Delphi Collected Works of Max Brand US

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Delphi Collected Works of Max Brand US Page 401

by Max Brand

  He went down the ladder and came back dragging a mattress. There, by the light of a lantern, he and Jud made Andrew as comfortable as possible.

  “You mean to keep me here?” asked the outlaw.

  “Long as you feel like restin’,” answered the old man.

  “You can make about—”

  “Stop that fool talk about what I can make out of you. How come it you stayed so close to Tomo? Where was you lyin’ low? In the hills?”

  “Not far away.” “And they smelled you out?”

  “A man I thought was my friend—” Andrew clicked his teeth shut.

  “You was sold, eh?”

  “I made a mistake.”

  “H’m,” was the other’s comment. “Well, you forget about that and go to sleep. I got a few little attentions to pay to that posse. It’ll be here r’arin’ before tomorrer. Sleep tight, partner.”

  He climbed down the ladder and looked around the room. Jud, his freckles still looking like spots of mud or rust, his eyes popping, stood silent.

  “I’m glad of that,” said the old man, with a sigh.

  “What, granddad?”

  “You’re like a girl, Jud. Takes a sight to make you reasonable quiet. But look yonder. Them spots look tolerable like red paint, don’t they? Well, we got to get ’em off.”

  “I’ll heat some more water,” suggested Jud.

  “You do nothing of the kind. You get them two butcher knives out of the table drawer and we’ll scrape off the wood, because you can’t wash that stain out’n a floor.” He looked suddenly at Jud with a glint in his eyes. “I know, because I’ve tried it.”

  For several minutes they scraped hard at the floor until the last vestige of the fresh stains was gone. Then the old man went outside and, coming back with a handful of sand, rubbed it in carefully over the scraped places. When this was swept away the floor presented no suspicious traces.

  “But,” he exclaimed suddenly, “I forgot. I plumb forgot. He’s been leakin’ all the way here, and when the sun comes up they’ll foller him that easy by the sign. Jud, we’re beat!”

  They dropped, as at a signal, into two opposite chairs, and sat staring gloomily at each other. The old man looked simply sad and weary, but the color came and went in the face of Jud. And then, like a light, an idea dawned in the face of the child. He got up from his chair, lighted a lantern, and went outside. His grandfather observed this without comment or suggestion, but, when Jud was gone, he observed to himself: “Jud takes after me. He’s got thoughts. And them was things his ma and pa was never bothered with.”


  THE THOUGHT OF Jud now took him up the back trail of Andrew Lanning. He leaned far over with the lantern, studying with intense interest every place where the wounds of the injured man might have left telltale stains on the rocks or the grass. When he had apparently satisfied himself of this, he turned and ran at full speed back to the house and went up the ladder to Andrew. There he took the boots — they were terribly stained, he saw — and drew them on.

  The loose boots and the unaccustomed weights tangled his feet sadly, as he went on down the ladder, but he said not a word to his grandfather, who was far too dignified to make a comment on the borrowed footgear.

  Again outside with his lantern, the boy took out his pocket-knife and felt the small blade. It was of a razor keenness. Then he went through the yard behind the house to the big henhouse, where the chickens sat perched in dense rows. He raised his lantern; at once scores of tiny, bright eyes flashed back at him.

  But Jud, with a twisted face of determination, kept on with his survey until he saw the red comb and the arched tail plumes of a large Plymouth Rock rooster.

  It was a familiar sight to Jud. Of all the chickens on the place this was his peculiar property. And now he had determined to sacrifice this dearest of pets.

  The old rooster was so accustomed to his master, indeed, that he allowed himself to be taken from the perch without a single squawk, and the boy took his captive beyond the pen. Once, when the big rooster canted his head and looked into his face, the boy had to wink away the tears; but he thought of the man so near death in the attic, he felt the clumsy boots on his feet, and his heart grew strong again.

  He went around to the front of the house and by the steps he fastened on the long neck of his prisoner a grasp strong enough to keep him silent for a moment. Then he cut the rooster’s breast deeply, shuddering as he felt the knife take hold.

