron tied around his middle. He calmly and quietly directed Frannie and a handful of pack members from the downtown pack as they prepped the dinner for nearly forty people.

  Felix had guessed the downtown pack had about thirty members. There had been more in Lucian's day, but after Luke defeated him, some of those pack members had left. The same thing happened again after Isaac was removed from power. Felix had confided in Conner that he was still worried about the loyalties of a few of his pack members, but that they had to be innocent until proven guilty. Conner understood, but didn't like imagining what misdeeds they would commit while everyone waited for them to not be innocent.

  A large burst of fire caught Conner's attention. He stood at the ready, prepared to fend off whatever was attacking them, but then a group around Pippen cheered. Conner relaxed. He had just been showing them his flambé technique. Conner leaned back against the wall, watching Pippen from the distance. He was born for a kitchen, not in any weird chauvinistic way, more like Pippen's natural skills, remaining cool under pressure, quick reflexes and precise movements, all made him perfect in a professional kitchen environment.

  Conner made a mental note to ask Felix about possible kitchen openings. Though, after tonight the downtown pack may beg Pippen to work there. The group of them were hanging on his every word like groupies listening to a rock star tell a story from the road. From what he'd learned from Felix and talking with the downtown pack members, they were just now coming back from the shambles they'd been left in. Some of them still worked at Howling, not that it made any real money. The bar had a bad reputation for not only being a hole in the wall with watered-down drinks, but for being dangerous. It would have been both of those places in Isaac's day. He had been that horrible mix of greedy and angry. The other pack members were just trying to survive with odd jobs and pooling their resources.

  Pippen looked up from the group and found Conner standing against the wall. He smiled shyly in his direction. There was a pink tinge to his cheeks. No doubt all that attention would be getting to him. Conner jerked his head toward the supply closet and winked. Pippen's eyes widened.

  Conner had barely shut the door behind him in the closet before Pippen swung it back open. He shut it behind them, without bothering to turn on the light, he launched his body to Conner who caught him cleanly, his wide palms cupping the smaller shifter's supple bottom.

  "The kitchen makes you hot, huh?" Conner joked in between kisses.

  "Literally." Pippen thrusted jerkily against Conner's midsection.

  "Love if you keep that up I'm going to have to go home and change my pants."

  "I'm sure someone has a pair here that you can borrow," Pippen said, frantically pulling at Conner's top.

  He enjoyed the enthusiasm, but again, there was that desperate edge that had Conner's wolf growling.

  "Slow down, love, slow down."

  Pippen hmphed and kissed him again, softly for one second before revving back up again and reaching for any part of Conner's shirt that he could.

  "Please Conner, I need it now," Pippen whined.

  Conner had just enough control to know when something else was more important. "Or else what, Pippen? You need it now because you want me? Or because something is going to happen?"

  Pippen froze in his act of thrusting. He wiggled so that his feet were on the ground. Conner refused to let go of his bottom though.

  "Why do you think something is going to happen?" Pippen asked without looking at him. "I could just want you."

  "True," Conner nodded, "Or you could be planning something. Are you? Planning something?"

  "You are very suspicious," Pippen replied.

  "That isn't a no, love."

  "I should get back. The party is starting in an hour and the hors d'oeuvres aren't even ready." Pippen pulled away.

  Conner grabbed his wrist, bringing him back to him. He kept hold of Pippen and then ripped his own shirt up and over his head. Pippen was sure to be able to see in the dark supply closet, but he raised Pippen's hand to his chest and let his hand fall flat against the skin there. Pippen's fingertips automatically began to move, feeling the raised edges and puckered lines that covered Conner's chest from clavicle to navel.

  "I wasn't just an exiled alpha, I was pack master of my old pack in Chicago. My mother, father and brothers came with me from Manchester to Chicago so I could lead that pack. But when I wanted to change the path our pack was taking, they didn't want my leadership. But they didn't just let me go. Every pack member, people I had grown up with, my own mother, my wife and I thought mate, all lined up with knives in their hands. I got a cut from each one. Blood was my payment out of the pack. I left alone and scarred."

  "Why are you telling me this?" Pippen asked, pain in his voice.

  "So that you know I trust you. No one else in this pack knows that about me. No one but my old pack knows what happened. I don't take my shirt off around other people because it would invite questions. But I trust you not to tell that secret to the wrong people and you can trust me, Pippen. If you are planning something, you can let me know. I'll help you."

  Pippen softened, his body molding against Conner's fitting in all the right places. "Thank you for telling me," Pippen said, raising himself to his tiptoes to kiss Conner on his chest and then chastely on the lips. "Your secret is safe with me, but I do have to help them. No one here knows how to properly blanch spinach and if I don't get in there, it will be a soggy mess."

