Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga)

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Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga) Page 17

by Aubrey Ross

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  Rebecca watched her mates over the rim of her wineglass, fascinated by their playful banter. Lukas had given her some time alone with Katsu before he joined them in the shower. They’d taken turns licking her pussy until she was too weak to stand. Then she’d knelt before them and used her mouth on one while she stroked the other. It had been nearly as thrilling as the original joining, yet it left her anxious for more. She wanted their fullness inside her and their solid warmth pressing in on her from all sides.

  “Are you sleepy or contemplating mischief?” Lukas asked her.

  “A little of both.”

  “If you’re sleepy,” Katsu said, “I’ll keep him away from you for a while.”

  “Are you ready to explore all our options?” Lukas challenged.

  Heat suffused Rebecca’s face as she imagined them together, locked in a passionate embrace.

  Lukas chuckled. “Looks like Bianca isn’t the only one intrigued by the idea.”

  “I think keeping our women satisfied will be more than enough for us.” Katsu pushed back from the table, meaning to stand, but Lukas got there first.

  “Everyone else has surrendered to this joining, but you’re still holding back.” Lukas rocked Katsu backward, resting the chair against the wall. “This won’t work unless every person is fully committed to every other person.”

  “I’m fully committed,” Katsu objected. “I just don’t want to fuck you.”

  “Not good enough.” Lukas cupped Katsu’s chin and claimed his mouth.

  Rebecca watched the kiss, feeling heat well within her. She knew what it felt like to be claimed by Lukas, to be left with no choice but surrender. Her nipples hardened beneath her shirt and her core ripened.

  Lukas had suggested they dress to slow down the next round. It wasn’t having much impact on him now. His hands moved over Katsu with obvious purpose, while Katsu battled his pride.

  “You’re getting hard,” Lukas whispered against Katsu’s mouth.

  “So are you.” Katsu boldly cupped the bulge in the front of Lukas’ pants.

  “What are we going to do about it?” Lukas countered.

  “I guess I’m going to surrender like everyone else.”

  Lukas’ head snapped up and he looked toward the window. “Fuck.” He let Katsu down with a thud and shoved Rebecca toward him. “Stay behind me. Both of you!”

  Taerok appeared in an instant, another vampire at his side. The other vampire was frighteningly beautiful and naked beneath a velvet cloak. Not allowing the odd details to distract her from the danger, Rebecca looked around for a weapon, something with which to assist Lukas should the need arise.

  Katsu pushed to his feet and moved in close beside her. They remained quiet and still, allowing their Sentinel to do his job.

  “This doesn’t need to be bloody,” Taerok said. “I see no reason to break another one of Max’s toy soldiers. Give me the girl and I’ll be on my way.”

  “You know that’s not going to happen.”

  “Can’t say I didn’t offer.”

  They flew at each other, colliding with enough force to shake the cottage. Taerok’s hand jabbed toward Lukas’ throat and Rebecca bit back a scream. Lukas deflected the motion, diverting the impact to his broad shoulder. A silver object slipped out of Taerok’s hand. It wasn’t a knife, but what the hell was it? The long, slender band skidded across the floorboards and came to rest well out of reach.

  Pretty-boy skirted the fray and lunged for Rebecca. She drove him back with a pyrokinetic burst. Startled and singed, he repositioned then dove again. Katsu flew at him, a continual flurry of arms and legs.

  Lukas slammed Taerok into the far wall, shattering the glass in the adjacent window. Taerok lunged for his throat, but Lukas ducked beneath his arm and spun away. Quickly adjusting his stance, Lukas encompassed the cottage in a blinding pulse of light. The vampires shrieked. Pretty-boy dropped to the floor and covered himself with his cloak. Taerok flailed within the beam, screaming and twisting.

  Rebecca smashed her chair against the floor and grabbed one of the splintered legs. Not trusting her own agility, she tossed the makeshift weapon to Katsu. He immediately leapt into action, driving the stake deep into Taerok’s chest.

