Black Bear Rising: A BWWM Paranormal Romance (Black Bear Saga Book 1)

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Black Bear Rising: A BWWM Paranormal Romance (Black Bear Saga Book 1) Page 35

by Wilson, Tia

  We hit the pool at great speed and I choked and gurgled as the weight of my clothes dragged me down. I felt Tom hooking an arm under me and he dragged me coughing from the pool. People stood around us with mouths hanging open. I looked up at the balcony and the man in the suit was gone.

  I got shakily to my feet and Tom grabbed me by the hand, “We have got to keep moving” he said. We exited the pool area shoving past the circle of onlookers gawping at us.

  “Where do we go now?” I asked between gasping breaths.

  “My car is two blocks away, when we get to it we need to leave the city right away,” Tom said.

  Hand in hand we ran across the small park adjacent to the hotel. I felt heavy and slow in my soaking clothes and I could already feel myself getting cold. Tom pointed ahead and said, “The car is through that gate”.

  From the corner of my eye I saw a blur of black as a figure ran straight at us. Tom let go of my hand and pivoted and caught the man around the waist. They both fell hard to the ground in a jumble of legs and arms. They rolled around and the man was on top of Tom and he was snapping his jaws at him as if to bite into him. I caught another flash of something metallic from the assailants mouth.

  Tom fought hard, raining punch after punch into the mans midsection. I stood frozen to the spot. They looked like two wild animals trying to rip each other limb from limb. The man ducked under one of Toms punches and he bite into Toms shoulder holding on tight. Tom let out a long guttural growl and punched down hard at the base of the mans exposed neck. The man let go and raised up and then lunged forward at great speed towards Toms neck.

  Tom punched his attacker directly into his throat and I heard a sickening crunch and the man crumpled and sagged. All the fight gone out of him. Tom pushed him off and the mans head swung back at an obscene angel. He got to his feet and I could see the colour draining from his face. He grabbed me by the hand and said, “Don't look at him, don't waste your time, he wanted to destroy both of us”.

  We lurched towards the park gate at a slower speed. Tom was covered in a sheen of sweat and he looked like someone who has come down with a bad dose of the flu. We got to the car and he threw me the keys and said, “There is a safe place we can hole up for the night not too far from there. I’ll direct you, I'm in no fit state to drive right now”.

  We got in the car and Tom collapsed into the back seat and lay down. His skin had a green sickly tint to it and his body was giving off a strong ripe odour. “What did that man do to you” I asked.

  “He infected me. When we get to the safe house I can get some medicine. I’m in your hands now,” he said smiling weakly. He told me the address and we headed off, the place would be around an hour away and out in the countryside. Tom dozed while I drove and every so often he would call out my name as if he were in a fever dream. I reached back and felt his forehead and he was boiling up. What had that man done to him? Had he injected Tom with some sort of virus?

  An hour later and after a few minutes traveling down a dirt packed road with weeds growing in the middle we got to the safe house. It was a small cabin surrounded by tall trees in a clearing. An outhouse stood to the left of the cabin and on the right were two small sheds.

  I helped him inside as much as I could and he bore down on me with most of his weight. He felt like he was getting weaker by the minute. Inside the cabin it was sparsely decorated with a small kitchen and a bed in the corner. Tom just made it to the bed and then his legs gave way under him and he crashed onto the hard mattress. He weakly pointed at his shoulder and I ripped his shirt back.

  The place where he had been bitten was red and raw and blood oozed from it. His flesh was punctured with two circular bite marks and the flesh and skin had been torn as the man had tried to rip the flesh from his body.

  Tom placed one of his arms weakly on my shoulders and said, “You have got to get it out of me fast, it’s killing me. Get the metal splinters out of me...”. He trailed off and his hand fell away from mine. His eyes rolled back in his head until all I could see was white. I clenched and unclenched my fingers as I could feel the panic begin to rise and take hold.

  I stood up and said firmly out loud, “Not now. Not now”. I could feel the rising swell of panic subside a little and I focused on the task at hand. Tom was dying and I needed to act fast. I went to the kitchen and pulled all the drawers open until I found a sharp looking paring knife. It looked clean and there was no time to worry about sterilising.

  I knelt on the floor beside the bed and gripped his blood sodden shoulder in my hand. The wound was no longer red, it was now pale and creamy looking and this paleness was spreading out from the vicious wound.

  I ran my fingers over his wound and beneath one of the holes buried in his flesh I felt a solid mass. Was it a bullet? Did the man shoot Tom with some sort of silencer. I got the tip of the knife and worked it into the wound. I could feel a horrible prickly sensation in the back of my throat as the blade slide easily into him. I dug around inside the flesh and I could feel tears streaming from my eyes. My lips fluttered as I repeated, “Come on,” over and over again.

