Heart of Lies

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Heart of Lies Page 2

by Connor Whiteley

  Hellen gave a few silent laughs as a wave of moaning came from the military lot at the back.

  “My military commanders, I will not be disrespected. One more sound from you and I shall remove you all from your current positions,”

  That silenced them quickly.

  Afterwards, the Queen continued to explain why she ended the war and the secret peace treaty that she negotiated with her foreign counterparts.

  Alessandria continued to smile in support of her Queen as she spoke, but Alessandria understood the military’s outrage. A lot of good men including her father had died during this war. And all of her family, except her mother, had fought in the war.

  Although, Alessandria doubted her father would have cared. He never really understood the war and neither did she. The former King said it was something about a transgression and a terror attack. Yet nobody really bought it, so she supposed it was only right his daughter stopped a war built on lies.

  A part of her considered her family because war was their business, but she thought about the money her family makes off the training of the soldiers alone. At least, she didn’t need to worry about getting a job for a long time.

  Turning her attention to the crowd, Alessandria started to notice people walking very slowly towards the stage.

  In the crowd of hundreds, it might have been only twenty people. Not a lot but just enough for her to notice the crowd moving.

  Hellen tapped her legs. Alessandria nodded.

  She looked at the Queen, who was metres away. Too far to run to protect her.

  A piece of her mind considered this wasn’t a group of killers, but she knew better.

  Narrowing her eyes, Alessandria focused on the moving crowd. They were too far away.

  She looked in Daniel’s direction and he too was looking at something. Alessandria didn’t know what, but her brother was observant. He probably saw them before she did.

  Then the people in the crowd stopped moving.

  Alessandria’s heart raced.

  Nothing happened.

  Alessandria turned her attention to the Queen.

  “And as I decreed in the Peace treaty, in exchange for friendships and trade, I am hereby decreeing all our forces to return here immediately. All operations are to stop in Mortisical!”

  The military commanders shouted, and the Church people screamed about the missionaries they had lost.

  The crowd moved in a wave of anger.

  Alessandria tensed.

  People moved through the crowd.

  Alessandria needed to see a weapon.

  She couldn’t scream out a warning without proof.

  The Queen’s guards slammed their shields down.

  The crowd got angrier.

  Nemesio tensed.

  Someone in a black cloak was approaching the stage.

  They paced towards the Queen.

  Alessandria saw a pistol.

  “Assassin!” she screamed. Running at the Queen.

  The guards instantly formed a wall around the Queen.

  The assassin fired.

  A shot screamed through the air.

  Hitting a Guard’s shield.

  People screamed.

  They ran.

  Alessandria jumped off the stage.

  She looked around.

  The assassin was gone.

  “For the Triad!” people screamed as twenty people in dark cloaks charged towards the stage.


  At least with the Queen speaking it stopped all those awful noises of the pointless people muttering and chatting. I do hate noise even a whisper can sometimes sound like a shout.

  Looking around the immense stone chamber with the rows of burning candles and sunlight coming through the ugly stained glass windows. I acknowledged the fools in the crowd. From the pompous and ultimately useless military commanders and captains to the hateful Church people that stunk of so-called smelly holy oil. Even now they sneered at me and Harrison.

  In all honesty, I had kissed Harrison rather publicly earlier just to annoy them. Sure it was petty but I didn't care. Being Nobility does have advantages.

  However, as the Queen revealed the end of the war and loud noises started again. I spun my dulled blade quickly in frustration.

  Personally, I would have preferred not to come but I really would do anything for Harrison. We might have lost three years but I didn't want to waste any more time.

  Turning my head slightly, I looked at him to see he was equally frustrated by the sound and fools in the crowd. I subtly squeezed his hand to comfort him. Enjoying the warmth and rough feel of his hands. I didn't want this to end as I remembered our summer evenings together as friends when we would just talk and enjoy each others' company. Almost like we were the only two people in the world. Despite that being when Harrison was straight I still loved those times and I was determined to have those moments again. Regardless of religious haters and our autistic difficulties.

  Then I turned my attention back to the crowd.

  As I studied the fools in the crowd, I clocked people moving and walking towards the stage.

  I looked at Alessandria. She was looking at the ceiling.

  I knew something was wrong but even I knew social convention said I couldn’t shout without proof.

  Narrowing my eyes, I focused on the crowd. My dulled blade slowed in my hands as I focused.

  I let go of Harrison's warm hand and I carefully moved my hand down my leather cloak to my waist. And my covertly sheathed sword.

  The crowd got louder as the Queen finished.

  I tensed.

  People were shouting.

  Alessandria shouted and a shot was fired.

  I looked at Harrison. He was fine.

  Chaos unfolded as people flee and the guards formed a wall around the Queen.

  My mind ran as the noises and screams became too much.

  My dulled blade span rapidly.

  I felt Harrison rub my leather cloaked shoulders.

  Twenty voices screamed as one something about a triad.

  My mind cleared as I remembered my duty. The Queen and Alessandria but most of all Harrison were in danger.

