Harley's Choice

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Harley's Choice Page 10

by Shaelin Ferra

  I laughed. “I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary I swear.” He motioned for the soap and I placed it in his hand. “You know he said you like to sleep later.”

  “I usually do but I got cold without you there next to me.”

  “Aww how sweet; now get out of the way I’m getting cold.” He chuckled and stepped back and I slipped back into the spray. “So what’s your first class today?”

  “Archery, nothing else sounded good, but this afternoon’s class is horseback riding.”

  “I am taking archery too this morning, but cooking this afternoon.”

  “If I remember correctly Carson’s taking those two classes.” I smiled glad I was going to have at least one of them in both my classes. “Now turn I’ll wash your back.” I hesitated but complied and he washed my back, my shoulder blades and my hips. He also provides massage service along with cleansing.

  He started to move my hair and I was suddenly ready to get out. “Well I think I’m very clean.”

  “No I’m pretty sure I missed a spot.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure I squeak I’m so clean.” I turned and faced him and let the water rinse me off. Then I stepped out and wrapped a towel, sort of, around my body and flopped a second one over my hair. “I’m going to go get dressed and go eat, are you going to go with me?”

  “Sure, I could use some food. Should we get some for Carson and bring it back?”

  “That would be nice or how about waking me and asking if I wanted to go too.” Carson said from the doorway. “You looked very delicious this morning Hars.”

  “You look like sin and very beddable Carson.” I looked him over his hair was wet, his shirt was unbuttoned and the top button of his jeans was open. I wondered briefly why men did this all the while being hypnotized by his abs and chest.

  “Keep looking at me that way and we will not make it to breakfast.” My stomach rumbled and Carson laughed. “Go get dressed and we’ll go eat.”

  I did as told and soon the three of us were on our way to the buffet. My body was still loose and relaxed from the night before and so my gait was longer and my hip roll was more pronounced and definitely not unnoticed by the men. “Oh kitten you should be freshly loved every morning.”

  “Kyle, don’t say that, she’d kill us both within a week.” I laughed and stepped into the elevator and turned to face them both. I pressed the open button and waited for them to catch up.

  As they approached the elevator they slowed and both looked at me like I was the devil herself. “Come on boys, I won’t bite…hard.” Carson smiled big like he took that statement as a challenge and Kyle swallowed hard like he was suddenly afraid. Both adjusted their pants then stepped in and placed me in between them.

  The ride, like so many before, was filled with the tension that I was becoming very familiar with. We have become sexually compatible but even I couldn’t deny there were unspoken truths between the three of us. All of them mine.

  I was going to need to say something soon. If I couldn’t ride a simple elevator with them then I had no chance of a future with either of them.

  The door opened and we walked to the buffet with empty stomachs and they pulled me out forty-five minutes later. “Come on Hars we have to be at the class in just a half hour. That gives us enough time to go up get our stuff and get back down.”

  “Fine, but I was still eating.”

  “Kitten you would still be eating this afternoon if we left you to it.”

  I mumbled “no they close down the breakfast bar at ten.” Kyle laughed and Carson groaned but I allowed them to lead me back to the room and gathered my stuff. We needed our badges and schedule so we could get into the classes. I also wanted my glasses and opted to leave my pistol in the room so I wouldn’t shoot anyone today. I did pretty well last night but I wasn’t going to press my luck.

  I was head deep in my purse when Kyle asked “Kitten, what you looking for?”

  “My sun glasses, seen them anywhere?”

  “I remember seeing them on that night stand.” Carson said and pointed to the far side of the room.

  “I’ll go check.” Kyle walked volunteer and walked around the bed and looked around, while I moved into the bathroom. “I don’t see them; maybe they fell under the bed.”

  I froze, stared at myself wide-eyed in the mirror as I focused on the other side of the bed to see Kyle standing up from the floor holding my glasses…

  And my rifle.

