A Light Beyond The Darkness

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A Light Beyond The Darkness Page 9

by Sherry Gist

  "They will never be yours." She said fiercely.

  He laughed, "Your son left. He cares not for you. Your daughter is a mess. She has no faith in herself any more. Mags feels nothing. She's an emotionless creature now. Apollo well....he's down right heartless. Then there is your beloved Hybrid. He's a killer. Nothing satisfies him now. He's mine now."

  "No!" She screamed, "Leave my family alone!"

  Again, he laughed. She attacked. She was fierce. She fought with everything in her. She fought with all the emotion she had.

  He was amazed. She fought like a true warrior. He saw that every blow she landed made him step back. She hit hard and true. She never missed a hit. She barely seemed to feel the ones he landed.

  Again, he let go. His heart hurt, tears streamed down his face, and a fierce pride swelled his chest. His Mom fought for them even in the trapped world that kept her from them.

  His family needed her! It was time to head home. Time to bring Mom home and destroy the evil that kept her trapped.

  He grabbed the egg, hopped down from the alter, and headed for the entrance. The aura around the room lead him to the exit of the cave. As he left, he heard a mighty rumble and saw the cave collapse in on itself. Her essence was gone as if it no longer existed.

  Taking a deep breath, he pulled the egg in close and raced off towards home. His speed was faster than usual and he found he liked it very much. His thoughts drifted to home. He worried for his dad who now seemed out of control, his sister who was unsure of herself, his aunt who has lost her love for life, and his nephew who was a merciful creature.

  They had to have Mom! First, he needed to make peace with himself and quickly or he couldn't help his mom.

  Chapter 8

  Hybrid, meanwhile, has found another person alone and attacks! He holds her body and then he ravished the woman in his arms. Her blood was smeared all over him. It's not enough! His mind kept screaming. A part of him was disgusted and another was laughing with glee. He couldn't control himself. He knew he was doing terrible things and couldn't stop. It was consuming him. He needed Twilight! Gosh, he missed her!

  The thought of his wife tore at his heart. He released the woman. She was dead. He had killed again! Twilight! His heart cried out for her. He was dying and the animal within was taking control. Meanwhile, Adam came upon a group of vampires. They were laughing amongst themselves. He hid so he could hear what they were saying.

  "Yes, well, the great Hybrid has fallen!" One said with glee.

  "What you mean?" Asked another.

  "He's lost control. He don't have that small Amazon to keep him calm. His family will be easy picking soon."

  Another laughed before saying, "I can't wait to get a crack at that daughter of his or that other Amazon."

  "Yes and this time, we will kill those brats. " The first one said.

  Anger like no other filled him, but a voice filled his head, "You must remain calm. The egg will turn bad if your full of rage. Keep moving. Save your Mom so that peace can reign."

  He nodded. That's right. He calmed himself and felt the egg cool in his arms. He hadn't realized that it had heated. He raced off again towards home. He made a stop at the place where Happy Dragon died. Dropped to one knee and cried for the friend he lost. He hadn't done that and had held the sorrow in for way too long. With each tear shed, his heart eased and he felt light.

  When all the tears were shed and he had nothing left, he climbed to his feet cradling the egg. Taking a deep breath, he turned toward the volcano. He needed Mom to bring Dad back. Then the rest will follow.

  He stood at the top of the volcano when the dark evil appeared next to him.

  "No matter what you do, you won't save her. She's lost to you and yours as is your dad. You can't win. Give it up."

  "I will not give up. You will lose. " Adam said.

  He laughed, "Your stupid. That dang egg of yours is nothing. It's empty. "

  Adam smiled, "You keep believing that. "

  Then before he could change his mind, he leaped into the volcano. The egg held tightly to his chest. As he fell, the egg began to glow a mysterious blue. Suddenly, the light was so bright, he had to close his eyes against it.

  An itch began in the middle of his shoulder blades and then as he flexed them, dragon wings appeared. As they spread, they caught fire and jerked him towards the top of the volcano. When he cleared the top, his arms were empty.

