Harley's Choice

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Harley's Choice Page 2

by Shaelin Ferra

  I pulled up to the hotel right at four pm and pulled out the guest parking pass that had come with the reservation and turned into the parking garage. I felt my breath hitch and my skin crawl as I parked then I went to the trunk to get my stuff and as I opened it I realized I’d be carrying a few extra items. There was not only three additional birthday presents, there was also a long package wrapped with standard brown packaging and tied with a white string.

  I saw that the box carried my dad’s personal signature of a rose and a dagger. I smiled and put it under my arm.

  The rest I put into my suitcase which was nowhere near full, in fact it only had a duffle bag and my messenger bag. I don’t actually pack enough to fill up the large suitcase. I have learned over the years that a normal single woman usually packs more luggage than a small duffle bag and a messenger purse, so I stick those items in the suitcase and carry the clutch wallet and people pay attention less.

  As I made my way to the reception desk I thought about what my father would have packed for me. I dinged the bell and was greeted by a professional looking woman with a big smile. “Welcome, how may I help you?”

  “Yes, I have a reservation.” I handed over the confirmation and as she studied it, I realized I should have dressed more…well more. I was wearing jeans, a tee and tennies. The women walking around were dressed immaculate and made me feel frumpy, but hell I just drove in from Phoenix, but still I think if I had put on heels I would have fit in a bit better, but no one was looking, so next time.

  “Here we are. Harley Shelton room 527. Are you here for the reunion?”

  “Yes.” She nodded and handed me the key card for the room and the packet for the reunion.

  “You are a day early, you know that right?”

  “Yes, I do, but tell me, has anyone else for the reunion checked in yet? I’m just so excited to see everyone again.” I spoke with false enthusiasm, but she bought it.

  “Oh I understand” she bubbled “and actually yes, the fifth and sixth floors have been reserved for the reunion, there are few people here already”

  “Very good, thanks.” I took my key card and paperwork and headed to the elevators. The ride up was thick with fear, anticipation, trepidation, expectations, and anxiety – it was a thrilling ride. My stomach flipped one way then another – then the doors opened.


  There was no one about, I didn’t see a soul.

  Thank god.

  I mean I know I would eventually see people from my past but I would like it very much on my terms, not just coming off an eight hour drive.

  I found my room number, sort of in the middle of the hallway and as I stood at my door I looked left and right then unlocked my door and entered the room, with one more look out into the hallway I shut the door and threw the lock and bolt home. I took a deep breath and then ran to the bathroom.

  With the pressure in my bladder relieved I took my suitcase and package to the bed and plopped down. I looked at the box with an odd sense of love and disgust. I picked it up and placed it my lap and ran my fingers over the design that my father created thirty years ago and had made into a stamp. Yes, that’s right my father adopted it as his signature so he didn’t have to sign things like packages, envelopes and such.

  I grabbed the letter opener off the desk and went to town. On the inside of the lid was the letter, a pink letter, dread filled my stomach. No, no he wouldn’t do this to me now. He knew I was on vacation and we had a branch in LA for all west coast hits. I slid my finger under the flap and ripped it open.

  It read:

  My darling daughter,

  I knew you would be half out of your nerves by now so I sent something along to help calm you. Now don’t worry, you are not needed for any jobs there. We have Delta for those. I just wanted you to know that I love you and I worry, and I always think ahead.

  Enjoy your vacation,

  Love Dad

  I was officially confused. I placed the letter on the bed and opened the package. There was Baby, my Remington M24 .308 with synthetic stock…aww dad! I loved that man. I pulled her out and placed her on the bed.

  I went back to the box and saw another box, smaller, with a tiny card attached.


  Go! Have fun!

