Flaming Sun Collection 1: Happily Ever Afters from India Box Set (The Malhotra Bride; Meghna; The Runaway Bridegroom)

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Flaming Sun Collection 1: Happily Ever Afters from India Box Set (The Malhotra Bride; Meghna; The Runaway Bridegroom) Page 6

by Sundari Venkatraman

  Grandpa stood listening to the exchange and was glad that his Sunita was in safe hands.

  “Okay then, I’ll be seeing you,” said Akshay, all set to leave.

  “Akshay, please come in and sit for a while, son. I heard you left without having anything in the evening either. You must have something to eat,” insisted Gokul.

  Akshay looked at Sunita as she mouthed, “Please.”

  “That’s true Uncle. I wasn’t hungry then. I’ll have something now. Come, Sunita, I’m sure you’re also famished.”

  Sunita glared at his back as Gokul escorted Akshay into the house. This huge hunk could possibly eat a full meal after those delicious kebabs, but she couldn’t swallow another bite. She followed them quietly as she didn’t want to argue with Akshay in front of her father.

  Her mother was relieved at the averted situation. Grandpa patted Akshay on his back, showed him the ‘thumbs up’ sign and winked at him.

  What was with the two of them— behaving like old friends? Sunita felt envious.

  “Dadaji, I hope it’s not past your bed time. Will you join us please?”

  He was like a breath of fresh air in the stiff and formal household.

  They all sat around the dining table with Leela rushing up and down to serve the meal. Sunita went to help her.

  “Oh, Mamma! I had such a wonderful time. I hope you weren’t too worried.”

  “I wasn’t worried about you, dear. Only what Pappa would say. But all the anxiety is worth seeing the happy smile on your face. And Akshay—looks like your father’s met his match.”

  Sunita smiled at her mother and carried a few dishes to the dining table.

  “You too sit down, Aunty. Mm— everything looks delicious. You must have gone to a lot of trouble.”

  Leela looked at her daughter’s betrothed and almost blushed. It was the first time she received a compliment for her efforts. “That was no trouble at all, son. I hope you like it.”

  Akshay polished off the Roti, Sabzi, Dal and Rice served on his plate. Gokul eagerly took part in the general talk at the table. It centred around the garment business and its export. While the women were used to the shop talk and kept silent, Akshay had other ideas. He wanted to know what they thought about everything. While Leela continued to remain quiet, Sunita was vociferous in her opinions. The scene took on the makings of a debate. Akshay looked at the grandfather clock in surprise as it chimed midnight.

  “I’d better rush,” he said, smiling at everyone. He shook Gokul’s hand, “It’s been an interesting evening. I think we should do this more often. You all must come over to our place soon. Thank you for the lovely meal Aunty. And Dadaji,” he put his arm around Grandpa’s shoulders, “I’m sorry to have kept you up so late.”

  “Not at all, Akshay. I wouldn’t have missed your visit for anything.” Dadaji was too happy with his newfound grandson.

  “Well, see you all soon then. Sunita, will you walk me to the car?” he asked.

  The patriarch spoke, “You do that, my dear and lock up after. We’re going to bed. Come on, Gokul, Leela. Good night, Akshay, Sunita.” The ever tactful Grandpa wanted the youngsters to have some privacy.

  Akshay was reluctant to leave Sunita. She didn’t want to part with him either. In just one evening, she felt she had found a friend for life. He added cheer to her dull life. She wondered if she would meet him the next day, but was too shy to ask.

  “It’s quite late, Akshay. I’m sure you have a full day tomorrow.”

  “Yes damn it,” he angrily hit his right fist on his left palm.

  Sunita was shaken at his vehemence. “Hey,” she said in a shocked voice, “What’s wrong?” She touched his arm hesitantly.

  He immediately guessed that she was disturbed. He covered her hand reassuringly with his, drew in a deep breath and smiled at her. The smile transformed his face. Sunita stared in fascination.

  “Nothing wrong—just that there’s so much to do at work and I want to spend all my time with you.” A deep sigh shuddered through him as he said, “I’ll see you tomorrow same time.”

  “If you’re sure.” Won’t he find it tiring after a full day at work?

  “That I am,” he whispered in her ear, pulling her into his arms.