  I took a deep breath and slowly released it just as his eyes moved from my rifle and found mind. Ok, now or never, I opened my mouth to explain but Kyle beat me to it. “Carson you want come in here a sec?”

  “Sure, what’s up?” As he stepped into the room he froze looking at Kyle and then slowly turned to face me. The look on his face was confusion but had a heavy overtone of anger. Just looking at Baby there’s no denying what she is. “Harley what is that? No…I know what it is, I’ve used one myself. Why is it in your room?”

  I chickened out. “Oh look my sun glasses thanks Kyle.” I tried for ignoring Baby but neither one bought it, never thought they would actually. I made a point of looking at the clock “Oh look we have fifteen minutes to get down there we better get going.”

  I turned and was almost to the door when a voice stopped me. “Harley Elsbeth Shelton, get back here right now and explain this.”

  “I can’t believe you remember my middle name.” I looked at Carson and bit my lip. He was fuming and it was directed at me.

  “I remember everything about you.” He voice was cold but thoughtful. “I remember that you like homemade hot cocoa. I remember you are ticklish on the back of the knees. I remember you throw, um, threw a punch like a girl.” He had stepped closer with each ‘I remember’ now he stood in front of me. “But what I don’t remember is this woman who knows she can be a vixen, who can throw around a man a good hundred pounds heavier, who curses with deadly herbs, and has a sniper rifle with a quite beautiful scope hidden under her bed!” His nostrils flared trying to accommodate his breathing and somehow he had gotten me trapped against the wall with both hands on the wall behind me.

  His anger fed me but it wasn’t my anger that got fed, oh no, it couldn’t be my anger. No, it had to be desire. There was something dangerous about him angry. Like a snake coiled, or a submerged gator. I couldn’t have stopped the next movement for nothing. I jumped him, my lips slammed to his and my feet locked behind his back. He slammed me against the wall and even though I whimpered against the pain it was mostly sexual.

  His lips ripped from mine and I whined “Kiss me again with those lying lips and it shall be the last time you kiss me.” His statement was as efficient as ice water. I fell ungraciously from his arms.

  “They haven’t lied…ok once.” I looked to Kyle. “When you asked me what exactly I did for a living.”

  “You told me you worked in an office doing pre-printed stationary.”

  “Yeah, that was a lie and in my defense the only one I’ve told. Now I have left a lot out, but I have not lied.”

  “No you have manipulated around every question. I remember asking you last night what you were hiding from me. You seduced around that answer. You are nothing but a lying whore!”

  I heard Kyle suck in a breath as the resounding slap echoed through the room. “I will not tell you a thing until you apologize for that comment. In my line of work I have been called worse but NEVER by anyone that I cared for or that was supposed to care for me.” I kneed him in the nuts “NOW GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU ASS!” I shoved him out of the room and slammed the connecting door and locked it. I heard him cussing and then I jumped when the door vibrated with his hit.

  I wanted to cry, but I had things to do. I was committed to a schedule and though I may not have been in the mood I knew I was going to go. I spun and looked at Kyle who came around the bed and pulled me in his arms. “Easy kitten. He didn’t mean it and you know it. He was angry that you haven’t told us the truth.” I sobbed into his arm. �
��Aw Harley, don’t do this. It’s just that you know you have become the most important woman in our life, for ten years we have speculated and worried and wondered what you were doing with your life. I think he would have been just as pissed had you told us that you were married with kids.” I laughed through my tears as they slowed. “Will you tell us kitten, please?” I nodded and he sat me on the bed and walked to the door and unlocked it, stepped through and shut it.

  I heard muffled voices, both raised but nothing beyond that. I sat rubbing my hands together and worrying my lip as thoughts ran through my head faster than I could catch them. I fell back onto the bed and my head hit my rifle. “Ow! Sweet Witches glove!” I then cursed myself for using the words I was just accused of using. For the first time in ten years I was angry at who I was.

  Why couldn’t have a normal job.

