Cristal Blue (Sweet Valentine Treat's)

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Cristal Blue (Sweet Valentine Treat's) Page 1

by Ayers, Suzy

  Cristal Blue


  Sweet Valentine Treat

  An erotic short story

  Suzy Ayers

  Text copyright © 2013 by Suzy AyersAll rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of both copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  The following is a work of fiction, a product of the author’s imagination. Any semblance to actual person’s or events is purely coincidental. This work contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

  Cover designed and crafted specially for this book for this author by . The artist who created this cover was Jacob.

  Cristal Blue

  She tapped her silver nails on the steering wheel along to the techno beat as it pulsed through her body. The crisp February air skimmed through the crack of her window because the heat was stuck on full blast in her old beater. Have to get that fixed soon. She parallel parked into the last miniscule spot, on the slushy light-lined street and pulled the e-brake.

  She let out a wistful sigh as she turned the lock and flicked on the lights. She was always on time. She flipped on the neon advertisements that adorned the windows they flickered just a second before slowly gained that glow.

  She tipped all the bar stools down quickly. It would be a lot easier with the other girl who was supposed to be here. “Pink.” She muttered as she thought of her co-worker.

  No one would even come in tonight anyway. Valentine’s Day, everyone would be out with their sweethearts. She crunched on a piece of candy from the box she bought for herself. She wiped the bar down; her breasts bobbled back and forth as they knocked against each other. She learned long ago that no bra meant better tips.

  Tonight she chose a cotton red t-shirt that curled back at the v-neck just a tease to any lookers, dared them to peek. She wore a large, sterling silver belt buckle around her tiny waist and a denim frayed skirt. Normally, she wore blue since that was her name, but hey, it's Valentine’s Day.

  She shoved the fourth piece of chocolate in her mouth as she prepped the bar garnishes. She chopped the lemons and limes, she had her back turned to the bar as music danced through the speakers. The citrusy smell took some of that winter chill from the air. She dug the cherries from the jar with a fork and dropped them into their chamber with a hint of their pink juices.

  “Hi there can I get a drink?” A deep southern twang massaged her eardrums.

  She turned around and tried to chew up the caramel that cemented her teeth together. Drool came from the corner of her mouth. Was that the candy or the eye candy set before her? She put one finger up and he smiled at her predicament.

  He set his cowboy hat beside him on the bar. Damn he’s cute. She looked at this broad shouldered cowboy in a denim blue shirt, unbuttoned two notches; screaming sex appeal in the bar mirror through the bottles. High and tight, something about it is so damn hot. She checked her teeth and fixed her black and fluorescent tipped blue hair.

  “Hi sorry. Blue, Cristal Blue. What can I get for you?” She had placed both of her hands on the bar and leaned forward like she always did.

  He touched her hand and it made her open her mouth a little and take in a quick breath.

  “Is that your real name?” His hazel, soft mostly tan eyes focused only on hers.

  “Well, we all have to pick out an alcohol and a color.” She explained as she lifted her silver nails and casually ran them through her hair. He’s so fucking hot.

  He nodded and a slight chuckle rose from his lip as it curled up.

  She saw his eyes drift to her breast as it rose from her gesture. He’s checking me out.

  She thought about the other girl’s names, Royal Pink was supposed to be there and then Peach. Boss let her call herself just Peach; it fit her though because she was so sweet and bubbly. Royal Pink well, was a Royal something all right.

  He interrupted her thoughts. “Your hair?” He nodded to her.

  “What about it?”

  “Did you do that for this job too?”

  “No, that’s me.” She held a piece between her fingers and smiled coyly. “So, your drink?”

  “Oh, a beer, bottle.” He seemed to have forgotten why he was there and she chuckled. “Something dark.” He added. She opened the cooler in front of her and popped the top off.

  She watched him eye her chest as it jiggled. “So, no sweetheart for Valentine’s Day?” She leaned on the counter again.

