Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga)

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Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga) Page 9

by Aubrey Ross

  “I’m pretty sure I already experienced that demonstration in my office. Besides, we’re not that far from home.”

  “Well, until I release him, the driver will continue up and down the Pacific Coast Highway, wondering why he can’t find your turn off. Of course he’ll be far too embarrassed to admit his confusion, so it might take hours for us to reach the estate unless you cooperate.”

  The passionate gleam in his eyes assured her he meant every word. He’d held himself back, offering her glimpses of his true nature. Now he had no reason to temper his aggression.

  She licked her lips and savored the heat pooling between her thighs. “What do you want me to do?”

  He looked around the spacious interior of the limo and grinned. “There are so many possibilities. Shall I lower the privacy glass, so the driver can watch you suck my cock?”

  She called his bluff with a beaming smile. “Whatever pleases you. I’m not ashamed of our desire.”

  A low groan escaped his throat. “You little hellion.”

  “I’m your little hellion,” she reminded him.

  He stripped off his jacket and tossed it to the adjacent seat. “Slip off that dress and get over here.”

  Pausing to kick off her shoes, she then pulled her dress over her head. She wore a strapless bra and matching thong. The lace-topped stockings didn’t require a garter belt, so she didn’t bother taking them off.

  She knelt on the floor between his legs and went to work on his pants. Her fingers pressed against the distinct ridge of his erection far more often than was necessary to open his fly. He fisted his hands on the seat but didn’t rush her.

  “You don’t let me do this nearly enough.” She closed her fingers around his shaft and stroked him from base to tip. “Your cock is amazing and you’re always so busy torturing me that I hardly ever get to play with it.”

  “I’ll try and remedy that from now on.” He sounded breathless and hoarse.

  Circling the flared head with her tongue, she enjoyed the earthy taste of his arousal. He felt hot and alive beneath her lips. Even taking him as deeply as she dared, she couldn’t get his entire length inside her mouth.

  “I’ll teach you how,” he whispered, effortlessly reading her thoughts, “but not tonight.” His hands touched her face and she looked into his eyes. “Suck me, slow and hard.”

  She drew on him over and over, swirling her tongue across his tip. Her fingers cupped his balls and squeezed his shaft, needing to experience all of him. He rested his head against the back of the seat and surrendered to her ministrations. Feminine power surged through her in a heated rush. She wanted to watch his features contort with ecstasy and feel him come deep in her throat.

  “No more!” He grasped her under the arms and lifted her effortlessly.

  “I want to take you all the way,” she protested.

  “Not tonight. Remember, this is about me controlling you.”

  She chuckled. “If you say so.”

  He scooted off the seat and knelt behind her. She remained as she was, waiting for his next move. With a flick of his fingers, he unfastened her bra and tossed it aside. Then he dragged her panties to her knees and urged her forward. She braced her forearms against the seat and looked back at him.

  “You are so damned beautiful,” he whispered. “I will never get tired of looking at you.”

  “I hope you intend to do more than look.”

  “Always.” He cupped her breast with one hand and eased the other between her thighs, pushing into her pussy from behind. His long fingers slid in and out of her core, stirring the heat and building the intensity. The gentle sway of the limo only added to the wonder as her senses began to burn.

  “Unbend your legs. I want to fuck you with my tongue.”

  A violent shiver postponed her compliance and then she shifted position. Pushing to her feet while she bent from the waist, she extended her legs and folded her arms on the seat. She wiggled out of her panties so he could spread her legs wide. He grasped her thighs and pressed his lips against her feminine slit. His mouth moved against her as his tongue delved, teasing and seeking, driving her wild. He found her clit and she gasped. Tingling sensations pulsed through her core and danced up her spine. His tongue stroked over and curled around her swollen nub.

  She turned her head and caught a glimpse of their reflection on the tinted windows. His face was flush with her sex, his hands firmly clasping her thighs. Her body bent from the waist, abandoned to the pleasure of his kisses.