  Something trickled warmly over his hands. Dropping his knife in his pocket, Jud started, walked with steps as long as he could make them. He went, with the spurs chinking to keep time for each stride, straight toward a cliff some hundreds of yards from the house. The blood ran freely. The old rooster, feeling himself sicken, sank weakly against the breast of the boy, and Jud thought that his heart would break. He reached the sharp edge of the cliff and heard the rush of the little river far below him. At the same time his captive gave one final flutter of the wings, one feeble crow, and was dead.

  Jud waited until the tears had cleared from his eyes. Then he took off the boots, and, in bare feet that would leave no trace on the rocks, he skirted swiftly back to the house, put the dead body back in the chicken yard, and returned to his grandfather.

  There was one great satisfaction for him that evening, one reward for the great sacrifice, and it came immediately. While the old man stood trembling before him, Jud told his story.

  It was a rich feast indeed to see the relief, the astonishment, the pride come in swift turns upon that grim old face.

  And yet in the end Pop was able to muster a fairly good imitation of a frown.

  “And here you come back with a shirt and a pair of trousers plumb spoiled by all your gallivantin’,” he said, “not speakin’ of a perfectly good chicken killed. Ain’t you never goin’ to get grown up, Jud?”

  “He was mine, the chicken I killed,” said Jud, choking.

  It brought a pause upon the talk. The other was forced to wink both eyes at once and sigh.

  “The big speckled feller?” he asked more gently.

  “The Plymouth Rock,” said Jud fiercely. “He wasn’t no speckled feller! He was the finest rooster and the gamest—”

  “Have it your own way,” said the old man. “You got your grandma’s tongue when it comes to arguin’ fine points. Now go and skin out of them clothes and come back and see that you’ve got all that — that stuff of’n your face and hands.”

  Jud obeyed, and presently reappeared in a ragged outfit, his face and hands red from scrubbing.

  “I guess maybe it’s all right,” declared the old man. “Only, they’s risks in it. Know what’s apt to happen if they was to find that you’d helped to get a outlaw off free?”

  “What would it be?” asked the boy.

  “Oh, nothin’ much. Maybe they’d try you and maybe they wouldn’t. Anyways, they’d sure wind up by hangin’ you by the neck till you was as dead as the speckled rooster.”

  “The Plymouth Rock,” insisted Jud hotly.

  “All right, I don’t argue none. But you just done a dangerous thing, Jud. And there’ll be a consid’able pile of men here in the mornin’, most like, to ask you how and why.”

  He was astonished to hear Jud break into laughter.

  “Hush up,” said Pop. “You’ll be wakin’ him up with all that noise. Besides, what d’you mean by laughin’ at the law?” “Why, granddad,” said Jud, “don’t I know you wouldn’t never let no posse take me from you? Don’t I know maybe you’d clean ’em all up?”

  “Pshaw!” said Pop, and flushed with delight. “You was always a fool kid, Jud. Now you run along to bed.”


  IN HAL DOZIER there was a belief that the end justified the means. When Hank Rainer sent word to Tomo that the outlaw was in his cabin, and, if the posse would gather, he, Hank, would come out of his cabin that night and let the posse rush the sleeping man who remained, Hal Dozier was willing and eager to take advantage
of the opportunity. A man of action by nature and inclination, Dozier had built a great repute as a hunter of criminals, and he had been known to take single-handed chances against the most desperate; but when it was possible Hal Dozier played a safe game. Though the people of the mountain desert considered him invincible, because he had run down some dozen notorious fighters, Hal himself felt that this simply increased the chances that the thirteenth man, by luck or by cunning, would strike him down.

  Therefore he played safe always. On this occasion he made surety doubly sure. He could have taken two or three known men, and they would have been ample to do the work. Instead, he picked out half a dozen. For just as Henry Allister had recognized that indescribable element of danger in the new outlaw, so the manhunter himself had felt it. Hal Dozier determined that he would not tempt Providence. He had his commission as a deputy marshal, and as such he swore in his men and started for the cabin of Hank Rainer.

