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raining_on_sunday Page 1

by Jodi Olson

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

  Raining on Sunday

  Copyright © 2008 Jodi Olson

  ISBN 978-1-93446-10-2

  Cover Design by Viper

  All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Published by

  Romance Divine 2008

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  I would like to say a big thank you to ALL my readers: Sassy, for all your help; Joyce, for loving the story, and Reba, for your support from the beginning of the first book.

  To the readers in my Yahoo Group, you are the best! Thanks for the encouragement I receive from everyone.




  Jodi Olson


  Mike Radford stood back and surveyed the efforts of his crew; the house completion was ahead of schedule, no thanks to the lousy weather. It had rained for days, something that always put his crew in a foul mood. He shook his head, rivulets of rain dripping off his hair and running down his back; he’d bid and won this contract in spite of the risks. There was an incentive if he completed the house early, and Mike was counting on it; he was confident in his ability and that of his crew.

  Some days he had to pinch himself when he thought about being the owner of his own construction company. He was well known for his personal emphasis on exquisite hard wood features throughout each structure he built; the carpentry skills of he and his crew were in demanded by customers seeking unique and quality work. He wiped the rain from his eyes, not bad for a guy who grew up in a small town in Washington.

  His life was a whirlwind of anomalies. Last year he’d been voted Bachelor of the Month for the August issue of a popular women’s magazine. When he was approached by the magazine’s owner, he’d emphatically declined. But after numerous telephone exchanges with the editor, that included a hefty pay day, he reluctantly agreed. He’d posed nude, holding a two by four, and wearing nothing but a sexy smile. His dark brown hair, highlighted naturally by the sun, was described as porn star perfect and was surpassed only by brilliant azure eyes. Eyes only appreciated, or so the article alluded, in the soft atmosphere of candles and satin sheets.

  The experience had been fun, but Mike knew if he were approached today, his answer would be “no” without exception. Remembering the photo spread put a smile on his face. He remembered fighting hard for the wearing of his normal office attire versus being completely nude in all the photo shots. He wore his typical work outfit a black t-shirt that hugged his massive chest and muscular arms, with his small waist further emphasized by black jeans that fit him like a second skin. In reality there had been little left to anyone’s imagination. The article had given its readers basic statistics like his name, age, what he did for a living, what his hobbies were and what he liked and didn’t like in women. Given more time his responses would probably have been different but at the time he responded as honestly as he could. Unfortunately, hind sight being 20:20, it wasn’t always wise to say the first thing that came to one’s mind…I like a woman who loves to try new things sexually. Thinking about the stupid things that were the result of that single article, that single misstate in judgment made him grimace.

  Looking around the job site Mike spotted his roommate, Kevin Johnston. He was drenched and looked like a drowned rat rather than a construction worker. The rain had been falling heavy all day and he knew Kevin wasn’t going to be in the best of moods. He knew he was in for a tongue lashing as Kevin hated working outside in this type of weather. Their friendship, beginning in high school, was as strong as ever. Pondering some of the crazy things they’d tried brought a smile to Mike’s face. In fact Kevin was the one that had introduced him to one of his most sought after sexual experiences, threesomes. His best friend had been right there to help him make it through that initial encounter.

  They’d become roommates a few years back when Kevin had fallen on hard times. Being there for each other was their stock in trade. Describing Kevin to anyone was simple. He loved women and had no problem getting dates. He had that bad boy look about him, dark blonde hair that hung down his broad shoulders, tall slender frame with nothing but muscles in all the right places. Taking his dates on motorcycle rides was one of his greatest thrills. The women he dated were continually touching him, running their fingers through his golden locks. It was really quite disgusting when you thought about it. Yuk.


  Approaching his men, Mike yelled, “Guys we need to step up the pace in spite of the weather. We have a deadline to meet; there’s no time to stand around today.”

  “But it’s raining so damn hard,” Kevin complained. “My ass is getting colder and wetter by the minute just in case you’re interested.”

  “I know these aren’t the best conditions to work in but the owners are planning to move in right away, so stop whining and get it done.” Kevin’s a big baby when he doesn’t want to do something, Mike thought.

  Kevin threw his arms up in the air, looked up at the clouds and asked no one in particular, “Why me?”

  Mike shook his head, droplets flying like shiny crystals. Kevin was a major pain in the ass and if they weren’t the best of friends he’d fire him on a dime. He was a hard worker, but he was high maintenance. The rain showed no signs of stopping as their lunch break approached. Kevin looked at Mike, “Race you to the truck!” Laughing, he jumped over puddles making his way to the comfort of Mike’s truck.

  Mike followed him to the truck, trying as best he could to miss the biggest puddles of standing water. Once inside the truck Mike started it up to turn on some heat. They both just sat there letting the warm air surround them in an attempt to dry out their soaked clothes, both were chilled to the bone. Neither one of them moved, sitting silently as the rain loudly pelted the roof. They were too tired and wet to eat. Leaning back in the seat, they both relaxed enjoying the rain from the warm comfort of the truck cab.