  As if sensing her distraction, he thrust his tongue into her pussy. His face rocked against her, his tongue pushing as deeply as he could reach.

  He licked his way up to her other opening and continued his bold exploration. She had accepted his fascination with anal pleasures and she was rapidly becoming a fan. He circled the puckered flesh and tingles crawled across her skin.

  “Do you enjoy watching me do obscene things to your helpless body?”

  The dark hunger in his voice was unmistakable and undeniably exciting. “You know I do.”

  He rocked back on his heels and their gazes locked in the window. “Watch.” He pushed two fingers into her pussy then turned his wrist and breached her ass with his thumb. The blazing hunger in his gaze ignited sensations deep inside of her. She came hard and fast, rippling around his fingers and thumb.

  While her body was still pulsing, he guided her back to her knees and pulled his hand out from between her thighs. He positioned his cock and filled her core with one hard thrust. The momentum rocked her forward and jostled her breasts. She gasped and locked her elbows.

  Overwhelmed with dizzying sensations, she turned her face away from the window and concentrated on the tight, fast slide of his body inside hers. He held her hips, anchoring her lower body as he commanded her response.

  She surrendered the last barrier between them, accepting the full force of his being inside her mind. In a surreal blending of real and empathic sensations, she felt his cock filling her aching core, yet she felt the hot grasp of her pussy around his shaft just as clearly. His pleasure fueled hers and her excitement drove him harder.

  They strained together, body slapping against body, grinding, clenching, and climbing. Reality paused. They floated in velvet tranquility. Then the fire rushed up to meet them in an incendiary burst of pleasure.

  He released his seed in scalding pulses, while her inner muscles hungrily gripped his length. His middle finger found her clit, prolonging each blissful spasm. They shuddered and groaned until she collapsed against the seat, breathless and muddled.

  His hands moved up and down her back, skimming along the outer swell of her breasts. “I guess the rest can wait until we get home.”

  “The rest?” She laughed and looked back at him. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Your death is the furthest thing from my mind.” With obvious reluctance, he separated their bodies and righted his pants. “You can put the dress back on, but no underwear.”

  “Whatever you say, sir.” She added the title with a playful smile.

  She smoothed the dress back into place and set the rest in a neat bundle next to the door so she wouldn’t forget it when they got out of the limo.

  Steffen pulled her onto his lap as she tried to climb over him and sit down. “Now we’re going to see how many more times I can make you come while the driver tries to figure out how he got halfway to Santa Barbara.”

  “How will we ever top our ‘first date’?” She framed his face with her hands and smiled into his eyes.

  “I’m sure we’ll think of something.” He laid her back across the seat and claimed her mouth in a lingering kiss.

  Crimson Dichotomy 2: Passion

  Aubrey Ross

  Sentinel Lukas Mandalay has never encountered anyone as utterly tempting as Rebecca McNeil. Despite being half-human, Rebecca is the youngest member of the Dichotomy elder council. She’s independent, self-sufficient—and shaped like a centerfold! Sensing the passion smolder
ing beneath her professional façade, he guides her through a journey of sexual discovery.

  Rebecca is forced to admit she needs protection when an obsessive vampire nearly kidnaps her. Still, the handsome Sentinel who prevents her abduction seems nearly as dangerous as the vampire. Each time Lukas touches her, their bodies erupt with carnal longing and neither can remember why they should resist their growing attraction.

  Chapter One

  PSN Headquarters

  Sacramento, California

  “Has Olin learned anything useful?”

  Lukas glanced over his shoulder as Max Brigham walked into the observation booth. Tall and imposing, Max was the driving force behind the Preternatural Sentinel Network. He’d taken a group of embittered social misfits and molded them into an elite paramilitary team. Each Sentinel was unique and most had nowhere else to turn when the society that created them turned hostile.

  With a frustrated sigh, Lukas motioned toward the monitor. Olin had just left the holding cell after questioning their detainee for the third time. “We can’t get Valerie to transition and Emily is more confused than we are.”

