Fearless Heart (Legend of the King's Guard Book 3)

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Fearless Heart (Legend of the King's Guard Book 3) Page 8

by Kara Griffin

  He pulled her into his embrace. “Would that we were all free to follow our hearts, lass. But I have taken a sworn oath to protect my comrades, the king, Scotland. Piled atop those daunting charges, I have vowed to make amends for those I’ve killed. I am not free, Lillia, to follow my heart no matter how much I long to.”

  She wanted to ease him, but knew not how. One way or another he would be hers. She’d waited too long for his return and now that she’d found him again, she wouldn’t lose him.

  “Ah, so you are saying ye want me. I’m not dreaming this, am I?” She laughed and hoped to lighten their discussion.

  He grinned and set her aside and rose. “Nay, Sweetness, you’re not dreaming.”

  Chapter Seven

  Heath kept silent during the midday meal. He couldn’t cease the vision of Lillia and their passion the previous day. He was caught in a web, one that wouldn’t allow his freedom. If he had his way, he’d take her to his bed and enjoy every minute. She wasn’t making it easy for him to reject her either.

  Lillia deceived him. He was certain of it, but he also was torn and held back his assumptions. When he glanced up, he found himself alone with Brodin. He should take a lesson from his comrade for Brodin never trusted women. His comrade almost murdered his mistress, but in the end stayed his hand. The woman his comrade loved cuckolded him and spoke falsely to the sheriff, her father. If not for Brodin’s clan’s retribution, he would’ve been hung or beheaded for attempting to murder his lover. Brodin rarely spoke of the incident, but Heath suspected his friend’s heart was wounded by the woman and likely never to be mended.

  “You’re quiet. It’s not like you.” Brodin poured more mead into their cups. “We plan to train this night, so be ready. Graeme wants to go over a new fighting stance he’s thought up.”

  “I could use the training to rid my … frustration.” He downed his drink and snatched the cask of mead from him and poured more into his cup. “I want to run something by you.”

  “Aye? Something troubles you. I haven’t seen ye this tense since Liam was captured by the king.” Brodin sat back and waited for him to speak.

  Heath set his cup down and leaned on the table. When Liam was captured by the king, they all despaired. Their comrade was as good as executed and the king called for his beheading. Fortunately Liam was saved. They pledged never to be in such a situation, and swore to always take a partner when on a mission. “I’ve known Lillia all my life, the lass that saved Gilroy.”

  His comrade chortled and gave him a disbelieving glance. “Och say it is not so. No wonder you’re perturbed.”

  He ignored his friend and continued, “When I ran into her at the festival, she was being followed by two men. She says they were suitors out for a wee kiss …”

  “And ye don’t believe her?”

  “Nay and we were catching up by the stream …”

  “Catching up? Is that what you call it?” Brodin laughed. “My apologies, go on.”

  “A man attacked her and I killed him.” Heath realized he’d forgotten to add a string to his boot, and then reconsidered since he’d saved Lillia in the process. “The men that Gilroy spoke of who questioned him … I suspect they might be Comyns.”

  “With what Gilroy told us, they are definitely Comyns. Only the king’s closest guardsmen and the Comyns closest guards were present in the church that day. If they recognized Gilroy then they were there. They’d have to be Comyn’s kin.”

  “If those men are after her then that means—”

  Brodin knocked over his cup when he stood. “That means the lass is the king’s kin. The bairn we’re searching for.”

  “The circumstances of her fleeing her home and the Comyns being there … it’s all too volatile. I’m trying to remember Lillia’s birth for our clans were close and we attended many celebrations and gatherings at the Hunter’s keep. But I was young too, and we’d just allied with them when she was wee.”

  “Perhaps the Hunters protected her all these years and raised her as their own.”

  “It is probable. Friar Hemm said the Guardians of Scotland took the bairn to safety. All the Guardians are now dead. Who else witnessed the queen giving birth? Only those in her bedchamber would’ve been privy to such a secret.”

