Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud) Page 24

by Gayle Donnelly

  Before her tremors finished he lifted his torso and stood upright, straddling the bike. He draped her legs over his thighs, held her by the hips, and drove his shaft into her center in one hard stroke. Talon watched as her eyes flew open in surprise. He leaned forward and took her lips in a kiss that ignited the fire in his veins to a fevered pitch. He tightened his hold on her hips and moved his lips to her neck. Deep, driving strokes into the tightest pussy he’d even known had him gritting his teeth with the need to mark her.

  Chloe’s hips met his with every forceful stroke. “Talon. It’s so good. Oh god. How can it be so good?” She cried out as she wrapped her hands around his wrists.

  He lifted his torso and stood straight, his gaze locked on where they were joined as he continued his driving thrusts.

  “Sweet baby. You’re so tight, so hot. You’re killing me. Let me feel you milk me, Chloe. Just like that, baby. I need to feel you come on my cock.” He lifted her hips with his hands as he thrust harder, deeper. “Come for me, Chloe. Now baby!”

  She screamed, arched, and her hands flew back to grip the handlebars once again. Her long legs came up to wrap around his lower back in an effort to drive him deeper. Talon continued to grind and thrust for several strokes until he felt the tremors of his own release shoot through his spine. His balls tightened and with a final thrust, he threw his head back and roared, the sound echoing through the trees, the intensity of his release nearly bringing him to his knees.

  He lowered his head to meet her slumbering gaze. The green of her eyes piercing through the darkness. He wrapped his arms around her back and lifted her to him, chest to chest. They were still joined as she straddled his lap. The new position allowed him to sink even deeper and he saw her eyes widen in surprise and pleasure.

  Talon stroked her back then took her head in his hands before placing a soft, wet kiss to her lips. He pulled back and just looked at her, unable to speak. Neither said a word and then Chloe wrapped her arms around him and lay her head on his chest.

  He held her tight, felt her heartbeat against his, and just allowed himself to enjoy this rare gift in his arms. That’s what Chloe was, a gift. And one he was determined to hold on to.

  After several moments of silence Talon pulled back to look at her. “Come on, baby. Let’s get dressed and get out of here. We’ve got an early start tomorrow and I’m thinking with just a little more practice tonight, we might get this thing right.” He grinned and flexed his still-hard cock inside her.

  Chloe’s eyes widened. “We get this any more right and I don’t think I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.” She laughed.

  He gently lifted her off him, gritting his teeth at the feel of her tight pussy releasing him, and then helped her off the bike. As they began to dress, Talon couldn’t hold back the question. “Chloe, tell me how I heard you in my mind. I thought that could only happen with bonded mates?”

  Chloe buttoned her jeans and began putting on her boots as she shrugged but didn’t meet his gaze. “It’s one of the gifts I’ve developed over the last several years while living with Mina.” She stood and turned her back to him as she pulled her top over her head, obviously uncomfortable with this topic. “I’m usually only able to use it with those I’m very close to or when my emotions are extreme. Mathias doesn’t even know how far I’ve developed in this area. I’m sorry if it freaked you out. I didn’t even realize I’d done it.”

  Talon felt a flood of warmth and pride spread through his chest at her explanation. He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as he pulled her close, breathing in her scent. “It didn’t bother me, baby.” He murmured in her ear. “It just surprised me, that’s all.” He gave her lobe a nip. “In fact, it was kind of hot.” He stepped back and swatted her behind before handing Chloe her helmet and getting on the bike. He held out a hand to her and she slid gracefully behind him.

  They drove home in comfortable silence. Once inside, he watched as Chloe hung their jackets in the closet then walked to the stairs. She stopped and turned to him before extending a hand.

  “You coming?” She said softly.

  He crossed the room quickly and enfolded her small hand in his, liking the look and feel of their hands intertwined. “Around you, baby? Always.”