  Sunita braced her hands on his chest and looked up at him. The moonlight lit his sharp features as he gazed down at her. Her breath caught as she saw the desire in his eyes. She tried to move away but he refused to let her go.

  “I think you should leave, Akshay. You need to rest.”

  “Are you trying to send me away? Well,” his lips took a downward slant, “if you’ve had enough of me—” his eyes were downcast.

  “It’s not that,” Sunita walked into the trap set for her, “Of course I haven’t had enough of you. I’ll miss you in fact,” she admitted.

  Akshay raised his laughing eyes to hers. She realised she had been tricked into admitting that. She gave him a shy smile, glad to have said it.

  “But I still think you should leave, Akshay.”

  “I know,” he growled into her neck, “just give me a minute.”

  Silence reigned in the portico as Akshay pressed his lips against her petal soft cheek. ‘Was that allowed?’ she thought. ‘Weren’t they going to sign a contract?’

  “Goodnight Sweetheart,” he turned her head to kiss her other cheek.

  Sunita blushed prettily, “Good night, Akshay, sleep well.” She left his arms and waited for him to get into the car.

  Akshay got into the driver’s seat reluctantly. She bent at the window to wish him, ‘goodnight’. He pulled at her arm, “Don’t I deserve a goodnight kiss?” he asked pathetically, “it’ll at least tide me by till tomorrow evening.”

  She almost laughed out loud at his sorrowful expression. She pressed her lips to his hard cheek, her lips tingling at the contact. “Call me when you reach home, Akshay, please.”

  He left and Sunita locked up the front door. She went to her room and had a swift shower, wearing a cotton nightie. She waited with the mobile in her hand, looking forward to hearing his voice again.

  Akshay had befriended not only her, but her whole family. Even her taciturn father was taken up with him. A small smile played on her lips. Life was such fun suddenly. She looked forward to the three years with Akshay.

  She picked the phone on the first ring.


  “Hi, Sweetheart! I already miss you.”

  “I miss you too,” she admitted.

  They spoke for a couple of minutes before saying ‘bye’. Sunita slept the moment her head touched the pillow.


  The next few days were like a dream for Sunita. Akshay picked her up in the evenings and they went to quiet places where they could talk without being disturbed. They got to know each other well. She so looked forward to their time together as she found in him a kindred spirit with whom she could talk about anything under the sun. And they laughed a lot!

  The Panditji came home one day to discuss the wedding date and muhurat. The engagement ceremony was fixed for Sunday. Another four days to go. Should she call Akshay and tell him about it? Maybe he’d find her silly. He was so busy with his job while she had nothing to do but sit at home, thinking about him.

  She waited impatiently for the evening to come as she ran through her wardrobe for something suitable to wear. Should it be jeans and top or another churidar set? It took up a couple of hours—quite surprising for a person who was usually decisive. But nowadays she dressed to please Akshay, she realised. A secret smile danced on her lips while Sunita hummed a popular tune as she took out the midnight blue jeggings and fluorescent green top. She matched it with a denim jacket. Her hair in a high ponytail, she could have passed off for a school girl. Her eyes sparkled under pale green eye-shadow while her lips glowed with a trace of natural colour. A dash of perfume and she was ready.

  She ran down to Grandpa Ratan’s room. “Dadaji.”

  Surprise! Akshay was there sharing a
cup of coffee with Grandpa, totally relaxed.

  “Come on in, my dear. Look who’s here. You’re late, my child. Akshay’s been waiting for a while.”

  “No, I—”

  “No, Dadaji, Sunita’s not late,” his eyes were admiring the length of her legs encased in the jeggings as a broad smile broke out on his lips, “I came early. Sunita’s before time too. An admirable quality in a lady, eh, Dadaji?”

  Sunita’s eyes promised murder at his mischievous comment while she couldn’t but admire his dashing personality. The beige corduroys and black t-shirt complemented his tall figure. Her eyes caught the vee of his collar and moved away in a hurry. Akshay enjoyed her confusion as his grin grew wider.

  “And Good evening to you too, Mr. Akshay Malhotra,” said Sunita in an extra polite voice, obviously peeved.

  “Good evening, Sunita,” he raised his hand in a mock salute. “Ready to leave?”

  “Yeah,” she nodded, her ponytail bouncing.