  Brodin retook his seat. “That’s a good question. One of the Comyn women might have been in court and handmaiden to the queen. It could be anyone, anyone out to see the Bruce unseated. Or it could be one of the Guardian’s kin who knew of the secret and deems her the rightful leader. Does Lillia know who she is?”

  Heath sighed. “She’ll deny it if she does, for she swears the men weren’t after her. Lillia won’t tell me the truth even if I were to wring her bonny neck.”

  “Why not? Have you asked her?”

  “If she is indeed the queen’s bairn, she means to protect herself. I ken what’s running through that cunning mind of hers. She figures if she doesn’t admit it or speak of it to anyone, the less trouble she’s in.”

  Brodin bellowed a laugh. “That’s not the only reason. She means to protect your sorry arse.”

  “Mayhap. Should I confront her about my suspicions? And what do I say when she denies it? What if I’m wrong and she is not the queen’s bairn?”

  His friend grinned. “Well now, when have ye ever been wrong? If your gut is telling you she’s the queen’s long lost bairn, then she might well be. You need to confirm it so we can ensure her protection.”

  “There’s another matter that’s bothering me.” Heath rubbed his eyes and when he looked up, he found his friend grinning.

  “You’re besotted with her, are ye not? I ken you well, Heath, and if you find the lady appealing … I’m the last person to speak with concerning matters of the heart. The only woman I professed to love wanted me dead.” He chuckled.

  “I am besotted, but I need to resist her. The problem is I’ve never been able to do so. I will have to question her. I just need to maintain my distance whilst I do so. When I get near her all I want to do is … well, let us just say … touch her.”

  Brodin laughed harder. “Aye, I can see she affects you. Confront the woman. What’s the worse than can happen?”

  The worse was that he’d give into his desire. Not only that, but he’d hurt her tender feelings if he accusations proved false. If his accusation proved true, he couldn’t send her with James to King Robert. The conundrum of the situation hit his stomach. “I haven’t seen her since yesterday. Is she staying with Liam and Makenna?”

  “She wasn’t in the main cave last night. I suppose she’s with Makenna, unless she stayed with Gilroy in the ossuary. God help the lass if she did.”

  The thought of Lillia sleeping in the cold crypt unsettled him. He rose and trotted off to find her. Brodin followed and when he reached the ossuary, he didn’t see Lillia. Gilroy slept on his makeshift bedding and didn’t move. He was still recovering from his thrashing and the trek.

  “Come, she must be with Makenna.”

  He nodded at his comrade and followed him to the cave. Outside the entrance, he hesitated, but he had to get his questions answered even if being near her tortured him.

  The cave crowded with Liam, Makenna, Darcy, and Lillia. There wasn’t much room for him and Brodin, but they teemed inside. He stood silent watching Lillia from afar. She smiled at him and continued playing with Darcy.

  Brodin pulled Liam aside and spoke low. He couldn’t hear what he said, but their discussion ended quickly. Liam called his wife.

  “Makenna, why don’t we sup with Kerrigan and Graeme this eve?”

  “I made a broth and fresh bread for us—”

  “Bring it. We shall share it with them.” When she didn’t take the hint, he called to his wee daughter. “Darcy, love, you want to see bairn William? Come and let us give Heath and Lillia privacy.”

  Darcy didn’t wait for them and ran out of the cave in her haste to get to William. She adored the bairn and often played with him.

  He kept his gaze on the
opening until they left. Heath normally used his charm and gallantry to woo a woman or gain information from them, but this was Lillia. Somehow he’d have to get his answers without wooing.

  “Lillia.” When he turned, he found her standing next to him, too near for her own good.

  “Why are you here? If you wish to question me further, I—”

  He grabbed her and lifted her from the ground. With his forehead against hers, he took a resigned breath. “I’m fighting damned hard, Sweetness, not to kiss you.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t … fight it.”

  He felt the light touch of her lips and any restraint that existed within him completely vanished. Heath held her tightly while his mouth ravished hers. Desire as strong as the halest wind swept through him. Damn the consequences, damn his oath to God, damn his suspicions. Heath set her upon the bed and used his body to press her back. He daren’t break free of their kiss certain some sense of sanity would come to him.

