Holidays With the Walker Brothers

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Holidays With the Walker Brothers Page 7

by Nicole Edwards

  Considering that was the whole reason they’d all gathered around Travis’ kitchen table first thing on a Monday morning when they all should be at work, they truly needed to get this worked out.

  From the looks of it, Travis was going to run out of time completely, and sitting around wasn’t helping.



  “I still don’t know where you put all that,” V said to Zoey as the foursome finished their breakfast.

  Kylie grinned, loving the banter between the women. These shopping trips had become a regular thing with the four of them, and the more they got together, the closer they became. Granted, Monday mornings generally weren’t reserved for shopping excursions, but there were a few last minute things they were all looking to get, which meant they had to make time where they could.

  “I’m eating for two, don’t you know?” Zoey laughed, grabbing her orange juice and finishing it off.

  “Exactly. Two. Not ten,” V said good-naturedly.

  “Sometimes I feel like there are ten of them in there,” Zoey added, grabbing the last piece of bacon from her plate.

  “How are you feeling? Last time I talked to you, you said you were tired all the time,” Jessie asked, pushing her plate away as she stared over at Zoey.

  “Well, nothing’s changed on that front.” Zoey’s grin was mischievous, and Kylie laughed. If she had to guess, Zoey’s exhaustion wasn’t just related to pregnancy.

  “We do not want to hear about your sex life,” V said with a grin, reading Kylie’s mind.

  “Sure we do,” Jessie teased. “I’m all for hearing about someone else’s sex life.”

  “Right. Like you don’t have enough action to write a romantic suspense novel.” V winked at Jessie as she pushed her half empty bowl of oatmeal away.

  “Not the point.” Jessie laughed. “And besides, my sister here is the one with the action. I’m still not sure how she manages to crawl out of bed each day. Not with two cowboys like that flanking her through the night.”

  Kylie turned to face her younger sister, trying to come up with a witty comeback, but nothing came. It was the truth, Travis and Gage ensured each and every night that she was well sated. And sometimes, when she wasn’t in the mood, they would turn to one another, which was just as erotic to watch as it was to join in.

  The waitress arrived, clearing the empty plates and setting the check down on the edge of the table and letting them know there was no rush.

  Sure there was. They were now counting down to Christmas and if they didn’t get a move on, Kylie feared she’d never find that perfect gift for Travis and Gage. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she had tried, she still had not found them anything. Well, nothing other than a few novelty items that she knew they’d love.

  “You finished over there? Or are you ready to order lunch?” V teased Zoey and the table erupted in laughter, including Zoey.

  Zoey was usually the first one to joke about how much she ate these days. By the looks of her, Zoey had gained the weight of the baby, and that was about it.

  “Keep it up and I’ll do just that,” Zoey said, trying to sound serious but failing.

  “I’ve got this,” Kylie said, grabbing the check before V could snatch it up off of the table.

  “No way. You bought last time,” V argued. “It’s my turn.”

  “The hell it is,” Zoey said firmly. “It’s my turn.”

  “Nuh-uh. This time it’s my turn,” Jessie added.

  While the three of them argued, Kylie slipped her credit card into the little leather bound booklet and handed it off to the waitress when she walked by.

  “Ha!” Kylie told them all, finishing off what was left of her coffee.

  “Where to after this?” Jessie asked, pushing her own credit card back into her wallet. Apparently, Kylie’s little sister was trying to be sneaky, but she didn’t win this round.

  “The mall, where else?” V announced, grabbing her purse and placing it on the table in front of her.

  “What are we going to find at the mall?” Kylie asked, mentally skimming the list of stores and hoping one of them would have something she could get Travis and Gage.

  “Candy,” Zoey said sweetly, her hands gently cradling her swollen belly.

  “How in the world can you think of candy? You just ate pancakes with syrup.”

  “No, the question is, how can you not think about candy? Ever.” Zoey laughed.

