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Extracurricular Page 23

by D. G. Whiskey

  She’s so animated when she gets into it.

  It made it hard to fault her dedication to her career when I saw her like that. Sound didn’t travel between the rooms, but I could see the way she and Dr. Kent gestured at their displays and engaged in a heavy discussion over the details.

  A sense of guilt rose over how I played with her career, risking her fate just so I could sleep with her sooner. She’d already said she wanted to be together after the season was over. Why couldn’t I wait that long?

  It should have been simple to hold back until there was nothing standing in our way. I was a full-grown adult, with an elite athlete’s discipline. It shouldn’t be so hard.

  The need I felt was too great.

  Dr. Kent headed out the door of the lab, carrying a briefcase.

  That left Juliette alone in the room, head bowed to her desk as she stared at her screen.

  Now’s my chance.

  I knew I shouldn’t. It put Juliette in a dangerous position any time we even talked to each other on team property. The wrong person could walk by at any moment.

  That didn’t stop me. I put away the weights I’d been using and stepped into the hall, walking the eight steps to the door of the lab.

  I cracked the door slowly, quietly, and settled it into place behind me.

  I locked it.

  I walked to her desk, where she sat with her hand nestled on her chin, staring at a chart featuring several lines that spiked to a large peak.

  The floor squeaked under my shoe when I reached her side, and she started, looking up at me.

  “Travis? What’s going on?”

  “You’ve been avoiding me for weeks. Ever since that night.”

  I didn’t need to specify which night. Her cheeks flushed as I reminded her of the things we’d done to each other. With each other.

  “I—uh, Travis, I’m just… we have to keep away from each other to spare us from temptation.”

  I barked a short, humorless laugh. “Spare us? That’s bullshit, Juliette. I’ve been more distracted than ever. Every moment I’m not on the field, I’m thinking about you. Fuck, half the time when I’m on the field, I’m thinking of you, too. I’ve caught you looking. I know you’re guilty of the same thing.”

  I was only a foot away, and with me standing and her sitting, it put her eye level with the bulge that my gym shorts did little to hide. She stood up and looked me in the eyes.

  “Look, maybe it didn’t help the way I thought it would. Maybe it was a mistake, and I shouldn’t have come to your room that night.”

  I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer, so we were inches apart.

  “Never say that.”

  The light from the fluorescent bulbs overhead caught her eyes and reflected like a shining star deep in her pupil, surrounded by the stunning green of her iris.

  The stalemate broke, our lips joining and bodies crashing together like a switch had been flipped on a magnetic field.

  Juliette’s arms wrapped around me, her hands on my shoulders as she practically climbed my body to pull herself up.

  The fabric of her dress was barely a barrier as I reached underneath to tug her panties off. They slid down her long legs, puddling on the floor at her feet.

  Her faint moans were sexy, but I wanted nothing more than to make her scream.

  The door to the lab shuddered as someone attempted to open it, the lock preventing it from swinging open.

  We broke the kiss, and Juliette looked up at me with wide eyes.

  “Shit! Someone’s out there!”

  We’d frozen where we were, my hands up the skirt of Juliette’s dress. I let them drop as we stared at the door. No face pressed against the small window to look at us.

  “I locked it when I came in.”

  A jingle of keys and scrabbling at the door answered the unspoken question.

  “Quick, get down!” Juliette pushed on my shoulders, guiding me underneath her desk as she sat in her chair and edged forward to hide me from view.

  Chapter 15



  I’d found my new favorite pastime.

  There was a spot on Cocky’s chest that served as the perfect cushion for my cheek, and I could nestle up next to him as closely as possible with no discomfort. A perfect fit.

  From there, I could look at his broad chest and trace my fingertips across it. With a light touch, I could sometimes raise goosebumps on his flesh, and I experimented with the different reactions his body gave me.

  The box spring and mattress were a couple of feet lower than before—it made it feel more like we were camped out on the floor than in a motel room.

  “You’re a sophomore, right?”

  “Yeah. After this season, I’ve got two more years of college left.”

  “What classes are you taking?”

  We’d talked about his football and my studies, but we never covered his own major.

  “To be honest, I don’t even know. Someone does my homework, and I have to show up for tests now and then, but I don’t really pay attention to it.”

  That was insane. “You don’t even know what you’re taking in school?”

  He shrugged. “My major is football, for all intents and purposes. That’s why I’m at school.”

  “What if you get injured, or something else happens and you never make it to the league?”

  There was a long pause before he answered. “It’s not something I like thinking about.”

  “Doesn’t it make sense to have a backup plan, though? It’s better to acknowledge the possibility and be ready than to just pretend it could never happen to you.”

  “You’re right. I’ll have to think about it, though. I guess I just always thought football was a guarantee. Once I’m in the league and have a major contract, I’ll be set for life.”

  It didn’t sound like the Cocky I’d grown to know. Dumb jocks had never attracted me, but there was more to him than any athlete I’d ever met.

