Mirin, Christelle - Bonding Camp (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Mirin, Christelle - Bonding Camp (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 2

by Christelle Mirin

  Lauren Brooke entered the dining room, her smile a bit nervous. “Good morning, Mr. Cane.” She nodded at Crystal.

  Justice raised his hand to her. “Come in, Lauren. And please, no ‘Mr. Cane.’ Let me introduce you to Crystal White. Crystal is a partner in the firm also.” Lauren took his hand and stepped fully into the room.

  Crystal handed Lauren a champagne flute of mimosa. “I hope you like mimosa for brunch. I think it sets the day off to a luxurious start.”

  “It’s nice to meet you…Shall I call you Crystal?” Lauren released his hand and used both hands to hold her glass.

  “Yes. We’re all on a first-name basis. Here and at work. Please, come in and sit down. Brunch will be served shortly.” Crystal moved to a chair at the large table.

  Justice took Lauren’s elbow and led her to a chair on the other side of the table. “I hope you’re hungry. We tend to eat quite a feast when we’re here at the retreat.”

  Her smile was tremulous. “I am a bit hungry, if I must say.” She sat down at the table, placing her glass beside her plate. “When will the others arrive?”

  Justice sat next to her. “The others? Oh. You are the only new associate. Crystal and Morgan and I are here. You’ll meet Morgan later. He’s running behind this morning. But we thought since all three partners would be here with you, bonding camp will be a special treat. We’ll get to know you, and you’ll get to know us. See if we mesh. Of course, we have staff here. Rodgers is our caretaker and all-around butler-type man. If you need anything fixed, he’s the go-to guy. Missy and Rachel are also here. Rachel cooks and takes care of the main house. Missy is our masseuse and personal trainer. If you want to work out, have a massage—which you’re already scheduled for, by the way—or swim in the pool, Missy will be your right-hand woman.”

  Lauren reached for the champagne flute. “Thank you. I’m sure I’ll have a nice time.”

  Justice noticed the slight tremor in her fingers when she reached for the glass. She seemed nervous, but controlled it well, which was a good trait for a lawyer. Hopefully he’d be able to calm her nervousness by Sunday night. At least she hadn’t shied away from taking his hand when she arrived, and that was a good sign.

  They made small talk during brunch, tentatively getting to know each other. Crystal was her usual self, her openness seeming to set Lauren at ease. Justice leaned back with a cup of coffee and listened to the women discuss shoes. Yes, things were going well. He hoped Lauren could keep her casual air about her during the full bonding camp.

  Once they were finished with brunch, Rachel entered to clear the table.

  “Would you like to take a walk and see the grounds?” Justice asked, pulling out Lauren’s chair as she rose.

  “I’d love to.” Her smile lit up her eyes.

  A tightening began in his stomach, an inkling of promise. He could get used to being smiled at by Lauren Brooke. Very easily. “Come on, then. I’ll show you around.” He reached for her hand. She readily took it. “We’ll see you later this evening, Crystal.”

  Crystal winked at him. “Possibly. I do have a few plans for tonight.”

  “It was very nice meeting you,” Lauren said. “I’d love to have coffee sometime.”

  Crystal smiled. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll have more than coffee.” She walked toward the door. “You two have a nice walk.”

  “We will.” Justice squeezed Lauren’s hand. “Shall we?”

  She nodded, squeezing his hand in return. “Let’s.”

  Chapter Three

  Walking along a tree-shaded path, Lauren took in a deep breath. The air was clean and crisp, with a hint of the woods. The path wound through the trees, and birds sang above them in the branches. It was secluded and private, a nature walk.

  “It’s lovely here,” she said, meaning it.

  Justice smiled down at her. “We come here often. It helps to get away from the courtroom and the city sometimes. Just to remind you there are other things in life than cases and clients.”

  Looking up into his sparkling eyes, Lauren felt her stomach do a funny little flutter. He was still holding her hand, the heat of his touch traveling like a tendril of smoke up her arm.