  For once in his life, he did want he wanted and without restriction.

  His rough hand caressed the soft curves of her body. Lillia moaned for she was affected as much as he. When his hand moved to her breast, she stiffened. He was about to withdraw, but she pressed her hand over his and sucked his lower lip. The swell of her bosom felt soft and yet supple. He wanted to taste her skin, to relish in her scent, and lose himself in the essence of her.

  Heath swore he’d go slowly. Even with his somewhat vast experience with women, Lillia deserved to be wooed gently and yet the wherewithal to do so eluded him. He cared and that pounded his heart more ferociously than any fight he’d ever participated in.

  Her hands distracted him when the smoothness of her fingers trailed the hard muscle of his bare thigh. She’d bunched the fabric of his tartan and uncovered his leg. The sensual urges of that small, but lustful action heated his blood and his manhood throbbed. Her small body fit perfectly against him, and he kept her still using his legs, arms, body.

  He dislodged his mouth and rasped. “Lillia, tell me to cease. Tell me I’m hurting you. Make me stop before it’s too late.”

  Her eyes clouded with desire. “I cannot, won’t. What you’re doing … feels too incredible.”

  Heath lowered the bodice of her overdress and shifted the material of her chemise until he bared her breast. His mouth sought the taut nipple, and he knew there was no turning back. He disrobed her within seconds and helped her to remove his tartan and tunic.

  The gentle caress of her hands on his naked chest drove him wild. He shifted his body to sidle hers and pressed the hardness of his member against her leg. She moaned and used her leg to keep him lodged against her. It took all his will not to take her then, but he cautioned himself. Lillia needed to be wooed gently.

  Heath slid his hands down her soft skin until he reached her womanhood. As soon as he touched her, he pulled back from their kiss.

  “I cannot stop now, Sweetness. There’s no turning back.”

  “I don’t want to stop, Heath. Touch me. Hold me and whatever you do, don’t let go.”

  He nodded. With one arm holding her, he used his other hand to undo the belt that kept his tartan around his waist. Once freed of it, he grinned down at her.

  “You’re mine now, Lillia Hunter.”

  “I have always been yours, Heath Fraser.” She cradled his face with her hand and watched him with a doe-eyed gaze.

  “I’ll try to be gentle,” he said in a husky voice, but suspected he was too far gone to take such care. And yet, she likely had never coupled before. Before he could ponder that thought, she jerked her hips forward.

  “Wait not, Heath. Can you not tell how much I want this?” her words rushed out in a whisper.

  He joined their bodies with gentle thrusts until mindless desire swept over him. Her womb was tight but passion aided him and slickened the entrance. His movements hastened and his breath labored. Lillia shrieked and moaned until she gasped and gripped his hair. She forced him to kiss her lips again and then she came completely undone in his arms. With each thrust of his hips, she writhed beneath him and continued to use her hands to touch him wherever she could reach. He was lost in the perilous aura of sensual lust and desire. Her body ensnared him, bringing him to the edge of wondrous recklessness.

  Heath set light kisses along her face and neck. Tears shimmered in her honey-colored eyes and he used a thumb to wipe an errant one away. He kept control until then or at least he tried to. Watching her culminate shattered him and brought forth his own ending. His existence waned in that moment and he stilled and shouted at the mind-rending torture of his climax.

  He was certain he’d died until the pounding of his heart forced him to take even breaths. Lillia moved beneath him and he shifted his weight and rolled to his side. He closed his eyes and tried to bring his breath to measure. He was worse than a biting midge. Nay, worse than a thousand biting midges. He’d done what he set out not to, and yet he held no remorse. Mayhap a wee bit.

  “Heath, will you not look at me?”

  “Nay.” He kept his eyes closed.

  “Why?” She rubbed her hand along his shoulder. “Tell me, you’re disappointed?”

  “You’re too bonny. I’m far from disappointed, Sweetness. It’s because … if I look at ye, I’ll only want to kiss you and perhaps take you again.”