  Taerok shuddered, his eyes wide with shock. He grasped the chair leg with both hands as blood gushed out around the wood. His eyes glazed and he sank to his knees as his life’s blood streamed out around him.

  “Master!” Pretty-boy sobbed, crawling through the blood to reach Taerok.

  Lukas picked up the silver band and snapped it against the side of Pretty-boy’s neck. “Estri miko fon. Tallanty norest fontae. Fontae miko estri setra to.” The grieving vampire hissed and cried out, his arms cradling the body of his fallen master.

  “What is that thing?” she asked as Lukas stepped back.

  “A Titseeny collar. Max will be thrilled to have another one. They render any paranormal being powerless. Makes our job a whole hell of a lot easier. When they work right.”

  Max arrived half an hour later with a cleanup team. The only fight Pretty-boy gave them was when they separated him from Taerok’s body.

  “I’m sorry about Taerok,” Lukas told his commander. “We had no choice but to take him out.”

  “Part of me knew it would end this way. I’m just glad it’s finally over.” He motioned to the blood-soaked floor and the shattered window. “We’ve got this. Why don’t you take Rebecca home?”

  “My pleasure,” he said with an unrepentant smile.

  She followed Lukas out into the yard, Katsu close behind them. “Why did you apologize to Max?”

  “Taerok was his brother. We all promised Max we’d do everything in our power to bring him in alive.”

  “Then Max is a vampire.”

  Lukas chuckled. “Max was born a vampire. His genetics were altered and augmented. I’m not sure there’s a classification for what he is now.”

  “Altered and augmented by whom and for what purpose?”

  He planted his fists on his hips and scowled at her. “What’s your sudden fascination with Max? Aren’t two men enough for you?”

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Two men are more than enough for me. My curiosity is purely superficial.”

  “Perhaps she needs a reminder,” Katsu suggested. “We were rudely interrupted.”

  Lukas grasped her ass with both hands and dragged her up along his body. “Would you like to watch me seduce Katsu?”

  “No.” She wrapped her legs around his waist. “I’d like to help you seduce Katsu. Or better yet, Katsu can lick my pussy while he surrenders to your cock.”

  Katsu pressed against her back, his fingers stroking between her thighs. “Or I can fuck you while he fucks me.”

  Lukas reached beyond her and took hold of Katsu. “The possibilities are endless,” he said and parted the Veil.

  Crimson Dichotomy 3: Temptation

  Aubrey Ross

  Ruggedly handsome and intensely confident, Max takes it upon himself to protect Colette from a rogue vampire. People frequently underestimate Colette. She can shapeshift effortlessly and still others feel the need to shelter her. Max might be her temporary guardian, but he is more tempting than any man she’s ever known. Refusing to be ignored, and hoping to prolong their time together, Colette volunteers for the next mission.

  His men managed to kill Taerok, now Max must locate the vampire’s lair. Having a female shapeshifter along would make things easier, but Colette is a complete unknown to him. Besides, the mission will take them deep into the seedy underworld of renegade vampires—which is no place for an adorable pixie!

  Colette insists she’s uniquely qualified for the mission, so Max challenges her to a night of “conditioning”. Expecting his first sexual demand to terrify her, Max soon realizes there’s more to Colette than her impish appearance and feisty personality.

  Chapter One

  From street level, PSN headquarters looked like any
other office building, with modular cubicles and the proverbial water cooler. It was only as visitors ventured beyond the benign façade that the paranormal nature of the organization was revealed.

  Colette Eldrik had been taken to sublevel three shortly after her arrival. Commander Max Brigham had been polite, gallant even. He’d assured her that metaphysical shields, as well as conventional devices, would conceal her location from the vampire who was hunting Dichotomy halflings. He’d shown her where she could sleep, shower, find food, and explained what limited entertainments were available without leaving the building. Then he’d left her to her own devices for the next four days. If he’d known her better, he would have realized the folly of that decision. Colette didn’t deal well with boredom.