  See you on Tuesday


  I opened the box then dropped it! I blushed beat red, inside lay a strip of Trojans. I am going to kill her! I placed the offending box in the draw next to the bed, I may blush but it was no reason not to be careful. I was about to put the box down when yet a third box grabbed my attention. This one was longer and one word printed across the top in my brother scrawl:


  I opened the little box and inside sat two .338 cartridges with Carson and Kyle’s names etched into them. I sighed and pulled them out and stuffed them into my purse – my brother’s way of a warning, how lovely.

  I placed the package next to the trash can and stripped down to my under garments. It felt good to get out of the clothes and shoes and besides I usually do this next part dressed in skivvies. I stood at the foot on my bed staring down at my rifle. Dad had bought it for me when I passed all tests and basically graduated, my brother bought me the scope that sits atop, and I did the feminine etches.

  I loved it.

  After my first assignment was confirmed my father called me and told me I now had to name the rifle. I was still sitting in the rundown hotel room cradling it like a baby and it stuck. So now Baby and I were in the hotel where somewhere around me were not only the men I have loved for ten years but all the others who made life hell. I grabbed the package and turned it upside down, shook it and ripped it to pieces – no ammo. I pouted and picked up Baby and sat with her on my lap.

  Ok so my father knows me better than I would care to admit.

  I stood and walked to the window, pocketed the rifle and looked through the scope. The song My Favorite Things sang through my mind as I focused in on the world through scope markings. Through the sight the world is not so scary, things are put into perspective the important things are brought to the forefront and the rest just fades away.

  I stepped away from the window and placed Baby on the bed, now where to put her, maybe behind the chair? No because ‘Nobody puts Baby in the corner.’ Then I thought about under the bed, it might work, if there was enough room on either the pedestal or directly under the bed. I flipped back the covers and sure as cyanide there was enough room. I took the jeans I was wearing and sleeved the rifle and then got out my handy roll of duct tape and taped her up.

  I stood and brushed off my hands and faced the mess that was now my bed. I picked up the toiletry bag and took it into the bathroom and went back to hang up the clothes I brought. Two dresses, two pairs of shorts, an extra pair of jeans, four tee shirts, two tank tops, a swimming suit, two pairs of heels and the tennies I wore today. Ok so I hung the dresses only, the rest were capable of hanging out in the suitcase, and then I went to take a shower.

  I had turned on the water and was waiting for it to warm up when I heard my cell. “Hello?” I said into the phone as I grabbed it quickly off the bed.

  “Hey…did you make it?”

  “Bryant Anthony Shelton! Tell me you haven’t been waiting around for me to call?”

  “Of course not, but I told dad I’d make sure you made it ok. He had to go to New York this afternoon.”

  “What? Why?”

  “None of that now, you’re on vacation. So did you make it?”

  “Yes, you may tell our father that I made it and you can email me with the details of dad’s sudden flight to New York.”

  “I might. Did you open your presents?”

  “No not yet, I was going to take a shower first, but I did open the brown package. Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it, well do – to them.”

  “I’m a big girl I’ll take care of myself.”

  “Oh I know that, but what sort of big brother would I be if I didn’t thr
eaten your boyfriends? Besides I can officially say you have a boyfriend.”

  “Not yet I don’t, I just got here and haven’t seen anybody yet.”

  “Ok, maybe when you get home.” He loved this way too much. It’s true though, other than the guy I just broke up with I’ve never been involved with anyone else. “Oh, what did Kari slip in there?”

  I squeaked, there was no way I was telling my brother that Kari sent safe love, he’d go ape shit. “Oh, look at that, my shower’s ready! Love you!” I hung up on his protest. I knew I’d be answering to that when I got home.

  I headed into the shower to wash the day away. I stood under the spray and hoped I was doing the right thing. I didn’t know one way or another, but my father did, Baby helped. Knowing she was close helped relieve tension. Maybe tomorrow I’d stop by Delta’s and have her take me out shooting. Maybe I would put Kari’s condoms to a good use. I knew I wouldn’t be giving the bullets back to my brother. No matter what happened with Carson, Kyle and me, I would not ever let those men get into cross hairs of any gun.

