A Light Beyond The Darkness

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A Light Beyond The Darkness Page 5

by Sherry Gist

  Sherry and Hybrid are worried, but as Hybrid holds his Twilight, they both realize this is what they have been preparing them for their entire lives.

  They are so fast. They arrive at the cave after only a few hours. The cave is an ancient one and the symbols looks to be Roman. They stand in

  front and the symbols start changing so they can read it.

  It reads, "To him who is not the chosen, turn away for inside lies your death. If you are the chosen welcome home."

  Their hands lift up to the symbols and watch as they open the entrance of the cave. They both enter, after entering, a loud thud closes behind them. The entrance has closed. They are trapped. The cave is dark, muggy, moist and damp. There are spider webs everywhere. This place has been closed for a century or more. They walk forward. Suddenly, the cave lights up . They can see markings all over the walls. They walk what seems like an eternity when up ahead, they see a bright glowing light. They walk until they reach a small bridge that crosses a river of lava.

  On the bridge it reads," Turn back if you aren't chosen for your death awaits."

  With a laugh, Adam and Maggie levitate and they fly over the lake of fire until a stone golem appears before them. He stands in their way and

  looks them over. Adam jumps in front of his sister and speaks, "Stone one, we are the children of legend. We have come for our destinies and our rightful

  birthrights."After a few minutes, the golem stands aside. They are allowed to walk past.

  "This is so easy."Maggie laughs as they enter to the second stage of the cave. After entering, there is a weird sound. They are now confronted by a large lion. They both transform into their golden forms and prepare for a battle. The lion looks at the two and asks, "What is your reason to fight?"

  Puzzled and confused, they look at each other, Maggie answers, "To protect and bring peace."

  The lion angrily growls, “No! Two more tries." The next to try is Adam," We fight for the realm."

  The lion growls again," No! If the answer is

  incorrect again, you will stay here with me forever!"

  Fear grips Maggie’s heart. She thinks that she may never see Absalon again. She runs to the lion

  who raises up in anger. She lays at his feet, "It's all we know how to do!" She says with tears in her eyes and a great fear filling her. The lion smiles and says, " You may enter. Remember to follow your hearts."The final stage is much more sinister and dark. It's nearly black and only light by a small light from the ceiling. As they reach the final door,

  they hold hands and enter. On the door is another symbol that reads, "Enter if you are chosen."

  As they enter, the entire room is engulfed with light! A giant golden dragon swoops down with two boxes. One black and the other golden.

  " You have made it young ones." He tells them, "You must save your world. The darkness is growing. The boxes will only open if your worthy." He tells them.

  Adam reaches for the black box of death. He smiles as he touches the box, but it will not open.

  Maggie tries, but fails to open the box of light.

  "What is this crap?" She screams, "We are the chosen ones, but the boxes won't open."

  The dragon hisses and moves away from them.

  "Wait a minute, Adam! Try this box and I'll try that one."

  As he reaches for the box, it opens. Inside is a golden sword, the handle is shaped like a golden dragons mouth; inside is a blade. He picks it up

  and his body begins to glow. He transforms.

  Maggie reaches towards the black box and it also opens. Her sword, like Adams, is shaped like the head of a dragon, but her handle is black. The eyes on the sword are red. As she holds it, she too transforms. The cave shakes and shakes, the dragon tells them to go and to go now to save the realm! As they fly, the cave starts crumbling around them. They move as fast as they can until finally, they reach the entrance, but it won't open. They cut at the opening with the swords, but nothing. They touch their swords together and it opens. They hear the dragon’s voice in the distance, "The only way to kill the beast is together."

  Chapter 7

  They arrive back at their home where Mags has stood all this time waiting on them. Their swords are sheathed and across their backs.

  "Here they are!" Mags gladly yells.

  Their parents came running outside, "You

  made it!"

  They gladly say, "Yes, we made it and look." They both unsheathe their swords and transform instantly.

  Thunder rolls and the sky turns dark.

  Hybrid and Sherry look on at their children as their power grows. They sheath the swords

  and transform back. The sun once again shined.