  She laughed. “Truly? That’s not such a bad thing.”

  “This changes nothing.”

  “Of course not. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.” She kissed his shoulder, but said nothing more.

  Heath groaned. “I mean it. I won’t bend to your will, Lilla. But damnation, you’re too bonny to resist. You ken that?”

  “I’m glad we were together. I could lie here with you forever. I would be with you a hundred times more even if it meant that I would—”

  He leaned up and kissed her hard. The kiss turned sultry, and he flinched but continued to hold her face. He was right where he wanted to be even if it was wrong and even if the consequences damned him.

  Heath retreated and stood. He collected his garments and set them on the table. “Gather your things. We should dress and have our discussion.”

  She slunk from the bed and stood next to him in all her naked glory. He almost looked away, but couldn’t. Lillia had the body of a temptress, he was certain of it, for he couldn’t cease gazing at her if he tried. She used her hand and glided it over his stomach until she reached his chest, her fingers drummed the center.

  “I don’t want to talk. I adore how passionately you kiss me. Can we not do that again?” She flashed a heart-melting smile at him. “Kiss until the morn breaks?”

  He laughed, but then sobered. “I’m not ready, Sweetness. Och we really need to go over something—”

  “Very well, Heath. Ask your questions, but I refuse to dress until you do. I shall do my best to answer them.” She pouted and set her hands on her hips, not letting her nakedness affect her forthrightness. Lillia had no shyness whatsoever about her and that made him grin.

  Heath swallowed hard. He wasn’t sure he could form a logical thought with her standing but a foot from him without a stitch of cloth covering her. He needed to break the spell she’d cast over him and speak his thoughts quickly.

  His words rushed forth, “Are you the daughter of Queen Yolande?” She gasped and turned away from him. Heath approached and put his arms around her and brought her back against his chest. Her reaction answered his question. He needed no words to confirm his suspicion.

  “The Comyns seek the dead king’s bairn.” He lowered his voice and spoke against her ear, “They would do anything to possess the king’s heir even harm the child. They only seek to use the king’s heir to unseat King Robert. They’ll likely kill the child once they claim the kingdom. If you are the queen’s bairn, Sweetness, you are in more danger than you can envision.”

  She turned and wiped at her eyes. “Heath, what you’re asking …” Lillia clasped his hands and looked up at him with sadness in he
r eyes. “That is quite wretched. You need to find the child and protect him against those knaves—”

  “Heath, are you in here?” Graeme entered the cave. “Ah, I see that you are. Why the hell are you naked?”

  Heath turned a little and leaned slightly to the left to reveal a quick glimpse of Lillia. She gasped and pressed her body to his, thoroughly hiding herself from Graeme’s view. With his back to his comrade, and his chin resting on her head, he smirked.

  “Och I … didn’t mean to … disturb … that is, I was unaware … Damn Liam to hell for he should’ve given me warning.”

  “What do you want, Graeme?” He scowled hard, hoping his comrade would spit it out and leave.

  “I received a message from the friar. James wants us to meet him at the abbey posthaste. We leave in five minutes.”

  Heath nodded. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” His comrade left and he turned back to Lillia. “I must go. Promise me ye shall stay at the caves. It is unsafe at the village. If you need anything, Gilroy will get it for you. I want your word, Sweetness.”

  “I shall stay here, Heath. Worry not.” She hugged him close.

  Heath reveled at the touch of their skin. He raised her chin and looked into her eyes. “I will make this vow to you, Lillia. None shall ever harm you, no matter what the cause. You will be protected. Fear not.”

  “I fear nothing when I’m with you.”

  Chapter Eight

  On the road to the abbey, Heath kept to his thoughts. He’d known Lillia all his life. She couldn’t be the missing heir. He had to be mistaken in his supposition and she denied it. He had to believe her. When he told her of the queen’s bairn, there was a moment he’d thought she’d confess. Then again, perhaps she was saddened by the tale. Women were often moved by the woeful story of a perilous bairn. If only Graeme hadn’t interrupted them.


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