  She’d never expected to feel this relaxed. This was a job interview, basically. Why did it feel so much like a romantic weekend with a handsome man? Get your head out of the bedroom, Lauren. He is not boyfriend material. He is going to be your boss.

  She cleared her throat. “Well, it is nice to get away once in a while, but I do love my work—or should I say, what will be my work. I enjoy researching the cases, figuring out a plan of attack in the courtroom. It’s like a puzzle I’m trying to solve, one where the outcome benefits the client and myself.”

  “Interesting analogy. A puzzle.” He let go of her hand and slid his arm around her waist. “Watch your step here.”

  Heat sizzled along her back where he touched, flaming straight to her solar plexus. Her foot slipped on the path when she began to step over a rock.

  His arm tightened on her waist. “Careful. We don’t want any injuries. Hate to have you file a claim against us.”

  “I’d never—oh!” Both feet went out from under her, the wet leaves on the path like a patch of ice.

  Instantly, Justice grabbed her around the waist, catching her, and before she knew it, she was facing him. Pressed against his chest, both his arms circling her waist, he gazed down at her.

  Oh boy.

  No…not boy…man.

  She let out a giggle. “Sorry. I’m not usually this clumsy.”

  His gaze didn’t falter, nor did his arms around her relax their grip.

  Lauren’s heart stuttered. His heartbeat transferred through her palms where her hands rested on his chest. Strong, thrumming, his heartbeat didn’t stutter. Kiss me. Please…just kiss me.

  As if reading her thoughts, he lowered his gaze to her lips. “Sometimes, clumsy is good,” he said, his voice deep, husky.

  Her fingers twitched. She wanted to grab handfuls of his shirt and drag him down to her mouth.

  She didn’t have to.

  His lips met hers with a molten heat, sliding across her lips deliciously. Lauren closed her eyes, her legs watery with the passion of the moment. “Mmm,” she moaned when he deepened the kiss, tilting her head back with the force of it. Overpowering. Yes. Overpower me. Take me.

  Too soon, their lips parted. Lauren opened her eyes, her lips hot from the contact.

  Justice gazed down at her, his face flushed. “I…I didn’t mean to…”

  Lauren cleared her throat. “No. Don’t. Don’t apologize. Please.” She pushed a bit against his chest, taking a step back. His hands slid across her waist then disappeared.

  Justice raked a hand through his hair and glanced off into the woods. “I don’t usually—”

  “Stop.” Lauren cleared her throat again. “If you apologize, that kiss—that amazing kiss—will seem like you didn’t mean it.”

  He turned back to her. With a short laugh, he said, “Oh, I meant it. Never doubt that.” He raised a hand and stroked her arm. “Want to continue our walk?”

  She nodded. “Just so you know, I don’t normally kiss my boss.”

  “Well, that just changed, didn’t it?”

  “Sort of.” They began to walk again, the path leveling out. “I don’t want you to think I sleep my way into jobs.”

  “I don’t. To be honest with you, at our firm, we’re a lot closer than most.” He held back a tree branch for her to pass. “But only as close as you want us to be.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” What was he trying to say? How close was “close”?

  They entered a clearing where the path branched off in two directions. Justice stopped and touched her shoulder. She turned toward him, meeting his eyes. They were honest eyes, eyes of a man she felt she could trust. She didn’t know why, but the sense that she could confide in him, tell him her secrets with no worries, centered in her being. There was no nervousness now, no appreh
ension about the job. Had the kiss done all that? Allowed her to feel, well, like herself?

  He hooked his thumbs on the pockets of his pants. “Close. What I mean is, the people at our firm share more than cases. They share their lives. Their wants. Their needs. Their desires. All of themselves. Or, as much as they want to share.”

  She swallowed. What exactly was he saying?

  * * * *

  How could he explain this without sounding strange? Justice wanted Lauren to accept the job offer, to allow them to get close to her. He wanted for her to be one of them. The trick was how to do it without scaring her off.