  I went to push Baby off the bed, but stopped and instead took her and moved the chair to face the window. Baby pocketed in my shoulder and my eye to the sight, My Favorite Things drifting through my head again and it calmed me more than I wanted it too right now but I welcomed the comfort. I heard the door open after a second of silence I spoke. “My name is Harley Shelton ten years ago I was ripped from the arms of the men I was sure I was in love with to be trained in professional assassination.

  For the first year I was trained to be sniper. I wasn’t the best in the company, but I wasn’t bad. I was also enrolled in martial arts, gymnastics and self-defense classes. Daddy said he wanted me to be prepared, that I was going to have a harder time than my brother at certain things.

  Then just after my eighteenth birthday I was recruited for seduction kills I was taught multiple ways to seduce a man or woman to be able to get close enough to kill them. About the same time I was also being educated in poisons and hand to hand.” I continued on everything that I have been taught and how I was trained without ever turning around.

  Finally I came to the end of my story, “so you see for ten years I have learned and lived as a professional hit man. I can kill a person a couple dozen different ways; of course if you want electronic or automobile accident my brother’s the one to call.”

  I don’t know how much time I stood at that window telling them who I was, really was, but at the end of the recap of the last ten years I realized I had to turn around. The silence was thick and I about choked on it till I heard Carson. “Kitten,” he sort of gave a half chuckle “Harley I am sorry I insulted you the way I did. I was just hurt and angry and should have never taken it out on you in any way.”

  “Oh sure now you’re just trying to be nice.” I smiled then continued, “I’m sorry I rearranged the boys as I did.” I smiled bashfully. “There are of course a few more things.”

  “Oh god kitten more?” Kyle sighed.

  “Just a couple.” I walked to my purse and pulled out the little box my brother had given me. “These are from my brother.” And I placed the box in Carson’s hand and watched as he opened the box. He cocked his brow. “Yes, it’s my whole family. My father is the owner and my brother taught me sharp shooting and long range – he’s better than I at it, but I can totally kick his ass in hand to hand as you saw. You are also going to have to meet them again now that you know the truth.” I put Baby back under the bed just for comfort, “also, you don’t have to accept me but you can never say anything to anyone. I don’t doubt for one moment your abilities in keeping this secret, but it’s a rule in the company, actually it’s the rule, ‘The one closest to the leak will have to seal the leak’” I deadpanned. “And I could never do that so it would then be my life I forfeit.”

  Carson was the first one over the bed and pulling me into his arms. “That will never happen I swear to it Harley.”

  Kyle’s arm joined into the hug. “Neither of us will allow anything to happen to you Harley.” Another me sandwich. I loved this.

  But a dreaded thought entered my head. “You aren’t going to leave me now are you?” I was abruptly cold with fear then petted as they used to do when I was younger and had a bad day, or in my case a bad class hour.

  “Never.” Their voices so full of confidence it made me cry again.

  We stood like this for a few more minutes when the silence again became thick. “Ok ask away.” They threw me on the bed and curled up next to me and for the next two hours they asked and I answered without much more than a second between questions. It was a lot like the rapid fire interrogation technique my father is proficient at. I laughed several times during the hours we laid on the bed with them being curious little monkeys.

  There was a slight break in questions when my stomach growled. “Ok food for the killer.” Kyle teased. I looked into his eyes and asked the question. He answered without me saying a word. “I’m good with it. The way I see it there have been several times we have pissed you off I’m sure and you haven’t done anything to harm us I mean meeting you in a dark alley – Oh! OH MY GOD!” the realization apparent in his eyes.

  “He was another employee sent to keep me on my toes. We are allowed vacations but there will always be at least one test during the trip.” I smiled. “I’ve gotten to go to several countries because of the rule.”

  “And to think we were running out to be the heroes.”

  “You have always been my heroes.” I kissed Kyle on the cheek and he hopped up off the bed and went into Carson’s room. I turned to Carson to repeat the sentiment when I was on my back with no actual memory of getting there. “Yes sir?”

