Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 14

by Gayle Donnelly

  He moved around the front of the SUV and helped her out then led her to the front door. Once on the porch, he turned her to him and placed his hands on her small waist. He knew she wasn’t looking for anything romantic but damn it, he couldn’t help himself. “Listen, Chloe. I know you can’t tell me everything about who you’re working with and I understand that. But I want you to know, I admire what you and your friends are trying to do here for these women. I admire what you’re doing with Samantha. Her progress under your care has been amazing. I just want you to know I’m here for you and will do everything in my power to help, in any way I can. I want you to believe that, Chloe.” His fingers gripped her waist tighter.

  Chloe placed her hands on top of Sean’s as a slow smile spread over her luscious lips. “I know that, Sean and believe me we appreciate your help and willingness to keep our presence confidential. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done already.”

  Sean simply stared at the beautiful woman before him. So strong, so determined, so special. That familiar tingle shot through his veins when she placed her small hands over his. He couldn’t fight it anymore. He slowly leaned in, letting his lips brush lightly against hers.

  She gave a small jolt then let her hands move up his arms as he pressed closer. Her lips were butter soft as he felt her grip his biceps. He licked at the soft seam, intending for her to open to him, but something was off. He couldn’t put his finger on it and then he felt her push back. He simply stared into her beautiful emerald eyes. Then her laugh brought him out of his reflections.

  “What?” he asked, suddenly feeling the need to fight off his own grin.

  “Sean. Please don’t take this the wrong way and I want you to know I honestly think you’re very attractive. But kissing you felt like kissing…” she hesitated, “my brother.” She finished and tried to stifle a giggle.

  Her eyes widened in surprise as he threw back his head and laughed, gathering her in his arms for a big bear hug. “Chloe, you’re the most beautiful woman I think I’ve ever seen. And the more I get to know you, your outer beauty only accentuates your inner beauty. I feel a familiarity when I’m with you, even a sort of zing to my system when we touch. But I have to admit, I could tell something was off when I kissed you. Although for me, it definitely didn’t feel like kissing a sibling.” He laughed again and continued to hold her.

  Chloe laughed as well, hugging him back as he swung her around in a circle on her front porch. “Well, at least we got that out of the way.” She chuckled softly as he set her down again. “Friends?” she asked, extending her hand.

  “Definitely.” He took her hand and pulled her in for another hug, kissing the top of her head. Maybe she just needs more time, he thought to himself. But he was going to enjoy every minute of trying to convince her that he definitely wasn’t the brotherly type.

  * * * * *

  Chloe said her good nights and closed the front door, resetting the alarm as she watched Sean pull from her drive. She sighed as she dropped her purse on the foyer table and turned to make her way into the kitchen. Her startled gasp caught in her throat as she noted a large figure sitting in her living room chair in the darkness. He didn’t move, didn’t speak, and neither did she. The silence was deafening until she saw a small movement. The room flooded with the light her intruder had turned on from the table lamp next to the chair. Surprise caused a sudden intake of breath as recognition dawned.

  Her voice felt strangled. Her heart was racing. She took a step back, her hand moving to her throat where she swore she could still feel the heat of his lips from their last meeting so many weeks ago. Her nipples hardened painfully and she felt a flood of warmth between her legs. He was sitting in her house, his gaze intense, fury radiating from him even though he remained seated in what appeared to be a relaxed position. She knew better. She hated that he had caught her off-guard, hated that he could probably sense her body’s reaction to his presence. And just how in the hell had he gotten into her house without triggering the alarms?

  She finally got her voice to work. “Talon, what are you doing here?”

  Chloe watched as his expression softened. It was amazing to watch his brilliant sea-blue eyes turn from anger to almost somber in an instant. He uncoiled his large frame from the chair and took a step toward her. She retreated. She couldn’t allow him to touch her again. She didn’t trust her body’s reaction. He halted immediately and met her gaze. And just that quickly, the anger was back in the swirling depths of his eyes.

  “Your security is shit, little girl.” He stared at her for a moment then tensed. “So, have a good time on your date tonight?”

  She bristled at his derogatory nickname but was grateful for the instant change in her own emotions. This man could pique her anger faster than anyone she’d ever known.

  “As a matter of fact, I had an exceptional time on my date, Talon.” She smiled as she turned toward the kitchen, turning on more lights as she moved through the house. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

  She pulled her wine from the fridge and poured herself a glass, making a point not to offer him anything to drink. She turned to him and took a sip, slowly licking her lips, and noticed as his eyes focused on her mouth. Mask firmly in place, she continued. “Now why don’t you tell me what you’re doing here and how you got inside my house undetected?”

  He didn’t say a word. Silence filled the quiet house. He took long, graceful strides to stop directly in front of her. He took the wineglass from her hand and placed it gently on the granite countertop, his gaze never leaving hers. He took her face in his hands as he stepped into her, their bodies touching from chest to thighs before he lowered his head to take her mouth in a blistering kiss.