  The waitress brought the credit card and receipt back for Kylie to sign, which she did quickly. Once that was taken care of, the four of them escaped from the booth and disappeared out into the bright, morning sunlight.

  “I heard it might actually snow on Christmas this year,” Kylie said as they walked toward her truck. Or rather Gage’s truck. Out of all of their vehicles, his was the only one large enough to carry the four of them and any packages they might pick up. Well, unless they considered Jessie’s little Honda, but that thing was on its last leg and Kylie certainly hadn’t been in the mood to walk from the mall if the thing gave out on them.

  “That’s what I heard. When’s the last time it snowed on Christmas?” V asked. “Or anytime for that matter.”

  Zoey’s hearty chuckle followed them into the truck as they all four climbed in before Kylie cranked the engine and then backed out of the parking spot.

  “It’s been a while,” Jessie added from the backseat with V.

  “Wouldn’t that be awesome? For it to snow on Christmas?” Zoey asked, staring out the window as they accelerated onto the interstate and into Austin.

  “I’m all for the snow, but I could do without the cold,” Jessie explained.

  “Not sure you can have one without the other,” V added with a chuckle.

  “Sure you can,” Zoey told them, turning to peer over the seat at the two women in the back.

  Kylie glanced over quickly but then focused on the road. “How’s that possible?”

  “Remember that one year when the twins rented that snow machine?”

  V barked out a laugh, which in turn, made Kylie laugh.

  “Oh, Lord. Let’s hear it,” Jessie instructed the two women.

  Stories about the twins and their mischief never ceased to amaze Kylie. And every time she turned around, it seemed as though there was another one ready to be told. And now that Jessie was dating Brendon – although she claimed it wasn’t anything as serious as dating – there were tons more to be heard.

  “I’m pretty sure their parents had no idea they’d rented it,” V began.

  “Not that it would’ve mattered one way or another,” Zoey added.

  “So, they took the ice machine up to the high school. Keep in mind, they had graduated years before.”

  Zoey laughed. “But Zane was a senior that year.”

  Kylie could actually imagine how this would’ve played out.

  “I’m not sure how they managed to get into the school, but they did. And they set up this snow machine in the cafeteria of all places,” V explained.

  “It was the day before winter break,” Zoey continued. “I’m sure they had someone on the inside helping them, although that person never did come forward.”

  “Needless to say, it took a while to get all of that cleaned up. And yes, it must’ve had the twins’ signature all over it because Zane was called out on it.”

  “Did they suspend him?” Jessie asked, sounding eager to hear more.

  “Oh, no. Zane, despite the fact that he was a wild one, was a straight A student. He never did get in trouble for it.”

  “Did their parents find out?” Jessie questioned.

  “Of course,” Zoey said with a giggle. “Curtis gave them props for being creative.”

  The four of them were still laughing when Kylie pulled the truck into the parking lot of the mall.

  Based on how their morning had gone so far, she had high hopes for what the rest of the day would bring. But she wasn’t all that convinced she’d find a gift that would stu
n Travis or Gage.

  Chapter Ten



  How in the world did he not know that Kylie was planning to come to the mall?

  Gage disappeared into one of the stores and watched as Kylie walked past with Zoey, Jessie and V all in tow. Keeping his eyes on the women, Gage snagged his phone out of his pocket and shot a short text to Travis: Did you know K was coming to the mall today?

  Figuring he wouldn’t hear back from Travis right away because he was meeting with his brothers, Gage slipped his phone into his pocket and then headed back out into the crowded mall, smiling at the confused saleswoman in the store he just vacated.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he grabbed it, making sure to stay camouflaged in the horde of shoppers who were moving from one window to the next, probably in search of that perfect gift for their loved one.


  His fingers flying over the letters, Gage responded: Remember that fantasy of hers?

  Gage slipped behind an older man and his wife when Kylie and her crew stopped to peer into one of the stores just a few yards in front of him.