  "We must teach you to use them." Mags says, "And quickly because the beast has taken Danielle and Renee. "

  "We must save them." Maggie says.

  From the cave comes Absalon.

  " What? What are you doing here? " She asks.

  "Your parents. They told me I could wait here on you. They also told me who you are and..."

  " And what?" She says shamefully.

  "And I love you." He says.

  They hold hands smiling.

  Hybrid pushes Absalon away and sternly warns him, "This is not the time. We must prepare for war."

  Days have passed and they have decided a time when they will battle Apocalypse and kill him. Maggie and Absalon go for what

  maybe their last walk. Along the passage, there's a scent of blood. Maggie gets excited and runs towards it holding Absalons hand and pulling him

  along. They see it. A deer has been shot by a hunter and lays dying.

  Maggie transforms and is prepared to eat it when Absalon pleads, "Please don't." He then

  kneels near the gentle creature and places the deers head in his lap while rubbing his head, the deer dies. Absalon sheds a tear and closes his


  Maggie looks on in wonder. Absalon tells her, "Every creature, whether strong or weak, has a purpose, a reason to live."

  Maggie now in her normal form again, holds him and as they walk back to the cave, she says her goodbyes.

  The day arrives, Maggie and Adam are ready. They have prepared diligently for this day. Sherry and Hybrid ready themselves too as the four of them leave, Mags waves goodbye from the cave. Happy Dragon circles then flies off with them for perhaps the last time.

  The scent of brimstone and ashes fill the air. As they arrive at a black mountain they see that upon the mountain top sits Apocalypse.

  He begins to laugh, "You have come like lambs to the slaughter and for this I thank you."

  Adam rushes towards him, transforms

  and draws the sword out. He is followed by Maggie and Hybrid. They are swatted like flies. Sherry jumps in and is slammed hard to the ground. He

  then holds his hand up and Happy Dragon is pinned to the ground unable to move.

  Apocalypse slowly moves in and out towards Adam, but he lunges and hits him with the sword. Only to be slapped down again and laughed at.

  "Ouch! Your toothpick hurt." He says.

  Maggie snuck up behind him, stabbed him in the back, but he slammed her to the ground. He kicked Hybrid in the leg causing him to fall and then he stomps on both of Sherry’s arms, trying to break them.

  She manages to stand up and punch him hard. The dragon shakes his head in disbelief

  because no one actually hurt him before.

  Hybrid jumps on his back and sinks

  his teeth into him. He yells in pain. He's hurt. Sensing the pain hes in, all of them pounce. Hitting him with everything they got until he finally

  shakes them off. Still it wasn't enough to bring him down.

  Adam barely able to stand, again holds his sword true and again attacks. His efforts have no effect. Laughing at the boy, Apocalypse holds

  Renee high in the air and snaps her back in half, killing her.

  " Yield." He tells Adam.

  Adam holds his sword in the air
, summoning all the power he has left. The thunder rolls and he begins glowing.

  The dragon grabs Danielle, "Yield." He growls.

  Maggie attacks again from behind, but this

  time, he grabs her by the throat.

  ' This isn't working.' Adam thinks, " We have

  the swords. We stabbed him. Why isn't it working? What are we doing wrong?'

  He holds Maggie by the throat and growls, "Yield or your sister dies."

  Adam lowers his sword and drops to his knees. All is lost. As Apocalypse begins to laugh. Then, " Stop!" Rings from the distance. It's Absalon, "Put her down." He commands.

  "Run! Run! Ba..ba..baby!" Maggie says.

  She is being strangled to death. Apocalypse smiles and laughs, " Sooo you've returned?"

  "Returned?" Adam says, " You knew?! You were with him all along!"

  Adam punches Absalon with all of his might and it has no effect. His eyes are still on Apocalypse As Apocalypse drops Maggie, Absalon catches her before she hits the ground.

  'How? How is he so fast?'Adam says,' He's faster than me.'

