Dead Time Series

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Dead Time Series Page 13

by Jason Wilcox

  With a powerful rush he went back into the heaviness, making him feel disoriented, but he could tell whatever was attacking him had stopped. His heart pounded once again and he began taking breaths—gulps at first—almost choking on the incredible amounts of air he took in. He became very aware of his entire body functioning. Each muscle and organ used the resources they needed.

  Caden felt so contained after feeling such freedom. Now being pushed back into his mortal body, a part of him wanted to go back to what he had just felt, the complete freedom and peace without physical limitations.

  He briefly saw the dark creature go through the wall as if it were a ghost. A noise drew his attention to the end of his bed where he saw Domblin standing.

  More hallucinations.

  A flood of energy surged through Caden’s body, giving him the strength to sit up. Domblin still stood at the end of the bed. “You need to watch out for those little buggers. They’ll be the death of you. As well as your Dead Time project, if you don’t stay out of there,” Domblin said as he approached Caden.

  Caden felt the room spin, at least he felt like it was spinning. He swallowed down the nausea.

  “I have to leave for a while, so I won’t be able to protect you. Take this. It will keep you safe while I’m gone.” He held out a white chain with a dark blue gem on it.

  Surprisingly, the metal was very light. The chain was ice cold to the touch, but the gem had a strange warmth to it that captivated Caden.

  “Hurry up and put it on.” Domblin turned and looked at the door. “Hurry, I have to go.”

  Not even sure if he was truly awake, he followed the directions and moved the chain towards his neck.

  “Oh, and Caden, find a way to marry her, you may never get another chance,” Domblin’s voice was stern. Startled by Domblin’s comment, Caden’s movements slowed, but he proceeded to wrap the chain around his neck. The gem landed on his chest. A blue flame lit up and disappeared in a flash, causing a warming sensation throughout his upper body. Suddenly, he felt invigorated, full of energy and strength. He looked down, reached for the necklace, but it was gone. In shock, he looked at Domblin, wanting to ask what happened, but he was also gone.

  Caden quickly popped off his IV. He needed to know what was happening. Throwing the blankets off, he ran out the door, but Domblin was nowhere to be seen. The hallway was empty.

  He rushed down the empty long hall to the stairs. This isn’t a dream. Caden wondered if he was losing his mind. Needing to know the answer, he pushed on; his bare feet slapped the cold tiled floor.

  As he approached the door to the stairs, he heard voices coming from the other side. The talking stopped as he cracked the door open. Someone grabbed Caden by his shirt and threw him to the ground.

  “Get up slowly,” a voice called out.

  Caden pushed himself up and saw three men standing around a laptop. A scientist lay on the floor, bruised and bleeding, while a man stood over him holding a gun to his head. All of the men wore black outfits that looked like thick wetsuits. Hoods hung off the back of the suits and knives were strapped to their right thighs. The man who had thrown Caden down circled around him, knife in hand.

  “What’s going on here?” Caden asked as he estimated the distance between him and one of the men who stood by the laptop. He was ready to pounce and grab the knife.

  “That might get you killed, Caden,” the man standing over the scientist said. His baldhead glistened with sweat under the florescent lights.

  “Do I know you?” Caden asked.

  The man smiled, his dark brown eyes were empty and cold, contradicting the smile. “All professionals know their targets. Don’t tell me you don’t know every detail about the people you’ve killed.” Caden understood what the man meant; he did learn every detail about his targets, and now he knew someone had a target on him. With a smooth motion, the blond man standing next to Caden lunged at him.

  Dodging the thrust with little effort, Caden grabbed the guy’s fist and twisted, pulling him down and brutally kneeing him in the head. Caden spun him around, slit his throat using the man’s knife, and proceeded to throw the knife at the bald man. Not ready for the attack, the man tried to dodge the knife, but it clipped him in the shoulder. His actions were second nature.

  A man pulled a gun and pointed it at Caden. “That was a mistake.”

  “Our orders!” One of the other men shouted. The man holding the gun lowered it and gave his men a quick sign with a hand wave.

