The Fake Voice (Time Alchemist)

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The Fake Voice (Time Alchemist) Page 11

by Allice Revelle

  “I need Guinevere de Blanc. And you’re going to help me find her, Emery Miller.”


  “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to help you.”

  “You should feel grateful that I’m even giving you the choice, Emery Miller,” White chuckled, stepping uncomfortably close to me.

  “I’m giving you—and only you—the opportunity to make my dream come true. In exchange for your help, of course, you’ll be rewarded greatly. All I need for you do is assist me in hunting down that cowardly Guinevere.

  “You really think it’s that easy?” I retorted. “For one thing, even if you do somehow manage to capture Guinevere—which I highly doubt, since you apparently failed before—you really believe she would help you with this stupid plan?”

  A sharp, burning sting bloomed on my cheek and I tasted blood.

  The sound of White’s palm striking my cheek bounced off the walls of the tiny, suffocating room.

  “Idiot girl,” White hissed. “You have no idea what is spewing out of that mouth of yours. Guinevere may be a coward, but she’s a smart one. I have no chance of finding her—it would be the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack that’s as vast as the Atlantic Ocean. But there are two very good reasons why Guinevere would come out of

  hiding. Care to take a guess?”

  I spit a bit of blood from my swollen mouth, watching it fall on White’s polished black shoe. I knew exactly those “two reasons” he was referring to, and he was watching me underneath that sequin covered mask, waiting for me to tremble in fear.

  “You really think so?” I finally said. “You really think it’s that easy? She left then for a reason. What it really was, I don’t know. But you’re too late, you know. Guinevere isn’t going to come back to find one of her students in a coma—with less than one percent of even waking up by the next morning—and the other student somewhere on the East Coast half-possessed by a sick-o freak of an alchemist that actually makes you look like a pansy in comparison. So in reality, even if I did help you, there wouldn’t be a damn thing I could do. And for the record, my answer is, and will forever be, hell no.”

  White was silent for a good minute, and I could feel his anger come off in waves. Finally, with a click of a heel, he turned and tromped towards the door. “

  “Very well,” he said curtly. “Since you’ve made your answer quiet clear, Emery Miller, then I’m glad to see that you’ve happily volunteered to be my first test subject. Enjoy your last few hours, dear. I can’t wait to peel away your skin and see what gets you—no pun intended— ticking with fear.”

  With that, he practically slammed the door after him, and I heard a lock slide into place.

  Alone at last, yet there was a bitterness in the air that made it hard to breathe.

  There was no way to tell what time it was, or how much time was slipping between my fingers. For an alchemist of Time I was really, really pathetic. I tried to fall asleep—maybe somehow, someway, contact Chrys—but it was impossible. My whole body ached and thrashed in pain with every little movement. When I felt like I was nodding off some random spasm would jolt me awake.

  “What are you going to do?” Oliver’s voice broke through my concentration. A flash of irritation must have shown on my face because he clamped his lips shut. But I had no right to be irritated at him, so I apologized.

  “I don’t know,” I finally answered. “I just know I’m not going to help him. Never. I’d rather die first.”

  Before I even realized it…tears started swelling, falling down fast like a waterfall down my dry cheeks and I couldn’t stop hiccupping. My nose started dripping and I probably looked horrible but…at this point, I didn’t really care. I could only bow my head and cry and ramble, “I failed.

  I came all this way to find something that would save my best friend’s life. I trusted the wrong person. I didn’t save you in time. I got freakin’

  captured and for what? Nothing. He won, we lost.”

  I kept sobbing, waiting for Oliver to yell at me, to jump in, say something to beat me down, because it was all my fault. But instead, he spoke softly, “It isn’t your fault.”

  His voice was so calm and warm and soothing…like a blanket wrapped around me. It was as if his words had sunk into my skin, warming me from the inside out. “It’s okay…just calm down. Breathe.

  Don’t cry anymore, okay?”