  “You have to have some other passions and hobbies—anything you do in your spare time that you could make a living from?”

  He hesitated. “I’ve always liked writing. I’ll mess around sometimes and type out little stories, but they’re junk.”

  “Writing? What do you write about?”

  “Don’t laugh.”

  “I promise I won’t.”

  “I write young adult stuff. Like magic and monsters and coming of age tales.”

  I propped myself up on an elbow so I could look at his face.

  “That is amazing! Show me some. I want to read your writing!”

  He shook his head and looked away. “No, I couldn’t share it. It would be too embarrassing. I’m not proud of it. I know it’s awful.”

  “Let me be the judge of that.”

  I settled back onto his chest and resumed tracing circles.

  Cocky kept surprising me. It didn’t help me guard my heart.


  I’d just barely gotten Travis’s head under the desk and sat before the lab door swung open to admit Tony.

  The coach paused when he caught sight of me.

  “Juliette? I’m sorry. I didn’t realize anyone was still here.”

  I had to spread my legs wide around Travis to move forward enough to look like I sat a natural distance away from the desk. Only when Travis’s hands rested on my exposed inner thighs did I remember that he’d already removed my panties.

  The contact sent a rush of hot blood through my system, and I fought not to jump or allow any of my thoughts to show on my face. I couldn’t kick Travis without it looking weird.

  “I’m just finishing the analysis on the collision. Dr. Kent wants to present it to the advisory committee in the morning.”

  Tony nodded. “Ah, that makes sense. He’s lucky he’s got such a hardworking young woman working for him.”

  A finger settled on either side of my pussy, running up and down over the soft skin. As much as I wanted to moan, I foug
ht the impulse.

  “That’s what he says. I’m just trying to do my job and finish my thesis. The study is going well, and we’re lucky to have been given such great access by the league and your organization, so thank you again for that.”

  Tony’s face soured. “Right. I still don’t agree with the necessity. We have concussion protocols in place already, and the league has conducted its own internal studies to make sure they’re adequate. Nothing is more important to the league than the safety of its players.”

  Travis’s tongue joined the party, lying gently on top of my pussy, smooth, hot and wet and barely even moving, toying with the sensitive folds with gentle movements from side to side. I took a deep breath, hoping Tony didn’t notice how shaky it was.

  “If the league’s studies were as rigorous as they claim, then they should share that data with the scientific community,” I said. “And they wouldn’t be afraid of what we’ll find with our study.”

  “Are you saying we’re trying to hide something?”

  I closed my eyes for a second, trying to figure out how I’d gotten caught in this serious conversation while the head coach’s star quarterback sat between my legs and played with my pussy.

  “I’m not accusing you or the league of anything. I’m just saying that if everything’s above-board, then they have nothing to hide. And no matter what the outcome of the study is, it can only benefit the players and give them and their teams the appropriate data to make the correct decisions.”

  “Right.” Tony gave me a look as though he realized something was off but couldn’t put his finger on what. “Anyway, I came in here for the latest performance testing file. Have you seen it?”

  I hadn’t seen it, but the trainers always left their files on the workstation to my left. My heart sank as I realized that my panties were on the ground beside my desk and would be easily visible to Tony if he walked by.

  I couldn’t grab them without being extremely obvious.

  Oh, fuck. This isn’t good.

  Thoughts raced, hampered by the way Travis’s tongue rolled around my clit.

  “It’s probably over by the VO2 max station. That’s the last equipment I saw the trainers using today.”


  As soon as he turned his back, I leaned over to snag the panties from the ground and toss them under the desk.

  While Tony walked to the other side of the room, Travis stepped up his ministrations.

  A finger pressed against my entrance, easily slipping inside. I turned a gasp into a yawn, fighting to keep from jolting upright in a way that would make too much noise.

  “Ah, here it is. Have a good night,” Tony said as he walked to the door.

  “You too,” I called.

  Wow, we’re lucky the file was actually over there.

  I waited with bated breath until the door swung shut and stayed that way for ten seconds.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I hissed between my legs, greeted by Travis’s wide grin. His chin was damp with my arousal.

  He replied without even removing the finger that stroked inside of me and curled up to press against the special firm spot that Travis always found—the one that made my knees shake in one minute flat.

  “I’d say I was turning you on, judging by how wet you got.”

  “You could have ruined everything!”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Only if you’d given us away. Which you didn’t. I had faith in you.”

  It was hard to stay mad at him when he kept moving his finger like that.

  “You should stop that,” I said, even though I didn’t want the pleasure to end.

  To my disappointment, Travis actually listened for once. He crawled out from under the desk and stood, pulling me to my feet with him.

  “You should go,” I said.

  He took my shoulders and spun me so that my back was to him and I faced the desk.

  “Not what I had in mind.”

  With his strong hands, he bent me over the desk, my hands automatically pushing against the firm surface to prop myself up.

  “Travis, what—oh!”