  Each of them quickly pulled their hoods over their faces and vanished. Caden ran over to the scientist and rolled him over to see if he was okay. Robert and a guard came running through the door.

  “What’s going on here?” Robert asked harshly while the guard ran to help with the scientist. He scooped the man up and rushed off to the medical lab.

  Caden stood and looked around, knowing the situation wasn’t going to look good. The body of the man he killed was gone along with any other possible evidence. All that was left was a puddle of blood. He quickly informed Robert what happened. Wrapping up the information, Caden realized his story wasn’t coming across well. Robert furrowed his brow as if he didn’t believe him.

  “I think these are the men we are looking for,” Caden said, knowing he needed to get to the point. “They had on modified Dead Time suits. That’s how they were able to disappear.” There was an awkward silence. Robert looked at the blood on the ground and then over to where the scientist had been laying before the guard had taken him away. He pushed a little button next to his small radio in his ear. “Surveillance check stairwell 5, floor 3, during the last ten to fifteen minutes.”

  Finally, Robert looked at Caden with no expression. “Follow me.” He led him down the stairs.

  “Where’re we going?” Caden asked as his bare feet moved down each cold concrete step. He felt awkward with a hospital gown on, but at least he still had his pants.

  “To the surveillance room.” Robert didn’t look at Caden while he spoke. “I want you to tell me what’s going on around here and why your T-13 chip stopped working for a while.”

  “I didn’t think there was anything that interfered with those.”

  Robert nodded. “There isn’t supposed to be.” They exited the stairwell and entered the security surveillance office.

  “Everyone out,” Robert ordered as two guards quickly got up and left. He sat down at one of the monitors and tapped on the keyboard. A video of Caden lying in the medical unit asleep came on the screen. “Now help me understand what happened here, and if your explanation isn’t believable, I’m going to be locking you in a cell, so no lies.”

  The video showed Caden slowly wake up and look at his monitor. Then the screen went to static for almost half a minute until a loud scream came over the speaker. The static changed to lines while the scream rang out, and then went back to normal static once it stopped. Another moment or two went by and then the picture slowly came back. Caden grabbed at his chest, scanned the room with a panicked look, then ripped the cords out of the medical machine and ran out of the room.

  “And here’s how I know your T-13 wasn’t working,” Robert said as he rewound the video and turned the volume up so the static almost hurt Caden’s ears. Right before the static completely went out, a voice could be heard. “…have to go.”

  It was hard to make out, but Caden could understand it. Is it my voice? Am I talking to myself and hallucinating?

  “Did you see anyone enter or exit the room?” Caden asked, feeling the perspiration build under his arms and on his forehead.

  Robert stopped the video and leaned back in his chair. “No.” He scratched his nose and turned his chair a little more to face Caden. “When security tried to pull the tape to watch what happened in the stairwell, a glitch came up. There was no tape. Someone took it out.” With a deep sigh, Robert went on. “I’ve worked with you a long time, Caden. We have a good relationship, but if you’re a part of all of this, I need to know, and I need to kn
ow why.”

  Caden tried to cut in, but Robert kept talking, “If you’re with Steven on this and both of you are trying to bury me, it won’t work.”

  “What? Sir, I don’t under-” Caden tried to interject again. What in the world was Robert talking about?

  “You’re in a room where everything goes to static on our monitor. We catch you talking, but it doesn’t get picked up on your T-13, which I would love for you to help me understand that. We then find you standing over a nearly dead scientist,” Robert kept going, “telling a rather unbelievable story with the only evidence a pool of blood.” Caden kept trying to interject, but Robert wouldn’t let him. “You go and visit with Steven without any authorization and moments later the place is in chaos with Steven gone. Plus one of my security officers tells me that you’ve been logging into files you have no business getting into.”

