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Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga)

Page 13

by Aubrey Ross

  “Once a week, sometimes more. This is basically her life. I’m just along for the ride.”

  Lukas looked at her, unsure if her casual tone was feigned. “You’re content to be a passenger in Rebecca’s life?”

  “That’s the rhythm that works best for us. She has responsibility and complications, so I allow her time to deal with them. I enjoy the freedom of my existence. I have no complaints.”

  They reached the tree line and Lukas took the lead. A sentry scanned them as they neared the village. Lukas identified himself and felt the sentry withdraw.

  “Where are we headed?” She looked around the forest curiously. “For that matter where are we? I’m pretty sure we’re not in Malibu.”

  “We’re nearing the Dark Elf capital of the Forest Realm, better known as D’arcy Aiden.”

  “We’re in the Otherworld?” Her eyes widened with wonder. “How cool is that. You don’t look much like an elf. Your ears aren’t even pointed.”

  He smiled at her foolishness, but felt compelled to explain. “My father is a Dark Elf. My mother is a sylph. As for my ears, I had them surgically altered so I could pass for human more easily.”

  “That’s sad. You should let them grow back.”

  Her buoyant mood was contagious. He couldn’t quite contain his smile. “I would have to have them reconstructed. They don’t actually…” She was laughing, so he didn’t finish the sentence. He’d been fully briefed on the Dichotomy. He should have expected the difference in their personalities.

  They barely made it beyond the city walls when his mother rushed to his side. “Lukas!” She hugged him soundly then stepped back to assess him from head to toe. “You should have told me you were coming. I would have aired out your house.”

  “There’s no need to fuss. I’m fully capable of opening shutters and pulling off dust cloths.”

  She offered Bianca and Katsu her famous smile. “And who are you?”

  “This is Bianca McNeil and Katsu— I’m sorry, I don’t know your last name.”

  “It’s Futami, but Katsu is fine.”

  His mother inclined her head toward each one in turn. “Welcome to D’arcy Aiden. I’ll do what I can to make your stay enjoyable.”

  “I can see to my guests, Mother. We just needed a few days away from the city.”

  “And the national parks were all booked up?” she teased.

  “Bianca suggested we find a place where no one could find us. I told her I knew just the place.”

  His mother didn’t look convinced, but she let the subject drop with no more argument. “I won’t keep you. I’m sure you want to get settled in.”

  He kissed her cheeks and squeezed her hand. “I’ll stop by before we head back.”

  “I look forward to it.” She raised her hand to the new arrivals. “It was nice to meet you.”

  “Your mother is so beautiful and she looks so young,” Bianca said as he motioned them away from the bustling central square. The fewer people that saw them the better.

  “She’s much older than she looks, trust me. But I agree that she’s beautiful.”

  “I feel more like we’ve stepped back in time than crossed into another dimension.” She nodded toward a man on horseback and a woman drawing water from a well. “Even the architecture screams English Tudor.”

  “Perhaps because the Tudors employed Sidhe architects.”

  “I see.”

  He took a series of alleyways in his effort to avoid curious eyes. “His” house was actually the cottage his father had built for his mother when they were newlyweds. He opened the low gate and glanced around as he led his guests toward the front door. A massive oak spread its branches wide, spanning the front yard. The roof was sound, but the siding could use a coat of paint. He would have to return when he had more time and catch up on the maintenance.

  “This is charming,” Bianca said, stepping into the front room.

  “Does it have running water?” Katsu sounded dubious.

  “Don’t be fooled by your first impression. This realm is not nearly as backward as it appears.”

  Chapter Four

  Every muscle in Raze’s body tensed as he waited for Ella to explain her expectations. Taerok seemed almost as apprehensive. There were so few things that frightened the master. It always gave Raze pause when Taerok hesitated.

  “Prepayment,” Taerok prompted. “State your conditions.”

  “Until sunrise tomorrow, you will indulge my every whim. Then and only then will I take you through the Veil.” She faced him squarely, challenge shining in her light brown eyes.