  I saw twenty black cloaked figures advance.

  The air stunk of sweat and fear.

  I whipped out my long black longsword.

  My sister ran off the stage.

  Nemesio ran to the Queen.

  Charging into the crowd, I joined Alessandria.

  People ran and screamed.

  I knocked them to the side.

  The black cloaked figures whipped out two long black swords as one.

  Their timing was almost supernatural.

  Hellen ran past me. Whacking one of the cloaked men with her big stick.

  I ran to her.

  Thrusting my sword through his chest.

  Two other men charged at us.

  Hellen used her stick to meet the sword blows.

  I blocked the incoming swords.

  Before jumping to the left. The man felt forward. I kicked him in the back.

  He fell.

  Hellen whacked him over the head.

  His skull cracked.

  Blood and brain matter pouring out.

  Fast air rushed past me.

  I spun around.

  The other man swung at me and Hellen.

  She hit the man’s swords. I split his throat with a single swing.

  More men came.

  More gunshots were fired.

  Everyone was gone.

  The military, church, and everyone else had fled.


  We were outnumbered.

  More assassins charged at us.

  “To me!” Alessandria screamed behind me.

  We complied.

  I swung my swords again as more assassins came.

  Before we ran to the stage.

  Hellen and I joined Alessandria in creating a line in front of the stage.

  The smell of fear
and sweat only grew.

  The twelve remaining assassins charged.

  Their swords swinging.

  Alessandria artfully dodged out of the way.

  Two men came flying past.

  Hellen thrusted her big stick into the back of one man.

  His back cracked. He screamed.

  The other man flew past me. I forced my sword through his left eye.

  Blood squirted out.

  I heard Harrison give a shocked sound. I didn’t care.

  A sword sliced my upper arm.

  I screamed.

  Pain flooded me from new and old wounds alike.

  Another hit made me drop my sword.

  I spun around.

  A black cloaked female stood there.

  I charged.

  She tried to strike me down.

  Jumping around, I dodged the strikes.

  I pounced on her.

  My fists smashed into her face repeatedly.

  Her bones shattered.

  Her blood sprayed up my arms and face.

  Her skin split. Letting her bones and blood pour out.

  I picked up my sword.

  Alessandria grabbed me.

  I tensed but I saw nine cloaked men storming towards us.

  Suddenly, the door on the far side of the chamber exploded open.

  Military soldiers poured in.

  Firing rifle after rifle.

  The black cloaked men turned.

  We didn’t hesitate.

  We all lunged forward.

  Letting our swords rip into the flesh of our attackers.

  Within moments, the attackers were dead, and the chamber was painted in the blood and flesh of our enemies.

  Looking at Alessandria and Hellen, we all smiled. It was great fighting with them, and I have to confess fighting is one of the few times I feel emotion.

  Then I looked at the other time I feel emotion, Harrison gave me a half-heartened smile. I couldn’t blame him. He probably had no idea what he just witnessed.

  Yet I have more pressing concerns as I walked over to Alessandria who was inspecting the dead.

  “We were lucky today,” Alessandria stated plainly.

  I was about to speak when a large muscular man stormed over in heavy smelly armour and demanded in a rough voice: “Your Majesty speak to me!”

  Alessandria and I both looked at each other. Our day got even more interesting.


  Alessandria looked away from the corpse as she turned her attention to the large muscular man who walked towards the stage and the Queen.

  She frowned as she focused on the man's black heavy armour and all his shiny medals of various acts of bravery and impressive kills. Probably meaning other people did the acts but he took the credit. From her military days, Alessandria knew how these higher ups worked.

  Nevertheless, Alessandria knew exactly who the man was as his heavy footsteps chipped the stone floor and echoed off the immense stone walls. Even the sun through the stained glass windows seemed to dim as the man came closer.

  Of all the men to storm in here after an attack, Alessandria really didn't want the Head of the Military here. Despite him sending plenty of business in her family's direction, he wasn't exactly pleasant. And that was before she remembered his attitude towards people who never served or had left Military service.

  The man's rough features scanned the room. Looking at the bodies. Alessandria guessed he thought he was in a war zone. Perhaps she would have preferred that as she smelt his disgusting whiskey that filled the chamber. Even her expensive fruity perfume couldn't compete with that horrific smell. A foul taste of cheap alcohol filled her mouth.

  Then she remembered the rumours of his tendencies to get stone drunk every night. Casting her memories back to her mother, Alessandria understood why Kinaaz had gone to rehab in the countryside. Herself and Daniel supported her of course since this took courage. But they didn't think she needed it with being a highly functioning alcoholic.

  However, seeing this Head of the Military, she appreciated and loved her mother a bit more. Knowing she wanted to improve her life before she got to this state.

  Walking over to the stage, Alessandria saw the guards step away with their immense red shields. Allowing the Queen in her still sterile white dress to walk towards the Military Leader.

  Alessandria noticed the guards were tensed and Daniel picked up his dulled blade and walked over as well.