  Fuck. I’ll be there in ten.

  Gage grinned to himself. Apparently Travis’ priorities were slightly different from his brothers. He could imagine the scene now, Travis rushing out the door and leaving all of his brothers behind in their kitchen. And if Gage knew Travis, he didn’t take the time for pleasantries.

  Ten minutes would be record time, and Gage knew it would take Travis at least twenty, but he appreciated the urgency. In fact, his cock appreciated it even more.

  A month or so ago, when Travis had prompted them with the question about their deepest, darkest fantasy, Gage had nearly fallen right out of his seat when their sweet wife informed them that she’d always wanted to have sex in a dressing room at the mall.

  Well, now was her chance.

  Keeping a close eye on the girls, but managing to stay far enough away that they wouldn’t spot him, he followed discreetly, slipping into one store or another when they would stop. Gage had to wonder whether they were actually going to separate at any point. He didn’t figure they were, so he was going to have to get creative. As he waited for Travis to arrive, he tried to come up with as many possibilities that would help him to lure Kylie away from the others.

  He could probably seek Zoey’s help, but then he would give himself away. So that option was off the table.

  A sudden tap on his shoulder had him twisting around in a hurry. “Shit, you scared the hell out of me.”

  “I told you I’d be here,” Travis said, peering around him as he looked in the direction Gage had been facing.

  Glancing down at his watch, Gage looked back up at Travis. “Fuck, did you break every traffic law there was?”

  “What did you expect?” Travis asked, a sinful smile on his face as he leaned in and kissed him quickly.

  Gage grinned. Ok, so no he couldn’t blame the man.

  “So what’s the plan?”

  “Hell if I know. I’m just interested in finding an empty dressing room,” Gage told him, turning back to see where the women were.

  “I’ve got an idea,” Travis said as he started to walk off.


  Travis turned back and smiled. “You follow them. I have a feeling which store they are heading into next. You know women and candles. I’ve got this covered.”

  Women and candles.

  Shit, now Gage was thoroughly confused, but it wasn’t like he had much of a choice because Travis was walking away at a brisk pace. Unable to keep Kylie and Travis in his line of sight at the same time, Gage let Travis go while he fell into step with a group of shoppers as they moved forward.

  The overhead speakers were playing instrumental Christmas music, the food court was busy as shoppers took a mid-morning break and people were moving quickly in and out of the stores. Gage considered himself lucky that he didn’t get trampled in the chaos.

  Fifteen minutes later, Gage was ready to give up. He’d gotten no further in trying to find a gift for Kylie or Travis, and he was getting damn tired of trying to hide from the four women who had now managed to purchase something from damn near every store they’d been in.

  Gage’s phone buzzed, and he retrieved it from his pocket. Stepping out of the path of the relentless holiday shoppers, he managed to keep from being clipped by one of the determined mall walkers.

  The text made Gage smile and he hurried back into the throng and, after reversing his direction, he made his way to the large department store that was near the entrance he’d come in almost an hour ago. How the hell did Travis get to the opposite end of the mall, and did he honestly expect Kylie to make it that far in the next, oh, say, four hours?

  He found his husband moving through the ladies clothing at the far end of the store, which was surprisingly empty with all of the madness he’d left behind in the main mall area.

  “I’m not sure yellow is your color,” Gage said by way of greeting when he snaked his way through the racks and racks of holiday sales.

  “Fuck off. I look good in any color,” Travis retorted with a shit eating grin.

  “What’s the plan?”

  Travis tipped his chin up, and Gage turned to see what he was directing him to look at. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  “Not enough credit, I tell you,” Travis muttered before taking Gage’s hand and pulling him toward the farthest wall.

  They made their way over to Kylie, who seemed to be running solo at the moment, her partners in crime probably left behind somewhere to spend even more money.

  “Hi,” she greeted with a huge grin. “What are you boys doing here? And,” she paused to look between them, “why do I now get the feeling that I didn’t accidentally leave my credit card back at that store?”