  She’d learned at an early age that inactivity didn’t necessarily translate into mind-numbing tedium. All she had to do was shift into something or someone more interesting than herself and the problem was solved.

  The strategy had served her well during her stay with the Sentinels. She was careful and subtle, doing nothing to draw attention to herself. She flowed from one shape to another, watching and listening, only interacting when absolutely necessary. Taking on another’s outward appearance was far easier than mastering their mannerisms and personality.

  She stood at the end of the main corridor on sublevel two, watching Victor Ratcliff gather his belongings and head home. Victor was the newest member of the Preternatural Sentinel Network. Max didn’t know him well, which was one of the reasons Colette had chosen his likeness for her demonstration. If she didn’t quite master the nuances of Victor’s demeanor, Max wasn’t likely to notice.

  Suddenly, Victor slung his backpack over one shoulder and headed down an adjacent hall. He had to go topside to leave the building, so where the hell was he going? The elevator hummed, indicating another interruption.

  Damn it! She hated loose ends. With Victor out of the building, there would have been no possibility of her running into him while she was with Max. Well, there was no help for it. She had to catch Max before he left this level or she might not get another chance.

  Top secret meetings and death-defying missions, it all fascinated Colette. In fact everything about the Sentinels intrigued her. From their extraordinary abilities, to their seamless organization, and the stealth with which they operated, she was impressed by all she had learned.

  And then there was Max. Warmth washed over her body as she thought of the Sentinels’ commander.

  The elevator door started its inevitable slide and she ducked around the corner, quickly forming Victor’s image within her mind. She inhaled deeply and released her breath in a slow, steady stream. The shift rolled down her body, undulating and reshaping, forming her into the image stamped upon her brain. Searing pain drove the last of her breath from her lungs. Lights danced before her eyes and she shuddered. It didn’t matter how often she changed, or how skillful she had become, shapeshifting hurt like hell!

  She rolled her shoulders and arched her back, acclimating herself to her new body. The lingering burn gradually receded and she focused on her goals. She would demonstrate her abilities, reveal a potentially dangerous lack in Sentinel security, and then ask Max for a job.

  Rounding the corner with new confidence, she found the corridor empty and smiled. Whoever had exited the elevator must have entered one of the offices. This was sublevel two, moderate security. Agents pretty much came and went as they pleased. She knew there were at least three additional sublevels, but she hadn’t actually been lower than sublevel four.

  “Ratcliff?” The deep, commanding sound of Max’s voice was unmistakable. “I thought you were taking off.”

  Showtime. She schooled her expression and turned to face him. “I have an idea I wanted to run past you before I left for the night.”

  His gaze narrowed slightly as he assessed her features and she quickly looked away. Victor was new. Max was cautious not suspicious. She needed to relax. Besides, the penetrating beauty of Max’s eyes never failed to captivate her. It wouldn’t do for him to sense sexual awareness in his new recruit.

  “Walk with me. I’ve got to check on our reluctant guests.”

  Her heart leapt at the unexpected offer. To her knowledge, Victor hadn’t been allowed beyond sublevel four. “Yes, sir.” She tried for a combination of excitement and nervousness, but her tone sounded far too breathless.

  Max chuckled. “Don’t worry. I won’t let either of them bite you.” They stepped into the elevator and Max moved in front of the scanner. “Sublevel six.” Facial structure and retinal scans verified his identity and the computer set the car in motion.

  She stole another look at Max. He topped Victor by at least six inches, which meant her head would tuck neatly under his chin. Max was sculpted from head to toe with chiseled muscles. Jeans and a T-shirt couldn’t hide his broad shoulders or thick biceps.

  “So talk,” he prompted. “I thought you had an idea for me.”

  Her mind was filled with all sorts of ideas, but none of them were appropriate to the situation. Gods, the man was delectable, but this wasn’t about sex. She cleared her throat and…the elevator door slid open.

  She followed Max into the corridor and a shiver skittered down her spine. Before she could begin her explanation, he spun her toward the wall and bent her arm up behind her back.