  Conner hid his disappointment and slid his shirt back on. "Okay, good luck. I'll be watching if you need help."

  "Maybe you should stop watching and help Sorell and Felix set up the bar area. Neither of them has much experience."

  "Yeah, sure thing."

  Conner did not go to the bar area. Instead, he went behind the bar storage to the small room where apparently, they kept their prisoners. He opened the door without tur
ning any lights on and shut it quickly behind himself.

  "Oh, you," Silas said in the dark. "I was hoping it would be Pips."

  "It isn't," Conner said simply, without anger. "Your pack mates should be here today to take you back. Does that make you happy?"

  "Not really."

  "Why not?"

  "Pippen hasn't agreed to come back with me yet."

  Conner held his growl in, barely. His months of holding in his alpha characteristics were the only thing keeping him calm. "Have you asked him?"

  Silas chuckled. "Plenty of times. He'll say yes, eventually. Pippen doesn't belong here. He's been playing house for long enough. I'm sure you've noticed a change in him, or else you wouldn't be sneaking in here trying to get information from me."

  "How do you know I'm not here to say goodbye?"

  "Because you didn't turn on the light. That tells me, you feel guilty about being here and what else could make you come in here despite how awful it makes you feel except for Pippen acting strangely?"

  Conner didn't answer. Any rebuttal would sound false on his lips and any agreement was a betrayal to his wolf.

  "How about I make you a bet?" Silas asked into the darkness.

  Conner finished washing his hands and grabbed a tray of hors d'oeuvres. He mingled among the downtown pack, offering a steak bite to anyone who passed him. Soon, his tray was empty and he looked around for Pippen again. Pippen had changed from his kitchen get-up to something a little more fitting for a party. Conner admired the way it hugged his lean muscles. But Pippen didn't look like he was enjoying the party much. He stood against the wall, eyeballing the trays of food and then staring at the people as they accepted food and ate it. Each time someone new took a bite, he leaned forward a little as if worried about each person's reaction. Of course, he would be. This was the first thing Pippen had ever been good at that wasn't violence, he would want to doubt that he had actual skill at every turn. How could his sweet shifter, who was so capable and skillful, be so insecure?

  "Empty in seconds," he said to Pippen once he was close enough. He held out his tray for inspection. "People were sad to see my empty tray, they definitely want more."

  "Well, it's hard to mess up steak," Pippen dismissed his compliment.

  "It isn't hard. I do it at least once a year, barbecue season is my worst time."

  Pippen almost smiled.

  "Really, love, you did an amazing job. You'll see. In an hour or so this room will be quiet with people patting their full bellies and complimenting you on your good cooking." Conner grabbed his hand, glad that Pippen allowed him to hold it.

  "Do you ever miss being pack master?" Pippen asked just loud enough for Conner to hear. "Do you ever miss your old life, the person you used to be?"

  Conner felt like his answer was more important than even he realized, but he had to be honest. "Sometimes I do. But then I look at everything I have now, everything I wouldn't have if I stayed. And it helps."

  "Yeah," Pippen said doubtfully. "But sometimes, it isn't enough, is it?"

  Chapter Nine

  Pippen slipped out of the main room. The dessert had just gone out and despite his instincts, Pippen had stayed to see if everyone enjoyed it. He had taken a gamble on pairing espresso mousse with a lemon zest whipped topping but it had paid off in all the sounds of approval in the large room.

  Now he had even less time for what needed to be done. Pippen tiptoed down the hallway, sticking to the shadows. There was no one there, of course, they were all behind him, getting to know each other and enjoying the food he'd helped the pack prepare.

  Pippen slipped into the dark storage room and shut the door behind him. He didn't bother turning on the light. His back hit the door as it latched closed and his legs became weak. He slid down so that he sat on the floor against the door.

  "I was wondering when you'd make it down here," Silas said to him through the darkness.

  "Fuck off, Silas," Pippen replied, angry with Silas but angrier with himself.

  "Why all the vitriol, Pips? I didn't make you come down here. I didn't force you to turn your back on your pack to come to me. That is what you're doing isn't it? You're choosing me."

  "No," Pippen said with more force than he'd intended. "I'm not choosing you, Silas. You're just a sad side effect to my choice."

  "Which choice is that, lover? You are going to have to lay it out. We're thick down in the backwoods of Mississippi," Silas said, adopting a thick southern accent that really didn't suit him or anyone who was from Mississippi.

  "They really loved it, Silas. Just like Conner said they would. They loved my food. Did you know I could cook?" Pippen didn't have to wonder at why his voice sounded so sad. It was how he felt.