  Absalon holds his love in his arms, "It'll be better." He says as he wraps his arms around himself and glows bright. He transforms into a

  white dragon. He looks just like Apocalypse, but white and pure, his eyes blue, and his talons gold.Maggie looks at him and said, "How? Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I tried so many times." He says sadly, "Apocalypse is the bringer of death. I'm the

  bringer of life. We are part of the same being like ying and yang. When his job is finished, I'll bring prosperity then after prosperity, he comes to

  destroy it all again, but it must stop!"

  Apocalypse laughs, "You could never

  stop me. We are the same. Hahahahaha!"

  As Absalon picks up Adams sword, he tells him to stab him.

  "No!" Maggie screams, but it is to late.

  Adam stabs Absalon in the head.

  As he slumps over so does Apocalypse.

  Maggie runs to her love with tears flowing, "No no no! No, baby!" She holds him in her arms as his breathing slows to a crawl.

  "It isn't...over... You must stab him with your sword in the same place."

  " I can't! I just can't!" Maggie sobs, "I love you! I can't. I can't lose you!"

  "This isn't about you," He says with a cough, "It's about your job as protector of the realm."

  " I won't live if you must die!" She screams.

  Her mother and father stand by her side, wounded, and tears falling.

  They watch Maggie pick up the sword and drag it towards the dying Apocalypse.

  " You... you can't kill me." He says, "If I die then so does he." Pointing at Absalon.

  Swoooooop! His head goes flying and

  Absalon takes his last breath.

  With her soul breaking, she collapses.

  Tears fall from Adams eyes as he looks at the boy, the loner, the nobody who no one knew would save the realm.

  Happy Dragon raises up finally, growling and snickering. He sees Maggie completely losing it. Happy Dragon runs to her. He rubs up against

  her, but he can't comfort her broken heart. He cannot take it.

  He runs towards the fallen Absalon and he starts spraying flames into the air. They engulf him. He cries in pain, but continues.

  " Wh....what are you doing?" Adam

  cries, "No! Happy Dragon!"

  Finally, he falls and his ashes scatter all

  through the air.

  Adam falls to his knees, "Why? Why!"

  Holding Adam, his father tries to comfort him. Maggie is being held by Twilight. Their hearts are cut so deep.

  Suddenly, a small cough, another and another.

  "Absalon!" Maggie screams.

  As he sits up in his regular form, he notices that he's covered in ashes. He turns his

  face towards Maggie.

  "But how?" Absalon asks.

  Tears flowing as she grabs him and they kiss.

  Hybrid places his hand on his shoulder as Adam stands angrily, " He traded his life for yours."

  " What do you mean?" Maggie asks.

  " Happy Dragon saved him for u."

  Maggie falls to her knees in disbelief. Her best friend sacrificed himself so she could be happy.

  As they stand around the dragons ashes and say their goodbyes, and tears are shed by all.

  Meanwhile, at the cave, Mags is in pain, she screams at the top of her lungs. She screams and screams until silence.

  The sound of a baby fills the air.

  The End.

  When The Dust Finally Settles

  (book 4)


  A few days have passed since Mags has given birth to twins. One boy with black hair and green eyes and a boy with blue eyes and blonde hair.

  She names the blonde boy, Alexander, after the great conqueror and the black haired one, Apollo, after the God of the Sun.

  They are spoiled by the hybrid clan and loved. Mags is enjoying her time with the family.

  The twins are learning their powers quite well. Apollo can hover and Alexander has super speed. He ran into the wall and cried for hours.

  Chapter 1

  Mags sits in the corner, watching her boys play. Her mind racing about the time she spent with Damien in that dungeon and the good that came from it.

  "Hey Mags." Twilight says, "I wonder how the boys got their powers?"

  " Hmm." She never thought about that. He was human when the boys were conceived.

  "Easy Twilight." Hybrid says, " Bodies can change, but not DNA. His blood flows thru their veins so they are half vampire and half human."

  " Oh no!" Mags says.

  " What?" Twilight asks.

  " There were more girls there with me. That means there's more kids just like mine somewhere."

  A cold chill swept over them and Twilight goes to say something when Adam runs in.