  I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around me and threw one around my hair. I walked into the main room trying to decide what I was going to do with the rest of the night. I mean, I knew there were a few things I needed to do, but for the main entertainment I was at a loss.

  I pulled on my panties, which were cotton boy cut briefs that said ‘Surfer bum’ on it. I love panties with snarky remarks it allows me to blend in and still be spunky. I then strapped myself into the torture device known as a bra; any woman who says she likes them is lying through her teeth. I walked back to the bathroom to do my hair.

  Now when I was in school it was curly and frizzy it wasn’t until my junior year that I discovered the hair product aisle in the store, but it was still most always in a ponytail with little bits poking out in every direction. After I started training and started gaining weight and muscle mass the curls relaxed into something that can be straightened or scrunched into ringlets depending on my mood. Tonight though, I wanted my hair straight, I love the way my hair feels when it’s straightened; it also gives me a whole new look, so I broke out the flat iron and went to work.

  Half an hour later I stood looking at myself in the mirror; long brown hair, brown almond shaped eyes, pert little nose with a little tilt upwards at the tip and thick strawberry naturally colored lips. Living in the Valley of the Sun gave my skin a subtle glow.

  This body was not anywhere what I had in high school. Sixth grade I was short, skinny and young. Two years younger than anyone else in the class instantly made me an outcast. The height, weight and hair made me a freak.

  Now as I look in the mirror there is a woman staring back that has a soft seductive body. Her legs are trimmed and her hips roll softly into a flat belly and breast that overfill a ‘C’ cup. Her arms like her legs have slight muscle definitions and her shoulders rounded it out for a perfect hour glass figure.

  Most importantly I now saw a woman who was very comfortable in her body.

  I was standing there still deciding what to do when my stomach growled. Ok so dinner it is. I walked to the guide book and saw that there was a grille/bar within walking distance. Sounded good to me. I applied some light make up and ran the brush through my now straight hair one last time and turned to get dressed.

  I slid the jeans on, and did the little jump that helps everything get where it needs to be. The jean fad of today is wonderful, but the ‘skinny jean’ thing drives me nuts. These, unfortunately were straight leg skinnies and it always takes a bit for things to settle – but damn they make my ass look fantabulous!

  I slipped on bright blue heels that had beaded skulls all over them and slid on a tee shirt that had Alice drinking from the bottle that makes her grow, I loved that story as a child, but now I often wonder what was in the bottle and cake.

  I grabbed my purse, it was my absolute favorite. It was a messenger bag that said ‘Karma’ on the flap, but what I love most about it was that it could be worn as a backpack if desired. I love it! If I decide to run, alright needed to run from something, I can quickly change it into a backpack and it’s not slapping my thigh.

  I’ve had it customized though, inside the flap are three slots that fit my throwing knives and on the back I’ve added a pocket that fits my Glock 27 and an extra magazine.

  I may be a killer, but I’m a lady killer and dammit I make it look good!

  I gathered everything and finally slid the hotel key into my back pocket and made my way out of the hotel.

  Chapter two:

  As I walked down the sidewalk the way the concierge directed me the smells and sights of L.A. flooded me and I felt good, not as good as realizing you’ve committed the perfect crime, but close. There is definitely a different life style here as opposed to Phoenix. Here like New York you can walk down the street and be assaulted by smells, sounds and life, in Phoenix, one doesn’t walk hardly anywhere, downtown near the Civic Center or the stadiums or even on Mill you can find life like this, everywhere else is sparse, with people preferring to drive than walk.

  I found the bar and it was nice little brick building that didn’t look too busy. I opened the door and realized I was immensely wrong about it not being busy. I was about to turn around when a waitress skirted too close to the door and the triple decker burger on her tray caught my hunger and dragged it along with her.

