Harley's Choice

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Harley's Choice Page 6

by Shaelin Ferra

  “Kitten you keep smiling like that and we won’t make it to the room.” His voice was husky and sent a multitude of feelings through me. The words ‘make it to the room’ bounced inside my head and there was suddenly nowhere else I wanted to be.

  I turned and grabbed my shorts and got them on just before he grabbed my hand and pulled me along back through the lobby into the elevator, then he pushed me to the other side of the elevator and when the doors opened again he pulled me along with me laughing like a hyena.

  We got to my room and he took my key from my pocket and opened the door. He flung me inside and shut the door and turned to face me. For the first time I was scared. He stalked me slowly with hunger showing itself on his face. One step of his had me backing two steps. “Why are you backing up kitten?” another step. Two back for me. “Where are you going Harley?” His use of my name was my undoing.

  He had called me kitten for so long that hearing my name in his husky voice made my spine weaken and my knees turn to mush, I think I may have fallen a bit because suddenly I was in his arms with my back pressed against the wall. “Kiss me!” he commanded.

  I complied in earnest and my arms finally were around his neck pulling him to me. I laughed as our teeth knocked together and heard his chuckle and then the mood was back to the serious sexually tension. I felt him pulling my shorts down and then wrap my legs around his hips with the proof of his desire pushing against my swim suit. I moaned, my need too great, I wanted to cry I couldn’t get close enough. I tried to get my arms out of my suit but with him pressing me against the wall I could hardly move. “Why are you crying kitten.”

  I hadn’t realized I was. “I can’t get out of this.”

  He chuckled as he put me on the floor and helped separate the suit from my body, I wouldn’t say it was the most romantic thing ever, the suit was still damp and stuck to my body in that swim suit sort of way. I grunted a bit here and there until the suit was past my hips then it just sort of fell the rest of the way down.

  Then realization hit that I was standing naked in front of Kyle. I looked up into his eyes and saw his normally light green eyes had shifted into a deep emerald green. The scruff on his chin was a new addition this morning and added to his overall sexy ness. “Absolutely gorgeous.” He bent his knees swiftly and scooped me up on the way back up and took me to the bed and stripped.

  My heart quit beating.

  He was breath taking. His body was wrapped in muscle that seemed to run in harmony with his tall frame. His legs were long and so strong, his hips flowed into his sides which traversed into his chest and rounding to his shoulders. He was so flowing one would think he was put together by an artist. I was giddy with lightheadedness. I was going to get to touch every inch of him. I smiled. “Again with the smile kitten, what are you thinking that is making you so happy?”

  “I was just thinking that I get to touch you,” I slid to the edge of the bed and pressed my hands to his thighs, “here,” I slid them up over his hips and along his sides, I felt his muscles bunch as I caressed his sides, “and here,” I finished the trek to his shoulders and down his arms, my hands and fingers moving with every indentation and curve of his muscles, “and here” I walked around him and repeated the trek in reverse, starting at his shoulders and following his traps and fingering down his spine, “oh and especially here.” My own need heavy in my voice as my hands came to rest on his hips just above his ass.

  “Harley, enough!” he bellowed and pulled me around to face him. “If you keep touching me I will end up embarrassing myself in a way I haven’t done since you were fifteen and wearing a swim suit for the first time since developing these.” His thumb flicked over my nipple to accentuate his point.

  “Oh such a romantic.” I teased breathlessly then moaned when his lips locked onto my nipple. My body arched into his mouth and his hand covered my spine and finished pushing me over onto the bed.

  When his mouth released my nipple he pushed up on his hands and loomed over me I felt so small. I must have said that out loud, because he said. “You are perfect to me. I like you beneath me. I have had many a dreams with you just like this.” He flexed his hips and slightly pressed into me. “You are small everywhere aren’t you?”

  “Whatever…but if you stop now I may hurt you.” The threat came out breathy and strained.

  “I couldn’t stop now even if the building collapsed.” He pushed into me even more, the pressure of him filling me combined with my body trying to accommodate was too much, I screamed against his push and felt him stop. “Please don’t do that again.” His own voice matched the throatiness of mine.

  “Just please.” I cried out and in one last push he was one and seated deep. We both froze for a second as our bodies now joined, adjusted to one another, then like a switch being thrown we were off. He was thrusting into me as I moved my hips into him. I was racing for the apex at an astounding rate and I needed relief.

  His body bowed into mine and I wrapped my legs around his hips and with one last shove from him I was done. My body tensed and I held onto him with all my might feeling that if I let go I would fall. I screamed with the pressure to let everything go at once and when my scream faded out of my body I relaxed, but then under my fingers I felt him tense then try to crawl into me I knew that my release was what he was waiting for.

  As Kyle and I lay in a boneless heap on my bed my mind and body completely sedated in a way I don’t think it had ever been. I just laid there staring at the ceiling and wondering if my legs still worked. I knew my toes were broken because they were still curled under.

  So I started at the top. I twisted my head and stretched my neck. I then lifted my shoulders in a shrug and lifted my arms to the top of my head. “Kitten what are you doing?”