  “Robert,” Caden said forcefully. “You have to listen to me. I’m not part of anything against you or this agency. Obviously, I allowed you to put in the T-13.” Having to explain the situation to Robert was frustrating. Caden felt he should be trusted. “The story in the stairwell is true—the scientist will be able to verify that as soon as he wakes up, I guarantee it. And about visiting Steven, I was just trying to find out what happened to him when he was in Dead Time, because this thing is my project, and you went behind my back.” It felt good to let loose his feelings.

  Taking a quick breath to calm himself so he wouldn’t look even guiltier, Caden continued. “This whole thing about the T-13 not working - I haven’t a clue. Oh, and about getting into files, I’ve never gotten into anything that doesn’t pertain to my team or me. The only person I can think of that might’ve accidentally done something along those lines is Sally, but even then, I would have a hard time believing that. I will check into it though.”

  Silence followed Caden’s comments, making him feel more uncomfortable. Robert just sat there with his lips tightened. Caden could feel himself breathing heavier, knowing that his story didn’t sound great with so much evidence against him. But maybe their past eight years would weigh in his favor.

  Robert finally spoke. “Your story is far-fetched and, if it were anyone else, I would throw you in a cell to be on the safe side.” Robert paused for a moment as if he were debating the next part. “I’m going to trust you and get you down to the lab to have the Dead Time chip inserted into you. But,” Robert said with a flat tone, “If I find out you’re lying to me, I promise it’ll be me that puts the bullet through your head. You won’t be going to any holding cell.”

  “On that positive note,” Caden said, “don’t you mean that I get to go help develop the technology for the chip?”

  “Allen finished the work while you were out for the last twenty four hours. In fact, he’s already put it in some of the men.” Robert wouldn’t look at Caden, and Caden began to accept that even though Robert said he trusted him, his actions were demonstrating a different picture.

  There wasn’t much else to say, and Caden knew it was time to stop talking. Even though Robert threatened him, Caden knew his story was true and was confident he would prove it. Either way, he was just happy that Robert was giving him a chance to provide proof. Robert was never very gracious if he suspected someone of foul play. He would just lock them up like Matt, which worried Caden. Robert’s leniency could be a trap. It was a tactic he’d used before on enemies. Trap or no trap, Caden had to utilize the time to his advantage.

  “I have other things to do,” Robert said as he turned his attention back to the monitors.

  “Thanks,” Caden said. Robert nodded his head in response. Just before Caden stepped out of the room, he turned, knowing his next question could get him into trouble. He had nothing to lose anymore. “What’s going on with Steven? Obviously, you think I’m part of this thing that you believe has the potential to bury you? So, tell me what’s going on.”

  “I shouldn’t have said anything. Just forget it. Look, all I can say is he isn’t who you think he is. His role here was just a cover…” Robert stopped and looked at the floor. “I’ve said too much. Just with that information, your life is now at risk along with mine. Still, there will come a time that I will fill you in, but not now. Don’t push the topic again.” His final comment almost sounded like a plea.

  With a nod, Caden walked out the door leaving Robert in the darkened room with his only company being the surveillance monitors. There was a sense of loneliness about Robert. Caden wanted to push, but he knew better. Another time. He headed to the lab for the implant.


  Tagen moved through a building, following Mauldrin’s scent. It had come as a surprise to find his scent in the first place. Especially when his mission was specifically to search out and find Domblin, so Triaad would know where to get him. Tagen didn’t know all the details, but he knew Domblin was key for Triaad’s plans, and he wasn’t going to let a dark soul botch the capture. Snyp ordered to stop the search for Mauldrin, since Triaad was coming to get Domblin personally.

  Since he had overheard the demons that captured him saying they found signs of Domblin, Tagen started there. He had become almost an expert on hunting demons since Snyp rescued him from the wall. Their trails were easily followed. Once he reached a large building, Domblin’s scent became evident and only increased as he went inside. However, there was another scent once he entered, Mauldrin’s. From there it seemed logical to go after Mauldrin and see if there was a way to drag his dead body back to Triaad. Since Domblin was close by, caution was needed as he searched the building.