  “Don’t look so scared,” he said. “We won’t poke into your life unless you want us to.” He could tell by her eyes she was spooked, yet intrigued. He needed to keep her leaning toward “intrigued.” He reached for her hand. “Come, let’s walk some more. I can see we need to do a lot of talking.”

  She took his hand. It was a natural gesture. There was no hesitation on her part. Leaves crunched beneath their feet. There had been no hesitation when he had kissed her either. Was she more open than she first seemed?

  “Aren’t I supposed to have a ‘one-on-one’ meeting with the other partners today? At least, that’s what was in the agenda,” Lauren said, looking off into the trees.

  “Yes. That will be this evening. You’ll meet with me at four, Morgan at five, and then we’ll all meet for dinner at six. After dinner, you’ll meet with Crystal. Then it’s everyone to themselves.” He hoped he wouldn’t end up by himself tonight. He hoped she would spend some more time with him so he could really get to know her. If they weren’t close enough by then…well, he’d think of something to bring them closer.

  “Doesn’t this, what we’re doing now, constitute our one-on-one meeting?” She looked up into his eyes. Sunlight shifted down through the trees and glinted on the highlights in her hair.

  “Not really. I just want you to feel comfortable here. That’s basically what this is about. This walk, this letting you get to know the compound. If you accept our job offer, you will be able to spend any amount of time here that you like.”



  She smiled, her eyes opening wide. “It’ll be like I have a vacation home.”

  “Exactly.” He squeezed her hand. She squeezed back. “Do you like it here?” he asked, almost holding his breath until she answered.

  “So far, yes, I do.” She stepped closer to him as they walked, her arm brushing against his. “I like the people here, too.”

  “Do you like us enough to share some of your life with us? To bond with us?” There was the million-dollar question.

  Lauren bit her bottom lip, her eyes on the path ahead. “I guess you’ll have to explain to me what you mean by ‘bond’ with you.” She looked up at him. “I’m usually a very private person. Though I will admit, being here seems to relax me. Even though I’ve only been here for a few hours.”

  Justice took a deep breath then slowly let it out. How much should he say at this point? She seemed so closed off when they had met, but was now opening up to him. He didn’t want to go too fast. “Let’s just play it by ear on the bonding. How’s that sound?”

  She nodded. Suddenly she stopped.

  “Something wrong?” Justice asked, stopping beside her.

  Her brows drew together in a frown. “I have to ask something…just how bonded are you and Miss White? Are you two…”

  He smiled and rested his hand on her shoulder. “Crystal and I are very close. We share many things. Many personal things. But if you’re asking what I think you’re asking—no, we’re not together. Not an item. Not in a relationship.”

  She smiled a trembling smile. “I’m sorry. Maybe I was too forward. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  He stroked her hair. So silky… “You’re not prying. Like I said, we like our associates to be close. Which means we do share details about our relationships. Would that be a problem for you?”

  “I’m not in a relationship at the moment.”

  Justice noticed her gaze had become cloudy, closed off again. “You had a bad relationship.”

  She blinked. “How did you know?”

  “It shows in your eyes. You can talk about it, if you want. With me. Or with Crystal if you feel a woman would be more understanding.” He took her hand and urged her to walk again. “You see, we’re sounding boards for each other. Whatever is going on in our life, we discuss it with the others. It makes us behave like family, instead of some backstabbing corporate operators. Do you know what I mean?”

  They walked along the path, turning to the left and back toward the main house.

  “I hate the backstabbing part of the corporate world,” she said. “Everyone trying to outdo everyone else, making themselves look good at the expense of others.”

  They arrived at the main house, stopping on the front porch. He grasped her other hand and turned her toward him. “That’s not how we conduct business. At our firm, we’re family.”

  Lauren looked up and smiled widely. “I really do think I’m going to like it here.”

  Chapter Four

  Lauren was nervous. She didn’t know why. She had already met and talked at length with Justice Cane. So why was this one-on-one meeting with him making her tremble?

  Maybe because you’re so attracted to him you can’t see straight?