  She laughed as he led her up the stairs to her bedroom.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Hours later, Chloe slipped silently from Talon’s comforting embrace and the warmth of her bed, needing some distance to gather her thoughts. She hadn’t slept. Her mind was spinning on overdrive after everything she had learned earlier that night and especially after what she’d experienced with Talon on the bike, then in the shower, then once again in her bed. Chloe mentally kicked herself. She’d messed up. She knew it. Sometime during their experience in the park she’d allowed him to slip fully into her heart again. Oh hell, who was she kidding? Talon had always held her heart. But knowing he would never feel the same only made the pain worse. She was an idiot. Again.

  She slipped into her soft robe and slippers before turning to stare down at his sleeping form. His normally chiseled features appeared more relaxed in sleep and she fought the urge to climb back into bed and curl into the security of his strong, sheltering arms.

  He rolled to his back, his large frame dwarfing her bed. The light of the moon pierced through the thin sheer curtains and outlined the powerful perfection of his chest, rising and falling with each deep breath. She forced herself to take a step back from the utter temptation she was quickly realizing was becoming too difficult to deny. She shook her head. She couldn’t allow herself to become dependent on someone she knew to the depths of her soul, wouldn’t be around when this was all over. Talon didn’t do permanent. She felt a lone tear slip down her cheek at that thought but quickly swiped it away.

  Chloe turned and crept quietly out the door, softly closing it behind her, before heading downstairs to the kitchen. She kept the lights off, not needing them to see, and simply wanted to take advantage of the peaceful dark silence of the house. She grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and took a healthy swallow, needing time to think. She hoped the peace and quiet of the night would help her figure out the ever-changing pieces of the puzzle to this assignment and the ever-confusing emotions of her personal life. She took another long drink and drained the bottle. Maybe she should hit the gym to try to clear her head, she thought absently. It had been days since she’d had the time for a hard workout.

  After tossing the empty bottle in the recycle bin, Chloe turned and spotted her phone on the counter, forgetting she had powered it off earlier. She shook her head. No, what she really needed, she knew, was to talk to Mina, remembering her brother’s pleas to call her. Could she even dare hope that Mina had forgiven her? She missed her friend and more than anything, she needed Mina’s advice where Talon was concerned.

  Chloe clutched the phone to her chest and walked slowly to the doors leading to the back deck. She quickly disabled the alarm and stepped out into the crisp night air. Igniting the fire with a flip of a switch, she powered on the phone and took a seat on the soft, cushioned chaise. She wrapped her fluffy robe tightly around her, hit the familiar speed dial number and held her breath. Please, Mina. I need you. Sending up a silent prayer in the hopes her friend would be willing to talk to her.

  She was about to hang up after the fourth ring when a familiar voice answered.


  Chloe sat in silence, suddenly too scared to speak.

  “Hello?” Mina repeated.

  Chloe softly cleared her throat. “Mina?” She began tentatively. “It’s Chloe.”

  The piercing scream on the other end of the line had Chloe holding the phone away from her ear. When she brought the phone back, Mina had begun her tirade. “Just what in the hell were you thinking running out on us like that, Chloe? Running out on me? Do you have any idea how pissed off I am at you right now? How scared I’ve been for you? You’d better be ready to do some pretty
damn good explaining so I hope you’re comfortable because this conversation is going to last a while.”

  Chloe smiled as she pictured her friend, her sister, pacing as she ranted, arms flailing in her agitation. “I did what I thought was best, Mina, for all of us.” She answered softly.

  Mina’s reply was crisp and direct. “Bullshit. Not good enough. Try again.”

  Chloe took a deep breath for courage before continuing. “Look, you made your feelings for me clear before I left and I don’t blame you. I know how deeply I hurt you, Mina, but I hope you know that was never my intent. I would rather die than betray your trust but that’s exactly what I did and you had every reason to be hurt by my actions.”

  Chloe let out a long sigh. “I love you like a sister and I always have. I thought leaving was the best option, Mina. I couldn’t stand to hurt you any more than I already had. Returning to Washington was for the best, for all of us.”

  Mina was silent for several seconds and Chloe wondered if calling her had been mistake after all.

