Cheating Husbands and Wives - 18 Hot Short Stories

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Cheating Husbands and Wives - 18 Hot Short Stories Page 2

by Hill, Belinda

  He had one more stop to make before heading back home. On the way to the proposed meeting, he stopped in the early morning at a small diner on the scenic route to the city. It was small and cozy, a kind of Mom and Pop type place, the kind where you always found good food, and even better coffee. He got off his ride, took off his leather jacket, took off his skullcap outside the main doors, and took a seat at the counter. He smiled at how full it was. That was a sign of good food. He got his coffee and sipped on it in pleasure. It was a comfortable place where he sat easily and relaxed, his booted feet up on the old-fashioned pipe foot rest under the counter. He took note of how the place was set up, and noted how clean and presentable it was. He took in the Native American artifacts that adorned the walls, the pictures and the tapestries. He noticed a picture behind the counter centered in the middle of a large P.O.W. flag. The picture was of a group of soldiers, and with them was a Lady. She had a marvelous smile, and seemed happy. She was dressed nicely, and had a soldier on either side of her smiling for the camera. One knelt in front of her, and she had her hands on his shoulders. He took in the Cherokee colors on the Medicine wheels, and Dream Catchers that decorated the walls tastefully.

  He took an unaccustomed interest in whom he took to be the owner/manager of the place. A tallish, dark skinned, larger lady, with an authoritative demeanor. She moved with a confidence and air that he liked. Yes, she was definitely Large and totally in Charge. She bustled about giving instructions to some people behind the area where the kitchen was, and spoke to many of the patrons, laughing and teasing, and they in turn seemed to love her. One man waved as he left and called out, "See ya later, Mama," and in turn she blew him a kiss as the rest of the patrons chuckled or laughed. She had sable hair that at the moment was worn pulled back in a very long ponytail, long and lush. She had large breasts that moved sensuously under her T-shirt. Her hips were large and firm looking, perfect for a man to hold on to during some wild fun, he mused. She came behind the counter and took the money as a customer paid his bill. She smiled and chuckled at something he said, and that’s when Mike noticed the smile. This was the same Lady that was in the picture, a tad older, but still a pretty Lady. Her eyes were all business, and when she went back into that mode she was a person to not be trifled with. He decided that he liked this Lady.

  A younger man entered, and something said Hype all over him. Nervous, antsy, sickly looking, he had all the classic signs. He approached the Lady and asked if she had any left over food he could have. She took in the runny eyes, the sallow skin, and the long sleeves despite the already sweltering heat. When she spoke it was with a hard line attitude, and straight-forward manner.

  "What will you do for me if I do choose to feed you? You willing to work for it, Boy?"

  The kid looked at her in confusion. "Well, I dunno. I didn’t really count on doing any work."

  She smirked at the kid. "Let me see your arms."

  He hesitated, and asked nervously, "Well, what do you want to see my arms for?"

  She shrugged, "You wanna eat, let me see your arms."

  Another young man sitting in a booth behind him quipped up, "If he don’t want the job Ma’am, I do! I’m willing to work for some food." She looked at him, turning slightly in Mike’s direction, and Mike could see cold Cat green eyes, the kind that could look straight through to a man’s soul. The young man stuck both arms out so she could see them. He turned them over so she could see all sides. She looked at the calluses on his hands, and the dark tan on his face and arms. This one was used to a good day’s work. To him she said, "You go into the back right there and tell Bubba to give you a cup of coffee and some rolls, then you take all of those crates of produce in the back and put them in the cold room. Stack ‘em up right, and when you get that done, you come see me, ya hear? If you are still willing to work, I have more things for you to do. And for this, you will be paid cash."

  "Yes Ma’am!" he said with a huge grin and hustled off into the back.

  To the hype she said, "I want you out of my place, and don’t bother coming back in. If you cant face life straight Boy, you’ve got no chance at all, and I ain’t wastin’ my valuable time on a no account that can’t work for something as important as food. I’m a business woman, and I don’t have the time or patience to waste on the likes of you."

