Beauty Dates the Beast

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Beauty Dates the Beast Page 9

by Jessica Sims

  I broke away from the kiss. Had I totally lost my head? Sara was here and turning into a wolf, and Beau was going to scent her at any moment. I grasped at his arms, torn between the urge to leap into them again and the urge to fling him away from me. “Beau, how … what are you doing here?”

  “Making sure that you’re safe,” he said, releasing my shoulders. Then he jerked me close to him again, his hands roaming over my body in a motion that I wasn’t sure was protective or possessive—but I liked it. His gaze met mine as he brushed his fingers against my cheek. “It’s a damn good thing, too. What were you thinking, confronting that creature?”

  “What was I supposed to do?” I frowned at him.

  “You and Sara should have run—”

  I shook my head. “It would have chased us. This way I kept her safe.”

  “While risking your own—”

  I shoved at his shoulders, baring my teeth in fear and anger. “My sister, my responsibility. Not yours.”

  “You could have been hurt,” he said in a softer voice. His eyes were smoky with desire, his body moving closer to my own. The look on his face could have melted butter. The press of his body against me told me Beau was really turned on by my protectiveness.

  Flustered, I tried to change the subject. “Whatever that thing was, it smelled putrid. Like it was dead.”

  “It was a shifter of some sort,” Beau murmured, stroking my crunchy hair. “But not like any I’ve ever seen.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He was silent. What, was he afraid to divulge top-secret shifter stuff? Like I gave a crap. I punched his arm. “Tell me.”

  “Ow. Careful. You have silver on your hands.” He pulled his shoulder away slightly, but his hands didn’t leave my body.

  “Sorry,” I said, pulling my hands away.

  “You can keep them on me,” he said against my mouth, and then grinned. “Just keep them above the waist.”

  Distracted at the thought, I tried to concentrate. “The shifter … what was it?”

  “I don’t know,” he said, then released me. “I need to make a few calls.”

  Just like that? I swallowed my disappointment when he went into my living room and picked up the landline. My life had no room for a sexy, protective were-cougar, as much as I might have wanted otherwise.

  When he greeted the person on the other end of the line, I tiptoed through the silver water toward the pantry, where I’d last left Sara. It was silent.

  I opened the door, caught a hint of tail and shredded clothing. “Stay in there,” I whispered to her. “I’ll clean up the water and get rid of Beau.”

  She gave a small whine of response as I closed the door. I mopped up the water and poured it down the sink, then disposed of the broken glass that littered the room. Once that was done, I left the kitchen to pull Beau away from Sara’s hiding spot while she was vulnerable.

  He stood in the middle of the hallway, still buck naked, and oh boy, his ass was nice. I’d already seen it once, but it was equally mesmerizing on the second viewing. I admired his body as he talked on my phone, mentally caressing the breadth of his shoulders and the slim V of his hips as he talked. Just a hint of hair dusting his chest, and none on his back. That was nice. His buttocks were fascinating. Small, firm, and taut. I badly wanted to feel the smoothness of that muscled backside and clasped my hands, not trusting them to not reach for that wonderful bronzed flesh.

  He finished the call and began another. “Ramsey? It’s me. I need you to come meet me.”

  As Beau gave Ramsey my address, I realized what had been bothering me about his appearance and rescue. He’d sure gotten here fast. I glanced back in the kitchen, thinking of Sara and frowning. Something wasn’t adding up.

  On a hunch, I tiptoed toward the broken window and peeked outside. No sign of the Viper in my driveway, but his clothes were strewn across my front yard. Wherever he’d come from, he’d walked. And considering how fast he’d gotten here, he must have been very close nearby.

  I turned away from the window, managing to stay remarkably calm. “How did you get to my house so fast?”

  He put the phone back into the cradle. His gray eyes bored into mine, challenging. “I was outside.”

  “Why were you outside? I broke up with you.”

  “And I came here to talk to you about that,” Beau said. “Because I know the timing is all wrong, and I don’t care. I wanted to see you again, so I decided to come talk to you, and then I smelled that thing. The same thing that I smelled in the cab, Bathsheba. I didn’t tell you then, because I didn’t want to worry you, but something unnatural is stalking you. Something that’s stronger than any supe I’ve run across and that likes the taste of blood.”