  “Look,” Mina started in a surprisingly calm voice. “You know me better than anyone, Chlo. You know my temper. I’m not going to pretend that your betrayal didn’t devastate me in a way I didn’t even think was possible. We were closer than sisters and I trusted you above anyone else to always be totally honest with me. I would have bet my life on that faith and you know how hard it is for me to put my trust in anyone.”

  Chloe was about to reply but Mina continued. “But I’ve also learned so much in the time I’ve been here—about the Coteri, about the hierarchy, about the importance of keeping my existence a secret for so long and the reasons for doing so.” She paused. “I’ll be honest, it still hurts like hell that you didn’t tell me the truth and I can’t deny that I’m still a little pissed but I’m in a better position to understand the reasons behind it now.”

  Chloe felt the warm tears streaming down her face, chilling her cheeks in the cool night air. “I’m so sorry, Mina. You have no idea how sorry I am to have hurt you like that.”

  Chloe heard a sniffle and knew Mina was crying as well. Then Mina chuckled. “Do something like that again, Chlo and I’ll kick your skinny ass, no matter how big and pregnant I am.”

  Chloe couldn’t help the laughter that burst out of her. “I love you, Mina. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Love you too, sis. And I’m ready for you to come home.”

  Chloe went silent until Mina prodded. “Okay, now fill me on everything that’s going on there. I’ve been so scared for you, hon, especially after finding out about your attacks and that Luca was behind them.”

  Chloe adjusted her position on the chaise to get more comfortable then spent the next twenty minutes bringing Mina up to speed on everything surrounding the assignment. She detailed all she’d learned about Killian and her growing unease with her general. Chloe described the members of her team, her boys, and how close they’d all become. She shared what they’d recently learned about Sean and Sam and what their next steps would be now that they had this new information.

  Chloe paused in her ramblings before adding, “Oh, I almost forgot. Thanks for the Versace bag. It was beautiful, Mina.”

  “Wait, what do you mean it was beautiful?” Mina questioned.

  Chloe explained how her parking lot attacker had left the shredded remnants of Mina’s gift on her kitchen table along with the message from Luca.

  “Well, it’s obvious the bastard has to die now. That was a fucking Versace!” Mina teased before adding in a more serious tone. “I’m just glad you weren’t home at the time, Chlo and thank God you weren’t seriously hurt in the parking lot attack.”

  Chloe shivered at the memory. “Me too.”

  “Okay,” Mina began. “Now on to the good stuff. Got anything juicy to tell me about Talon?”

  Chloe’s sharp intake of breath was her only response. She could almost picture Mina rubbing her hands together in glee at the thought of hearing some juicy gossip. How in the hell did Mina guess anything was going on with Talon? Damn, her friend had some wicked skills.

  Mina laughed. “You might as well spill it. I overheard part of Mathias’ conversation with you earlier today. I was also witness to Talon’s reactions here at the castle whenever your name was mentioned, especially when you were attacked and when he basically declared he would do anything to get to you and bring you home safely, even if it meant defying Roderick.”

  Chloe sat up in shock. “So he did openly defy Roderick’s orders? Oh god, Mina, why? Why would he do that?”

  Mina laughed, “Chloe, sweetie, you’re not seriously asking me that question, right? The man’s got it bad for you hon. Now tell me…I need deets!”

  Chloe sighed, sank back into the chair, and began to tell Mina everything about her feelings for Talon, thankful she was finally able to be completely open with her friend. She started at the beginning, when they were younger and when she still believed in her happily-ever-after fantasies. She shared the heart-breaking confrontations with him back at the castle when she realized the full power of his rejection, and finally finished with the most recent developments in their so-called relationship, although she left out quite a few of the specific details. Somehow sharing the most intimate details didn’t feel right. Those were for her and Talon alone.

  Mina remained silent throughout. When Chloe finally finished she asked. “Just answer one question for me and answer me honestly, Chlo. Do you love him?”

  “He drives me crazy, Mina! I can’t control my body’s reaction to him.” She responded quickly.