  The little man bristled up, and when he began to get look like he would get boisterous, Mike placed his feet flat on the floor. If things got ugly, he would have some fun before going to his meeting. But he wanted to see how the Lady would handle this first. If she needed help, he’d be more than happy to take the trash out for her. The hype began to get nasty with the Lady, but her expression never changed once while he called her a half-breed Bitch, and other things. She told him, "Get out of here, Boy. Now. Or your worthless ass is going to spend a night in jail."

  She turned her back on him, and made to leave. The scene moved in slow motion for Mike at that point as the hype said, "You fuckin’ Whore!" and grabbed for a ketchup bottle with his right hand. Mike was on his feet a second later.

  Suddenly, as the hype had the bottle raised above his head in strike formation, two things happened. One, the Lady’s right hand whipped out and took him by the windpipe, and two, she applied pressure. He struggled to breathe as cold eyes regarded his face. Her eyes narrowed, and Mike saw something there he had only seen in his fellow Veterans, a cold fire burned there; he knew that feeling of adrenaline that was pulsating through her veins at that very moment. He smiled, for he knew the Lady liked it, as there was a familiar gleam in those green eyes. Eyes that were like Emerald Ice.

  A chill of heat raced down his entire body without him really knowing why.

  She told the kid in a voice low and menacing, "Unh uh, don’t you dare drop that. SET it down. It has a function, you do not." He slowly lowered it to the counter as he tried valiantly to not pass out. Mike chuckled to himself as he saw her lips curl slightly, and she leaned in close to say, "I could rid the world of just another bag of shit, but you’re not worth staining my hands over. And I got better things to do."

  Mike came up behind the kid and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck in one of his large hands. Mike muttered, "S’cuse me Ma’am." He locked eyes with her for the barest of moments, but something passed between them. She inclined her head as if to say proceed, and she released the kid. He dragged the kid to the door, opened it, and went outside. He threw the hype down none too gently, and told him if he wanted to make it to the next day, he had better not come back. He stood and watched as the boy walked off to get into a car with some other people, and headed down the road. When he came back inside, he went back over to his seat, where he found his coffee cup refilled, and a piece of homemade Dutch Apple pie sat waiting for him. He didn’t get to see the Lady before he left, but he wanted to for some reason.

  As he rode toward his meeting something kept stirring inside of him, and he actually got a raging hard on. He shook his head, not being able to figure out where that came from. The boring meeting wore on, and by dinnertime he was starved. He made a decision, and headed back down the highway to the small diner. He stepped inside and noticed that she was still there. She looked up when she saw him come in. A slight smile crossed her face as he grinned boldly at her, and took the seat he had had that morning. He turned over the cup in front of him, and she filled it. He got a good look at her then. She had changed the clothes she had been wearing that morning, and was now wearing a low cut white shirt, her large soft breasts showing nicely. Round and firm, he mused. Her long hair was piled up on top of her head, and she smelled like shampoo and Roses. She smiled as she noticed him boldly looking at her big titties.

  "What can I get you, Sir?" she said in a voice now as soft as smooth silk, very slight southern accent. He decided to see her reaction so he stated, "Well, if I can’t have you at the moment, I guess I best eat, huh?" He looked her in the eyes and smiled. She chuckled as she wrote down what he wanted to eat. The food was good, and in lar
ge quantity. As he ate he watched other people come and go, took in her quick smile and easy going manner with her customers, but he knew there was something else inside of her…something that she kept hidden, something raw and hot. He knew a passion brewed just slightly under her skin, a passion no one else probably knew of.

  He took his time with his coffee, and when all were gone in the front, he tapped his cup with the edge of his knife to get her attention. Her eyes hardened a tiny bit at being summoned this way, but she brought the pot and refilled his cup, then set it back on the heater.