  Chloe tensed in shock, then was instantly lost. She opened to him without hesitation or thought. His tongue, dueling with her own, sent shock waves of heat throughout her entire body. His lips were soft yet the kiss assertive. She felt overtaken, dominated, and she loved every minute of it. His hands moved to her hair, pulling the thick mass between his fingers until one powerful hand cupped the back of her neck to hold her at the angle he wanted in order to deepen the kiss. His other hand caressed down her spine lower and lower, ending with a firm grip on her ass. His fingers kneaded as he pulled her flush to him, his hard erection pressing into her lower abdomen. She had to fight back the moan that threatened to break free. His taste, the feel of his hands on her body, was ambrosia and damn it, he was doing it to her again. Talon was finally kissing her. After years of fantasizing about it, aching for it, the kiss was better than any of her infamous dreams could have prepared her for. And she had to stop it.

  With a strength of will she hadn’t known she possessed, Chloe forced her hands to his solid chest and pushed, breaking the kiss. Talon simply brought his hands back to cup her face as he rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes for a moment. Damn this man! She stepped back quickly and turned her back to him. She couldn’t catch her breath. The only consolation was that she heard his heavy breathing as well. Obviously he was as affected as she was. She smiled at the thought as she picked up her glass and took another sip for courage before turning to face what she considered the greatest danger to her soul.

  She tried to strike a casual pose, one foot crossed over the other, one arm around her mid-section and the other swirling her half glass of wine. She looked directly into his eyes and fought for an air of indifference when she spoke. “That was quite a greeting, Talon, but I’ll ask you again. What are you doing here and how did you get past my security system?”

  He stepped back and leaned against the breakfast bar, crossed his muscled arms over his mile-wide chest and mirrored her pose, one foot crossed over the other. “Like I said, your security is shit and I came for you.” He shrugged. “Now…” His gaze darkened. “My turn for questions. Why are you dating humans and kissing them on your front porch, Chloe? And don’t try to tell me this is part of your assignment, little girl.”

  The pai
n in her chest was immediate. That was why he had kissed her. He had seen Sean’s kiss earlier. It had nothing to do with Talon actually wanting her. She cursed her own stupidity, the juvenile hope she had allowed in her heart for an instant when she first realized it was Talon in her home. He hadn’t really come here for her and once again, she was a fool. When would she ever learn?

  She set her glass down and crossed both arms over her chest in defiance. “It’s none of your business, Talon, and why do you even care?” She shook her head quickly and leaned back against the counter. “You know what, don’t answer that. It doesn’t matter. Just tell me why you’re really here and how in the hell you got into my house.”

  He shrugged again in nonchalance. “Getting in was too easy, obviously since I’m not the only one who’s been able to break in here undetected.”

  “How did you know about that?” she asked, eyes wide in surprise.

  Talon moved back into the living room and she followed. She watched his fluid movements and mentally kicked herself for watching how the worn denim of his dark jeans molded to his muscled thighs and luscious backside. He turned to face her, sporting a knowing grin. Damn, busted.

  “You don’t think Killian is reporting to Roderick?” His voice deep, his brow furrowed as the blue of his eyes began to smolder as he continued. “Although he’s taking his own sweet time providing updates…like only recently reporting you were attacked and injured outside the clinic.”

  She could see the fury in his gaze as she instinctively placed her hand on her neck. The bruises were gone, she knew, but some nights the memories of the attack still haunted her, waking her from a dead sleep.

  “Do you honestly believe you’re safe, Chloe?” He growled as he moved toward her, cupping his hands around her shoulders. “Do you still believe you’re qualified for field assignments? I’m taking you home. Now.”

  Before his backhanded insult even had a chance to ignite her anger again, the front door burst open. In an instant, her living room was filled with five Coteri warriors, weapons drawn. Talon immediately pulled Chloe behind him as he unsheathed his own wicked blade, his body tight, muscles flexing beneath the hand she had on his biceps.

  She sighed heavily before she stepped from behind Talon. “Hi boys. Thanks for joining us so quickly.” She cast a quick glance to her destroyed front door. “You owe me another door, Danny. That’s two you’ve demolished now.”

  Talon lowered his gaze to hers in obvious question. She moved to place herself in front of him, making sure she was in between him and her friends. “What, Talon? You didn’t think I was astute enough to sense an intruder in my home? You didn’t think I was capable enough to know how to handle the situation? I realized the second I walked in that I wasn’t alone. When resetting the alarm I simply sent the silent panic code to the boys here. Of course, I hadn’t realized at the time it was just you.” She shook her head in frustration. “As usual, your faith in my abilities is overwhelming, Talon. Believe it or not, I’m not a complete idiot.”

  Chloe looked to her team. “Stand down boys. And somebody fix my damn door.”

  She marched back into the kitchen, needing some distance. He was here to take her home? Like she was some defiant child? The nerve of this man knew no bounds. She pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge, uncapped it and took a healthy gulp. Silence surrounded her. She moved to the breakfast bar that separated the living room from the kitchen and leaned her hip against the edge. She shook her head at the testosterone stand-off that was happening in her living room. Not a single man had sheathed his weapon.

  A familiar voice broke the silence. “Sorry I’m late guys. What did I miss?”

  Chloe smiled at his teasing tone and watched as her newest visitor crossed the distance from the front door and moved directly toward her. “Hey there, Firecracker.”