  Slowly, it began to dawn on Alessandria that the Military was in charge of security today and she had no idea how the assassins had come in.

  Nemesio started to walk towards the Military Leader but she waved him back. Knowing how distressed Daniel got around him. She needed to talk to him later to see how his therapy was going.

  Turning her attention back to the military leader, Alessandria noticed his swords and pistols on his waist. They were certainly more practical than ceremonial. And odd considering he’s in the palace. So why did he keep such weapons?

  “You! Your Majesty, you will listen to me!” the man screamed in a rough tone.

  The Queen smiled and gracefully walked over to us.

  Her white dress elegantly flowing across the cold stone floor as she moved.

  The Guards followed close behind.

  “I do not have to do anything, dear Ares. I have refused audience with you before and I shall do so now. Be gone,”

  “You will regret this Queen,”

  “Watch your tongue,” Alessandria firmly said.

  “This Queen will ruin us!”

  Daniel whipped out his sword and pointed it at the man’s throat.

  Alessandria couldn’t blame her brother. Then she smiled as Ares made his next mistake.

  He knocked the sword aside and grabbed Daniel.

  Daniel screamed.

  Pushing Ares’ hands away before diving on him. Smashing his fists into his face.

  Alessandria nor the Queen was going to stop him.

  The Dominicus Procurator even thought she saw the Queen smile.

  “Daniel enough,” Harrison said as he walked over.

  Daniel’s ears picked at the sound of Harrison’s voice and he begruntling complied.

  Harrison stopped next to Daniel and sneered at Ares.

  “Ha. You freaks are just lap dogs for one another,”

  Harrison punched Ares’ in the nose. Breaking it. Blood poured from the shattered nose.

  Ares went for Harrison.

  “Enough!” Alessandria commanded.

  Ares backed down but spat at Daniel.

  “I would be less concerned about Daniel Fireheart if I was you,” the Queen coldly stated. “You were in charge of security today. Look around you. Assassins lay dead at my feet. Assassins that never should have been here,”

  “Your majesty, this is clearly the work of Mortisical. Correct your mistake and let’s fight them,”

  Alessandria rolled her eyes as she looked at a male corpse with fair tanned skin and well-kept features.

  “The Queen made no mistake. These men lack the purple taint in their skin that Mortisicals do,”

  Ares spat at Alessandria.

  Daniel’s dulled blade spun faster.

  “Harrison please take Daniel to his quarters. Daniel, I will speak with you later,”

  Both Harrison and Daniel nodded.

  As they walked away, Daniel shouted: “I rejected your military contract Lord Ares,”

  The Guards slammed the doors behind Daniel and Harrison.

  “What contract?” the Queen bit.

  Alessandria noticed the Guards tensing.

  “Your majesty that freak is lying,”

  “My brother does not lie,”

  “Fine then I asked the freak to acquire food supplies, ships, men and weapons for us,”

  “I did not order this or sign any contract of this kind,”

  “But you will your majesty, the Mortisical and our neighbours are growing in power. We must fight back or f
ace extinction,”

  The Queen stepped towards him.

  “I am Queen. I am Sovereign. You shall not make their decisions based on fear and faulty logic. I have intelligence services and they have found no evidence of this. The only reason you still stand with your head attached to your shoulders is due to your past service to my father,”

  Ares’s hands formed fists.

  The Queen smiled almost daring him to attack her.

  In all honesty, Alessandria would have loved to see the outcome. Who would kill him first? The Queen? Her? Or the Guards?

  Ares spat on the floor and stormed out.


  I allowed the weighted sheets to mould to my body as I laid back. Feeling the smooth weighted materials under me as I thought about the stupidity of what was going on.

  After the Queen ordered the Military contract to be cancelled and words being spoken with the Head of the Military, Harrison escorted me back to my room and, I suppose, sadly he left for work.

  Looking around my new bedroom in the castle, I realised it was rather good considering this use to be for Queen's personal guards.

  Well, I have a large bed with weighted sheets to comfort me and a boring looking wardrobe and small desk. It's not the fanciest and I do realise I need to get some more personalised items. But at least I have a bunch of beautiful purple, red and blue flowers on top of the desk that Harrison bought me.

  Personally, I hate flowers but these were pleasant to look at and at least they made the room smell of honey and citrus.

  Anyway, I shook my head as I realised I was only letting my mind think about this because I didn't want to think about the idea of Nemesio coming up with Alessandria. Then I looked at my dulled blade and I hadn't realised it was spinning so fast in my hand.

  Taking a few deep breaths, I tried to think about the therapy sessions, I've been attending after the whole Flesheater situation. But that only annoyed me more.

  This whole thing was annoying. How dare some assassins try to kill Alessandria, the Queen and Harrison.

  Yet I have to admit there something strange about that Military leader, something and me Alessandria needed to find out.

  The only bit of comfort I got from the attack today was I managed to get out of that horrible social situation. All those noises and people were awful. It was all too much. The noise, no no, no. It was all too much. I hate being around that many people!


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