THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY (A Secret Baby Romance)

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THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY (A Secret Baby Romance) Page 25

by Mia Carson

  When I reached his lips, I sunk into the kiss, letting my tongue dance over his mouth, my juices fresh on his lips. I slipped my tongue in his mouth as I put my hands into his hair, using my forearms on the floor for balance. My pussy, wide, wet, and ready, inched closer to his cock until it rested on him. I didn’t allow him to sneak inside, though. I moved my hips so my pussy slid over his cock, wetting it, heating it, and increasing my desire and his.

  “Damn, woman, I can’t wait to be inside of you,” Will growled at me when I lifted up to look into his eyes. His hands were on my hips and he tried to adjust so his cock would enter me, but I pressed down.

  “I want you inside me. I’ve been waiting for this all week,” I told him. “But in my time.” I slid down his body again and took his cock quickly in my mouth, removing my juices from him. I looked up at him. “My wetness tastes so good when I lick it off you.”


  My eyes widened when she said, “My wetness tastes so good when I lick it off you.” Talking dirty had always turned me on, and even though my cock was hard as iron, I swear it hardened even more.

  “Oh, baby, you’re killing me with that mouth. In more ways than one.” She hummed while my cock was in her mouth, and I nearly exploded. “I want inside you now, Mel. Now!”

  My hands grabbed her shoulders and lifted her mouth off my cock. Her eyes were on mine when I sat up, and I stared into hers. We sat still for a moment, eyes locked. She was the one. There would be no other than her after this. I cupped her face with my hands and pulled her to me. I kissed her, trying to instill all the love I felt at that moment into the kiss.

  I rose, holding her so that she rose with me, our lips remaining attached, though a little awkwardly. She giggled around our kiss, and I smiled against her lips. Without warning, I tossed her over my shoulder and spanked her ass playfully, causing her to squeal.

  “Will! What the hell—?” She squeaked when I dropped her unceremoniously on my bed and pounced on her.

  I kissed her pretty pussy, reveling in the taste of her. I ran my lips over her stomach, dipping my tongue briefly into her navel. I tugged at one nipple with my teeth, the other with my fingers, and she squirmed until her legs were wide open. I rested my hips against hers, my cock so close to her pussy again that I could feel the damp heat escaping from what was quickly becoming my favorite thing in the world.

  “Now, Will!” she screamed when the tip of my cock touched her opening. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled. I added to the forward motion with a thrust of my hips, and my cock was inside her, balls deep.

  Her head thrashed back against the pillow, and I felt her pussy clenching around my cock immediately. The woman climaxed so quickly and easily, but it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to hear her scream again. And I wanted to be the only man who made her scream ever again.

  I thrust into her, bending my head so I could suck her nipple into my mouth. Her hips arched up, and she moaned again. Still not enough. I pulled out, and she whimpered, looking at me like I’d stolen her candy. I flipped her over onto her stomach, hauled her up on her knees, and plunged my cock back into her. Her pussy was still vibrating from the last orgasm, and the sudden plunge at a different angle caused the clenching to begin anew and more vigorously.

  When she reached between her legs to massage her clit to lengthen her climax, I felt the beginning of mine. I waited until she moaned loudly, then slapped her ass a little harder than I meant to. She let out a scream, just like I’d wanted, and my orgasm forced a yell out of my mouth as well.


  Sleeping next to Mel was where I belonged. She belonged with me, and I belonged with her. She snuggled for a minute, kissed my lips softly, and rolled over on her own side as if she could read my mind.

  And my mind was filled with questions. I had known this woman for a week. Of course, I’d known of her because she taught my daughter, but in the past week, I’d learned her. Learned the things she loved, like Mexican food, choreography, Quentin Tarantino movies, and Texas country. Learned about her family in Lubbock, who she wasn’t incredibly close with. Learned about her best friend, Madison, who felt more like a sister to her and was dying to meet me.

  All these things endeared her to me, but could I possibly love her in a week? I hadn’t been in love since Carol, and this felt similarly different. Similar in the fact that I wanted her with me all the time, just like I had wanted Carol with me all the time. Different because she was nothing like Carol. But was I in love with her, or simply lonely?

  I heard her soft breathing and reached over to trace my finger softly down her spine. She didn’t move, even though I was sure she would be hungry when she woke. I climbed out of bed and slipped on some basketball shorts. I walked to the hallway where I had dropped her bag and set it on the bathroom counter where she would find it when she woke.

  My thoughts of whether I loved her or just wanted someone with me continued as I moved to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on dinner.


  The rest of that evening was like a dream of perfection. I fell in love with him that night. We ate fajitas and drank tequila until we were silly. Then we made love off and on all night. The man could play my body like an expert violinist. I came so fast and so often that I thought I might get dehydrated.

  Over the next month, we spent as much time together as we could, though we did not say we loved each other. We both knew the truth, though—we were in love. But we were both afraid to say it out loud. Silly, but protecting oneself from pain often leads to wasting time.