  “I’ve offered you more than that already. Do you doubt Raze’s obedience?”

  “Raze has been extremely well trained and I intend to enjoy him to the fullest. I said you will indulge my every whim tonight. You will obey without question or find another way through the Veil.”

  His nostrils flared and amber flames ignited within his gaze. “I bow to no one.”

  “Fine by me.” She turned her back and started for the table across the room.

  “Wait.” The desperation in Taerok’s tone filled Raze with trepidation. “I will give you one night of pleasure, but you will never speak of it or—”

  “You’re not really in a position to negotiate, are you? My offer is simple,” she mocked him with his own words. “Take it or leave it.”

  “What do you want me to do?” The words were so brittle each one sounded like a curse.

  Shock rocked Raze back on his heels. Had Taerok just agreed to submit to another? Surely the possibility of controlling his solar trance wasn’t worth subjugating himself to this harpy.

  Ella moved toward the wide, fur-draped bed, slipping out of her dressing gown as she went. With willowy limbs and small, firm breasts her body was graceful and feminine. Her alabaster skin shone in the mystical light. Raze had forgotten how beautiful she could appear. Her cruelty always tainted his memories.

  “Let’s start with the obvious.” She sat on the foot of the bed and spread her legs. “Lick my pussy, slave. Make me come.”

  Taerok motioned him forward with an urgent gesture.

  “Oh no. I’ll enjoy Raze’s mouth tomorrow and every night for the next seven years. Kneel before me now and eat me out!”

  Tension rippled down Taerok’s back as he crossed to the bed. His hands clenched and unclenched, while fury contorted his features. “I will make you regret this. Have no doubt.”

  “Perhaps.” She smiled, pleased by his anger. “You’re not the first to make such a vow and I doubt you’ll be the last. Now, less talking and more licking.” He grasped her thighs and toppled her over onto her back. “If you bite me or cause me discomfort in any other way, without my express permission, our deal is off.”

  Taerok covered her slit with his mouth. All Raze could see was the subtle motion of the master’s head as he pleasured his enemy. She sighed and moaned, pushing up into the kiss.

  “Fuck me with your tongue. I want to feel it wiggle inside me.”

  Taerok growled then obeyed. She cried out in disapproval as her orgasm burst. “Do it again. That was too fast.”

  Raze couldn’t watch. It was humiliating in a way he couldn’t explain. Taerok had bartered him to this bitch. Why should he care what she did to Taerok? Still, logic had no sway over his heart. Taerok had rescued him from disease and desolation. For that Raze would always be grateful.

  Ella’s arousal scented the air, making his fangs ache.

  “Raze, come here.” Her cool voice cut through his disgruntled thoughts. Resenting her more with each step, he moved to stand beside the bed.

  Taerok went right on fucking her with his tongue. Raze could see the cream-coated appendage as the master thrust it in and out of her core.

  “Lean closer. I can’t reach you.”

  Dreading her touch and hating her with every fiber of his being, Raze braced his legs against the edge of the mattress and leaned toward her. She curved her fingers around his shaft and squee
zed. Raze gritted his teeth against the stimulation, but her hand slid up and down, up and down. His well-trained body responded despite his reluctance.

  “So thick and long. I can’t wait to feel this inside me again.” She flicked her tongue against his ultrasensitive tip and continued to arouse him with long, strong stokes. Raze fought for control. He couldn’t come until she gave him permission.

  Suddenly she kicked Taerok back and scrambled to the middle of the bed. “Sit down, my pet. You look ready to burst.”

  At least she was in the mood for pleasure rather than pain. Perhaps he could bear it after all. He sat beside her and she smiled. “No, silly, scoot forward. Sit where I was and let my slave take care of this.” She gave his cock a tug, urging him on.

  “Mistress, please. I would far rather fuck you.”

  “Don’t question my judgment,” she snapped. “It will please me greatly to watch Taerok give head to his blood slave.”

  He looked at his master, horrified by the possibility of being serviced by him. “I…I can’t.”