  He heard Silas shifting around. Pippen knew he had been handcuffed to some piping and left with a Styrofoam water dish and some food. There was an odd smell, peppermint and ginger. Pippen wondered what Felix had given him to eat that would smell so strongly. "I didn't know you could cook, Pips, but I do know you can kill. Have you forgotten that?"

  "No one forgets that."

  "And no one who has come across you would forget the experience either. Do you know, Pippen, the first moment that I knew that I loved you?" Silas asked.

  Pippen scoffed at his use of the word love. That hadn't been what they had, but he guessed it was the closest normal-person emotion to which he could relate it.

  "I caught the tail-end of the argument. Some guy had looked at you wrong. Had just looked at you wrong, and you beat his face so badly he probably had a hard time recognizing himself. His girlfriend was sitting on the cement the whole time, bawling." Silas spoke like he was relating the tales of some legendary figure.

  Pippen remembered that time. What Silas had missed about that altercation was how he'd caught the guy beating on his girlfriend a few seconds before and that she had been crying out of joy. She'd thanked him so many times before the police showed up with an ambulance to take the bastard away. Silas wouldn't have seen any of that, though. He'd see whatever confirmed his preconceived notions of Pippen. Maybe, in his own way, Silas did love him, as much as he did anything. But it was only because Silas didn't really know him.

  "I don't love you, Silas. You know that, right? You may have won, I may be returning to Mississippi with you, but it isn't because of any affection I hold for you. The opposite. I love my pack. I love Conner. But I know me. I know I'll screw up and lash out at some point and no amount of transparency will save the damage I will eventually do to our pack's image. That is the only reason."

  There was a long moment of silence that followed his words. Too long. Pippen squinted through into the darkness.

  "Fuck, Pippen, why did I ever bother coming back; you can't even win me twenty bucks," Silas said finally.

  "What?" Pippen asked but then he was momentarily blinding him in a bright white light. As Pippen's eyes adjusted he saw Silas sitting with his legs crossed under him, an annoyed look on his face. Pippen turned to where the light switch was and lost the ability to breathe. Conner was there, the peppermint and ginger scents had masked his scent. His stormy expression darkened his face. There was no permanent smile, no dimples. He looked so unlike himself, absolutely furious.

  "You can have the twenty bucks, Silas," he said without ever taking his lightning-filled eyes off Pippen.

  "No way, the bet was that I got him to admit he was coming back with me because we belonged together," Silas scoffed. "That didn't happen."

  Pippen stood and reached for the door handle.

  "Don't," Conner said under his breath.

  "On second thought," Silas said with glee, "Maybe I have won after all. Have a great argument you two."

  There was a sharp knock at the door. "Conner? The pack mates are here to take Silas home," Felix called through.

  How many people had known he would be in here? Pippen wondered. Everyone but him, apparently. Conner stepped toward him, holding him at the elbow, and he maneuvered them to the side so he co
uld open the door. Felix stood with two shifters behind him. Jeb and Jim, from the Mississippi pack.

  "Hey, Pippen," they said in unison.

  "Hey," Pippen muttered. Behind him, Silas laughed. Pippen kept his head down. He knew he should be furious with Conner for planning something behind his back, but wouldn't that be the rat calling the weasel sneaky. Then there was the fact that he'd basically said "I love you" for the first time without knowing he was saying it.

  "Felix, I'm gonna take Pippen home. Can you make sure they just put everything back in the walk-in cooler? Pippen and I will be back tomorrow to clean."

  Felix looked between them but with Jeb and Jim behind him, he wasn't about to ask questions. "Sure. See you tomorrow. Do you want to say goodbye to—"

  "No," Pippen and Conner said at the same time.

  Conner held his elbow using it almost like a boat rudder the whole way out of the bar. They said their normal goodbyes and by the time they were on the street, walking back to the pack house, no one was the wiser as to what had happened. Or, had almost happened.

  "Conner, I—"

  "No, Pippen. I can't hear your excuses right now," Conner cut him off and quickened his pace. As it was, Pippen had to skip to keep up with him. "We are going to walk home and hopefully the cold air and exercise will calm me enough so that I can explain to you just how ridiculous your plan was. You were going to leave your pack? Leave Frannie? Were you going to say goodbye to anyone?"

  Pippen remained quiet. He'd had no plans for farewells. He knew if they had known, they wouldn't have let him leave. Sorell would have never forgiven him, but the pack would have been safe. Now, it wouldn't be.

  "Forget that. Conner, do you know what you've done? I'm a liability. This pack is on a precipice. It could fall easily and you just made the biggest, wobbly threat stay."

  "Biggest threat? Pippen, are you hearing yourself? You aren't a threat, you are an asset. Your skills just fed an entire room."

  "That's not difficult. A bag of baked potatoes would have fed that room."


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