  “Do you love him?” Mina asked again.

  “My brother has warned me to stay away from him for years. He’s afraid I’ll get hurt.”

  “You let me worry about Mathias. Now do you love him?”

  “I don’t understand him, Mina. Before moving to the States with you, he never gave me any indication that his feelings for me went beyond friendship. Even when I left home all those years ago, I got nothing from him. Not even a goodbye.”

  Chloe took a deep breath and continued. “When I returned to Germany, he pushed me away like he couldn’t stand the mere sight of me. Then he follows me here and is now in a full court press, acting all possessive and telling me ‘you’re mine’. I don’t know if he’s sincere, if it’s the danger surrounding me that’s attracting him, or if I’m just a new challenge in his long list of conquests. I don’t know what to think.” Chloe’s voice continued to rise.

  Mina was silent for several seconds. “Chloe, Do. You. Love. Him?”

  Chloe paused, took several deep breaths as she closed her eyes and clutched the phone tight. “After everything that’s happened, I do believe Talon cares for me now. But he owns my heart, Mina. I can be honest enough with myself to admit that I surrendered that part of myself to him a long time ago. But I can’t allow myself to surrender my soul to him. I just can’t.” Her breath hitched. “If I allow that to happen, there won’t be anything left of me when he walks away. And he will walk away, Mina, of that I have no doubt. Talon doesn’t do permanent. Ever.”

  Mina let out an exasperated breath. “Just who in the hell am I talking to right now? This isn’t the strong, independent, confident woman I’ve known for years.”

  “That Chloe tends to go into hiding with anything involving Talon.” Chloe admitted somberly.

  Mina cut her off. “Bullshit. In the first place, forget your brother in this whole equation. His opinion doesn’t matter because you will always be his baby sister and no one will ever be good enough for you in his eyes.”

  Chloe couldn’t help but smile, knowing that was true.

  “And secondly, I’m going to give you the same advice you gave me when I questioned you about my ‘unknown bodyguard’ after I first arrived in Germany, which by the way I still haven’t forgiven you for not telling me he was actually your brother….bitch.”

  “Whore” Chloe bantered back in their familiar way, feeling better by the minute.

p; “You told me I deserved to be happy, Chloe. You told me to take a chance and to believe I’m worthy of finding something special. And I’m telling you now, you deserve that too. Quit over-thinking it. Trust your instincts where Talon is concerned because believe me, from what I saw, this man is not with you now out of some stupid obligation or because you’re a challenge.” Mina’s tone softened as she continued.

  “I love you, Chlo and you deserve to be happy. But you never will be unless you allow yourself to take that leap of faith. It’s scary as hell, I know. I had to do it with your brother. But believe me, it’ll be worth it in the end.”

  Chloe smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I love you too, Mina. Thank you.”

  “And besides,” Mina added flippantly. “I love the guy but if he breaks your heart, I’ll go all tiger-ass on him and slice off his balls. You haven’t had a chance to see it yet but I’m pretty much a badass in my tiger form if I do say so myself.”

  Chloe actually laughed out loud at her friend’s dry humor. It was just one of her many talents, but Mina could always make her laugh. And right now, Chloe was more grateful for that than she could ever express.

  ”Now listen to me.” Mina continued in her mama voice. “Stay safe, get this damn assignment over, then get your skinny ass back here so we can really have a chance to catch up. I’m starting to get as big as a house and my best friend isn’t here to listen to me bitch about it.”

  Chloe couldn’t help but laugh again, knowing full well that was Mina’s intention. “You haven’t been pregnant that long, Mina. Even though our gestation period is much shorter than a human’s, I’m sure you aren’t as big as a house and I’m sure you look absolutely beautiful.”

  Mina laughed. “I think you’d be surprised, girlfriend. But I have to admit, I couldn’t be happier about the reason for getting so big. This is an absolute miracle and I want to share it with my sister.” Mina paused. “Listen, just be safe, Chloe and come home soon. I need you here with me through all this.”


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