Legacy of Dragonwand- Book III

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Legacy of Dragonwand- Book III Page 1

by Daniel Peyton

  Legacy of


  Book III

  By Daniel Peyton

  Legacy of


  Book III

  By Daniel Peyton

  Copyright © 2017 by Daniel Peyton.

  All rights reserved.

  Legacy of Dragonwand: Book III

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

  The opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily those of Cosby Media Productions.

  Published by Cosby Media Productions.


  Cover art: Cosby Media Productions


  Chapter 1: a history lesson

  Chapter 2: origins of vengeance

  Chapter 3: stepping into the gap

  Chapter 4: adjusting plans

  Chapter 5: manipulation

  Chapter 6: the thread of hope broken

  Chapter 7: darkness awakens

  Chapter 8: awake

  Chapter 9: the last defense


  Chapter 11: the meeting of the dragons

  CHAPTER 12: the fall of morris

  CHAPTER 13: awakening

  CHAPTER 14: hallond’s last resort

  CHAPTER 15: recovery

  CHAPTER 16: a new day

  CHAPTER 17: waking

  CHAPTER 18: restoring order

  CHAPTER 19: School at last

  About the author

  More books by dANIEL

  Chapter 1: A History Lesson

  Many centuries ago:

  Tolen opened his eyes. He was much younger in appearance than when he and Markus first met. But that won’t happen for ten more centuries. He wasn’t sure where he was, or why he’d awakened. The last thing he remembered was battling The Betrayer and turning himself into a statue to seal off the dragon powers of both he and his enemy.

  “Sir, are you okay?” a kind voice asked.

  Tolen’s eyes searched the room. His eyes finally landed on a lovely Rakki woman setting a tray of hot soup near him. “I think so,” he whispered. “Where am I?”

  “You’re in the Blue Forest with the Rakki people. Our scouts found you on the ground outside of the forest two days ago.” She grinned in embarrassment. “You weren’t wearing any clothing.”

  He chuckled as his cheeks burned. “I suppose I had a rough night. May I assume that I’ve been under the gentle care of Rakki medical wizards?”

  “Yes. I’m Minna, the head doctor of the school of medicine for our people. You were a good study for my students. Reviving such an ill and injured man was no easy task.”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t.” He sat up and groaned. “I feel so weak.”

  She quickly came over and gingerly pushed him back down. “Don’t strain yourself too much. You were unusually ill when we found you. I haven’t ever seen such weakness in a man.”

  “I see. Weakness,” he murmured, pondering the thought.

  “I’ve brought some soup in. Eat…it’ll help give you back your strength.” She moved the tray next to his bed.

  “Thank you. I always enjoyed Rakki stews.” He sniffed the lovely aroma of freshly boiled chicken and broth. He raised the bowl to his nose, carefully considering the fresh meal. “Oh, please tell me something. What is the year?”

  She stopped. “The year?”

  “Yes. What year is it?” he casually asked, as simply as one would ask for a napkin or spoon.

  “It is the eighteenth year.” She frowned at him. “Did you not know that?”

  “Eighteenth!” He was stunned. “Eighteenth...what?”

  “It is the eighteenth year of the New Age. Are you not from Gallenor? Do you have a different year in your own lands?”

  Tolen calmed down and manufactured a pleasant smile. “No, no. I guess my head was a bit foggy and I forgot the year. I’ll be better tomorrow. I shall eat and then rest for the evening.”

  “Good. My nurses will check on you. Oh, how silly of me. I would like to know your name?”

  “Tolen.” he replied, knowing she would respond to that.

  Minna frowned and cocked her head. “Tolen...like the dragon wizard?”


  Minna stared at him with a look of sarcasm. Behind her gaze, Tolen knew the wheels were spinning. Did she know who he was? Would this change how she engaged him? “I heard of a Tolen once. He died eighteen years ago during the battle of Thendor.” She stood and strode past him.

  “A mere coincidence maybe,” Tolen said with a crocked smile, sipping his soup as she left his room.

  Several days had passed while Tolen gathered his strength. He learned that during his absence from Gallenor, the races had signed a Constitutional Concordat establishing equality among all beings. The Rakki, who had been servants of the humans for years, were now their own people with their own lands and leader. The first Lord of the Rakki was a wise old man named Lord Trevis, who guided the counsel during the writing of the concordat.

  Lord Trevis walked by the aid of a cane. The two strolled through an amazing library that had been recently collected. “What we were given were the tomes from the ancients. You know that the ancient wizards were all lost in the Great War. Their vast knowledge is both terrifying and amazing.”

  Tolen wore a smile, amused that the old man failed to realize he was in the presence of an original ancient. “I understand. But, please explain how the archives of the ancients were gathered here?”

  “I forget how bad your memory is. You must have really hit your head before my scouts found you.” Trevis frowned in sympathy. “After the war, during the rebuilding, we uncovered an archive of the ancients and discovered all these unique methods of information gathering. Books, crystals, potions, scrolls, and some items we have yet to identify.”