  The blade tip clicked against something hard. I wedged the tip against it and leveraged it towards the surface. With my other hand I dug in with my fingers and pulled it out. I dropped it on the floor with a metallic click. It looks like he had been shot.

  Almost immediately the colour started to come back around the wound and spread throughout his body. I cut off some strips of his shirt and bandaged his arm.

  Toms eyes slowly opened and through dry cracked lips he said in a voice barely above a whisper, “Bury it out back, get it out of the house”. I took the bloody bullet off the floor and went out back. Using the knife I dug a little hole in the soft earth. I held the bullet up for a closer look and everything that I had gone through in the last few hours smashed into me. I dropped it to the ground and explosively vomited. My insides roiled and I rolled over onto my back feeling the cool earth against my skin.

  It was not a bullet. It was a tooth that had been imbedded in Tom. It was a tooth covered in a shiny metallic layer. I lay there for a few minutes as I slowly came to grips with what all this meant or could mean. I had so many questions flying through my mind.

  I got up and covered the metal tooth with some earth and went back inside. Tom was sitting up in the bed and colour was slowly coming back to his pasty skin. He locked eyes with me and said, “Thank you. You have saved my life”. He lay back down and within seconds was sleeping.

  I cleaned myself up and checked out what kind of supplies we had. While he dozed I prepared us a meal from some of the canned goods in the pantry. While the canned ham sizzled in the pan I heard Tom rouse and stand up. He looked like a new man. The colour was back in his skin, it was hard to believe that only a few hours ago it looked like he was dying.

  “I’m going to head out to wash up,” he said grabbing some clean clothes from a dresser. As I cooked I watched him through the side window as he stripped off the rest of his blood soaked shirt. He drew cold water from a hand pump and dumped it over himself. The dried blood ran off him in rivulets. His muscles gleamed and steam rose off him.

  I could now see more of his tattoo. His whole upper body was covered in one large piece of art. At the centre stood a gnarled old tree. Hanging from its branches where the corpses of black bears.

  The tree stood between two figures. A woman with a ravens head stood to one side of the tree and stood on the other side was a man with a polar bears head. The piece was so ornate and detailed that from this distance I could not make out much more of it. Tom caught me looking at him and smiled broadly as he dumped another bucket of freezing cold water over himself. Thick clots of blood washed off his arm and beneath it the wound was healed. There was a slight red outline where only a few hours ago the bite had been.

  Tom motioned at me to turn away as he started to unbuckle his trousers. For second I stood stock still mesmerised by his beautiful muscled body glistening in the sun. I ga
ve him a saucy wink and returned to preparing the food. Even after all the scares I had been through today I could feel myself getting turned on by his naked body. I had once read that fear can be a powerful aphrodisiac. If that was true I was mighty horny now as I pushed the horrors of the day to the back of my mind and let my mind wander.

  Tom broke me out of my reverie as he came back in. I got a glimpse of his naked body as he moved across the room and came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “I need to thank you for saving my life,” he said as he started to kiss my neck.

  His lips brushed across the base of my neck causing satin flutters to intwine me as my skin reacted to his touch. All my feelings for him slammed into me and a small dissenting voice called from a deep dark recess inside me, is this too much too soon? Can you really be falling in love with him already? That tiny spark of doubt was quickly snuffed out by the warm feeling spreading from my groin.

  Tom continued to kiss my neck whilst tangling one hand in my hair and the other smoothly moved along the curvy contours of my body. He turned me around and we stood face to face looking into each others eyes. I noticed dark flecks in his pupils and I could feel his lust radiating out from him.

  We kissed slow and deep our tongues playfully flicking across each other. Tom gripped me by the hips and lifted me up onto the counter. His kisses started to trail down my body. His hot breath tickled the dimpled flesh of my stomach as his lips caressed and licked expertly across me. Tom forcibly opened my legs and his hands ran up and down my thighs causing sparks to ricochet off in my skull. For a brief second I was self conscious as he began to unbuckle my belt and pull down my trousers and panties. They slide off and fell to the floor. The skin of his hands and face looked pale and glowing against the rich darkness of the soft skin of my inner thighs. He was between my legs slowly kissing my inner knee and moving closer and closer to my pussy, kiss by teasing kiss. This was death by a thousand kisses and I loved it.

  His hand was up my top squeezing and playing with my rock hard nipples. I let out a groan as his fingers massaged my breasts. His hand was warm and course, and this coarseness rubbing across my nipples felt so good.