  I walked through the crowded front portion and found a seat at an empty table against the wall so I could look out into the room and no one was going to walk behind me. I was watching people come and go and a lot of people seemed to gravitate towards one table. I couldn’t quite see what the commotion was about but there was a lot of flashing of cameras. Finally the waitress came to my table. “Hey, sorry about the wait, what can I get you?”

  “Let’s go with a beer and one of those triple things floating around here.”

  “Oh you mean the triple trouble?”

  “If it’s that burger that brought me in here then yes.”

  “Ok let me go put in your order and I’ll be back with your beer.”

  “Thanks.” She was jostled as she tried to leave my table and I realized why no one was sitting back here. Whoever was sitting down the way was causing such a huge stink that people were crowding up almost the entire back wall. When she finally made her way back to me I asked. “What’s going on?” and I pointed down the wall.

  “Oh, some famous author and his bodyguard.”

  “Who is it?" I asked now with my own interest piqued, I love reading.

  It worked because she looked at me and said. “The word is its Kyle Mallory.”

  “Oh my, I think I may join the mob," she looked at me like I grew a second head, "Kyle Mallory writes fantastic mystery novels. I have every single one of them in hard back and a copy on my e-reader."

  She smiled and nodded, "I read more romance novels than mystery."

  "Well you should really give them a try, there's romance in them too." Well more like dirty sex scenes but let her discover that for herself.

  "I will, thanks for the advice."

  I sighed and nodded then looked longingly to the table down the wall but saw nothing but throngs of people. Now I don’t know any famous people, but I don’t think trying to drink or eat is easy with hordes of people crowding you. I personal would have started killing people by now. “Tell me, does he look happy when you take him a drink?”

  “Actually no he doesn’t.”

  I simply nodded and sat back to form some sort of plan to get rid of the people. Nothing immediately came to mind, but as she made it with my food I decided something had to happen because now I couldn’t eat in peace, and nobody messes with my eating time. Finally I decided on a simple misdirection tactic, I just hoped it would work.

  I picked up my phone and spoke loud enough to where the person at the back of the crowd could hear me and with a girl-obsessed voice said: "Hey, OMG you would not guess who I just ran into down at the beach (paus
e) no. (Pause) no. I said you wouldn't be able to guess; it was Kit Carson! Yeah I know, he's hot," my tactic worked because I heard the woman closest to me whisper Kit's name to her friend and like a wildfire the women cleared out.

  Finally there were just a few men and they looked to be finishing up their business with them and lumbering off, and then I got my first look at Kyle Mallory, in the flesh.

  My, what a flesh it is.

  I took this moment to look upon him and his bodyguard, unfortunately irony and I ran smack dab into each other. His bodyguard was none other than Kit Carson. I cringed when I realized I was going to have to confess my blunder.

  I looked down at my burger and decided I would eat first, no need to confront the star of your own rumor. I picked up the burger - I practically had an orgasm at the first bite.

  It was triple stack heaven.

  The buns were toasted with lettuce, tomato and multiple types of cheese all stacked sloppily on three cheese stuffed burgers.

  I'm pretty sure I moaned out loud.

  I ate my burger while people looked on - I didn't know why, until after my last bite a slightly balding man with a genuine smile of heartburn came up to my table. "Miss, you are the only one tonight that has finished the triple trouble and because I am a man of my word anything you order for the rest of the night will be on the house."

  "Um, alright." I smiled at him, "why?"

  "That was three and a half pounds of meat, cheese and bread; we've had an ongoing contest for the last three years that anyone who comes in and eats the entire burger gets the rest of the night on the house."

  "Why would you hold such an obvious failing contest?" I asked in earnest, "I mean I had no problem eating it, surely there are plenty of others who have completed it?"

  "Actually roughly one a month."

  "Oh, well thank you." He smiled at me for real this time and presented me a shirt that said 'I ate the triple trouble!' then walked away; I think he popped an antacid. I stuffed the shirt in my bag and took a sip of my beer and decided it was now or never. I stood and walked over to their table. "Hello, I have a confession-"


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