  “Why are they here?” Tolen asked.

  “It was decided that such amazing and dangerous knowledge needed to be guarded. We did not wish it destroyed, but we didn’t want others getting into it without proper authorization. Those ancients were powerful, but their power was their downfall. We must do what we can to avoid such a fate.”

  Tolen was impressed. “Wise course of action. If I recall, the ancient archives weren’t this vast. You have a very large library here. Or, did your people uncover the city in the far north? The one destroyed in the volcano eruption during the early part of the war?”

  Trevis furrowed his brow. “Volcano? There aren’t any active volcanoes in Gallenor.”

  “That answers that question.”

  Trevis laughed. “You do have a creative mind. To answer your question; this library is not only a vault to keep the ancients knowledge sealed away, but it also contains all the written knowledge of Gallenor. This place is unique and well protected. If anything happened to existing manuscripts, a preserved copy would be here to maintain the knowledge.”

  Tolen was all smiles. “And the other dragons felt the Gallenorians had no real wisdom.”

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing,” Tolen replied. “Would it be alright if I did a little research? My memory is bad and I believe some study might help me.”

  Trevis stroked his furry chin as he narrowed his eyes. Tolen hoped he hadn’t made him suspicious. “I suppose I can trust you.” Tolen
exhaled. “But, don’t let anyone else in here and do not take anything out of here,” Trevis said, waving his finger.

  “I’ll obey all of your rules,” Tolen answered with a bow.

  Trevis waved his hands overhead. “Enjoy the library. Let the librarian know if you need anything. I must return to the Hall. Many matters to be dealt with today.” The old Rakki shuffled off toward the large wooden doors.

  Tolen took a moment to scan the room, observing all of the works of his people. Many of the spell books and analytical papers here were of his own creation. It ached in his heart to know that this was all that remained of his own kind. Their knowledge survived, and that made him proud. But, he missed the companionship of other ancients; especially the Dragons.

  “No time for nostalgia, I need to study.” He hurried over and found several tomes that contained thoughts and theories about dark magic. He had to discover why he was awake and not sealed inside the dragon statue. He thumbed through a few pages of texts. “I must learn what is preventing me from turning back into a dragon.” His fingers carefully dragged across the pages. “And if The Betrayer has escaped.”

  Weeks passed and Tolen worked furiously to learn all he needed to know. He discovered the unfortunate fact that The Betrayer had indeed escaped, no doubt summoning a fail-safe spell that allowed him and Tolen escape, while keeping their full Dragon powers subdued by the seal.

  But all was not lost. He was busy at work mulling through a very powerful and unique book, written in a rare dragon tongue that only those of ancient decent or heritage could decipher. He had dwelt in this manuscript for hours each day until he felt he absorbed everything.

  “Okay, then I should be able to,” he said with a pause as he set the book down. He cautiously eyed the hall to ensure that no one else was around. “Good. Now, let’s see if this works.” He held his hands out over a table and concentrated. The magic churned within, bubbling up to the surface, traveling down his arms and wrists, brimming in his fingertips. It was working. Something flashed on the table, but nothing appeared. He stopped and grunted. “So close. It has to work.” He tightly shut his eyes and focused his mind. Finally, a great flash filled the room and he was knocked back slightly.

  There, on the table, lay his Dragonwand. A wave of relief flooded his mind. He had sealed The Betrayer’s wand within the statue, but his was fully released with him. It had nothing locking it down.

  “Oh, how I’ve missed this,” he said as he picked it up and held it firmly in his hand, waving it around. But something was amiss. It looked like his wand but didn’t feel like his wand. He could sense the amazing power in it, but it wasn’t in harmony with his own spirit. He quickly set it down and opened the dragon book again. What he discovered was disappointing. “No! It can’t be.” He flipped through the pages. “It just can’t be…But, it has to be true.” He smiled at the realization that this wand wasn’t entirely his any longer. The dragon lineage had passed to his children and their children. “That could only mean that… my entire family hasn’t perished. Those who followed The Betrayer could have hunted them down and killed them all in spite.” His eyes narrowed. “But…the power. Maybe they survived?”

  Quickly snatching the wand again, Tolen used it to enhance his senses. He searched Gallenor for someone who harmonized with the power in this wand. Only a true heir would work. But, there wasn’t anyone. The dark magic that had spilled across the lands had mildly tainted the people. Most were completely unaware and would never know of it. But the Dragonwand did. It would take generations dissipate.

  Suddenly, a terrible cold ached in his bones. He sensed another power – one of equal strength to his own. “The Betrayer...he lives.” He grimaced as the wand slipped from his grasp. “Oh no. What have I done?” He had unknowingly alerted The Betrayer to the presence of another active Dragonwand in Gallenor.

  Tolen calmed down and gathered his thoughts. Through dark, wicked magic, The Betrayer could easily obtain this wand and use it for his own horrible deeds. However, The Betrayer couldn’t possibly know where this Dragonwand was. “I must keep that secret safe.” He began to gather up the books. “I have work to do.”