  Looking out the window Mike noticed a car had pulled up alongside him, but the driver, a female, was not someone he immediately recognized. He knew she wasn’t someone he’d ever forget meeting. She was beautiful, with copper ringlets curling along her forehead and down past her shoulders. From his top level view he couldn’t tell where the curls ended but he’d definitely like to find out. He loved redheads, they were his worst vice, especially long haired redheads. He watched her get out of her car and sprint past him to the job site. She moved like a dancer, the way she avoided the puddles, her long legs going on forever. What a vision she displayed. Within seconds he saw her come out of the house and look around. She saw the truck and ran across the site stopping next to his window. She tapped on the glass.

  Mike rolled down the window, “Lady, you’re interrupting our lunch break, what could you possibly need that is so important you had to come out in this weather?” He’d watched her run into the house and now knew her hair hung down past her waist. Based on where she stood next to his window he’d estimate she had to be five-six five-seven easy. Though he wanted to know more the rain was coming in his window and he was getting wet all over again.

  Amelia started to shiver; more so from nerves then the rain. “Hi, I’m Amelia Larson. The house you’r
e working on, well it was supposed to be mine but I can no longer afford to go through with the deal. I just thought I should let you know.”

  Mike stared at her. Suddenly it felt too surreal, the rain, a beautiful woman and a failed job? “Look lady, I don’t know what you’re trying to pull here but this house is almost finished, it’s too late to get out of the contract now. My men expect to be paid for the work they’ve performed.”

  She didn’t know what to say except what she said already. Her hair was slick with rain and her shoulders dropped under her wet clothes. “I’m sorry but I really don’t have the money. Maybe we can work something out, hell maybe I could work for you to pay it off.”

  Kevin couldn’t stop staring. The scene developing before his eyes would be funny if it wasn’t happening to his best friend. The woman was beautiful and all he could think about was running his fingers through those copper curls; her face was pale but there was just enough color in her cheeks to add a nice contrast. She was like a porcelain doll with the cutest little nose. He imagined she had a killer body under all those wet clothes too. Yes, she would fit into their world just fine. Kevin watched Mike and Amelia in silence. He had several ideas about how she could work off the balance owed. It’d been several years since they shared a woman, and if Mike would agree, it could be a lot of fun for a few days.

  Mike’s thoughts were going a mile a minute. There were several different ways, in his mind, that she could pay off the house debt. “What did you have in mind for fixing this problem of yours?”

  Amelia thought about it for a few minutes before committing herself to something she might regret, “Well, I’m sure I could do the kind of work you do; pound nails into wood or something.”

  “I don’t want to burst your bubble lady, but I don’t think you’d last one day. Have you ever done anything like this before; it isn’t as easy as you might think?” The image of her performing simple carpentry tasks stark naked would not leave Mike’s imagination. He shook his head, trying to focus on the issues.

  “No, can’t say that I have.” Amelia’s eyes shifted from driver to passenger and back again for the hundredth time. She was soaking wet, in more ways than one, her nipples straining against the white cotton fabric of her low cut blouse.

  Mike ran his hands through his hair and held his head for a moment. This day has gone to shit. “Ok, here’s the deal. You can start work today, right now, doing some basic carpentry work. If you show you can do the work then I’ll work with you on salary and the amount of time you’d need to work to pay off the debt.” Sighing heavily, he knew she didn’t know what she was doing but for now he’d give her the benefit of the doubt.

  “That sounds good to me. Where would you like me to start?” Amelia started to walk away before Mike could give her instructions.

  “Go in and tell the foreman you’re a new hire and that I want him to work with you on basic construction projects since you’re an apprentice.”

  “I’ll do that, thanks.” With a cocky jaunt, swaying her hips as though she knew from the minute they started talking Mike would let her work off the debt, Amelia move toward the house.

  Kevin looked directly at Mike, shaking his head in disbelief. “Bet she doesn’t last an hour. Hell did you even notice the heels she had on? I can’t get my mind back on the job because all I can think about is her wearing nothing but those shoes, she’d drive a man crazy if you let her. I mean the vision of those long legs wrapped around my waist, wow what an image. Fuck, I need a cold shower in spite of the fact I’m soaked to the bone and freezing.”

  “Kevin, you’re always thinking with your dick, and yes, I noticed her long legs, tight jeans and great ass. I also noticed her bodacious breasts. Hell I could see the outline of her nipples straining against that thin blouse of hers.” Damn, I can’t take much more of this and still accomplish what has to be done today, shit, shit, shit.

  Almost as if it’d been choreographed, Mike and Kevin exited the truck at the same time, shutting the doors, zipping their coats, and proceeding to the bricks they needed to finish the chimney. They worked in unison, stopping every few minutes to glance at Amelia, watching her progress, or lack thereof. It was hard to stay focused with her on the job site. They stopped what they were doing, looked over at Amelia, then at each other and burst out laughing. Amelia’s trainer’s face told the true story; he was in pain. She just couldn’t do it; Amelia kept missing the nail, hitting every place else instead. Within minutes Mike’s entire crew had stopped working to watch her attempt to hit a single nail.