  Dadaji watched in amusement. He looked at Akshay and said, “Bye, son. See you later and you too, Sunita.”

  “We’ll be late as we’re having dinner out, Dadaji. Please don’t wait up for us.”

  Sunita was confused. This was the first she heard about dinner. Won’t her Pappa hit the ceiling? She gritted her teeth. She had clear instructions to keep Akshay—grr—happy. It wasn’t her problem.

  She walked stiffly out of Grandpa’s room into the corridor. Akshay followed her and closed the door carefully behind him.

  “Which is your room, Sunita?” He asked.

  Sunita gave him a fiery look as she pointed to the door across.

  It happened in a flash. Sunita found herself in her room with Akshay, the door firmly closed. She walked away from him and stood on the other side of the bed.

  “Hey Beautiful! What’s biting you?” asked Akshay, pretending ignorance as he walked towards her.

  “I’m sure you’ve something on below that tightly buttoned-up jacket.” He went to her and gently started pulling the buttons one by one.

  Sunita gasped. She put her hands on his to stop him. Akshay took her hands in his.

  “Look at me.”

  Sunita’s eyelids felt so heavy that it was too much of an effort. She felt Akshay’s eyes on her face as colour bloomed in her cheeks.


  She looked at his face that was too close for comfort. He placed her hands on his shoulders, his sliding to her waist. “Sweetheart,” he kissed her on the forehead.

  Sunita did her best to hold on to her bad temper. She thought it was the best way to retain her sanity. Her eyes were on her hands, restless on his shoulders. Her fingers caught a few strands of his hair and she found them deliciously silky.

  She forgot her plans to remain angry as the fingers of her right hand played with his hair. She rose on tiptoe to press her lips to his hard cheek. Was this heaven?

  Akshay had managed to unbutton her jacket and pull it off completely as he moved her a few inches away from him. Sunita wasn’t even aware of her protesting groan that had brought a smile to his face.

  Akshay whistled under his breath as he saw the short sleeveless top she was wearing. It fit snugly on her firm breasts and left a couple inches of her waist bare. His large hands spanned her waist as he pulled her back into his arms.

  He pressed his lips against her ear as he whispered, “Now I know the reason for that jacket.” His voice lost its amusement as he traced his lips over her petal soft cheek.

  Sunita shivered at the sensations that bombarded her. She held on to his neck for support as her knees turned weak with an unfamiliar need. Akshay’s hands were restless as he explored her sensitive skin. She felt so good in his arms.

  With great difficulty, Sunita tried to bring a semblance of sanity. “Akshay, are you aware where we’re?”

  “Hmm—yeah, your bedroom.” He nuzzled her neck, inhaling her perfume, his lips playing havoc with her blood pressure.

  “What if Mamma turns up suddenly?” Her hands kneaded his shoulders, revelling in the muscles.

  “Your mother’s gone to the market and your father’s still at work,” said Akshay as he explored her collarbone with his lips.


  Akshay’s lips traced the beginnings of her cleavage when he suddenly raised his head. He wanted her too much! But she was such an innocent. He was sure she wasn’t even aware of what she was doing to him. He removed her arms from around his neck and put his hand under her chin. “Shall we go?” His voice was hoarse as he noted the disappointment in her eyes. “You look good enough to eat, Sunita. I can’t trust myself with you,” he declared, bringing colour to her cheeks.

  She gave him a small nod before donning her jacket once again and going along with him. It took a while for her heartbeat to calm down.

  Gokul Rishi had just got out of his car as they stepped out of the door.

  “Hello Uncle.”

  “Oh, hello, Akshay. On your way out? Have a good time,” he smiled at the pair of them.

  “Sure. We won’t be in for dinner. Please don’t wait up for us.”

  Gokul Rishi looked at the young man standing tall and proud in front of him. ‘It’d be best to get the wedding performed as soon as possible,’ he thought as he saw them off.

  “Will you now get out of that bloody jacket?” he growled, having correctly guessed that it was for her father’s benefit.

  Sunita was only too glad to take it off.

  “I wish I’d brought my motor bike.”

  “You’ve a bike?” squealed Sunita in delight.

  “Would you like a ride on it?”

  “I’ve never ridden on one. I’d love to.”

  “Let’s go home, leave the car and take the bike.”