  “Nope.” He spun the bottle in the air and took a sip. She watched his adam’s apple bob.

  She sighed and circled her hands into little fists as she rested her face on them and her elbows on the bar.

  “What?” He looked at her pensively.

  “Hmm?” She asked dreamily.

  “You, sighing? Wish you were somewhere else?”

  “No.” She stood straight and returned to her garnishes. “Well, wishing I was with someone I guess.” She smiled coyly back over her shoulder. She closed up all of the compartments of the little box that contained fruit and set it on the bar in front of him.

  “Hmm. No man in your life?” She shook her head and her blue tips tapped her cheeks. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Her azure eyes lit up. “Okay handsome stranger.” She licked her cherry lip gloss. “If.” She paused for effect.

  He smiled this time in anticipation. “If what?”

  “You tell me your name.”

  He let out a big laugh and his head went back. “Not what I expected. My name is Spencer, Spencer Slade.” He threw his hand out to her.

  “Not what you expected or not what you wanted?” She teased and put her hand in his. He turned her hand and kissed it. And when she felt his lips touch her skin she felt a jolt. It had been months since she’d felt a man’s touch and he only kissed her hand. She stared at him, her breath frozen inside her.

  “So what’ll it be?”

  “Huh?” She stood like a stone statue.

  “Your drink?”

  “Oh.” She laughed. “Sex on the beach.”

  “Mmm that sounds like fun. Wish there was one around here, might take you up on that.”

  Man you have no idea. She mixed her drink quickly. “So tell me about yourself Spencer.” She popped a cherry into her mouth and sipped on her drink, mostly juice. She also popped another bottle top for him.

  “Will you sit with me?”

  She smiled. There was no one else so why not? She slid on the barstool beside him. His eyebrow went up when he saw just how short her skirt was as she sat.

  “I’m on leave and headed back tomorrow with some buddies, driving down to Paris Island. They all have girlfriends or wives.”


  “Yeah, sorry. I’m a Marine.” He swigged some more beer.

  Yum. Man in uniform even better. She touched his arm. “I love listening to your accent.” His plaid shirt was rolled up on his forearm; she could see muscles on his tanned arm.

  “My cowboy twang huh?” He placed his hat on her head and made her laugh.

  “Hey Blue!” A thin short girl, with short curly pink-haired girl waltzed in.

  Cristal rolled her eyes. “Nice of you to show up Royal Pink.” She jumped off the stool; returned the hat to Spencer’s head.

  He looked a little sad as he pushed the brim back.

  She checked the clock, eleven thi
rty. “Think you can close?” She shot Pink an angry look as she grabbed her purse behind the bar.

  “Yeah yeah. Who’s this cowboy?” Royal Pink grinned as she ran her hand along his shoulders.

  “He’s my Valentine treat. Goodnight Pink!” She yelled as she pulled his hand; yanked him from the stool and dragged him out the front door.

  “I am?” He asked as they got outside. His hazel eyes danced excited in the light overhead and that wasn’t all that was.

  “That is, if you can handle me.” He gave her a look like he would take her right there; she pushed him back. “Do you have a car here?”

  “No. I took the subway.”

  “Get in.” She walked around and climbed into her beater. She tossed discarded water bottles into the back as she leaned over and unlocked the door.

  “Yes ma’am.” He grinned and buckled. Oh, he had no idea what he was in store for, she thought as her tongue rolled around in her mouth.

  The drive was a short distance to her place. She felt his piercing eyes on her the entire ride making tiny hairs on her body prickle up. Damn I need this bad.

  She pulled into the dingy garage and put the car in park. Before she knew it he was coming around to her side of the car. He was fast. She only turned to get her cell and purse. He opened her door. Hadn’t expected that.

  “Um, hi there.” She tugged at the belt loop of his jeans and she saw the outline of his desire as she stood there. She pushed his hat back a little and he leaned down to kiss her.