  Then I felt myself calm down. My muscles relaxed like jello; the death grip I had on the chairs loosened and it even felt like my own heart was beating slowly at a nice, even pace. I gave out a heavy sigh, and felt my eyelids droop, until Oliver’s voice broke through the relaxing bubble, coming off strong and powerful, but gentle at the same time.

  “Don’t fall asleep.”

  Instantly I went alert, my eyes wide open. All tiredness had drained away, leaving me refreshed and ready to go. It was as if I had woken up from a ten hour sleep. I blinked slowly, then stared as Oliver zipped his lips tight.

  “What was that?”

  He looked away as if ashamed, and then whispered, “I’m sorry for using it like that—without telling you. But I guess you could say that was my…alchemy. I mean, ever since I was a kid I knew I had some weird

  power but I never once believed it was something called alchemy. I thought it was magic. Sometimes I thought it was a curse. I realized I could control people with my voice…and it scared me. At first I always thought people did some things just to be nice, like when I’d ask the guy at the gas station to let me have an extra candy bar for free, or beg my aunt to let me stay up an hour later past my bedtime even though I was too young…

  “I never really told anyone about it, but I think my Dad—Patrick—

  figured something was up. But after I realized just how bad this alchemy was I just shut up. Really, I hardly used it except for a couple of times, but just for emergencies.” He let out a soft laugh that sounded sad.

  “Those things you talked about…Runes, right?” I nodded. “I have those too—on my neck. I’ve had them since I was a kid; I never thought anything of them. I just convinced everyone it was some strange birthmark, or a tattoo. But now when you said all those things, I guess it’s true. I’m an alchemist.”

  “An alchemist of Voice.” I said in awe. “of Sound…that’s incredible!”

  He ducked his head sheepishly. “It’s cool, yeah…but I just don’t know how to get the hang of it. I’ve never had anyone teach me how to use it.”

  I grinned. “Same here—well, I did kind of have a mentor. Dove

  my…best friend.”

  “The girl who saved your life.”

  I nodded, feeling new tears threaten to cascade down my cheeks. I shook my head vigorously, willing them back. “She’s an alchemist too. A Blood-Borne…that’s what we call ‘pure blooded’ alchemists. Before she saved my life, she was an alchemist of Blood. Creepy, right? Well, it’s really thanks to that kind of alchemy that she was able to save my life. I

  —my heart had been stabbed right through by…another alchemist…” my throat when thick even without the mention of Leon. That was a story for another time. “She was a great mentor, helping me with learning to control and strengthen my power, but it was different…she had her alchemy her entire life before it was locked away. So to meet you, another person like me…I can just understand what you went through.”

  Oliver said nothing, and we sat in a few minutes of awkward silence. Then he lifted his head and asked softly, “Are there…other alchemists like us? He—that man, mentioned another girl.”

  My mind flashed to the papers I had stashed in my bag. And come to think of it, where was my bag? That girl Alyssa must have taken it, damn it. I replied to his question, ignoring the growing hate in my chest whenever I thought of how easily, again, that Alyssa whooped my ass.

  “Her name is Chrysanthemum. She goes by Chrys, mainly, but she’s just like us. She’s part of this organization called the Black Crown.”

p; Oliver’s eyes went round like dinner plates. “Are they like the good guys in this story?”

  I snorted. “Well, kinda. They have some weird methods and secrets but it beats being here. Maybe if—no, when—we get out, they can help you train your alchemy, make it so that you can control it better.”

  He nodded, and I saw a pink flush spread on his cheeks. “That would be nice. I’d like to be able to control it. “

  Out of curiosity, I asked, “Do you see these strange lights when you use your alchemy?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. They’re kinda reddish, but it’s like there are these really thin strands floating in the air. All I have to do is concentrate—for example, when I wanted to calm you down I just willed the strands around you to get closer and told them to calm you down…I guess that’s how it works?”

  “Yes!” I jumped in. “I see them too! Except mine are this light golden color; the same color as my Runes.”

  “It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?”

  We laughed, and I felt the bond between Oliver and I strength just from that. We hardly knew each other, but we were both stuck at the bottom of the well. We both knew what it was like to have this weird power and sometimes be unable to control it. I made a mental vow that I would get us out of here, no matter what…when an idea hit me.