  “Making sure everything works.” He chuckled but raised himself onto his elbow to watch me. I continued by wiggling my fingers. Now came the tough part, bypassing my torso I went straight to my legs. Starting with something simple I went for a toe wiggle. Were my toes wiggling?

  “Kyle, are my toes wiggling?”

  “Why I don’t know kitten let me go check.” He jumped to the bottom of the bed and I heard, “Hmm, can you feel this?”

  “No!?” I panicked

  “No? hmm, how about this?” this time he made contact with my feet and tickled me. I realized my body and all limbs were functioning because I jumped up and out of bed quicker than I expected to.

  “No tickling Kyle.”

  “Ah,” he pouted “but it’s so fun.” And then he got off the bed and stalked toward me, I backed up and knew this was not going to end well. “I love watching every expression cross your face.” He stalked closer. “Now that one right there says ‘I’m going to hurt you’ but you see there is a little bit of me that would like you to try.”

  I backed up into the connecting door and then a thought crossed my mind, I reached behind me and flung open the connecting door just as he sprung for me and like a flash I was hiding in bed, under the covers behind Carson. “I know you did not hide behind me.” Carson scolded.

  “Carson protect me! Kyle’s going to tickle me.” I begged.

  “Kyle are you picking on Harley?” he questioned his friend.

  “Nope, just loving on her.” Kyle’s nonchalant response had me stunned, it was enough to loosen my guard and was utterly helpless when Carson flipped over and covered me with his body.

  “Harley, he says he’s just loving on you. But I on the other hand had to listen to it through the wall and I am, very much, not loving you right now.” And with a big smile on his face proceeded to tickle me.

  He had a foot on me and a hundred plus pounds on me; one would think I would surround myself with smaller, skinner, weaker men, but no. I laughed to the point of tears. “Uncle!” I cried and the tickling stop. I looked at Carson who was still laughing and looked to Kyle, not one ounce of jealously between the two of them. So I broke the laughter. “You are not angry at me for sleeping with him?” />
  Carson sober quickly. “Harley…Kyle and I have a wonderful friendship, we are brothers in every way but blood and yes we have shared women in the past. Our tastes run so alike that it’s hard not to pick the same type of woman.”

  “And kitten you are our type of woman.” Kyle said as he sat on the bed next to me.

  “In fact, to give some flattery to you, most of the past girlfriends were short brunettes with brown eyes.” Carson looked directly at me, “but not just any brown eyes, they had to be a dark chocolate color and the hair had to have life.” He said has he played with a stray curl.

  “Her body had to be slight so that we could put our hands around her.” Kyle put said hands around my waist. “Her skin had to be soft,” he rubbed the skin under his hands.

  “She had to have spunk, and a wonderful laugh.” Carson said in seriousness.

  I of course had to ask. “How many girlfriends have you had like that?”

  “None,” Carson eyes bore into mine, “yet.” I melted a bit more.

  “So how many girlfriends came close?”

  “We have had two that came anywhere close to matching our list and would be willing to let us…share, most of them preferred one to the other so they would spend more time with that choice.”

  “Then of course Carson became famous and the girls were different and we never considered sharing, not with him in the lime light.” Kyle lay on the bed and looked into my eyes. “You see there was this girl we knew a long time ago and every woman that came after needed to be her. Substitutes were accepted, but never completely. We needed her,” he smiled, “we need you Harley. Always have.”

  “Oh…” I didn’t know what else to say. I was speechless. They have been spending the last ten years looking for me. I was so confused I had so many emotions flowing through me that I shut down. I slid out from under Carson who let me go and I walked back to my room and shut the connecting door and took another shower.

  I cried as the hot water ran down my body leaving me red and raw like my eyes and emotions. I didn’t know what to think. I have always loved them, even when I thought I didn’t – I still did.

  I wanted them so many time throughout the last ten years to hold me to sooth me to comfort me when I had a bad day or when an assignment didn’t go right. I needed them there and they were nowhere around! I flew blames and accusations at them in my mind as I worked out my own feelings.

  I wanted to run back and curl up with them and have them to tell me that they love me, to tell them that I loved them. But I wouldn’t, I couldn’t as I told Carson this morning I couldn’t bring someone I loved into my life without them knowing everything and I couldn’t tell them everything.

  Carson told me he wanted to be a cop, maybe his morals are strong when it comes to right and wrong, I knew mine were slightly a skewed, ok, closer to totally wacked. What if they won’t like me if I told them? Should I tell them? No of course not. If the one thing that has been pounded into my head is that nothing is more secret than my job, my life.

  The only person I could tell would be a husband…and that was only after we were married.

  I remembered the sexual trainer I had while going through training.

  I had just turned eighteen when I started that training, I had been doing long distance jobs for a year and after I turned eighteen I was told it was time to extend my training.

  The first day of training she looked at me and in stern voice said to me. ‘I’m supposed to turn you into a seducer. I am in charge of making sure you can successfully get close to marks in any way that needs be. But the biggest thing you need to remember is that while you may give them your pussy; never give them your true name or your life. You will guard that information the way you have been guarding your virginity for the last eighteen years.’