  Gentle and soft his tongue slid across her lips slowly, she wanted so much more in that kiss. He’s teasing me. He removed his hat, since it got in the way.

  She reached up to his neck pulled his lips harder to her own, but he remained firm in his stance. He set the pace, forced her to go slower and kept his body from hers. I’m fucking horny. I’ll show you who’s in charge.

  “Come on.” She slammed the car door and locked it.

  They took the elevator up in awkward silence, but she smiled. She knew exactly what she was going to do to this beautifully chiseled cowboy. She unlocked the door and closed it behind her. They walked into the semi-clean apartment. It wasn’t much but it was her; it was home.

  “Do you normally pick up random men?”

  She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “Do you normally get into random women’s cars?”

  He smiled. “I deserved that.”

  “Yes you do and so much more.” She bit her index finger. “So do you think you can handle me?” She removed his hat that he had strategically held in front of his crotch to hide his excitement.

  “Not sure what that means pretty lady.”

  “Lady, I am not.” She pushed him back closer to her bed. He looked a little startled. “I’m not going to hurt you much. I promise in the end to please you. But first, first you must please me.” She raised her eyebrows as if it were a question.

  “And here I thought I was your Valentine treat.” He teased.

  “Oh you are. Eye candy.” She licked her lips as she unbuttoned his shirt. Could she really be seeing this? Eight sections of abs that tapered down. There goes that drool again. “Damn.” She whispered. He reached for her. “Oh no you don’t.” She scolded. “I need you to answer me.” She grabbed a rope from her nightstand slash naughty drawer and returned her stance in front of him.

  “I-” his eyes looked worried; nervous.

  She stepped towards him. “Please I need this bad. It’s been so long.”

  He nodded slowly still unnerved.

  She pulled a wooden chair over and tied his wrists behind him. “What do you want me to do?” He asked as she straddled him. Yum, he smells so nice, sweet and masculine.

  “I’m going to change. I’ll be right back.” She kissed his lips gently.

  She had one of those old fashioned screens and she changed behind it; propped her other clothes over top. She came out with a sailor hat, a navy blue wrap dress, and navy stilettos. He let out a long whistle as her heels clacked across the wooden floor.

  “Sorry. I don’t have any Marine attire.” She winked as she bent over in front of him and put her fingers under his chin. She went to get something else beside her bed, behind him.

  “Girl, you’d look good in anything. Get over here.”

  She went back to him and put her foot on the chair. She slid her stiletto under so it grazed his crotch, still trapped by his jeans. His eyes opened wide from the pinch. “It’s Mistress Cristal and I give the orders.” She looked down at him as her foot pressed on his crotch; she saw him gulp. His eyes glanced to her hand at the small crop in it and then dart to her intense eyes fixated on him.

  “Yes ma’am, I-I mean Mistress.”

  She smiled.

  He was tense, so tense.

  “Relax Spencer.” She released him from the pain and sat on one leg. She kissed his, soft clean shaven face it felt so nice along her hands and lips. Normally she tried not to use their names, no attachments. She pulled away; nipped along his jaw line.

  “Mistress may I have my hands?” He yanked at the ropes that contained him to chair.

  He moved his leg, as she slid against it. She moaned at the sensation of the secret pearls rolled beneath her pussy. “Not yet.” She whispered. She liked to ensure they knew she was in control. She moaned as more pleasure raked across her sex.

  “I promise to please you, to behave, and do as you ask.” She saw his biceps ripple and flex; she kissed them as they danced. She ignored his pleas, until finally, “Mistress may I lick your pussy?”

  Her head turned up to him with a grin. She stood and untied her navy barely there dress and revealed her pearl outline bikini underneath.

  “Good God!”

  “They’ll be no mention of God. I want to hear my name, Cristal.” Her eyes narrowed.

  “Mistress is that your real name?” She couldn’t help but smile; it crept all the way to her ears.