  He kept in shadow form and double-checked before he went around any corner. A group of men walked down the hall towards him. Four out of the five wore uniforms. Tagen figured they were guards. The man in front was larger than the others were and had on more formal clothing. Two young dark souls followed the group in shadow form, unbeknownst to the men. One of them crept along the wall; the other walked behind them. Luckily, for Tagen, they were both too young to be able to identify Mauldrin or Domblin’s scent.

  Snyp had dark souls all over, influencing powerful men and women for some grand scheme Triaad had planned, which Tagen wasn’t privy to. Looking at the group, Tagen figured they were there for the man dressed in professional attire. Snyp would never waste time sending dark souls out for guards.

  “I want more security around the lab now that the project is done,” the nicely dressed man demanded.

  “We’ll get right on that, Robert.” The guards headed back the other direction.

  Tagen knew how it felt to be ordered around and felt a little spite towards the man called Robert. He hated being told what to do by Snyp.

  As the dark souls passed, they paused for a second to look at Tagen and then continued following. They stayed very close to Robert.

  Mauldrin’s scent grew stronger in the direction from which they had come. Tagen moved down the hall and went up a stairwell. From the signs on the walls and doors, Tagen figured there was a medical unit on that floor. With no effort, he passed through a door.

  Perfect. Tagen smiled as he looked at Mauldrin unconscious on a medical bed. As Tagen approached, he flooded the room with darkness making the machines begin to act up. He needed Mauldrin paralyzed for the attack. As he approached, he realized Mauldrin was awake and was pushing through the paralysis, turning his head slightly to look at Tagen.

  “Mauldrin,” Tagen hissed. There was no time to waste. He jumped on Mauldrin and dug his shadowy claws into his chest.

  At first, it seemed too easy. Then the tables quickly turned and to his surprise, he found a strong resistance. Using all of his strength, he pushed his claws deeper into him trying to overcome Mauldrin’s soul. But Mauldrin was too powerful. He wasn’t sure how Mauldrin was doing it, but he was overpowering him.

  Mauldrin’s soul had a strength that Tagen hadn’t expected. He awed at the power and began to understand why Snyp wanted him so badly.

  His soul was brilliant white and glowed
around his claws. The moment was short lived as something hit him from the side, knocking him over the medical equipment. Unable to keep his shadow form, Tagen positioned himself for a fight. Surprised, Tagen saw Domblin running at him.

  Knowing he couldn’t defeat Domblin, Tagen changed immediately into shadow form and dove through the wall. He had no idea if Domblin followed, but he wasn’t going to take any chances. Mauldrin and Domblin teamed together would be a bad idea. Besides his orders were only to find Domblin, not capture him. Well, he had found him.

  Tagen didn’t wait to see what would happen next. He did what he knew best. He ran for it. With all the energy he could muster, he sped out of the building, moving through the walls and making his way back to Snyp. He had found the man, now it was time to give Triaad the information, so he could deal with Domblin. Triaad had been the one that locked him up years ago on a different planet. He could do it again.

  As soon as Tagen made it out of the building, he checked to see if he was being followed. To his relief there was no Domblin. But the situation had drastically changed now that Domblin was with Mauldrin.

  Moving at an amazing speed, Tagen arrived back at the cave within no time. Once he entered the cavernous labyrinth, he finally slowed. The dark tunnels were comforting. The usual screams echoed through the cave, which was music to Tagen’s ears, for it meant safety from Domblin or Mauldrin. Nothing and no one dared to enter the caves, not even Domblin.

  His shadow-like body was fully restored and more powerful after Snyp allowed him to eat the two younglings that fought over Tagen as he was bleeding to death at the opening of their cave. Snyp had never allowed him to eat ones that were as old as the two had been, and now he craved more. The revitalized energy was empowering for Tagen. For so long he had been a slave to Snyp and had forgotten what it was like to feel strong. He was tired of serving Snyp. He wanted Triaad’s respect again. He wanted freedom. Those enslaved dark souls at the building were pathetic, and Tagen was done with being pathetic.


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