  “You can use your alchemy to basically make a person do anything, right?”

  Oliver pondered this thought for a minute. “Well, kind of. I can’t make anyone do anything extreme like jump off a building—not that I’d want to!—just small things. Easy things, like…”

  “Putting someone to sleep?”


  I felt a grin tug at the corners of my mouth. “Perfect. And I’ve finally got a plan. You in?”



  The door bursts open and I instantly wake up, blinking away hints of sleep from my eyes. I barely had time to say a word when Ash strolled in, a smug look on his face, though his eyes burned with hate, and he grabbed a fistful of my hair with his gloved hand, yanking my scalp so hard I felt strands being ripped out.

  I let out a scream and tried to pull away, but that only increased the burning pain on my head. And it wasn’t from Ash’s gloves, either.

  “White may be a patient man but I’m not,” Ash hissed, his face only inches away from mine where I could see grayish flecks in his chocolate covered eyes—exact identical eyes like Rick. They were hardened, like blocks of ice, and he pulled at my hair for emphases. “And I’ve been wanting payback for a long time, bitch.”

  I choked on a scream and tried to keep cool. “Oh, get over yourself!” I said. Then I spat in his face—right between his eyes.

  Ash gave out an angry squawk and backed up, rubbing his face with his sleeve. His eyes could have melted steel. He lifted one of his gloved hands and a small spurt of flame danced in his palm and I

  instantly froze.

  Great idea, Emery! Spit in the face of a Fire Alchemist why don’t you?

  “You damn bitch!” Ash roared, prepared to slam his fire covered fist to my face when Oliver, who had remained silent until now, uttered one word laced with his Alchemy.


  I could feel the heat of the small fire lick my face, but true to Oliver’s alchemy, Ash was literally frozen in place. His twisted face was locked like a creepy looking mask, though his eyes shot back and forth from me to Oliver, and I could see his entire form tremble as he struggled to fight against Oliver’s binds.

  Oliver grinned at me, then with a crystal clear voice that seemed to ring out like a sweet bell, said, “Untie us.”

  Ash shook like an earthquake, but he had no choice but to oblige.

  The flames in his hand went out; he released his death grip on my hair and began untying, slowly, the ropes that held my wrists and feet down.

  Oliver kept his eyes locked on Ash as he ordered him to untie his ropes, and I watched a little awe-struck, rubbing my redden wrists, as Ash bent over and released Oliver from his chair. However, I could see Oliver’s skin was flush, covered in sweat as he concentrated on holding Ash prisoner. I looked around for some sort of weapon to use, to help,

  but then Oliver let out a cry—breaking his alchemy.

  It only took Ash two seconds to realize what had happened and he slammed his entire body into Oliver’s, pushing them both to the ground.

  I screamed and grabbed Oliver’s chair, raising it high above my head to smash against Ash’s back, but he turned, glowering at me, and raised a hand. A large fireball erupted from his palm and I barely managed to bring the chair down in time as it hit me, sending me flying to the wall.

  I blacked out for a second; the smell of burnt wood stinging my nostrils and I pushed the broken and burned up chair away. The blow had hit right where that lump on the back of my head was and I saw stars swimming in front of me. I could only sit there in a daze, half listening to Oliver’s yells as he tried to fight back.

  I saw a flash of black cross my vision, then the yeller was Ash as he was lifted soundlessly off Oliver and thrown practically across the room. Ash landed under the window, fully exposed under the bright laminating lights of the full moon.

  It took a full moment for me to see….it was Rick standing over Oliver, grabbing his arm up to get him on his feet. Ash howled, speaking to Rick, demanding to know what he was doing. But Rick just shook his head, strolled over and gave Ash a damn good punch right on the jaw.

  Even from where I was I could hear the cracks of bone breaking.