  "No!" He cried. He looked frantically for the egg. For any sign of it. He was flying above the volcano. His body had changed.

  He was white all over, flaming blue wings extended from his back, and a fire from his breath when he threw his head back and screamed his frustration.

  Then with tears falling, he lowered his head. When he opened his eyes, there she stood. His Mom! She smiled brilliantly up at him before turning toward the darkness.

  He heard her say as he approached, "You have lost! My son has brought the egg to life! Your reign is over! Be gone from here! "

  The darkness shrieked then rushed at her. . Adam was horrified. He was going to lose her again. He threw out a hand and a blue lighted flame engulfed her. The darkness shrank away and vanished. The lighted flame disappeared and his Mom still stood unharmed. "Mom." He whispered. She turned to him, "Adam my son! I'm so proud!" He threw his arms around her and hugged her close to him. He inhaled her scent of lavender and in an instant calm settled over him. He was in human form once more. Hugging her. " I thought to never see you again! "He cried. Tears streaming down his face. Smoothing a hand down his back, she whispered, "You have done good. I'm so very proud of you." "Mom. Mom. Mom." He kept repeating. She smiled. Her heart a lil lighter. Adam pulled away," The egg. It vanished."

  "No, Adam. It bonded to you. You are the egg. You needed to find yourself and you did. The ancient female dragon prepared you to receive your gift. Once you leaped, the egg bonded with you to transcend your hybrid form. You are now half hybrid /dragon. You were always meant for peace. You just needed to see it."

  He nodded, "What about dad and the others?"

  "I have to do that , but I need your help."

  "Anything Mom. Where do we start?"


  He nodded.

  They made it home and found Apollo outside again watching an animal suffer.

  "You going to watch him suffer or are you going to man up and release him?" She asked Apollo sharply.

  His head snapped around. He stared at her a moment before his blank stare cleared and tears filled his eyes.


  Holding her arms out wide, she embraced him as he ran into her arms and cried while clinging to her.

  She whispered to him, comforted him, and calmed him. When he settled, she released him and he released the animal and healed it.

  "Mags and Maggie next."

  She went into the house, and when they saw her and dropped to their knees.

  "Sherry. Mom." Said in unison.

  "I'm home. I'm sorry I left. I had no choice. I needed Apollo to live for you Mags. Forgive me. Please. Maggie, you have always been strong. You lacked faith in yourself that you needed to find. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you do that before hand. Please my girl forgive me."

  "Yes!" Again in unison They hugged her and power pulsed through the air. It was love returning.

  "Now Hybrid. "She turned towards Adam, " You must remain here. Keep everyone here."

  "But Mom, Dad's dangerous!"

  Touching his cheek, she said, “No. He's lost. Promise me you will keep everyone here no matter what you hear. Promise Adam."

  He nodded, "I promise, Mom."

  "Good. "Then she was gone.

  She looked for him with her heart. He was holding a man when she found him. He was getting ready to feed on him.

  "Hybrid! !!" She screamed.

  His head whipped in her direction. His eyes were almost void of emotion, his face contorted in anger, and the animal within almost freed.

  "Release him at o

  The creature before her smiled, "Gladly. You look like a better idea anyway."

  In a flash, he stood before her. He grabbed her, turned her around, bent her head to the side n sank his teeth in. Her blood filled his mouth. Memory after memory flooded him. The memory of her as a child, her as an amazing Amazon warrior, her changing, her love, the day his daughter was born, another birth, his son, and finally the loss of her! He jerked away.

  She stumbled but turned. Blood flowed from her neck. She was pale. It was her! It was his love! His wife! His Twilight!

  "Twilight! " He cried. He pulled her close, licked her wound to seal it and hugged her until she laughed. He felt her arms go around him, felt her lips touch his temple, her body rub his as she moved closer.

  His demons screamed because now they were shoved away and locked back up. His world was home! His love, his wife, his heart, his entire world, his Twilight! Home. He was home!

