Heart of Lies

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Heart of Lies Page 8

by Connor Whiteley

  Raising my head, I looked at the blackening domed ceiling and thankfully the top of the ceiling was glass. For some reason it was cracked, allowing the smoke to escape. I didn't care how it cracked and broke, only that it was.

  As I focused on the abominable black cloaked assassins, I felt the disgusting taste of soot and ash in my mouth, as well as a thin coating of ash-covered my skin. The assassins all looked the same in their black cloaks with their two long silver swords.

  However, the most unnerving thing was all the assassins walked as one. As one took a step, they all took a step.

  I knew we were going to die.

  If I could have any wish right now, it would be to save my friends and Harrison. I know I hate people with a passion but I love these people. I love my sister, Hellen, the Queen and Harrison. And if Alessandria likes Nemesio then I needed to save him too.

  Looking at each of them individually, I made sure if I was going to die then I would remember Hellen in her dirty grey cloak and her big stick. The Queen in her stunning white armour. Nemesio in that awful blue and red fiery armour that I hate. My beautiful sister and her furious desire to protect her family.

  Then Harrison, the man I loved and the man I put through so much pain and lost so much time with.

  Turning my attention back to the assassins, they were close now. Maybe just twenty metres away. I knew what I had to do but I was scared of the consequences. But at least I fixed my friends into my memory.

  My dulled blade spun fast in my hand before I made myself put it away and I grabbed Harrison's hand, I looked at Alessandria and said:

  “Alessandria, let me break the bottle,”

  As soon as the word reached her ears, I could see the conflict in her eyes. I knew she hated the idea, but we were outnumbered. We were all going to die.

  “I feel different this time. I can control it,”

  Whispering, Alessandria replied: “Break the bottle,”

  Everyone got behind.

  Harrison kissed me before he went.

  I stared at the mortal fools.

  How dare they attack us!

  These are my friends, and I will defend them.

  Letting my hate and rage take over, I could feel my tension release and my long nails hardened into claws.

  My eyes turned black.

  All I wanted was to kill.

  I charged.

  The assassins swung their swords.

  They hit me.

  They didn’t cut me.

  I sunk my claws into the warm flesh of the assassins.

  They screamed.

  I laughed as their blood painted the floor.

  My teeth ripped into their warm flesh.

  I dashed over to another group of assassins.

  Slashing their chests with my claws before drinking their blood.

  Three assassins charged towards Alessandria.

  I stormed out. Ripping out the assassins’ spines.

  A group of assassins charged at me.

  I kicked them all hard.

  The sound of shattering bones filled the air.

  More assassins screamed as my claws sunk into them.

  Their horrific memories filled my mind.

  I did not care.

  I only laughed at their mortal existence.

  More assassins threw daggers at my back.

  The daggers bounced off.

  I turned.

  The assassins snarled.

  I snarled louder.

  I rushed over to them. Painting the stone circle with their flesh, organs, and blood.

  Three assassins left.

  They whipped out their pistols.

  Firing them at the Queen.

  I could see the bullets.

  Dashing over, I caught the red-hot bullets.

  I didn’t care about the heat. I was in control of the Flesheater ability.

  The assassins froze.

  It was over.

  Snarling at them as I walked, I raised my claws and beheaded them all.

  Their heads landed with a thump. Leaving a trail of dark red rich blood on the stone floor.

  All the assassins were dead.

  With shaking hands, I took out my dulled blade and played with it. Focusing on my mind, regaining my control. I felt Harrison’s warm body next to mine. His hand gently holding my other blood-soaked claw.

  After embracing Harrison’s touch and the humanity of it, and a few deep breaths. My claws became normal nails again and my eyes returned to normal.

  Immediately, I hugged Harrison and looked to Alessandria over his shoulder. She smiled and nodded her thanks to me.


  Walking slowly towards the heavy black cast iron door at the end of the stone corridor, Alessandria couldn't wait to open it and end Ares. His death sentence was long overdue.

  After Daniel’s use of the Flesheater ability and their subsequent escape, it hadn't taken Alessandria and the Queen long to find Ares. Leading them to the top of the castle where he had reportedly been for a few hours.

  Whilst Alessandria didn't understand why he didn't just flee so he could live for a few more days until the Inquisition caught up with him. She was more than glad this was going to be over. At least with Ares.

  As she walked towards the door, she noticed the hand painted murals either side of her on the stone walls. They were stunning depictions of the forests to the left and the chaos of War to her right.

  Right now, she wanted war. After almost getting her friends and her brother killed. She wanted to Slaughter Ares.

  Of course, Alessandria was a Procurator by nature and the fact she was a Dominicus Procurator made her feel guilty about wanting to kill Ares without a trial. Alessandria almost felt as if she was letting her Procurators down and not leading by example.

  However, the sound of a big wooden stick tapping on the stone floor made her turn around and walk backwards smiling for a few moments before turning back around. Reminding her this wasn't about being a Procurator, this was being a best friend, a sister and a loyal servant to her Queen. She needed to kill Ares for them, to protect them.