  Gage glanced over at Travis, then back at Kylie. How in the hell did he manage to convince a salesperson to… “Did you check to see if you had your credit card?”

  Kylie put her hands on her hips. “What do you take me for? Of course I checked.”

  Gage watched as she glanced down at her purse.

  “I just couldn’t remember which one I used.”

  Travis pulled Kylie up against him, lowering his head down until their mouths were fused together and effectively changed the subject. The man was good at that. Gage’s dick stirred at the obvious public display. He would never tire of seeing that. Granted, he’d prefer to be involved in their little love fest, but there was certainly something to be said about being a voyeur.

  “Early Christmas present,” Travis told her when he pulled back. “Now come on.”

  “Where are we going?” Kylie asked, grabbing Gage’s hand as they walked past.

  “It’s a surprise.” That was all Travis said before he pulled them farther into the store.

  Without fanfare, Travis led them straight into a dressing room at the back of the women’s clothing department. Apparently, Travis did his homework because this one at least had doors that went to the floor and actual walls around each individual dressing area.

  When Travis pressed Kylie up against the wall, Gage knew this was one Christmas shopping excursion he’d never, ever forget.



  “Remember, no talking,” Travis warned Kylie as he pressed his much bigger body against hers. When her hands came up and slipped into his hair, he simply stared down at her.

  God, she was incredible. Sinfully delicious and so fucking beautiful. He was absolutely certain he would never, ever get enough of her. Or Gage for that matter.

  Speaking of…

  Reaching around behind him, Travis pulled Gage closer, causing the man to stumble until Gage was flush against his back. He fumbled behind him until he linked his fingers with Gage’s and then pulled his hand around between him and Kylie.

  “Touch me,” he whispered, hoping like hell Gage heard him because any louder than that and they’d probably alert one of the sale
s clerks working just outside the door. Then again, he was pretty sure the store had video cameras throughout the place and probably saw the three of them sneaking in, so they seriously needed to hurry.

  Leaning in close to Kylie’s ear, Travis whispered, “Have I told you lately how much I love when you wear skirts?”

  This particular skirt was floor length, but it was a skirt nonetheless which allowed much easier access than if she’d left the house that morning in jeans. Then again, Travis had become quite adept at getting both of them out of their clothes fairly quickly, no matter what they had on.

  “Fuck,” Travis growled low when Gage cupped him through his jeans.

  When Kylie pulled his head down to hers, pressing her lips to his, Travis knew this wasn’t going to last long. Grabbing a handful of fabric, Travis managed to lift her skirt until he could slip his hand beneath.

  Awww, hell. She wasn’t wearing panties. Taking complete advantage of the situation, Travis slid his index finger through her slick folds and then inside of her.

  Capturing her cry with his mouth, Travis kissed her for all he was worth, while Gage worked to free Travis’ cock from his jeans. Lord, these two were going to kill him. His mind was warring with how to make this happen in such a small space and make absolutely no noise whatsoever. And exactly how had Kylie’s fantasy turned into his all of a sudden?

  Before Gage could get a firm grip on his now freed cock, Travis twisted, pressing his back against the wall and bringing Kylie between him and Gage.

  “That’s better,” Travis whispered, looking up to meet Gage’s mesmerizing brown eyes.

  There wasn’t much space in the small dressing area for them to move around, and Travis was certain they wouldn’t be able to do exactly what he wanted – sandwiching Kylie between the two of them – but he had an idea.

  Tipping Kylie’s chin up with one finger, Travis pressed his lips against her ear, breathing the words as quietly as he could. “I want your mouth on my cock.”

  When he pulled back, Kylie was grinning, and her blue eyes glimmered with heat.

  Sliding his fingers into her hair, he pulled her head down toward his cock, not allowing her to go to her knees. He met Gage’s eyes and made sure the other man knew exactly how this would play out.


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