  “I see,” I said in a soft voice, trembling. “You saved us. Thank you.”

  “You looked like you were handling things just fine.” He crossed his arms over his chest, which really emphasized his nakedness. “So are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “If I knew what it was, don’t you think I’d have taken care of it? Something is hunting you. Or Sara. Maybe both of you.”

  I gave a tremulous laugh. “Maybe we should be asking if you have enemies.”

  His expression remained grave, which made me shiver. The werewolves had Savannah because they wanted Sara. Maybe they wanted me as well? I knew that they couldn’t turn me into a wolf, but they didn’t know that.

  A warm arm wrapped around my shoulder. I suddenly found my nose smooshed against Beau’s chest and he pulled me tight against him. “Come sit on the couch,” he said in a low, hypnotic voice. “I’ll go get Sara.”

  My arms clamped around his waist and I pulled him against me. “She’s fine. She just needs a little time to recover and won’t appreciate us bothering her.” At his skeptical look, I laid my head on his shoulder. “Stay with me. Please.”

  I was not above emotional manipulation to keep him away from my very wolfy sister.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, keeping me pressed to his side as he steered us toward the couch. “Everything is going to be fine. Whatever it was is gone. I’ve called my clan in and they’re going to come help us.”

  Us. Not “you.” As if we were joined at the hip already. It wouldn’t hurt to let him think we could still be together, and I huddled next to his naked body on the couch. My mind kept running through the events over and over, the growls, the horrible smell, fear for Sara, who must have been terrified, yet I couldn’t get to her as long as Beau was here and she was still a wolf… .

  We sat on the couch for a long while. Beau stroked my hair and whispered small things to me, and I … liked it. There was something soothing about letting someone hold me and pet me as I fretted. Though I couldn’t tell Beau my problems, he knew I was upset and sought to make it better.

  That was a new concept. Usually I was so busy holding the pieces together for Sara and me that I never got a chance to relax or let someone else shoulder the burden, even for a second.

  It was an intoxicating feeling. It made me want things that I couldn’t have. I must have trembled again, for Beau pressed his lips to my tangled hair, hugging me closer. “I’m here, Bathsheba. You’re safe. I’ll take care of things.”

  Strangely enough, that made me feel better. He couldn’t possibly help me, but knowing that he was willing to try somehow made all the difference in the world.

  A few men soon showed up and let themselves into the house. I jerked upright at the sight of them, but Beau wasn’t tense next to me, so he knew them. After getting a good look at the strangers, I understood. They all looked much like Beau—tall, lean, dark-haired, and built. Same light-colored eyes, same bone structure. Obviously more members of the Russell clan.

  Standing before them naked, Beau didn’t look the slightest bit awkward as they all began to talk as if I hadn’t been there.

  “Humans, Beau?” One of the strangers gave me an incredulous look. Another sniffed his surroundings, nostrils flaring, as if this
all disagreed with him.

  “Miss Ward is my girlfriend.”

  No, she’s not. She can’t be. Not if she’s smart.

  Another spoke up. “Are you serious?”

  The entire house grew deathly quiet, as if a massive insult had just been spoken. One of the men jabbed the other in the shoulder. “Boss,” he began, and I could practically smell the apology forthcoming.

  Jeez. Supes really didn’t care for humans.

  But Beau only gave them a lazy grin that made my heart stutter. “Serious,” was all he said, and pulled me behind him in a possessive gesture. “Now, where’s Ramsey?”

  One of the clones gestured outside. “Getting his kit from the back of the truck.”

  Beau grunted acknowledgment. “You bring your weapons?”

  Wait. Huh? “Weapons?” I interrupted. “What are you guys doing?”

  Beau said, “We’re setting up a sting. If that thing returns to this house, it won’t live for long.”

  Well, shit. I did not need a bunch of cat shifters crawling around in the house. I needed them all to leave now, before they scented Sara. I cast an angry look at Beau. “You can’t do that. I don’t want weapons in my house. In fact, I don’t want a bunch of strangers in my house.”

  Beau pulled me toward the far corner of the living room. The others averted their eyes, talking in low whispers.

  “Let me take care of this, Bathsheba,” he said quietly. “I’m not going to allow some creature to stalk you, break into your house, and threaten your life. You are going to be safe. I’ve marked you with my claim, and you are going to accept that I’m looking out for you.” His words were low and even.