  The blow sent Ash sprawling to the ground. He twitched and then

  went still. The only hint of movement was the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

  Rick walked over, not bothering to wait for Oliver to follow and grabbed my arms up to lift me. I struggled in his grip which only tightened as he half dragged, half carried me bridal style out of the room, with a confused Oliver struggling to keep up. He was walking with a limp, but I could see over Rick’s shoulder that Oliver was indeed attempting to try and find a way to stop Rick. If his mouth wasn’t covered in blood, I had no doubt Oliver would have tried to order Rick to stop.

  But I could easily do it. My mind was still a bit fuzzy, but I pushed Rick away and elbowed him in the cheek. He gave out a protest of pain until I slapped him. The force shocking us both and he dropped me hard on the ground.

  “What the fucking hell?!” He yelled, rubbing his cheek.

  I scrambled to my feet and stepped around him to get to Oliver. I readied myself just as Leon had taught me, about proper stances for battling. True, I didn’t have a weapon, but I had two fists, two feet and a mouth. Oliver and I could handle Rick, and then we would get the hell out of here.

  Rick stepped forward. “I’m trying to help!”

  A bark of laughter escaped me, probably sounding harsher than

  intended. “Are you kidding me? I’m here because of you! I shouldn’t have trusted you—god, what an idiot I was!”

  “Now’s not the time to argue!” Rick hissed, taking another step until I beat him to it. I raised my hand and gave him another hard slap that knocked him against the wall. I was so damned pissed, and Rick was going to be the unfortunate target of my pent up anger and frustration.

  “I’m here to help you! Honest to God, Emery!”

  I froze. My hand that had formed into a fist paused in the air. Rick hadn’t bothered to defend himself—he was even wearing his gloves. He could have hurt me, could have stopped my slaps and punches…but didn’t.

  Still, I couldn’t take that as a sign of good faith.

  But…it was how he said my name that made me stop…and I just couldn’t think anymore!

  I felt a firm hold on my shoulder and jumped. But it was only Oliver. He had wiped his bloody mouth with his sleeve, though some still oozed out the side. He coughed hard, but gave me a half smile. “Let me try.” Was all he said before he marched forward and looked Rick straight in the eye.

  “Tell us the truth. �

  Rick seemed like he was in a daze, his brown eyes going dim before he opened his mouth. “It’s true you said—I was tricking you,

  under White’s orders. Ash was never in trouble, but we knew with you in the Black Crown we’d never get to you. So I was ordered to lure you away and use Guinevere’s book as a tool. You were supposed to have it with you when we came back…he didn’t see that flaw in his plan.

  “But you have to believe me when I’m saying the truth: Not all of it was an act. It’s true when I said that there was something wrong with him. And it’s true that I said he has taken his anger out on us; that was just the excuse I used to get close to you, but it’s still an honest excuse. I wanted to get Ash and myself away from him, but I couldn’t do it alone. I know I’m a goddamn idiot, and I know you have the right to punch me until I’m black and blue, but believe me when I say that I’m here now and I want to help you this time.

  “I’m done with this. I won’t even blame you if you wanted to leave me here, because I can assure you I’m not leaving this house unless it’s with you—or in a body bag. I meant what I said to Alyssa the other day: I will kill White, with my own hands.”

  I could only stand there like a fool, pushing my hands to my face and shaking my head. “I can’t believe you. I can’t believe you.”

  Oliver’s hand on my shoulder gave me another gentle squeeze.

  “Tell her why you’re doing this. What changed?”

  Rick gave a sigh, but seemed perfectly content being controlled by Oliver’s voice. “Because when I spilled my guts about the shitty life Ash

  and I went through, you didn’t judge me. You didn’t take pity, either, but I felt like you just understood where I was trying to come from. And I could see it in your eyes, your actions that you were trying to give me a chance I didn’t deserve, even after all the shit I had done. Even all the shit I’m doing now, I still want to see that person again.

  “And I saw in just these two days what kind of girl you are, Emery. You’ve got people’s lives hanging on the balance of your actions and you’re still fighting to protect them. Me? I’m too cowardly to even try. And I can’t say honestly what caused the change. Honest to God I just can’t. But I’m telling you the truth now: I want to be by your side, and help you fight this. Please.”


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