  Cara and I became close, though I tried my best not to treat her with any kind of preference. Brittani, Denise’s daughter, caused a few problems here and there. She mumbled under her breath so I knew she was being insulting but couldn’t clearly hear the words. She and Cara had a screaming match before practice one day that resulted in both being suspended from the next game. I thought Will would come unglued, but he heard Cara’s side, understood that Brittani was trying to bully her, and left it alone.

  Denise had called my principal with the story that I was playing favorites with Cara because I was dating her father. She claimed that Cara, a freshman, was bullying Brittani, a senior, which no one believed, and that I had let Cara get away with it until the argument grew too heated to ignore. All three band directors had been nearby and told the principal the truth, so I didn’t get in any trouble, though it scared me to death.

  Will and I had a chat about Denise and agreed that the nonsense would end soon. Once football season was over, the dance class became the competition dance team, and Brittani had never competed. She would no longer be in the same class as Cara, who did compete. Once the two girls were separated, I hoped their quarrels would end. I also hoped Denise, who wouldn’t have to see me or hear about me at all, would lose interest in the drama she was creating.

  The first weekend in November was the first Saturday I didn’t have practice. I slept late, enjoying being curled up in my blankets. The weather was finally beginning to cool and stay cool throughout the day, and it promised to be overcast and windy, the perfect kind of day to lounge about and do nothing at all. I lay in my bed until my bladder told me I had to get up.

  In the bathroom, I growled at myself because I was terrible about changing the toilet paper roll. While sitting, I reached into the cabinet next to me and, though I couldn’t see, I fumbled inside for the toilet paper. While rummaging, I knocked several things out of the cabinet and onto the floor, and the elusive rolls were the last thing my hand touched. Grateful I hadn’t run out, I changed the roll and finished my business before cleaning up the mess I’d made.

  A box of Band-Aids, some hairspray that I never used, and a box of tampons were on the floor. As I put everything away, I realized I hadn’t needed the tampons in quite some time. Frowning, I calculated the number of weeks that had passed since my last period and gasped. Nearly six weeks!

  My mind raced. Call Madison? Call Will? Oh, my God, what do
I do? I grabbed the counter and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I told myself two things. You’ve had no morning sickness whatsoever, nor have you had any kind of nausea. Also, Will used condoms every time. It’s something else. You’re calculating wrong. Calm down.

  My breathing returned to normal after my little lecture, but I decided a pregnancy test was a good idea, just to rule it out. I dressed in a hoodie and some yoga pants, not bothering with a bra. I grabbed my keys and wallet and walked the two blocks to the Walgreens near my house. The cashier and I usually gabbed when I walked in, which was all the time due to its location, and today she smiled sympathetically when she rang up my purchase. I just nodded, and our mutual understanding of my possible predicament required no discussion.

  At home, I returned to the bathroom, peed on the stick, and paced until the two lines appeared. Pregnant. I plopped down on the edge of the tub, holding the stick gingerly in my hand, unable to take my eyes off it. After a moment of silence, I jumped up and grabbed my phone. I sat on the edge of my bed and texted Madison.

  Mel: Madison, I’m pregnant.

  Madison: It’s not April 1, Mel.

  Mel: I’m not joking. I just took a test.

  My phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Are you shitting me? Because this isn’t funny,” Madison said.

  A sob escaped my throat. “I’m not shitting you, Madison. I’m pregnant.” The tears raced down my face, and I didn’t even pretend to have control of my life. I sobbed, fear and anger causing my body to shake.

  “Okay, Mel, okay. Calm down,” she murmured, hushing me with soothing words until my sobs subsided and she could speak reasonably. “This isn’t the end of the world.”

  “No, it’s not, but you know how I feel about this. I’m not ready for this. At all. And Will and I have only been seeing each other for a month.” A fresh wave of sobs started, and she had to calm me again.

  “Obviously, you haven’t told him yet. So you have decisions to make,” she said logically. “Do you want to get rid of it?”

  “No! I could never do that,” I answered. “I may not be ready, but I’m not doing that. I’ll get ready.”

  Madison chuckled. Her question, as I’m sure she’d known, had yanked me out of my crying fit. “Okay, next question. Are you going to tell Will?”

  I hesitated. “Wow, I mean… I guess I have to, right? He’s the father.”

  “I think that’s the best choice. Then the two of you can decide what to do about it,” Madison reasoned.

  “What if he wants me to get rid of it?” I asked, fear tinging my voice.

  “He’s not that kind of person, Mel, but if he does, you’ll cross that bridge when you get there.”

  “You’re right.” I glanced at the clock. “Should I ask him to lunch?”

  “I don’t think so, Mel. Go out to his house,” Madison reasoned. “You aren’t sure how he’s going to react, so a public place might be a bad idea.”

  “I don’t think he’s going to yell or freak out,” I insisted. “But you’re probably right. I’ll text him and head over there.”