  “Yes, Crystal is my real name.” She remembered how the girls at the bar teased her, saying she had no imagination. How they knew so little about her.

  “It’s beautiful like you are. Your eyes…awe damn these ties.” He said frustrated as he tried to break free. “I just want to touch you.”

  She giggled. She got up and knelt behind him, released them.

  “Remember you-” She didn’t get to finish. “Ooh.” He carried her over to the faux granite bar top; knocked everything to the floor. Excitement fizzled over every part of her body, like she had been submerged into a bath of champagne. The pure unadulterated lust she saw in his eyes made her moist with anticipation. She laid back and closed her eyes. He kissed her lids, moved to her cheekbones and then her ear. His tongue caressed behind her ear; and as much as she wanted to reach for him she kept her hands firmly pressed to the bar; the crop still in her clutch. He turned her head and worked down that small tendon on the side of her neck and tickled her so she would bend her neck to him.

  “Damn, you smell so fucking hot.” He whispered with a heavy breath in her ear. She looked at him finally. “There you are…Sorry Mistress.”

  She nodded and tried to be stern, but he was taking her out of character. How was he doing that?

  “I am going to please you.” His rough fingers gently ran over each pearl that lined her pelvis, it teased her. His tongue twirled her nipple ring. “This is new, nipple ring. Hmm.” He brought it fully into his mouth and then pinched the other.

  “Oh God!” She bolted up. It had been so long since that sensation rippled across her and through every nerve ending. I need more of that.

  “I thought his name wasn’t to be uttered tonight.” He grinned as he repeated her words.

  “Yeah sorry. I mean, hey!” She gave him an angry look. “Just make me come Cowboy.” He did it again. Shit! What was happening?

  “All in good time Mistress.” He pressed her back down and continued to work on her nipples, getting a feel for them. He flicked his tongue and made her squirm as she felt the quick burs
ts of pain shoot down her belly to her crotch.

  His tongue moved down her navel and her hands were on his head now pushed him; begged; commanded him and pleaded with him some more. She was clean not a speck of hair on her and his tongue roamed around the plains but had yet to dive in.

  “Cowboy!” Cristal sat up and saw his face, he grinned. She jumped down from the bar, still in her stilettos; he followed her. She slammed him into the chair again. “You need punishment? Fine!” She took her small crop and smacked him right on his crotch, probably harder then she needed but she was angry at this point.

  “Yes Mistress.” He choked out a wince. She saw the red rise up his throat. “I promise no more teasing.” He breathed heavily, and coughed slightly. She pulled him by the collar of his open shirt as he stumbled out of the chair and followed her to her bed.

  She slipped off his shirt completely now, which revealed even more of his body glazed by the sun, as well as a USMC tattoo on his shoulder. Pure solid muscle. She licked her lips.

  “Lay down!”

  He obeyed. Crop in hand; she kneeled above his open and willing mouth. He wrapped his arms underneath her legs and put his hands on her; spread her folds apart. His tongue lapped up and down her already wet labia. She groaned and trembled under his touch and fell forward onto the bed; pressed further into him.

  He bent his knees up as if to support her and pushed her back. She felt quick pulses as his tongue moved in and out as she gyrated on his face. His teasing had brought her so far along. Her head jerked to the left as she sucked in a quick breath. Her juices squeezed out with each contraction. And like a good submissive he was drinking it all up. She rolled over out of breath.

  “I’m not done Mistress.” He looked at her and his eyes pleaded.

  She reached over; ran her finger down his strong jaw and nodded. Next he pressed two fingers inside her. She was still recovering from her last orgasm; still feeling contractions from it. He built her climax back up slowly at first. He had a rhythm going and then his mouth sucked her clit that was already erect and called out to him. “Oh damn.” She whispered. A hot flush moved across her chest. He added another finger and then she sat up to feel his fingers deeper and doubled over his back. She dug her nails into him and then she came again.


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