  She laughed at the nickname he had given her years ago as he pulled her into a hug and spun her in a circle before setting her back down. “Let me guess, you’ve got something to do with all this, right?” He motioned to the men who were now all staring at her in stunned silence.

  She stepped back from the embrace and smacked his shoulder playfully. “This time I’m perfectly innocent. This one is all on your friend over there. He’s the one who broke into my house.” She nodded her head toward Talon. “But I have to say, it’s good to see you, Tre. It’s been too long.” She smiled and gave him another quick hug.

  Tre returned the smile. “Wouldn’t be anywhere else, doll.” He casually draped an arm around her shoulder as they turned to look at their audience. Tre chuckled. “Nope, you couldn’t drag me away from this kind of fun.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Daniel sat back in his chair and surveyed the room. Hours after arriving, the group was still gathered in Chloe’s kitchen. An assortment of empty cartons of Chinese food and beer bottles were scattered over the table and bar area. He and Tre had brought Talon up to speed on the investigation so far, including the notes left for Chloe at her home and the attack on her at the clinic. With each new piece of information involving Chloe, Daniel noted the other man’s demeanor hardened more, his fury evident, until his fist slammed on the table with such force it was a miracle the wood didn’t crumble beneath the blow.

  “And just where in the hell were all of you while this was happening to her?” Talon stormed.

  Daniel watched as David bolted from his seat at the bar and moved to stand directly in front of Talon. His brother Michael immediately moved to back him up. Talon towered over David but the height and weight difference obviously had no impact on the furious man. “Look, fucker. We’ve had her back every step of the way since she was brought in as one of the team. And she can obviously take care of herself.”

  Daniel slowly stood from his seat, the others of his team doing the same as David continued. “Don’t think just because the king sent you here that you have any authority over the way we handle this investigation. We know how to do our jobs and we know how to back up one of our own. And Chloe is one of our own, damn it.”

  Talon sneered down at the smaller man and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re making some pretty big assumptions on who sent me, cub.” Talon uncrossed his arms then leveled a heated look at Daniel. “And don’t you think she would be in a better position to protect herself if your fucking boss had been honest with her from the beginning about Luca targeting her?”

  Daniel heard Chloe’s sharp intake of breath from where she stood leaning against the kitchen counter. He looked directly at her as he answered. “Wasn’t my call, Chlo.”

  Chloe set her glass on the counter and stepped closer to the table. Her voice was firm and calm but the look in her green eyes told a different story and that worried Daniel.

  “Tell me, Danny,” she stated simply.

  Oh yeah, she was definitely pissed. Daniel began to move toward her only to have Chloe bring up her hand, halting his progress. He put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “There’s a rumor that Luca has targeted you personally, Chloe, in an effort to hurt the king and as payback for impeding his attempts with the king’s daughter. Killian didn’t want you distracted from the investigation until it was determined whether or not the threat was legitimate. I’m not saying I agree with his decision to keep this information from you but I wasn’t in a position to go against my general’s command either.”

  Chloe nodded silently for a moment, her insides shaking, then met each man’s gaze. “Well, I’d say it’s pretty clear it’s more than rumor, wouldn’t you all agree?”

  Once again her voice was calm, devoid of emotion, but the piercing green of her eyes held the truth. Daniel knew she was pissed and worse, she was hurt. And damn Killian to hell, he didn’t blame her one bit.

  Chloe moved gracefully back to the counter and lifted the glass of amber liquid to her lips before addressing them again. “Now if you don’t mind, it’s late and I’m tired. I think it’s time for everyone to leave.” She leveled her gaze directly
at Talon and repeated, “Everyone.”

  Awkward silence filled the air as the men moved to the newly repaired front door. As they all filed out into the night, Tre kissed her cheek and enveloped her in another bear hug. David ruffled her hair before giving up his closed fist for a knuckle bump then Daniel turned and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Chloe, and what you must be feeling. And believe me, you have every right to feel that way. But remember this, you’re part of this team and we believe in you. All of us do. We wouldn’t be nearly as far in this investigation without you here with us. You’re the reason we’ve been able to make such progress. It was our job to watch your back so you could focus on where your talents were needed most. I’m sorry for…” He hesitated for a moment. “Hell, I’m just sorry, Chloe.”

  She gave no response. She couldn’t or she’d break. He lowered his lips to her forehead and gave her a quick kiss. “Good night, my little warrior.” He turned and headed out the door to his truck.

  * * * * *

  Chloe sighed as she turned around to her last visitor, unsure whether she had the strength to deal with him at the moment. “Time to go, Talon,” she said in a soft voice.

  Her feelings were hurt, her pride was peaked. She truly believed Killian trusted her enough to be honest with her. To learn the truth had shaken her modestly won confidence enough to question the fact that she had found a place and a group of people who believed in her, to question that she had found a place where she could make a difference and start a new life. It now appeared as though she was back to where she had started and she didn’t know if she had the strength to start over again.

  Chloe stood holding the front door open, waiting for him to leave. She needed to be alone to think about all she had learned tonight. She motioned her head to the open front door, hoping he would take the hint.


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