  When the news had spread, others came to join him, and he could not refuse. Before the cavalcade entered the mouth of the cañon he had some thirty men about him. They were all good men, but in a fight, particularly a fight at night, Hal Dozier knew that numbers to excess are apt to simply clog the working parts of the machine. All that he feared came to pass. There was one breathless moment of joy when the horse of Andrew was shot down and the fugitive himself staggered under the fire of the posse. At that moment Hal had poised his rifle for a shot that would end this long trail, but at that moment a yelling member of his own group had come between him and his target, and the chance was gone. When he leaped to one side to make the shot, Andrew was already among the trees.

  Afterward he had sent his men in a circle to close in on the spot from which the outlaw made his stand, but they had closed on empty shadows — the fugitive had escaped, leaving a trail of blood. However, it was hardly safe to take that trail in the night, and practically impossible until the sunlight came to follow the sign. So Hal Dozier had the three wounded men taken back to the cabin of Hank Rainer.

  The stove was piled with wood until the top was white hot, and then the posse sat about on the floor, crowding the room and waiting for the dawn. The three wounded men were made as comfortable as possible. One had been shot through the hip, a terrible wound that would probably stiffen his leg for life; another had gone down with a wound along the shin bone which kept him in a constant torture. The third man was hit cleanly through the thigh, and, though he had bled profusely for some time, he was now only weak, and in a few weeks he would be perfectly sound again. The hard breathing of the three was the only sound in that dim room during the rest of the night. The story of Hank Rainer had been told in half a dozen words. Lanning had suspected him, stuck him up at the point of a gun, and then-refused to kill him, in spite of the fact that he knew he was betrayed. After his explanation Hank withdrew to the darkest corner of the room and was silent. From time to time looks went toward that corner, and one thought was in every mind. This fellow, who had offered to take money for a guest, was damned for life and branded. Thereafter no one would trust him, no one would change words with him; he was an outcast, a social leper. And Hank Rainer knew it as well as any man.

  A cloud of tobacco smoke became dense in the room, and a halo surrounded the lantern on the wall. Then one by one men got up and muttered something about being done with the party, or having to be at work in the morning, and stamped out of the room and went down the ravine to the place where the horses had been tethered. The first thrill of excitement was gone. Moreover, it was no particular pleasure to close in on a wounded man who lay somewhere among the rocks, without a horse to carry him far, and too badly wounded to shift his position. Yet he could lie in his shelter, whatever clump of boulders he chose, and would make it hot for the men who tried to rout him out. The heavy breathing of the three wounded men gave point to these thoughts, and the men of family and the men of little heart got up and left the posse.

  The sheriff made no attempt to keep them. He retained his first hand-picked group. In the gray of the morning he rallied these men again. They went first to the dead, stiff body of the chestnut gelding and stripped it of the saddle and the pack of Lanning. This, by silent consent, was to be the reward of the trapper. This was his in lieu of the money which he would have earned if they had killed Lanning on the spot. Hal Dozier stiffly invited Hank to join them in the manhunt; he was met by a solemn silence, and the request was not repeated. Dozier had done a disagreeable duty, and the whole posse was glad to be free of the traitor. In the meantime the morning was brightening rapidly, and Dozier led out his men.

  They went to their horses, and, coming back to the place where Andrew had made his halt and fired his three shots, they took up the trail.

  It was as easy to read as a book. The sign was never wanting for more than three steps at a time, and Hal Dozier, reading skillfully, watched the decreasing distance between heel indentations, a sure sign that the fugitive was growing weak from the loss of the blood that spotted the trail. Straight on to the doorstep of Pop’s cabin went the trail. Dozier rapped at the door, and the old man himself appeared. The bony fingers of one hand were wrapped around the corncob, which was his inseparable companion, and in the other he held the cloth with which he had been drying dishes. Jud turned from his pan of dishwater to cast a frightened glance over his shoulder. Pop did not wait for explanations.