  “Call me later and let me know what happened. And remember, no matter what happens, I’m here for you,” Madison promised.

  “Thank you.” I ended the call and immediately texted Will.

  Mel: Hey, what are you doing today?

  Will: Wayne and I are mending some fences this morning, but I’ll be done by one. Want to come over?

  Mel: You read my mind. How about I come over around three? Give you time to clean up and rest.

  Will: Perfect. See you then.

  I had three hours before I had to leave, and my mind immediately began whirring with questions about how to tell him, what he might say, and scenarios that might be played out. I was going to drive myself insane if I sat at home, so I showered and got ready to go. I left my house and took myself to the movies to watch a raunchy comedy I’d been wanting to see. I ate buttered popcorn and drank a big water, laughing at the antics of the actors on the screen.


  Around 2:30, the doorbell rang. I had been resting on the couch for the last hour and had fallen asleep. Disoriented, I had no idea who might be at the door, though as I walked I remembered Mel was coming over. I was a little embarrassed that I’d been caught sleeping and hurried to the door, running a hand through my hair to straighten its cowlicks. Wondering why she hadn’t just walked in like she normally did, I swung the door open, prepared to tell her she didn’t have to knock when I stopped short.

  “Hi, handsome,” Denise purred as she pushed past me into the hallway and continued to the kitchen without stopping. In her arms were two bags containing what I assumed were groceries.

  Confused, I followed her without speaking, glancing at my watch. “What are you doing, Denise?”

  “I’m making dinner for you tonight,” she replied, as if this were a normal occurrence.

  “What the hell for?”

  She giggled as she unloaded the groceries, putting out what looked to be the makings for lasagna. “Because I want to. I’ve missed you, Will, and I want to make up with you, maybe try again.”

  “Try what again?” I was intentionally being dense.

  She rolled her eyes at me and batted her hand at my chest. “Us, silly.”

  “Stop unloading groceries, Denise. You aren’t staying, you aren’t making dinner here, and we aren’t getting back together.”

  She had stopped moving and watched me during my little speech, a small smile on her face. The woman truly believed I was joking. Her smile spread into a seductive grin, and she moved around the island to stand next to me. She put her hands on her hips, which were tilted in my direction. “Will, you’re being silly. You know we were good together.”

  “Were is the correct word, Denise. You fucked your ex-husband while we were together and told me you might get back together when I found out. That shit went on for weeks before I knew.”

  She waved her hand dismissively, as if my feelings didn’t matter. “I thought getting my family back together was the right thing to do at that point. I was wrong. You’re the right thing for me. I know that now.”

  “You are far from the right person for me,” I began. I opened my mouth to continue when she interrupted.

  “I certainly hope you don’t think that dance teacher is the right person. She’s trash, and she doesn’t deserve someone like you,” Denise said spitefully. “That woman treats my daughter like crap.”

  “No, your daughter treats my daughter like crap, and you know it. They hate each other,” I protested. “We aren’t discussing Mel. We’re discussing the nothing that’s going to happen between the two of us.”

  Denise’s eyes had flashed at my first comment, and she dissolved into tears after the second. “Nothing? Will, we have to work on this. I’m in love with you.”

  I snorted and separated from her by putting the island between us. I didn’t want her to touch me. “In love with me? What bullshit. You love the idea of my money and the life you can live with it.”

  Again, her eyes flashed, and she narrowed them. “Don’t accuse me of being a gold-digger. I never once asked you for money.”

  “No, you didn’t. You just expected gifts and trips and nonsense that I wasn’t willing to dole out,” I reminded her as I thought about the trips we’d taken while together, all my treat. “None of that matters, anyway. You fucked around. I don’t want a woman in my life who doesn’t know what it means to be faithful. Now pack your groceries and get out of here.”

  “Why? Is your teacher whore coming over?”

  I stared at her. “I don’t understand where this is even coming from. I told you when you texted me that we had nothing to say to each other, and three weeks later, you show up with groceries. Are you fucking crazy?”

  “Fuck you!” she yelled. She threw her arms out, dashing the groceries to the floor, though nothing breakable, thank God. “I loved you. I messed up, but I apologized. And now this bitch comes i
nto your life so I’m not good enough for you?”

  “Can you even hear yourself? Are you on drugs or something?”

  “I’m leaving,” she shouted. She grabbed her bag, leaving the groceries behind.

  “Do you want your groceries?” I asked. I sounded like a smartass, though I really just wanted to make sure she had no reason to come back in.

  “No. Make lasagna for your teacher whore. I’m out of here,” she called as she marched down the hall. “Asshole!” The door opened and slammed so hard the glass rattled in the windows next to it.

  I shook my head, amazed. The woman had always been off, but it had been in a kooky sort of way. She’d been fun in high school and sexy when we’d dated, but she’d always had an edge to her. If she hadn’t slept with her ex-husband, we would have broken up, anyway. She wasn’t a good person, deep down. It just took time to see it.


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