  Knowing that Daniel, Hellen and Nemesio were all behind her in this, she turned the door latchet, feeling the cold metal against her skin, and opened the door.

  Revealing a massive rooftop balcony with a shiny white marble floor and beautifully carved marble pillars with a golden guard railing running along the top of the pillars.

  Stepping out onto the balcony, the warm afternoon sun gently warmed her skin and the sun shone dimly reflecting on the shiny marble.

  Continuing to walk out onto the balcony, the warm salty air filled her nose, making her want to sneeze. Then she saw him. Alessandria saw Ares leaning against the guard rail staring out over the country he had just tried to destroy.

  Looking back at Daniel and her friends, they all nodded. They all wanted her to have the honour and she was not going to resist.

  “Ares!” Alessandria shouted as she walked to him and stopped a few metres from him.

  “I really tried you know. I wanted to be successful. I wanted to rule,”

  “That was never your choice, and you were successful. You were loved and admired by the men and women that served under you,”

  “Perhaps, but I wanted to make Ordericous what it once was. We used to be a superpower. If we demanded something other countries would come calling. Then past kings made stupid errors. The military should rule!”

  “That is not you to decide. I doubt Ordericous would be better off with a military dictatorship,”

  “You don’t know that. I would have... ruled and done right by my people,”

  “Ha. How? By forcing them into military service and shipping them away to fight your futile wars?”

  He nodded.

  “It is honourable to serve the throne,”

  “Yes, but it is not for everyone,”

  “Then those people must die,”

  “You have deluded yourself Ares,”
  As he started to nod to himself, Alessandria knew that at least a part of him knew what he did was wrong. It was never up to him or any other to decide who sits upon the throne.

  However, Alessandria knew she still needed to punish him despite his partial repentance.

  “The assassins, why?” she asked.

  “I had the money. They’re all dead now. Such a waste of money and life. I am sorry for wasting those lives,”

  “That is not the point. If there is a god on the other side, then plea with him or her. Do not plea to me,”

  Alessandria started to walk slowly towards him. Feeling the cold stone ground as she moved.

  “Who is the Triad? You and two others. Who are they?”

  “No one you can touch. I might have waited but the Word Bearer will deal with your brother soon enough,”

  Alessandria fought her rage back.

  “I will not tell you their names. The Word Bearer made sure I wouldn’t,”

  “Who is the Word Bearer!”

  Manically, Ares started laughing.

  “This is pointless, Lady Alessandria. I am done. I am finished. You can kill one of the Triad. Be proud. Have a drink. Celebrate but The Firesword will take care of your Queen. There is nothing you can do. It is prophecy the Seer told us so,”

  Alessandria noticed Ares was focusing on the drop off the balcony.

  She raced to him.

  He heard her coming.

  He jumped onto the guard rail.

  He looked up at her and jumped.

  A loud crack echoed around the castle.

  Alessandria slowly walked to the guard rail along with her friends and Daniel. She gasped as she saw Ares’ body impaled on a large spire on top of one of the towers.

  His blood dripped from his lifeless corpse and slowly his body slid further down the spire until it spilt in two.

  Turning away from the bloody sight, Alessandria saw everyone with various expressions of horror. Except the Queen only smiled.


  Staring at the old drawings on the wall and my Military paintings, I had to admire the beauty of life. We had all defeated a traitor and a threat against the Queen. If that isn't a good day's work then I'm not sure what is.

  Of course, I'll experience a bit of annoyance at the change of Military leader. Since I'll have to deal with them on a daily basis. I hope they're competent. I hate useless people.

  I immediately smiled as I felt Harrison wrap his arms around me from behind. Feeling his warm breath on my neck.

  Turning around, Harrison led me back to the sofa where Alessandria, Nemesio and Hellen were sitting. At least Nemesio didn't have his dirty feet on Harrison's brown oak coffee table.

  However, I noticed Nemesio wearing a large brown leather cloak. Covering up his armour for me. A part of me stopped for a moment in confusion. Has he really changed? Was Alessandria truly right?

  Then Harrison pulled my arm and I sat down on the sofa. Feeling the sofa square cushions mould to my body and the gentle fabric smooth as I ran my fingers over it.

  Looking over at Hellen, I saw her eyeing up her big stick. Checking it for dents and when she found one, she gave a triumphant nod. I suppose we were all happy that everything was over. Ares was dead and the Queen was safe until the other two members of the Triad tried again.

  But until then, I was perfectly happy where I was. In the home of my love and with my sister and two friends. Yes, I'm even calling Nemesio a friend now!

  As Harrison wrapped his arm around me and leaned slightly against me on the sofa. I got a whiff of his earthy manly aftershave and I thought about how lucky I was, and what Harrison had said earlier about that being the first person he had killed. He had seemed fine and I remember my first kill in the Military, I wasn't upset but it was troubling for a few days. I knew I needed to keep an eye on him.

  With my free hand, the other one was wrapped around Harrison, I held my dulled blade. A part of me wanted to spin it but holding it was enough. For I knew I wasn't in any danger here not with my friends.