  “Come in, Dozier,” he invited. “Come in, boys. Glad to see you. Ain’t particular comfortable for an oldster like me when they’s a full-grown, man-eatin’ outlaw layin’ about the grounds. This Lanning come to my door last night. Me and Jud was sittin’ by the stove. He wanted to get us to bandage him up, but I yanked my gun off’n the wall and ordered him away.”

  “You got your gun on Lanning — off the wall — before he had you covered?” asked Hal Dozier with a singular smile.

  “Oh, I ain’t so slow with my hands,” declared Pop. “I ain’t half so old as I look, son! Besides, he was bleedin’ to death and crazy in the head. I don’t figure he even thought about his gun just then.” “Why didn’t you shoot him down, Pop? Or take him? There’s money in him.”

  “Don’t I know it? Ain’t I seen the posters? But I wasn’t for pressin’ things too hard. Not me at my age, with Jud along. I ordered him away and let him go. He went down yonder. Oh, you won’t have far to go. He was about all in when he left. But I ain’t been out lookin’ around yet this morning. I know the feel of a forty-five slug in your inwards.”

  He placed a hand upon his stomach, and a growl of amusement went through the posse. After all, Pop was a known man. In the meantime someone had picked up the trail to the cliff, and Dozier followed it. They went along the heel marks to a place where blood had spurted liberally over the ground. “Must have had a hemorrhage here,” said Dozier. “No, we won’t have far to go. Poor devil!”

  And then they came to the edge of the cliff, where the heel marks ended. “He walked straight over,” said one of the men. “Think o’ that!”

  “No,” exclaimed Dozier, who was on his knees examining the marks, “he stood here a minute or so. First he shifted to one foot, and then he shifted his weight to the other. And his boots were turning in. Queer. I suppose his knees were buckling. He saw he was due to bleed to death and he took a shorter way! Plain suicide. Look down, boys! See anything?”

  There was a jumble of sharp rocks at the base of the cliff, and the water of the stream very close. Nothing showed on the rocks, nothing showed on the face of the cliff. They found a place a short distance to the right and lowered a man down with the aid of a rope. He looked about among the rocks. Then he ran down the stream for some distance. He came back with a glum face.

  There was no sign of the body of Andrew Lanning among the rocks. Looking up to the top of the cliff, from the place where he stood, he figured that a man could have jumped clear of the rocks by a powerful leap and might have struck in the swift current of the stream. There was no trace of the body in the waters, no drop of bl
ood on the rocks. But then the water ran here at a terrific rate; the scout had watched a heavy boulder moved while he stood there. He went down the bank and came at once to a deep pool, over which the water was swirling. He sounded that pool with a long branch and found no bottom.

  “And that makes it clear,” he said, “that the body went down the water, came to that pool, was sucked down, and got lodged in the rocks. Anybody differ? No, gents, Andrew Lanning is food for the trout. And I say it’s the best way out of the job for all of us.”

  But Hal Dozier was a man full of doubts. “There’s only one other thing possible,” he said. “He might have turned aside at the house of Pop. He may be there now.”

  “But don’t the trail come here? And is there any back trail to the house?” one of the men protested.

  “It doesn’t look possible,” nodded Hal Dozier, “but queer things are apt to happen. Let’s go back and have a look.”


  HE DISMOUNTED AND gave his horse to one of the others, telling them that he would do the scouting himself this time, and he went back on foot to the house of Pop. He made his steps noiseless as he came closer, not that he expected to surprise Pop to any purpose, but the natural instinct of the trailer made him advance with caution, and, when he was close enough to the door he heard: “Oh, he’s a clever gent, well enough, but they ain’t any of ’em so clever that they can’t learn somethin’ new.” Hal Dozier paused with his hand raised to rap at the door and he heard Pop say in continuation: “You write this down in red, sonny, and don’t you never forget it: The wisest gent is the gent that don’t take nothin’ for granted.”

  It came to Hal Dozier that, if he delayed his entrance for another moment, he might hear something distinctly to his advantage; but his role of eavesdropper did not fit with his broad shoulders, and, after knocking on the door, he stepped in. Pop was putting away the dishes, and Jud was scrubbing out the sink.


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