  He retrieved dozens of tomes, manuscripts, and scrolls from the ancients archives as well as a few bits from the modern collection and carefully nudged the Dragonwand to the side; careful not to touch it again. Securing a special enchanted blank book, he hastily scribbled notes and spells while deeply studying all the information he had on hand.

  A month passed and Tolen now stood in a small room with Lord Trevis. He held out the newly created book wrapped neatly in a leather cover.

  “My Lord, I’ve not been entirely honest with you. My name is Tolen. I’m the ancient wizard. I cannot go into complete explanation, but I’ve been given a chance to return from what happened. There is a great evil in these lands; one who will do anything to destroy all that lives in his quest for great power. I tried to stop him once, but now find that fate desires a different ending.”

  “How do I know that you’re not merely a madman?” Lord Trevis asked. “Many who have been unfortunately touched by the dark magic fallout from the recent war are quite insane.”

  Tolen unwrapped his Dragonwand, careful not to touch it with his bare fingers. “My only appeal to your wisdom is the hope that you recognize this.”

  Trevis’ eyes widened. “I’ve seen one of those before. In my youth, while I was a servant in Thendor. It is a Dragonwand.”

  “Yes. It’s mine. But, it truly no longer belongs to me. I must keep it safe and away from the hands of evil.”

  Trevis gave Tolen a critical look and stared into his eyes, like he was piercing his soul. “I’m no wizard, but I trust the wisdom and logic that age has provided me. You do not seem mad nor do you feel evil. During the time you have spent with my kind, you have shown honesty and generosity. So few humans or wizards care to demonstrate equality among us, even during these times of equality. But, you are different. Therefore, I believe your words. Master Tolen, savior of Gallenor, what can the Rakki people do for you?”

  Tolen gave him the book. “This is the Wizard Codex, specially crafted for someone who will come to you one day.”


  “I cannot say. Pass it down to your children, and tell them to do the same. Tell them only that you will know the time its journey must begin. Don’t let anyone else know of it. Keep it secret. Do not even put it in your library.”

  Trevis took the book and smiled. “It is because the Ancient wizards that the people of Gallenor have freedom. The war was not just death and darkness; it was an engine of change. My people owe you and those who fought for freedom our lives. We only knew life as slaves, now we are free and trusted with great responsibility in Gallenor. I return the blessing bestowed upon us from you. I will do as you have asked and so will my children and their children.”

  “Thank you. Now, I must leave. I have a long journey ahead of me.”

  Trevis reached for a bell. “I will call two of my warriors to go with you. They will protect you on your...”

  Tolen raised a hand to stop him. “Thank you, sir. But where I go, no one can follow. No one can know of this place until the time is right. Otherwise, the very life of everyone in Gallenor shall be in at risk.”

  “As you wish. I offer you anything you need for your journey.” Trevis pulled himself up by use of his cane and escorted Tolen out.


  Tolen stood on the flat ledge near the secret entrance to the Citadel. Placing his hand in the slot it welcomed him inside. Soon, he would plant his Dragonwand in the floor of the council chamber, under the watchful eye of his fellow dragons.

  Markus lay there, watching the younger Tolen walk into the hidden door, as it sealed behind him. It was as though he were watching a ghost.

  “What is this? What did I just see?” he whispered, mystified by the site. He had seen that whole story unfold like a daydream, following through the eyes and min
d of Tolen himself.

  Tolen, the aged man, appeared next to him. “After I found the Citadel, I spent a full year inside. I had to consider how I could manage to avoid being detected by The Betrayer, and what to do next. During that time, I enchanted my old Dragonwand with the memories that now guide you.”

  “I can’t remember what happened to me. I think Morris has stolen something valuable, but my mind is cloudy.” Markus, still laying on the ground even in this vision, was confused.

  Tolen slightly shook his head. “I don’t have answers for you. I am just here to guide you through the memories as they come. These memories were only to be unlocked during a deep meditation or sleep. How you got there, I don’t know.”

  “I have to wake up. I...I don’t know why.” Markus struggled in his vision state.

  Tolen answered. “I can’t help you. But, I can teach you. You are with me in this vision. You need to learn to fight and defend yourself with magic. Until such a time that Hallond the Betrayer has been vanquished, you are at risk. Now, listen and learn.”

  Markus remained in deep slumber, continuing the vision as Tolen proceeded to explain and teach.

  Chapter 2: Origins of Vengeance

  18th year, deep in the caves of the dead:

  It hurt to breathe. Simply swallowing down the moisture in his mouth took great effort. Where was he? What happened?

  The last thing he recalled was diving straight for Tolen in wishful expectation of ripping his horrid wings from his body. Oddly, Tolen wore a smile the entire time. Why? What happened when their heads met? What was that flash of light?

  “Wake up! You stupid fool, wake up,” a ghostly voice boomed in his ears.


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