  “So I’m your hero?”

  “Of course,” I flushed.

  He leaned down and whispered into my ear. “I now know everything I need to know. I know you have a dedicated heart to your family. I know you love to be loved and, my personal favorite item, a little anger and fight heightens your libido to almost uncontrollable levels.” If it were possible I think his voice deepened even more. “I plan on finding out how uncontrollable it can get.” He kissed me on the cheek and rolled off the bed and I was left in the middle of the bed in a big pile of feel good goo.

  “Come on, if we go eat now we can get back for afternoon classes.” Kyle cheered as he walked through the room.

  “You know cheerful people annoy me…” He laughed as he opened the door and held it for me purse and sun glasses in hand. I was just outside the door when it shut behind me and I remembered my phone, sitting on my nightstand. “Here hold this a sec.” I pushed my bag into his chest and ran to Carson’s door as he was just opened it. “I forgot my phone.” I ran through his room and grabbed my phone and out through my door just as Kyle found the secret compartment and my Glock. I watched as he expertly dropped the magazine and cleared the chamber then did it in reverse and set the safety and slide it back in. “She’s always with me.”

  “She’s a good weapon” he handed back my purse and said nothing more. Carson took my left hand and Kyle took my right and off we went down the hall to the elevator. I pushed the button and apprehension came over me but before I could suggest taking the stairs the elevator dinged and opened. I took a deep breath and stepped in. the doors closed and nothing. I noticed no tension. “Well this is different.” Kyle spoke, breaking the silence.

  “So you noticed it before?”

  “Who couldn’t?” Carson replied. We all laughed and laughed all the way through the lobby and out the doors that led to courtyard.

  The smell of bar-b-cue hit me immediately and I was in the lead heading to the food with the guys laughing in my wake. As I approached the tables and grills I was ravished and needed to eat but then I saw who was running the booth and about lost my appetite. “Come on kitten you can do it.” I stiffened my spine and walked to Rebecca, Becky, Betsy, Stephanie, Tiffany and Marcy. Marcy was the only one who didn’t look beyond thrilled to be there.

  Kyle stepped in front of me and I mumbled. “After everything I told you today, that was a very stupid thing to do.” He chuckled and ordered. Carson stood at my back and I flushed at the memory of the last time he was behind me. Hi
s hands were warm on my shoulders and I shivered at the contact. Wolf’s Bane these two have way too much control over my body – especially Carson right now.

  “You’re up kitten.” He purred into my ear. I jumped up to the counter.

  “Hiya, nice to see you again.” Rebecca spoke in an obnoxious way. “Didn’t see you for dessert last night.”

  “There was dessert?” my interest piqued.

  “Oh yes, we had a very delicate mousse.” Oh someone poison me with arsenic her voice was nasally, was it always like that, how’d I not notice that last night?

  “Noticed what last night?”

  “How beautiful your hair is.” Her eyes widened and all the girls behind the counter turned and stared at me and Marcy flashed me a smile. Marcy’s smile I returned and then I ordered.

  It took her a few second to collect herself and then said. “Hairy?”

  “Harley, it’s always been Harley!” I said calmly then placed my order, “I would like a rack of the ribs and a pulled pork sandwich, oh and a large order of the fries and a soda. Please.”

  She cleared her throat, “will that be all for the both of you?”

  “Oh no that’s just for me; I don’t know what he’s eating.” I thumbed behind me and heard him chuckle.

  “Ok so that’s going to be ten fifty.” I handed her cash and got my change. “We didn’t see you in the classes this morning…” question implied, what question I had no idea but she opened that door so I walked in.

  I stepped to the side and Carson stepped forward. “I was…sleeping late…” I looked longing up to Carson who smiled down at me. Then I stepped intimately closed to Kyle and he put his arm around me and I looked back to Rebecca. Her eyes wide with disbelief and then Carson drew her attention away from me.


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