  Toms lips and tongue reached the top of my thighs and I threw my head back waiting for what was to come. He hooked both his hands around my ass and pulled me closer to his face. With one broad stroke his tongue licked across my pussy spreading my velvet lips wide. When the tip flicked across my clit I let out a long sigh and put my hands on his head pulling him into me. He squeezed my ass as I pushed his face into my folds. His tongue moved across my silken insides and every stroke and sway of his meaty tongue sent flashes off in my head. Deep blue flashes that soaked my senses in a warmth and a vibrancy that I had only ever felt the last time I had been with Tom.

  His stubble scraped and tickled my thighs as he opened his mouth wide engulfing my pussy in his warm lips. His tongue probed me and he gripped my ass tight pulling me hard against him. I could feel my orgasm begin to build already as my toes curled and arched as my body was ravaged by the warm spiral swell of pleasure emanating from my core.

  For the second time today a switch clicked in my brain and I was now nothing more then a tuning fork vibrating to the wave of pleasure being pulsed into me by Tom. I could feel every hair on my head tingle. I could smell our hot musky odour as he tongue fucked me. I could see flashes of magenta and blue behind my closed eyelids and I could hear the slow sensual lapping of Tom between my legs.

  The muscles in my stomach began to flutter and I knew I could not hold back much longer. The earthen mud dam of my resolve was quickly crumbling away as my neurons were blasted by bright crystal clear light. I bit my lip and then it slammed into me. Every muscle in my body hummed and sang in unison. The heavens opened up above me and the light of a thousand stars washed over me. We where locked together frozen in this moment. Slowly reality started to seep back in. At first I could hear a loud rasping sound and realised it was myself breathing slow ragged exhalations. The room popped into existence and Tom slowly drew away from me kissing my thighs as we parted.

  My teeth hummed in their sockets and my whole body felt especially sensitive. “Wow that was amazing,” I panted pulling him close to me. I could feel his hard cock against me and the thought of him inside me blasted all other motivations away.

  I wrapped my legs round him and Tom easily lifted me off the counter. With one strong arm he held me and with the other he played his cock across the opening of my pussy. His thick cock head slide across my wetness and with one smooth movement he slide me down the length of it. I was impaled on his cock and could feel my insides expand to take his girth. He grabbed my ass cheeks and easily moved me up and down on his cock. Our mouths meet and we hungrily kissed.

  I felt my back press up against the wall and with the extra leverage he delivered stroke after sweet stroke. With my arms wrapped around him he lowered me to the floor onto a soft rug. We intertwined our fingers and locked eyes as he slowly fucked me.

  “How does it feel,” he said in a low growl. I let out a long appreciative moan. I reached back and grabbed his firm ass cheeks pulling him into me tight. I wanted to feel every inch of him inside me, I wanted him to fuck me hard.

  “Fuck me harder,” I groaned. For a second he looked unsure and then asked, “How hard?”.

  “As hard as you want,” I replied.

  His thrusts speed up. Long and deep making my pussy sing with every movement. Looking into his eyes I could see the darkening of his pupils that had happened earlier was taking place again. Was I unleashing the animal side in him when we made love? If so it was something I wanted more of and which turned me on immensely.

  I wrapped my legs around him tight and he fucked me hard. Tom hooked his arms under my legs and pivoted me up so that he could fuck me in long hard strokes. This new angle caused him to hit my sweet spot with every thrust and within seconds my pussy was fluttering and quivering as I was wracked by another powerful orgasm. I threw my head back and let out an animalistic moan as I felt him speed up and his cock swell inside me as he started to cum and began to pump me full of his hot load.

  Tom barred his teeth and growled, every muscle on his perfect torso looked like bound steel cable as he slowed his fucking as his pleasure subsided.

  He slid out of me and picked me up and carried me to the bed. His strength astounded me. He got in beside me and held me until we both drifted off.

  The following morning I awoke feeling happier then I ever had. The very first thought that popped into my mind was, I love Tom. This time the voice of dissent was a lot quieter. It was getting harder to deny it. I knew that I barely knew him but there was no denying the bond I felt with him already.

  Tom was already up and making breakfast for us. When he saw me rising he gave me his trademark wide grin. As he prepared some eggs he said, “I know you have a lot of questions. They will all be answered today. We leave here shortly and travel north to meet my clan leader. He will explain everything to you. Then you will begin your initiation and all will be revealed.”

  “Are we safe now?” I asked.

  “We wont be safe until we get North and even then...” he said trailing off.

  “What about those men who attacked us? Can we stop them?” I asked.

  “They wont stop until every last black bear from my clan is destroyed. Those half men are a twisted malignant group that work side by side with the white bear clan. No good will come of that union,” he replied.

  In the pit of my stomach I felt a dull ache and it was the first time I felt Tom wasn't being fully truthful with me. He looked afraid.

  I closed my eyes and imagined neat rows of pencils lined up. Row after row as far as I could see. Not far from the cabin I could hear the plaintive howl of a wolf.



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