  Hybrid and twilights love is a story of pure epicenes from the pain and heartbreak to the strength they shared together. There love had finally come full circle, love found love lost and love found again...as they stood there embracing a pain in sherry’s stomach hits! The baby! She cried in pain...as she is rushed back to the cave which they share a silence feels the air then the sound of a crying child...

  After the Storm

  (book 6)

  Chapter 1

  The cries fill the cave with a newborn cry. Twilight cuddles and holds this beautiful child and she's human. Her hair long and red and beautiful hazel eyes. Adam and Maggie look over and smile at their new little sister. Hybrid hovers looking over his new offspring. A cough and then coo. A giggle, a laugh and smile is had by all when Mags enters smiling at her sister.

  "You and Hybrid may as well just start your own little pack." She laughs, "You two have quite the family."

  Hybrid embraces his love close to his chest, but she pulls away from him. He looks into her eyes and sees the disappointment. She grabs his hand and assures him that she loves him, but he smells of innocent blood that he has shed.

  Suddenly, a strong storm arrived. The rain is heavy and hard, thunder rolls so loud it shakes their cave, and lightning streaks and nearly touches the ground. Hybrid walks to the front of the cave. The storm is a manifestation of his tortured feelings. He sits there and watches as he nearly feels his soul pulled from his body. His Twilight is back and for that he's thankful, but the things that he has done, the feelings he felt, they are still there.

  On the outside, all is well with the clan. Hybrid and Twilight begin there life new. Maggie and Absalon's baby is growing. Adam has begun to open up again, but all is not what it seems on the outside. Twilight is there, but something seems a bit off with her. She still smiles and talks with Mags, but her and Hybrid's bond and closeness seems strained.

  What did she find or discover beyond the grave? The dark one whispering in her ear constantly and telling her it will happen again and she will never be happy perhaps.

  "Twilight!" Hybrid calls," Mags and the twins are here." Twilight, carrying the new baby, comes to the table to find a cake and joyous faces. They all clap. It's a welcome home party just for her. She smiles and goes along with it all. Her heart is so far from it. 'Why couldn't she feel? Why couldn't she feel the happiness she once felt?'

  Hybrid brushes up against her, "Baby, are you alright?"

  "Yes. Just tired Hybrid."

  Maggie and Adam both hug her, kissing her face and telling her how much they missed her.

  Adams sword begins glowing on the mantle. He rushes to it, grabs it, and looking in all directions. It turns towards Twilight. He walks slowly towards his mother and as the light hits her eyes, they notice that they are hollow. Her body and conscience is there, but her soul must still be trapped.

  Mags hugs her around the neck and Hybrid falls to his knees.

  ' How didn't he know something was wrong?'

  Adam and Maggie are both trying to figure out which way to go when Hybrid stands and hits the table hard, "It's Hades. He has her soul and we must rescue her. Until she is complete again, she can never truly be happy."

  Absalon shakes his head, " No. You can't get her soul back by force. Only Twilight can get her soul back. This is a journey she must make and must be found worthy. If not found worthy, her soul will be forever in his care."

  Hybrid's anger is spiked as he rushes towards, Absalon and slams him into the wall by his throat.

  "No!"Maggie screams out, " Dad, let him go." Maggie’s baby begins to cry.

  Hybrid's control is slowly slipping away. Adam grabs his shoulder as Twilight stands, "Hybrid, stop." She says as tears fall down her heartbroken cheeks.

  Seeing this, Hybrid snaps and begins to cry.

  Mags realizes that Hybrid, Adam nor Maggie can enter, but maybe she can.

  "Absalon," Mags says, " I will accompany Sherry."

  Absalon nods, but warns that if something should happen, she would be trapped there forever.

  Chapter 2

  Days pass as Absalon teaches them what they must face. Hybrids soul is tortured remembering what it was like to have her back and now lose her all over again. His once clean shaven face is now covered with stubble, his once tender eyes now sad and lonely. Twilight holds his hand and he hers, but knowing that her soul isn't there makes them not feel like them.

  "The baby!" Hybrid says, " What will we name her? " They both look at each other and can't quite figure it out.

  "Aurora." Twilight says calmly.