  Carl, Amelia’s trainer, finally shook his head and took the hammer away from her. He pointed to a stack of four-by-four beams and told Amelia to get one and bring it over so they could get started on the open beam ceiling design. She tried, but she couldn’t move a single beam on her own. She was now as frustrated as Carl. The crew were laughing and whispering to each other,, definitely not working, as they watched her attempt at moving the beam.

  Amelia was embarrassed. She stood cold, wet, with her finger throbbing where she’d hit it instead of the nail; it had to be one of her worst days ever. She couldn’t even blame the asshole next to her for laughing. She tried to make light of the situation, and laughed at herself as well, but was at a loss as to what to do next. I’m trying to pay off a debt that isn’t even mine, damn you Brad! She’d had enough; she wasn’t going to take any more of this humiliation. It was best to quit before she hurt herself or someone else. She turned to look for Mike. She had to tell them she just couldn’t do this type of work; they’d have to think of another way she could work off the debt. Her tears only added to her problems but she couldn’t control them.

  She started to walk to Mike and tripped on a piece of wet roofing tile. A blood curdling scream escaped her lips as her feet slipped out from under her and she landed on her backside with her ankle twisted precariously under her. She sat on the muddy ground, holding her ankle, and crying harder than ever. As Mike approached she completely lost it and fell into gut wrenching sobs. I’m a failure at trying to make things work out.

  Mike and Kevin rushed over to her, speaking at the same time, “You ok Amelia?”

  ”No damn it! I twisted my ankle and it hurts like a son-of-a-bitch. To add insult to injury I’ve broken the heel off my best pair of shoes and I can’t even afford to get them fixed or buy another pair for that matter. Today has turned out to be shit!”

  Kevin picked her up, walked her out to the truck and placed her in the cab. “We’ll take you to our place so we can look at the ankle and then, together, we’ll decide what to do next.”

  Mike informed his crew that they were leaving to take care of this medical emergency. He told them to take the rest of the day off as it was unsafe to continue work under the rainy conditions.

  With his wet sleeve, Kevin tried to wipe some of the moisture from his face. “Mike, I think we should take Amelia to our place versus the hospital. I’m pretty sure the ankle isn’t broken or she’d be in a lot more pain. We can do a better examination at the house and then decide on how to proceed.” I wonder what she’d think if she knew both Mike and I have a sexual interest in her?

  Amelia looked at Mike, and then Kevin, and even though she knew these two gorgeous men were up to something she didn’t care. Even if she wanted to, which she didn’t, she couldn’t walk away in her current condition. Glancing at the men who continued to exchange knowing looks with each other, she began to shake, not only from the cold and wet, but in trepidation of what was to come once they reached their destination.

  Mike had a plan, a plan he was pretty sure Kevin would agree with. What he wasn’t sure of is how Amelia would react to that plan. She’d probably want to leave, but maybe not. She might be scared, especially since she was dealing with two men versus one, but he hoped not. Mike wondered if she’d ever made love to two men at once. All I have is questions; I can’t do much else without some answers. Right now we need to deal with her injured ankle.

br />   Mike drove his truck as close to the front door as he could without pulling it up on the curb. He fumbled with the keys as he ran to unlock the door. Once he had the door open, Kevin carried Amelia inside and placed her on the sofa. He lifted her foot, placing it gently on a pillow on top of the footstool, and went to the kitchen for some ice.

  Mike removed her shoes, letting his long lean fingers slowly massage her ankle and feet. He was trying to assess her injuries, but the softness of her skin was distracting him.

  Amelia felt the shivers up her body as he caressed her ankle, working his way up her leg. His touch felt fantastic and she moaned from both the pleasure and pain of it. She always enjoyed a massage; and she had a feeling Mike would be great at giving full body massages as well. I wonder what else he could do with those fingers.

  Kevin returned with the ice pack, which was cold, and his fantasies, which were hot and in overdrive. He wasn’t bothered by the fact that Mike was giving her a foot rub, what was troubling was Amelia’s contented reaction to the intimacy of the effort. Damn him! Mike was already making his moves before Kevin even got the chance. I guess I have to wait my turn or beat Mike at his own game. Hell I’d be happy to share her if it that was the only way to be with her. Amelia jumped as Kevin placed the dishtowel with the ice gingerly on her ankle.

  “Sorry about that gorgeous, but it will help keep the swelling down.” Kevin let his fingers grave her arm, trying to get her attention away from Mike.

  “I never knew something could hurt so much,” she whined, sucking in her breath as the throbbing pain overtook her.

  Mike assessed the situation. “First, the good news; your ankle’s not broken. You did twist it badly and it’s going to take a few days before your back on your feet. So we need to talk about your job.” Mike put an emphasis on the last word. “From what we’ve seen so far, you working as a carpenter isn’t going to work. The injury you’ve suffered is going to keep you off your feet for a few days. I would like to offer you our hospitality while you recover. Kevin and I feel since you injured yourself at our job site we should take care of you. When you’re up an about we’d like you to consider being our maid and general housekeeper. As you can see when you look around the room Kevin’s a bit of a slob.”


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