  “Dichotomies are tricky, to say the least.” Max crossed his arms over his chest and studied the slender young woman. She sat on a padded cot with her knees drawn up to her chest, staring off into the distance. Long blonde hair framed her pale face and purple shadows circled her eyes. “It was my understanding that a nocturnal Dichotomy isn’t able to conceal anything from their day-dwelling twin. Memories are transferred from one consciousness to the other during their physical transformation. Is Olin sure Emily knows nothing?”

  “Valerie isn’t your ordinary Dichotomy. Taerok’s blood empowered her with a level of control few have ever achieved. Emily was trapped in energy form for months at a time. It was only Valerie’s desire to escape us that freed Emily now. Despite the attitude and her new fangs, Valerie is a coward.”

  “Does Emily show any signs of vampirism?”

  Lukas shook his head. “We’ve had four different people scan her and everyone senses only Dichotomy. Olin is beginning to think Taerok didn’t actually convert Valerie. He might have fed her only enough of his blood to make her appear transformed.”

  “I scanned Valerie at the gala. She’s a vampire. It’s more likely Emily just hasn’t been affected yet.”

  “Is it possible she never will become a vampire?”

  “I don’t know. To my knowledge this is the first time either half of a Dichotomy has survived a vampiric transformation.” With a shrug of his beefy shoulders, Max dismissed the speculation. “In any event, Valerie can’t hide inside Emily forever. We’ll just wait her out.”

  “That was Olin’s conclusion too.” Lukas turned from the monitor and faced Max directly. “Even if we succeed in bringing Valerie out of sleep state, it’s doubtful she’ll talk. She has nothing to gain by betraying Taerok.”

  “And Taerok is too smart to entrust his plans to a blood slave,” Max agreed.

  “So what’s our next move?”

  “Taerok is determined to free himself from his solar trance, which means he needs a Dichotomy halfling who can transform at will. Luckily for us there are only three.”

  “Which of the three do I get to babysit?”

  “Rebecca McNeil.” Max handed him the slim folder he had tucked under his arm. “She’s the only halfling on the elder council and the fact that she can transform is a carefully guarded secret.”

  “An elder?” Lukas grumbled. If he had to shadow a halfling, why did it have to be some crotchety old… His mental objections came grinding to a halt as he opened the dossier. A color photograph was attached to the inside of the front cover. From her strawberry-blonde curls to her vibrant blue eyes, there was nothing unappealing about Councilwoman McNeil.

  “Taerok feeds off fear and hatred. He humiliates and infuriates his victims before he feeds from them. Negative emotions are as important to him as blood. Do your best to keep her happy.”

  Lukas looked at Max and groaned. The commander was serious! “I’m a soldier, not a therapist.”

  “I’m well aware of your skills, but you need to understand his MO. Negative emotions attract and sustain him, while positive emotions repel and weaken him.”

  “Many emotions aren’t clearly positive or negative. What about lust and fear? Wouldn’t it be wisest just to keep her calm?”

  “Good luck with that. This situation isn’t conducive to serenity.” Max’s lips curved in a knowing smile. “I saw your reaction to her picture. Lust was the first emotion that popped into your mind.”

  Lukas didn’t bother arguing the point. Rebecca McNeil was extremely attractive. “What does she know about Taerok?”

  “She knows he’s a vampire and she knows why he’s hunting Dichotomy halflings. Beyond that, everything is classified.” After a tense pause Max added, “We’re doing everything possible to find Taerok’s lair. Until we do, we’re stuck babysitting his potential victims. Rebecca returns from Washington tomorrow and she’s expecting you.”

  “I’ll swing by her place tonight and check out the logistics.”

  “She’s agreed to twenty-four-hour surveillance, as long as she knows where you are at all times. None of that shadow shit Steffen pulled on Mara.”

  Lukas chuckled. “My brother’s voyeuristic tendencies have never appealed to me.”

  “Good. Mara’s father was on our side. There’s no one to run interference if you piss off Ms. McNeil.”