  As quick as a rattler striking, he reached out to grab her right wrist as she reached for his plate to remove it. He gripped it in a vise-like grip, and held it hard enough to be very firm, but not inflict a great deal of pain. She gave a tiny gasp of surprise, then he saw it! The reaction he was looking for. Her eyes narrowed and went completely hard as he looked into her eyes. There was that cold fire again, and a rapt defiance of "How the fuck dare you touch me??" and he was certain that she would strike him. In fact, he raised his head and prepared for her left hand to lash out and slap him silly. He almost dared her to do so with his attitude. For a scant second he expected it, and just as he thought she would, he leaned over and began to nibble/bite the inside of her wrist right on her pulse line. All the while still looking deep into her blazing eyes. He kissed the pulse there, licking it with just the tip of his talented tongue up and down the blood engorged vein, stroking it with a small amount of pressure there, and watched her eyes. He was telling her that he had the Mastery over her, but that right now trust was a huge issue between them both. He also wanted her to know that pleasure would be hers that night. He released his grip slightly on her wrist, and continued the kiss the flesh there softly while caressing her forearm and hand smoothly. Her breathing escalated, and it made her large breasts move within her shirt. He saw her nipples harden, and his cock began to do so as well.

  They never said a word, but the look between them spoke volumes, and he relished the look in her eyes, the look of desire and hunger. She could have easily slashed his cheek with her fingernails, but instead she lay her hand on his cheek there. He kissed her palm, and drew his tongue up to her fingers. She shivered slightly, closing her eyes for a scant moment as he tongued the area between her fingers, the sensitive flash there at the base of the fingers. Obviously it had been a long while since this Lady had any passion, he noted. A noise in the back made her straighten, and she swallowed hard. He in turn, reached over and took a sip of his coffee as if nothing had occurred. She turned away and went into the back for a moment. He could hear her speaking to someone in the back area. She came back out and went to the front door, turning the closed sign in the window. She looked at him, and on unspoken consent, he got up to follow her out the door.

  When they got to the darkened parking lot, the full moon was just cresting over the hills, and cast its light on the valley below. She walked a tiny bit ahead of him heading for her car. He reached out and yanked her around to him, and took a hold of her, pulling the small clamp comb out of her long hair, letting it cascade down her back. He ran hair hands all through it feeling its richness, and smelling the clean fresh scent there. He kissed her deep and passionately, holding her body tight up against him, and felt her responding to him. His tongue dueled with hers, and she suckled on it. His hands roamed her body; her back, her sides, her titties, ran his hands down her thighs, ending up clutching her ass tightly in his large hands. She in turn dug her fingers into his back, dragging her nails down from his shoulders to his ass. He bit into her neck, sucking the flesh there hard as his hands kneaded her ass. His hand smoothed her hair, took hold of it again pulling her head back to look at her. She gasped out, but it was in pleasure, not in pain. She mmmmm’ed like a big cat, and brought her fingers around front to pinch on his nipples as he gripped her hair. He felt his cock grow rock hard. This Lady knew how to give it out as well as take it, and he liked that idea.

  He took her mouth again, then broke the kiss to bury his face in her cleavage to bite and suckle on the warm flesh there. Her soft moan filled his mind with passion and heat. He stood up and fondled her breasts for a moment, as he took in the scent of her body, the natural smell of a woman, rich and heady. He took her hand and pulled her over to his bike. Once she was on, he turned toward the desert. They rode for a few miles in the darkness, the breeze cool on heated skin. She ran her hands over his thighs as he drove, and reached around to caress his pecs, and to lightly thumb his pert nipples under his t-shirt. He spotted a turn off, and went down the dirt road. He stopped in the inky blackness, and stepped off. From inside the saddlebag he pulled out a poncho liner, and spread it on the ground in the moonlight. He turned swiftly to her before she had time to know what he was about. He yanked her to him to crush her lips to his, and heard her gasp of passion. She growled, and returned the kiss with equal passion. He was surprised when she bit the side of his mouth hard enough to make it hurt.

  "You beautiful fucking bitch," he muttered in admiration as he looked into her eyes. He grabbed her hair back exposing her neck, and sank his teeth into her neck to suckle and bite there. She cried out in pure passion, and dug her fingers into his muscular arms. He roughly squeezed her tight ass, feeling the flesh mold under his fingers. Her mouth found his neck and shoulder where she bit and licked. He shivered as gooseflesh coursed down his back as he felt her warm, wet, tongue run the length of his neck. He yanked back and pulled her down on top of him on the liner, his hands mapping out her body. He tugged off the t-shirt she wore, and grunted in pleasure at the sight of her full large titties. She in turn pulled open his vest and began to mouth his nipples through the material as her hand stroked his rock solid cock. He pulled her over so that she was completely on top of him, and reached around her so that he could remove her bra and let her large globes fall free. The nipples grew stiff and taut in the coolness of the desert night, and she sighed in pleasure as he suckled them into his mouth, flicking them roughly with his tongue. She arched her back as he sucked, as her pussy tingled and throbbed in anticipation.