  “Are you sure, Akshay?” She didn’t want to be a bother. “We can take a ride some other day.”

  “Will you or won’t you like to take a bike ride?”

  “Love to. But if it’s too much trouble—”

  “Not for you, Sweetheart,” said Akshay, giving her an adoring look.

  Sunita glowed with pleasure. They went to Malhotra Park and Akshay took the car directly to the garage.

  “I’ll get the bike. Why don’t you go in to say ‘Hi’ to Mom and Dad?”

  Sunita walked over to the bungalow. She knocked on the open door, her steps hesitant.

  “Who’s that? Oh, Welcome, Sunita dear. Tanuja, see who’s come.” Raj Malhotra swept her in a warm embrace, touching her heart.

  Tanuja came out to see who it was and hugged her too. Sunita was overcome with shyness. She hadn’t expected to meet Akshay’s parents in a skimpy top. But they didn’t seem bothered about it.

  “Welcome home, Sunita,” said Tanuja. “I’m glad Akshay brought you over. We didn’t get to meet you the other day. Sit down, my dear.”

  Tanuja drew Sunita down on the comfortable sofa. The latter accepted the fresh lemonade she was offered and sipped it with relish.

  Her shyness disappeared in the warmth of the older couple. Soon, they were discussing everything under the sun. Sunita was astonished to hear that Tanuja ran a successful boutique that sold designer wear for women. That’s when she told them of her dreams of becoming an Interior Designer. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke of her favourite subject. Both Tanuja and Raj hung on to her every word, making her feel treasured.

  Akshay had come in a few minutes back and stood at the entrance, watching his three most favourite people getting along like a house on fire. He walked over to sit with them.

  “We’re glad you brought Sunita home, Akshay,” said Raj. “Gokulji called to say that the engagement’s to be held on Sunday.”

  At the mention of her father Sunita’s head came up in alarm. “Uncle, Aunty—please don’t mention to my parents that I visited you,” her voice was full of strain, “I shouldn’t have, not before the engagement.” Her face had paled.

  It pained Tanuja to watch the panic stricken girl. She warmed the Malhotras’ hear
ts. They had yearned for a daughter and now their prayers were answered. Tanuja felt angry with her parents. Putting an arm around Sunita she said, “Don’t worry, darling, we’ll say nothing to let you down. Just relax.”

  “Yeah, you go ahead Princess, and enjoy yourself.” This was Raj.

  Sunita was thrilled when Raj called her ‘Princess’. She hugged them both warmly kissing them on their cheeks and left the room on Akshay’s arm.

  “Akshay,” Tanuja called out to them, “Why don’t you both come back home for dinner?”

  Akshay turned to Sunita for confirmation. Seeing her smile, he told his mother, “Okay, Mom, we’ll do that. Bye! See you both later.”

  The motorbike was a sleek BMW. Sunita looked at it in awe. “Wow! Are we riding that?”

  “Wow!” Akshay was looking at her. “Yes.”

  “You’ve a great bike.” Sunita snapped her fingers in front of his eyes. “Come down to earth and let’s go for that ride.” Giggling, she watched him sit astride the bike.

  “You look sexy in that outfit. I’m having a tough time keeping my hands off your bare midriff.”

  “Do you think I should wear my jacket?” Sunita asked shyly.

  “No way,” said he, shaking his head vigorously.

  Sunita swung behind him and held on to his shoulders for support. He pulled her hands and wrapped them around his waist. A shiver ran through Sunita when her body came into contact with Akshay’s hard back. Akshay felt the tremors and smiled with pleasure.



  “Hold on tight,” Akshay started the bike and they roared away. Sunita didn’t have to be told. She held on tight, for her life. She was rather scared in the beginning. She slowly relaxed and loosened her death grip on Akshay’s middle. He drove fast and it was exhilarating. Sunita relaxed against him, her cheek pressed to his back and gave herself up to the momentum of the ride.

  Mumbai is a group of seven islands and a few miles in any direction leads to a beach. Akshay rode to Marve Beach. They were travelling against the evening traffic and reached the beach soon. Akshay stopped the vehicle not far from the water and waited for Sunita to get off. It had been a wonderful ride. Sunita was ecstatic. She hugged Akshay and said, “That was just awesome.”


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