  Yeah I lost my virginity in training and was taught what my body was capable of. No, I didn’t fall in love with the man who taught me; I was already in love with Kyle and Carson. I know it seems cold and calculating but I had a job to do. And besides what was I going to do with my virginity anyways? I was not what anyone would call beautiful then so after they talked the blush out of me I was then transformed into the woman I am now.

  I was told ‘Harley you have wonderful skin and a great complexion there are just a few things you need to correct.’ Here they started teeth whitening and straightening and make-up lessons, along with hair control and product learning.

  Six months later I was sent out on a trial run. I was given a dress and knife and was told what man, where and when and they sent me out.

  I was just about done with the sexual deed and he was relaxed and off guard I raised my knife and he said ‘you have passed the test. You are ready to go out on the field.’ I about stabbed him on principle alone, but instead I said thank you and got dressed and left.

  My father had called me the next day when he was told that I had finished feminine training. He was pissed. He ranted at me for an hour before I finally told him that it was my choice to go through with it. Of course he knew what the training entailed and was NOT happy about me no longer being a virgin, but I think most father’s expect their daughter to be virgins well until old age, children or not.

  I shivered and realized that I no long stood under hot water, but something closer to lukewarm. I got out and dried off and went searching for clothes. I know I had told Kyle I wanted to go shopping but suddenly I didn’t feel like doing anything so I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

  Chapter four:

  A knock at my door woke me up. Still dazed from emotional overload I shuffled to the door, grabbing a shirt and pants as I went and looked through the peep hole and saw my brother and dad. I threw open the door and jumped into my brother’s arms. “Byrant!”

  “Harry!” I led them into the room and shut and latched the door.

  Then hugged my father. “Hiya daddy, how was the drive?”

  “I’m never letting your brother drive again.” He hugged me back.

  “You say that but you let him drive all the time.” I said at the same time my brother said “I told you I saw the truck well before he saw me.”

  He put up his hands and we both stopped. “Baby girl why is your bed all messed up like you’ve been sleeping?”

  “I was trying the whole lazy thing today. I don’t have anything to do today till this evening.” I lied effortlessly. Daddy bought it but my brother on the other hand eyed me suspiciously that said ‘liar, liar pants on fire.’ I rolled my eyes and looked back at daddy.

  “So where are you staying?”

  “At Delta’s she and I have things to talk about.”

  “Be nice daddy, it wasn’t her fault that Marcus did what he did. If anyone’s it would be mine.”

  “NO!” I jumped at my father’s raised voice. “Never think for a moment you are in any way responsible for that man’s behavior.”

  “Yes, father.” I always felt like a child when he yells at me of course he hasn’t for months. Not since that fight with Marcus and he was angrier that I didn’t kill Marcus.

  “Now, baby girl you know I’m not angry with you. But hey, I have to go to a meeting with Delta’s troop before it gets too late. I’m going to grab a taxi. Bryant you are to be at the house in an hour.”

  “Yes sir.” He replied dutifully and I stuck my tongue out at him as my father turned his back and walked to the door and Bryant returned the gesture plus one.

  “You two knock it off back there.”

  “Yes sir.” We answered together then proceeded to push each other.

  “See you soon baby girl.”

  “Bye daddy and don’t worry I’ll be careful.” I watched him take a deep breath and suddenly he looked twenty years older. I shut and latched the door after he left then spun on my brother. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Like you have room to talk?” He pointed to the bed then to my clothing. “In ten years you have never taken a nap!”

  “And how do you know?”r />
  “Where are they Harley?” he was angry, automatically and correctly guessing what caused my mood.

  “I’m not telling and you leave them out of this. What is going on with Marcus that you’re not telling me?”

  “It’s not that I’m ‘not telling you’ it’s just that it has happened recently.”

  “What has?”

  My brother took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed. “There was a break in at your house. By the time security got there who ever-”

  “Whoever?” I cocked an eyebrow at him

  “Marcus was long gone he got through the system long before he set the alarm off and cleared any and all pictures of you in the house and burned them. He then…Harley, he killed Captain.”

  I fell to the ground. I think I may have fainted. Captain was a mastiff that I had found as a puppy. He was sickly and so weak; I had nursed him back to health and began feeding him. He now stood at my waist and weighed over two hundred pounds. He was only two years old. “Captain.” I cried then I was furious. “He was the only thing I knew for certain that I loved. And now he's gone because that short dicked motherfucker! I’ll kill him. Tell me where he is and this shit will be over.”

  “Harley, we don’t know where he is. Like I told you yesterday we had information that he flew into Cali, the night before your break in occurred. There’s also more. A note found on site said he knew where you are and who to go thru to get to you.”

  The faces of all the people who mean anything to me flashed through my brain. “Kari?”

  “She’s here, safe. We’ve closed the Phoenix office and brought Kari, we took her directly to the safe house.”

  “And you and Daddy will be there as well?”

  “Yes, we want you to come with us?”


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