  He warm hands found the nice large bulge in his jeans, and here she rubbed firmly feeling it pulse and throb under her hand. She sat up on his crotch, and made him sit up as she pulled off his t-shirt. She smoothed her hands over his hairy chest as a purr of delight escaped her throat. She bent to suck his nipples, and playfully nipped hard enough to make him yelp as she chuckled. He pulled her off of him as she laughed in delight to pin her beside him. He undid her jeans and yanked them off. He kissed her belly and marveled at the softness there. He loved the feel of a big woman, and felt his cock harden to its capacity. So soft and warm she was, so wonton and ready to be pleasured by a man who knew desire. His hands smoothed down her body as she moaned softly. He bit the insides of her thighs, and she cried out in pure pleasure as his teeth nipped the tender flesh there. She rubbed her hands over his bald head as he sucked on her skin there. She gently urged his mouth down to her sweet spot, where she wanted his mouth the most.

  He moved swiftly and covered her pussy with his mouth wide open to suck her in. She yelled out as his hot moist tongue attacked her blood-engorged clit with all his might, flickering it back and forth, side to side, and in deep hard circles. She pushed her pussy up against his mouth as the first orgasm rocked her entire body, and she yelled out her delight to the desert sky. She put her hands on his head and ground her pussy up against his probing tongue some more; it seemed like she could not get enough of this man. His hands slipped under her full tight ass, and he lifted her ass slightly as he ate her pussy like a man starved. He squeezed her ass cheeks tightly with his gloved hands. He bit down firmly on her clit, and her body jerked in passionate response. He rose up and in the bright moonlight she could see his face glisten with her love juices. She moaned again as he began to remove his clothing. He stood and took off his vest and shirt, then unzipped his pants for her. She sat up and gently pulled his jeans down to his ankles. Underneath them he w
ore a pair of silk boxers, and she rubbed her face all over the front of them, feeling the moist spot where his pre-cum had seeped through the material. She grinned up at him and mouthed his hard cock thusly. He wound his hands in her silky hair as she mouthed his cock. Her mouth felt wonderful as she did this.

  She reached around him and cupped his tight ass. She gently pulled down his boxers, reveling his throbbing hard cock right there in front of her face. Not being able to go slow she groaned at its size and girth and began to kiss it, lick it and lap at the hardness there. "Ahh God," he breathed as her mouth engulfed his cock head and began to bob up and down on him.

  He shoved into her wonton mouth for a few scant moments, he was afraid to do it too much, for he feared he’d explode in that fabulous mouth. She had a suction like he had never know before, and she was a true cock sucker; a woman who didn't just Suck a cock, but one that made love to it. She truly enjoyed what she did. She ran her tongue the entire length of that throbbing cock, and took his balls into her mouth gently. She squeezed his ass as she did all of this, and the sensations were mind-boggling. She did something unusual; she licked at the very based of his cock…the place where it joined the torso, flicking her tongue all around the base of his cock with her pointy tongue, and he flinched in pure pleasure. No other woman had ever done this to him, had never sucked his meat with such abandon before.

  He pulled back away from her, afraid that her wonderful mouth would make him spurt his cum all down the back of her throat. He lay down beside her and said, "Fuck me, Baby. Take that big ol’ cock. Take it all you want. Fuck it hard and good." He lay back and she growled out animal-like as her mouth assaulted him again, getting him sopping wet. He groaned out as she did this. She moved up and thrust herself down hard on his cock as he head it up for her to take.

  "Oh my God!" she yelled as his thickness filled her pussy up. She slowly ground her hips in a tight circle, relishing the feel of a hard cock inside her starving pussy. ‘Ohhh Honey, sooo good!" she moaned.


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