  “Who the fuck do you work for and what’s your objective!”

  Confusion kept her silent for a moment. Was he suspicious of Victor or had he sensed she was a shifter?

  Within seconds she was flanked by armed Sentinels, stoically watching the drama unfold.

  “I…don’t know what you mean, sir.” She forced her dry throat to swallow, but her tongue wasn’t any more agile for the effort. “Why are you angry with me?”

  Max pressed in close. His body heat surrounded her, insidious and soothing. “I can almost picture your eyelashes fluttering, Colette. Return to your natural shape and put your hands on the wall in front of you.”

  Seeing no advantage to resisting, she released the shift and flattened her palms against the cold concrete wall. He blocked out the rest of the scene with his big body, making her feel isolated and vulnerable. She’d toyed with various ways to draw Max’s attention. This was definitely not what she’d had in mind.

  She was supposed to wow him with her skill and prove herself indispensable, not make him think she was a spy!

  “At ease, men. I’ve got this.”

  “If she needs to be strip searched, please let me know,” one of the guards said and the other laughed.

  “Dismissed.” Max didn’t raise his voice or change position, but his men instantly obeyed. That tone. That deep, imperious snap made her toes curl and her body ache in places she didn’t dare think about. “You’ve been very naughty, Ms. Eldrik.”

  “I was only—”

  “You don’t have permission to speak.” His hands pressed over hers, the heat of his palms shocking in contrast to the coolness of the wall. “Procedure mandates that I search you.” He slid his hands along her forearms, splaying his fingers to maximize contact.

  She shivered, tense and anxious.

  “There are only two reasons I can think of for this game.” His hands paused and his scent filled her nose, faintly spicy, utterly masculine. “Either you’re a spy or you’re after something—personal.”

  “May I ask a question?”

  His hands resumed their leisurely descent, squeezing her elbows and pushing up the fluttery sleeves of her blouse. “All right.”

  “If my interest was ‘personal’, why would I shift into someone else?”

  He teased the underside of her arms, making her shiver. “Then you’re admitting you’re a spy?”

  “No. I wanted to…” Slipping beneath her blouse, he brushed her collarbone, his fingertips grazing the upper curve of her breast.

  “I’ll only ask this question once.” His breath stirred her hair and he whispered, “Do you want me, Colette?”<
br />
  Here in the hallway, with his men watching on surveillance cameras? She’d wanted him to touch her since she first saw him, but not like this. Desire rolled through her, hot and heavy, driving back her uncertainty. “I want… You can touch me with your hands.”

  He pressed his face against her hair, his chuckle deep and muffled. “I don’t negotiate, doll. Yes or no.”

  His arrogance annoyed and thrilled her. He was overbearing and way too sure of himself. She should duck under his arm and… “Yes.” The word was out before the rational part of her brain could complete the objection.

  Following each contour and angle, he explored her shoulders and neck. “Your skin is so soft.” He brushed her hair aside and breathed against the nape of her neck. His lips lingered as he asked, “Tickles or tingles?”

  “Both.” He skimmed the outer swell of her breasts, avoiding her sensitive nipples. Her skin warmed despite the fabric separating them. Her frantic heartbeat settled into a strong, steady rhythm, but she began to squirm.

  “Should I strip search you?” His hands settled on her hips. “Shifters are never really without a weapon.”

  “Do we have to do this here?”

  He finally cupped her breast and her knees wobbled. Large and firm, his hand easily encompassed her rounded flesh. His thumb brushed back and forth across her nipple, while his other arm banded her waist. “I have no doubt they’re watching, but they can’t really see anything. My back is to the camera and you’re protected by me.”

  The phrase took on a whole new meaning. She generally resented people who presumed she was helpless and in need of protection. The word was far less offensive when whispered by Max.

  Her blouse was loose and sheer, floating about her torso in a colorful swirl. His hands slipped beneath and encountered the slick fabric of her camisole. “You are wearing entirely too many clothes.”


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