  He dropped behind me and flipped up the hem of my dress, running his tongue along my pussy. My fingers convulsed on the desk as I fought to keep on my feet.

  Travis knelt for only a few licks before getting to his feet and pulling his shorts down.

  I was more than ready for him but still had to bite my shoulder to keep from crying out as his thick shaft split me open. He filled every part of me, stretching me to the limits.

  This was no gentle meeting of souls, no blissful reunion. This was a quick and dirty release, a tightly wound tension that needed easing.

  I thrust my ass back at him on each stroke, riding him and using him as he used me, pushing each other higher and faster. Travis’s hand found my hair, pulling it tight and tugging my head back as he drove deep inside me.

  That pushed me over the edge, and I lost the ability to control myself, moans forced out of me every time he bottomed out in my core. He wrapped a hand around my mouth, muffling my cries as he pushed into me with one last, powerful thrust that nearly knocked me off my feet.

  We savored the moment for only a few seconds more before our surroundings came into focus.

  We can’t be like this in the lab.

  I grabbed a fistful of tissues and pressed them to me as Travis slid out. All it took was to stand up straight so that the dress fell back around my ass and my thighs and I was respectable again.

  “That was… wow. We can’t do that again.”

  He pulled his shorts back up, covering his shiny cock, softening but still large and weighty. The sight of it made my mouth water even though I couldn’t do anything more about it.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, for once looking chagrined. “I don’t know what came over me. I shouldn’t have done that. It was way too risky.”

  I nodded, trying to keep disapproval on my face even though my body radiated contentment from meshing with his own.

  “Not until the season’s done. It’s over halfway there. We can do this.”

  It sounded so simple, but we both knew it would be anything but.

  Chapter 16



  “Don’t worry, I’ve told them we aren’t doing names, and they’ve agreed to try not to use mine.”

  I held the door open for Sexy as we walked into the restaurant.

  “That’s so sweet of you,” she said, grabbing my arm and giving it a quick squeeze. “Thank you.”

  I liked making her smile like that. I wanted to do it as much as I could while I still had the chance.

  “There they are.” I pointed out the table of men on the other side of the room. My teammates towered over everyone else in the building, their athletic builds making them seem like a table of giants.

  “Hey, guys,” I said as we took our seats.

  “And the prodigal son returns,” Ricky said. “With his wife in tow.”

  The rest of the men chuckled.

  “Yeah, yeah. I get it. What have you guys been up to?”

  It was the first time I’d seen them in two days. Every moment had been spent with Sexy. I couldn’t pull myself away from her.

  The end of the week would hit me like a brick wall. I already knew it, but I kept on course, accelerating faster and faster because I couldn’t bear to steer away.

  “We hit the concert yesterday, and the massive beach party last night. Today, we went golfing. Let me guess—you aren’t coming out tonight?” Ricky said it like a judgment.

  I glanced at Sexy and shook my head. “No plans to. I can get blackout drunk anytime.”

  “That’s okay, man,” Joey said from across the table. “We get it, even if Ricky doesn’t. What have you been doing?”

  I paused, thinking of a delicate way of saying that we’ve been fucking each other’s brains out.

  Sexy spoke for us. “Well, we broke his bed, if that tells you anything.

  The guys cheered, except for Ricky.

  “You know frequency doesn’t win the bet, right? Number of girls matters, not number of times with one girl.”

  I glared at him. He was being a dick to bring the bet up in front of Sexy.

  “Dude, screw your stupid bet. I forfeit. There. Now don’t bother me about it again.”

  “Whatever, man,” he said under his breath. “Just because you’ve found a dumb slut willing to follow you around all week.”

  I shoved him. Hard.

  His chair fell backward, and he hit the floor, sprawling out in a tangled heap.

  The restaurant hushed.

  “Don’t fucking speak about her like that,” I said. “If you say anything else, I swear to God, I’ll break both of your hands. Let’s see you catch footballs and make it pro then.”

  Ricky got to his knees slowly and climbed to his feet. “What the fuck, man! It was a joke. Take it easy.”

  Blood pounded in my ears. Nothing would make me happier than stomping Ricky into the dirt for the way he’d been acting.

  Sexy’s hands wrapped around me from behind.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not a fragile butterfly. I can take an insult. Besides, he’s just jealous of you. For all his posturing, I’ve never seen him even talk to a woman this week. It’s not like he’s drowning in pussy.”

  Ricky pointed his finger at her and opened his mouth, but I cut him off before he could even start.

  “Not one fucking word, Ricky. Sit down and shut up and eat your dinner, and if you can’t handle that, then I suggest you walk away from this table right now.”

  He stood and stared for a minute before righting his chair and sitting in it.

  The others resumed their conversations, but I caught a few glimpses from the men as though they were scared I would turn on them next.

  Sexy leaned in close.

  “Is it bad that I’m way too turned on right now?”

  That startled a chuckle out of me.


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