  Taerok grabbed his ankles and jerked him forward. “Of course you can. The harder we resist, the better she’ll like it.”

  Raze trembled as Taerok guided his cock toward his mouth. This wasn’t right. He should be… Oh God! Taerok’s mouth was hot and moist. His tongue swirled over and around, making Raze whimper.

  “Please! I can’t hold off like this.”

  “Don’t hold back,” she coaxed. “Ride it to the end. I want him to swallow your come for a change.”

  Taerok’s nails bit into Raze’s hips as his head bobbed up and down. Raze closed his eyes, savoring the pleasure while distancing himself from the spectacle. If the master had offered this willingly, he would have been moved beyond words. But the master had never pleasured him before.

  “No, stop! I have a better idea.” She pushed Taerok back again and studied his handiwork. “Magnificent. This erection deserves a tight, hot hole to come inside.” She scooted off the end of the bed and shoved Taerok forward. “Bend over, slave.”

  Surely she didn’t mean for him to fuck Taerok. He was the only one who knew Taerok occasionally craved penetration. The master had threatened to kill him if he ever hinted to anyone about his secret need.

  She sauntered to her desk and returned with a bottle of lubricant. “This is about humility, not pain.”

  The bottle came flying toward him, so he snatched it out of the air. “Mistress, I cannot—”

  Grabbing a handful of his hair, she sneered into his face. “Don’t contradict me again or you’ll feel my lash. We both know how well I enjoy that.” She grabbed the bottle out of his hand and flipped the cap open. After smearing his shaft with the cool gel, she approached Taerok. “Pull your cheeks apart. I need both hands.”

  To Raze’s mortification, Taerok obeyed. He reached back and opened himself, offering the ultimate submission. She used her thumb and then two fingers to lubricate his opening. Raze tried not to look, tried not to be excited by the sheer depravity. Her fingers slid in and out, twisted around, then slid some more. Finally she drew out and motioned Raze forward.

  “He’s all yours. Push in slowly. I want to watch.”

  Taerok maintained his humiliating stance as Raze positioned himself against his master’s entrance. Slow burning resentment bubbled up within Raze. Despite his love and devotion, despite seventeen years of loyal service, Taerok had thrown him away like a worn out toy. No, worse than being disregarded, Taerok had offered his body to this cruel twisted bitch. Raze would suffer seven years of agonizing depravity because of Taerok’s irrational obsession.

  “Just do it,” Taerok muttered.

  Raze pushed inward, watching Taerok’s opening gradually yield to the force of his rock-hard cock. Taerok moaned and power surged through Raze. Taerok deserved this and more. Raze deserved the pleasure and Taerok deserved the pain, the humiliation. One night wasn’t nearly enough. He pushed harder, driving his shaft deeper into his master’s body.

  “That’s it. Cram him full,” Ella urged and Raze was happy to obey.

  Taerok’s hands slipped off his cheeks and he rocked forward, his forearms hitting the bed. Raze followed him down, not stopping until his groin was flush with Taerok’s ass.

  Ella reached beneath Taerok and grasped his cock. “My fingers are all slippery. Does this feel good?” Taerok shivered and his inner muscles gripped Raze’s cock. “Don’t stop,” she told Raze. “Fuck him hard.”

  Reveling in the rebellion, Raze drew back and thrust deep. Taerok was tight and hot, yet the lube allowed Raze to slide easily. He found a fast yet deep rhythm that kept Taerok gasping and groaning by turns. Lights danced before Raze’s eyes and his chest burned. He needed to feed and he needed to come, yet nothing had ever felt better. Harder and deeper, he fucked his master. Pleasure rolled up and down his spine, threatening what remained of his control.

  Ella pumped Taerok’s cock, mocking him all the while. Her hungry gaze moved over Raze, returning again and again to the point of penetration. It was bliss and it was torment. Her obvious delight nearly eclipsed the sensations tearing through Raze. He averted his face and focused on the tight grip of Taerok’s body.