  “Thank ya for the wine,” Hellen said as she downed the last of it straight from the large glass bottle in her hand. She placed it on the coffee table when she was done.

  “You’re welcome,” I replied.

  “Brother, you don’t drink. Neither does Harrison. Why do you have wine?”

  “Because dear sister, you never know when we might have company and we need to celebrate,”

  Alessandria nodded but I knew she wasn’t convinced.

  “Alessandria, we all did a great thing today,”

  “But Daniel the two other masterminds still live. You and the Queen aren’t safe yet,”

  Squeezing Harrison briefly, I replied: “As soon as I knew I was gay. I knew I wouldn’t be completely safe. We need to live whilst we can,”

  Alessandria shook her head but nodded in the end.

  “Daniel, what about the Greenscales?” Hellen asked.

  “Yes,” I said as she reminded me, and I looked at Alessandria. “I received a letter from her thanking us for the withdrawn of the military from her land. And as promised, she has promised you her family’s support on her honour,”

  When I saw Alessandria’s face light up, I was happy for her. My sister slowly getting her way.

  “Thank you, Daniel for arranging that. I promise you I will find the other two members of the Triad before they can hurt you,”

  Nemesio tapped her leg carefully and said: “No you won’t. We will all find them together,”

  Everyone nodded in agreement.

  With everything wrapped and Harrison being close to me, I decided to say to everyone: “It is early evening, you could all go out,”

  Alessandria looked as if she was about to tell me off for being rude. Then her face changed to a gentle smile and she blew me a kiss.

  “Um, yes. I think I have some paperwork to do at the castle,” Alessandria said as she got up. Hellen and Nemesio both clearly understood what I wanted so they got up to leave too

  “Nemesio!” I shouted before he left. “I’m sorry. I forgive you, my friend,”

  The former Inquisitor looked a bit taken by my comments, but he gave me a sort of confused nod before he left.

  As soon as they all left, I turned to Harrison and said: “I’m ready,”


  Stepping out and shutting the wooden door to Harrison's house, Alessandria took a moment to compose herself. Looking around, she enjoyed seeing the dirt road lined with small stone walls in front of Harrison's little garden. With the trees blowing in the evening wind.

  The smell of fresh green grass covered her senses as the evening wind from the coast a few miles away blew gently past her.

  Waving goodbye to Hellen, Alessandria couldn't stop smiling as she saw her best friend walk off humming a merry little tune to herself. Tapping the floor with her big stick as she walked.

  Raising her head for an unknown reason, Alessandria admired the clear blue evening sky as the dimmish sun reminded her there were plenty of hours of daylight left on this warm summer evening.

  She knew this task was done. With the help of her friends and brother, she had killed a threat to her Queen and saved her country. As much as she wanted to enjoy that fact, Alessandria still shook at the idea of two powerful people alive and plotting against Daniel and her Queen.

  Nemesio stopped and stood next to her. Joining her in looking at the beautiful countryside on Harrison’s doorstep.

  Looking at him, Alessandria realised that she could enjoy this moment of victory. For if she didn't try to enjoy the wins, then what was the point of them? There would always be more fights and people to stop, but true friends and family weren't in plentiful supply.

  Turning her head back to the house, Alessandria smiled as she thought about Daniel and Harrison progressing in their relationship. They were in love, they cared about one another and Daniel had encouraged her to pursue a relationship. But should she?

ng towards the dirt road, Alessandria and Nemesio didn't say a word to one another. Yet Alessandria knew he was smiling. Should she just ask? But what would she ask? She was Nobility and noblewomen don't ask out men. It's surely the other way around.

  As the two heroes walked along the dirt road back to the castle, Alessandria felt the rough stones and sand under her leather boots, it finally dawned on her that this was her life. She might have been a Dominicus Procurator and a Noble Lady, but this was her life and she was determined to enjoy it. Especially, after almost losing everyone she loved today.

  She gently grabbed Nemesio’s wrist and asked: “It’s still early evening, do you... want to get some dinner?”

  Nemesio smiled.

  “I thought you had paperwork to do?”

  “It can wait. This can’t,”

  “Thank you. I would like dinner very much,”


  I really hope you enjoyed the book and this book, I definitely wanted to do quite a lot with it.

  Originally, I was considering having the main plot of this book as a sort of legal setting with Alessandria having to prove a Noble person innocent of a crime. To win their House’s support. But I decided against it. Maybe that will be a future idea.

  Especially, since Alessandria needs to get the support of the other 4 Inquisitorial Orders, the House of Blueheart and the Church.

  Anyway, in Heart of Lies, I really wanted to explore various relationships between the characters. For example, I wanted to see if Alessandria could find Nemesio attractive. Since I’ve tried to have romantic elements in my other books, but I always seem to end up killing them!

  Thankfully, that didn’t matter this time around.

  Also, I wanted to see if Alessandria could work through her feelings because we’ve all liked someone in the past and had to gather up the courage to ask someone out. So, I wanted to show Alessandria attempting to do that.

  And before you ask no, I have no idea what happens on this date. Nor do I know if this date is going to have a short story dedicated to it. I might have to write the next book first to be able to figure that out.


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