  She blew out a breath and checked her makeup in the mirror for the third time. She had fifteen minutes before she was supposed to meet Justice at the building they used for meetings and seminars, and she needed to get rid of this nervousness.

  It was a short walk through the woods along a path, just to the right of the building they called Solitude. Lauren wondered just what Solitude had inside. She knew from the booklet that there was a massage room, a sauna, and the like. That’s probably what was in that building. Hopefully she’d find out this evening. She hoped to have a massage and maybe spend some time in the whirlpool.

  “Okay, you’ve checked the mirror enough. Get on with it,” she told her reflection.

  She quickly exited her room and made her way through the main house toward the front door. Crystal was lounging on the couch in the living room. “Good afternoon, Miss White,” Lauren said as she moved through the room.

  Crystal looked up from her magazine. “Lauren, do call me Crystal, would you, please? We really don’t stand on formality here.”

  Lauren smiled. “Sorry. Crystal it is.” She continued toward the door. “I have a meeting with Justice in a few minutes, so I must rush off.”

  Crystal nodded. “No problem. I’ll be seeing you soon enough.”

  Lauren waved and continued on out the door and headed in the direction of the meeting building.

  * * * *

  Justice stood in front of the portrait of the company staff that was centered on the wall behind his desk. You couldn’t really call it a “portrait” since it was actually a group photo taken last summer, when all the office staff, along with the partners, had spent a week here at the retreat. They all had a wonderful time, the staff becoming even closer than they already were. They were a family at Cane, Moss, and White, and from the smiles on the faces and the arms around each other in the photo, their close relationship to each other showed. It made for a great working environment, one they prided themselves on.

  He hoped Lauren would join them, be a member of the family.

  A tentative knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts.

  “Come in,” he said, turning toward the door.

  Lauren entered, looking lovely in a butter-yellow summer dress. Justice instantly felt a twitch in his loins, wondering what it would be like to slide the thin shoulder straps of her dress down and expose what was underneath.

  “I hope I’m not late,” she said, clasping her hands in front of her.

  “Come,” he said, gesturing for her to come closer. “Sit.” He indicated a spot on the couch in front of his desk.

She smiled and walked around the end of the couch and folded her trim body into a seat on the end. “I don’t think I’ve ever been in an office where there was a couch in front of someone’s desk instead of a chair or two. What made you choose a couch?” She crossed one slender leg over the other.

  Justice moved in front of the desk and leaned against it. “Comfort and familiarity. That’s what makes this company run. So, a couch instead of chairs. That way I can sit beside you.” He moved to the couch and sat, placing one arm along the back of it. Hesitantly, he touched her shoulder with a finger, noting the smoothness of her skin. “Lovely dress,” he said when she didn’t move away from his touch.

  “Thank you.” She turned slightly toward him in her seat.

  A good sign. She’s interested. “Tell me, Lauren, would you find it awkward to confide in your colleagues?”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Confide? About what?”

  He used his finger to make a trail up her shoulder to the curve where it met her neck. She gave a little shiver. “Oh, let’s say family issues or relationship issues. Do you see yourself being comfortable enough to do that? Just basically talk to us as if we’re friends instead of colleagues?”

  “I, um, don’t seem to have a problem talking to you,” she said. She took a fold of the skirt of her dress in her fingers and toyed with it.

  “Okay, that’s good. So, you’re not in a relationship at the moment, am I right?” The first question. He wondered how many she would answer as he delved deeper.

  Lauren pressed her lips together for a moment before she answered. “I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment, no.”

  “But you did.”

  She nodded. “Yes. But it’s over.”

  Justice slid his palm down her arm to her hand, which rested in her lap. “Was it a bad breakup?”

  “In a sense,” she said. She seemed a bit hesitant but still willing to continue.

  “Can I ask what happened?” He watched her face, trying to catch whether or not this was bothering her. It seemed to be. He needed her to relax. He used his thumb to stroke her fingers, slowly and rhythmically.


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