  " Hey! How are you little guys?"

  They giggle with excitement.

  "Hey Mags. Hey Mom." He says before quickly leaving the room.

  Twilight goes to open her mouth again only to be interrupted again this time by Maggie.

  " Hey Mom! Sooo.... I may have a question for you."

  " What is it Maggie?" Twilight asks.

  "If Absalon asked me to marry him and I accepted, do you think Dad will kill us?"

  " Hmmm." Mags laughs.

  "Yep." Twilight says, " Did he ask?"

  "Nope. Not at all. " Maggie says as she exits the room quickly.

  "So my little girl is engaged Mags." Twilight says with a smirk.

  "Maybe until Hybrid finds out." Mags laughs, "You know when he finds out, Absalon's dead right?"

  " Baw!" Twilight responds, " Not dead. Maybe a broken leg or so." They laughed.

  An hour passes and Hybrid comes in. A dead silence falls in the room and he wonders what they are talking about.

  BOOM! and then crying.

  " Oh no!" Mags says, "Little Alexander has ran headfirst into the wall again and where on earth is Apollo?"

  "Oh, crap!" Twilight screams as he floats high in the air. Twilight is motioning to him when he starts free falling!

  Quickly, Twilight jumps off the wall and catches him, "These kids are going to be the death of us." Twilight tells Mags, who is holding little Alex while she rubs his head. It has already started to knot. Absalon comes to the cave, knocks on the cave and calls out, " Hello!" As he enters the cave. "Hey Absalon." Twilight calls.

  "Hey, uuuum....have you seen Hybrid?" He asks, "There's something I would like to talk to him about."

  Mags laughs, "Sooo you need to talk to Hybrid? OK... Well I saw him stretch and transform as he left this morning.

  A giant gulp of his throat and he says, "I think I'll just wait."

  Maggie hears her love in the room and enters smiling. She goes to kiss him, but Twilight pushes him away, "Respect my home."

  "Gosh Mom!"

  " I'm so sorr
y." He says.

  "Well, you’re lucky your Dad didn't see that. Maybe your face would still be there maybe it won't."

  Crying fills the cave. Mags slowly rises to get the kid Maggie is holding.

  " I've got them Mags." She says. She returns shortly with the two boys. One on each side of her. They play with her hair.

  Then Alexander says, "Down!Down!"

  "Uuum...Mags? Did he just talk?"

  " I think so." Mags says in disbelief.

  When Apollo grabs at Maggie's hair and says, "Pretty girl."

  Maggie drops both babies on their bottoms and they began to cry.

  "Mom, what's going on? These kids aren't even 6 months yet."

  "Their growing just like you and Adam." Twilight says.

  Adam and Hybrid arrived to a cave full of speechless women wearing expressions of disbelief. Adam and Hybrid try to make sense of the situation.

  "Well," Adam says proudly, " I know why they can speak. " He says, "They're smart. Duh!"

  Only to be slugged in the arm by Hybrid, "Shut up son. This is serious."

  "Ouch! Old man that hurt! You wanna spar with me?"

  Hybrid growls with excitement as Adam growls back.

  Maggie then growls.

  Twilight yells," Stop it all of you! This is not the time for a game!" Hybrid grabs her face and kisses it passionately. The kiss makes her forget everything she was saying and give into her animal side. She transforms as his tongue caresses hers, but a loud, " Ewwwww! Get a room!" Loudly travels thru the cave followed by a disgusted look from their children.

  "Just wait until tonight." Hybrid whispers in her ear.

  Mags gives her the look.

  " Well, Hybrid I promised that I would stay up with Mags tonight."

  A sad look comes across his face. Then he's punched in the back by his son, " Ouch! You little..."

  "Let's go old man if you can catch us!" They both transform and leave the cave. He transforms and runs after them happily.

  Mags eyes fill with tears for a second, Twilight notices, " What's wrong Mags?"She asked sincerely.

  "I'll never..."

  " Never what?" Twilight asks.

  " Never mind."

  " Never mind? What Mags? Tell me."


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