  The master cried out sharply and slammed his ass back into Raze. His inner muscles clenched and clenched, massaging Raze with the rhythm of Taerok’s release. Raze threw back his head and surrendered to his own climax. His seed jetted, staking a claim deep inside Taerok’s ass.

  “Well, boys, that was fun. Go clean up, then we’ll try something really different.”

  * * *

  Bianca nibbled on her sandwich, far more interested in her two companions than the food. Her senses were still simmering from her unexpected transition. This wasn’t the first time Rebecca had used sleep state as a refuge. She was calm and confident in the business world. Passion, on the other hand, left her intimidated and unsure.

  As if sensing her thoughts, Lukas asked, “Has Rebecca done this sort of thing before?”

  “Negotiating high-pressure treaties doesn’t faze her in the least, but she’s a lot less comfortable with physical relationships,” Bianca told him.

  Katsu scooted his chair closer to the table, compassion gleaming in his eyes. “Was there one lover in particular that treated her badly or is her insecurity the result of several failed relationships?”

  “A little of both, I guess.” Bianca set down her half-eaten sandwich and pushed back from the table so she could cross her legs. “She’s so focused on her career that it leaves little time for a social life. The first time I hooked her up with one of my lovers it worked out pretty well, so it has become our routine.”

  “Do the men know Rebecca is part of you?” Lukas asked.

  “A couple have. The rest think we’re twins, in the human sense of the word.”

  “Is your transformation always instantaneous?”

  She nodded. “Most full-blooded Dichotomies can materialize simultaneously, but they’re on a fixed schedule. With halflings, there doesn’t seem to be any rules. Some can transform, others can’t. Some have a blended nature, while others retain two distinct natures. And depending on what they inherit from the other side of the family tree, things can become really complicated.

  “Anyway, most of the men I date find Rebecca too reserved. I’ve tried to get her to meet men on her own, but she can’t seem to find the time. She sets herself up for failure. It’s as simple as that.”

  “When was the last time she was in a romantic relationship?”

  The gleam in Lukas’ eyes was far more than casual curiosity. “Are you asking as a man or a Sentinel?”

  “What do you think?”

  “Considering the position she was in when we transformed, I’m pretty sure the question is personal.”

  “Nothing engages my interest faster than a challenge.” He spoke in a calm, almost somber tone. Was he conflicted by this unexpected complication or was he simply trying to convince her of his sincerity? “Rebecca needs my h
elp and I think we all know it. She’s repressed a portion of her personality that I can help her access.”

  “Are you certain she wants to access it?” Bianca studied his expression and gauged his body language. He was either a consummate actor or Rebecca had slipped way under his skin.

  “There’s a part of her nature that is desperate to break out.”

  “I hate to admit it, but he’s right,” Katsu said. “Rebecca responded to him as if they’d been lovers forever. Just the sound of his voice made her so wet…” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. It wasn’t hard to guess the cause of his frustration. He’d wanted to be the one to penetrate Rebecca’s defenses. “I just want her to be happy.”

  Fascinated by the dynamics, Bianca considered the possibilities.

  “What’s the answer to my question?” Lukas prompted.

  “It’s been almost three years since she was in a serious relationship. His name was Jacob. Rebecca and I both thought he was the one.”

  “You’re not married, so what happened?”

  “When I found him in bed with one of my friends, he tried to blame it on me. He said giving him permission to sleep with my sister messed up his head.”

  “Did he know Rebecca and you are one and the same?” Katsu asked.

  “I wanted to tell him, but Rebecca kept holding me back. She’s always had better instincts when it comes to men.”

  “What are your instincts telling you about me?” Lukas asked.

  “That you might be what Rebecca has needed all along.”

  “So where does that leave me?” Katsu’s dark eyes reflected his disappointment.

  “You’re only out of the picture if that’s what you want.” She moved behind his chair and rested her hands on his shoulders. “Your primary job will be to keep me satisfied, but your secondary job will be to please Rebecca.”

  “So his primary job will be to satisfy Rebecca and his secondary job will be to pleasure you?”


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