  “Should I be concerned?” He motioned to the photo. “She looks pretty harmless to me.”

  “She negotiates deals with global corporations and international government agencies. The elder council banks on people underestimating her. Don’t be fooled by her appearance. Ms. McNeil is shrewdly intelligent and fearlessly independent. She has never felt the need for personal security, and the director was surprised when she agreed to allow us to interfere in her busy schedule.”

  “I’ll do my best to stay out of her way.” Lukas opened the folder across the desk and flipped through the detailed background information.

  Max hesitated at the door. “I didn’t mean to make her sound like a shrew. She seemed reasonable enough when I spoke with her earlier. She’s just all business.”

  “Well, this is business. So I don’t see a problem.” He waved the commander away. “Go find Taerok’s lair.”

  * * *

  Rebecca lowered her carryon bag to the foot of her bed and kicked off her low-heeled pumps. Traveling was tedious at best and today hadn’t even qualified as good. She rubbed the back of her neck and rolled her shoulders.

  “Welcome back.”

  A smile automatically curved her lips as she turned toward Katsu. His calm, unassuming presence never failed to soothe her. “It’s good to be home.” He stepped into the room as she unzipped the bag.

  “Would you like something to eat? Unless you’ve changed significantly in the past two weeks, you grabbed a bagel and a massive cup of coffee on the way to the airport and haven’t eaten since.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Guilty as charged.” With an audible sigh, she looked at the contents of her carryon. All the clothing would have to be laundered, which left the toiletries for her to unpack. “I’m too tired to be hungry.”

  Cooking was outside the responsibilities of a personal trainer, in her estimation, but Katsu often disregarded the norm. He was part executive assistant, part sensei, and part confidant. He’d been sleeping with Bianca, Rebecca’s nocturnal half, for the past three months and Rebecca suspected he’d like to sleep with her as well.

  “Would you like me to run a bath for you?” The caressing quality in Katsu’s tone drew her gaze back to his handsome face. With a long, rolling stride, he crossed the bedroom and stood beside her. Jet-black hair swept back from his face, a stubborn tendril escaping to angle across his brow. The exotic tilt of his dark eyes and prominent cheekbones reflected his Japanese heritage, while his height and the breadth of his shoulders re
vealed an Italian grandfather.

  “As delightful as a bath sounds, I have too much to do before my guard dog arrives tomorrow.” She reached for her cosmetic case and his long fingers curved around her wrist.

  “I can protect you, Rebecca.” He spoke her name in a whisper-soft tone that sent tingles down her spine. “There’s no need to let this…Sentinel invade your privacy.”

  The subtle sneer in his voice left no doubt about his feelings. He didn’t want another man intruding on “his” territory. Her heart fluttered and their gazes locked. She’d been tempted by Katsu the first time she’d seen him, but she’d resisted the attraction. Their relationship was uncomplicated and comfortable, and she preferred it remain that way.

  “If the threat were human, I’d agree,” she told him. “You’re fast and strong, easily capable of combating other humans.”

  “You honestly believe a vampire is after you?”

  She smiled. “Do you doubt the reality of vampires or that one would be interested in me?”

  He moved closer, cupping the side of her face. “I don’t doubt your appeal. I’m captivated by you and you know it.”

  Awareness arced between them. She licked her lips, enjoying the tingling heat for another moment before she stepped back. “You’re a trusted friend and valuable employee. That’s more important to me than sex.”

  “Sex doesn’t have to ruin our friendship.” He recaptured the space between them, lightly resting his hands on her hips. “This is the natural culmination of our mutual attraction.”

  “I know you’re sleeping with Bianca. Isn’t that enough?”

  He framed her face between his palms, desire gleaming in his eyes. “Bianca told me to bend you over the bed and fuck you fast and hard until you stopped denying that you want me.”

  Lust curled through her body as the graphic image took shape within her mind. Katsu was always polite and patient. He smiled and patted her hand when she wanted to be overwhelmed by passion.


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