  " Wow, mom. That's awesome. " Adam and Maggie say with excitement.

  Hybrid slowly grins and looks at his daughter, " I will love you for all time Twilight and no matter where this path takes us, no matter if we never see each other again or get to hold each other, know that my soul is forever yours and until you are happy again and whole, neither will I be. " His tender words fill the room. Adam, Maggie, Absalon and Mags all cry.

  This is love. This is true love and it will last forever and only a few will ever know it. Hybrid picks up Ellie(Maggie's daughter) and plays with her and Aurora. Apollo and Alexander both sit on the floor playing with Adam.

  Ellie is so beautiful with her long flowing black hair and emerald green eyes. Her beautiful wings stay hidden under her clothes until she is excited then they stretch out far and wide. As she laughs she begins hovering, a wonderful time is had by all except Twilight and Mags.

  They are in Amazon mode. They know the great task that is set before them and that it may be their last. They are given the map from Absalon, who has kept it for so many years. This map shows them other location to the entrance of the underworld.

  The night has finally arrived. They must leave. The entrance to the underworld is only able to be accessed at dawn. It is in a cold climate man calls Iceland. The two amazons look at their families that they have gained and reminisce over battles they fought together and overcame.

  Twilight has her husband, Hybrid, her grandchild, Ellie, her children, Adam, Maggie, and Aurora. She also had Absalon.

  Mags has her two boys, Alexander and Apollo. She doesn't know how to control them because they are so powerful, but she wouldn't change it for the world.

  As Hybrid draws close to Twilight, they look into each others eyes. The moon glistens in her eyes as he touches the side of her face. His face gently comes close to hers as she gets on her tiptoes and their lips touch. Her arms wrap around his broad shoulders and they are for a moment engulfed in the love they feel for each other. Her soul may not be in this vessel, but it will always belong to Hybrid. The kids and family all hug and say their goodbyes. They walk away slowly to a land unseen, a goal nearly impossible, and leaving a love that only those that felt alone could ever truly understand. They walk and walk, laughing and talking about when they were girls when a fox jumps in front of them growling.

  Laughing Mags slaps it with her stick. It gets up and lunges at Twilight who grabs it with one hand and breaks its neck.

  " Sh
owoff!" Mags laughs, but the cold in Twilight's eyes tells her that her friend isn't quite there. A tug at her heartstrings nearly brings the Amazon to tears, but she continues on.

  They walk until the wind snaps at them and causes cold shivers. Further north, Mags points at a river. They reach the cold river. Twilight grabs a tree, pushes it over and she does this to another and another.

  Mags begins roping them together to make a raft. The two work together so well. You can tell they have known each other for a long time and have been best friends for a lifetime.

  " Hey Sherry!" Mags cries out, "Hungry for fish?"

  "I'm always hungry for fish. " Sherry responds.

  Mags begins fishing. Twilight looks off into space, daydreaming about her life especially when Hybrid first came into her life. She remembers that kiss that changed everything for them, the fire they shared, the first time they made love and held each other close. This gives her the strength she needs to go on.

  When Mags snaps her out of it, " Hey sis!"

  " Yes? What is it?" Twilight respond.

  "Fish! We got a fish!"

  Sherry uses her claws to cut through the wood for kindling.

  Mags laughs," Those would've came in handy when we were just girls."

  Laughing at each other until Sherry begins to cough. She coughs and coughs violently until blood is in her mouth.

  "Are you ok? Are you?" Mags asks.

  "I'm fine."Sherry responds.

  "No you aren't." A voice from the distance answers. Its Danielle, the queen of the amazons.

  "Our queen," Mags and Sherry say in unison.

  "I'm no longer your queen. I am here as your friend. If you, my two sisters, will face death to save Sherry then so will I."

  The raft is finally sturdy enough for the three Amazons to ride on. They get into the ice cold water. The water is so cold and filled with so much ice. They finally reach the other side. They are all freezing; all except Sherry.

  "Look at her." Danielle says, "So lucky to have that hybrid blood running into her veins. "


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