  I opened my mouth to protest.

  “The others won’t touch you. They’ll give you more respect than a normal human would get because I’ve claimed you.” When I started to protest again, he continued, “You are mine. I’ve already decided it. And if I have to mark you all over that delicious body of yours to prove it, I will.”

  A blast of desire raced through me at that mental image and I swallowed hard, resisting the urge to fan myself.

  The crooked smile curved his mouth again and he ran his thumb over my lower lip as if to remind me of his kisses. Then he walked toward his men. “We need to set up a defense. Bring the silver and the wolfsbane, and be careful with it. I want you to start upstairs.”

  They left me there in the living room, stunned, my lips still feeling the electric heat from his touch. I wandered back to the kitchen, peeking in. The pantry door was wide open and there was no Sara anywhere. That was a good sign. Maybe she’d changed back and gone to the back bathroom to disguise her scent.

  A hand touched my elbow.

  I jerked away, stumbling back a few steps in fright.

  A big, blond man stood there with a grave look on his face. He was enormous—at least a foot taller than Beau and broader. His hair was shaggy, his features large. One hand held a toolbox, and the other colossal mitt held up a bottle of water. “Drink this.”

  I stared up at the giant in alarm. “Who … who are you?”

  Irritation crossed the hard features, as if he was annoyed that he had to answer me. “Ramsey.”

  “Okay.” Beau had mentioned Ramsey a few times. His best friend and fellow Alliance member. “No, thank you. I’m not thirsty.”

  He reached out, grabbed my hand, and forced the water bottle into it. “Drink.”

  Not exactly the most friendly man. I glared at him.

  He glared back.

  I drank.

  Next, he handed me a silver bubble pack of pills. “Take these.”

  I pushed them away. “I’m fine.”

  Ignoring my protests, he nudged the pills at me again.

  I took the pills from him and scowled when he continued to watch me, waiting for me to swallow them. “Your Mr. Russell is a bit high-handed.”

  Ramsey grunted. Obviously not a man of many words.

  I eyed the pills—clearly something to relax my nerves. God knows I could use it. Sara and I needed to get out of Fort Worth. Away from the shifters, away from everyone. We could pack the necessities tonight and be out of the city by morning, but not with all these shifters hanging around my house, trying to be helpful.

  “Take. The. Pills.” Ramsey loomed over me, his face hard and unsmiling. His arms crossed over his chest, and he stared pointedly at me.

  I returned his glare. “I’m going to complain to your boss that you’re trying to drug me.”

  Ramsey’s hard eyes glittered down into mine. “Who do you think told me to give them to you?”

  Oh. Well, then. This was what I got for pretending to have a nervous breakdown to distract Beau. I could pack while medicated, I supposed. Even if I didn’t want to take the pills, I had no doubt that Ramsey would force me to take them, one way or another. Ignoring the hulking giant that hovered over me, I reluctantly swigged the pills down with water.

  They tasted terrible, leaving a coating in my mouth. “Does everyone always do what Beau wants?” I asked, gesturing at the men who crawled all over my house. I could still hear Beau barking orders upstairs.

  “Yes,” said Ramsey.

  I snorted and began to clean up the glass from the two broken windows. I needed to check on my sister, but not with this overgrown behemoth looming over my shoulder. But soon I grew sleepy, sluggish. Things started to feel disconnected, and my head felt like it was spinning.

  Beau suddenly appeared at my side and angled my face up, studying my expression. “How is she?”

  I wanted to protest that he could ask me directly, but there was a fog settling on my brain. Ramsey showed up out of the corner of my eye, Sara standing behind him, her clothes changed and her hair wet—a quick shower?

  “She took the pills,” Ramsey said in that low, gruff voice. “I’d give it a few hours.”

  “For what?” I asked, finding it difficult to keep my eyes open.

  “More than enough time,” Beau said, and then I was lifted into the air. The world spun dizzily, the thick scent of Beau was everywhere, and I realized I was cradled against his naked chest. He was so warm and delicious that I snuggled in and sighed with bliss. I could go to sleep right here. “Time enough for what?”

  He pressed his lips to my forehead, and the world bobbed a little as he began to walk. “Time to get you home, Bathsheba. To my place.”

  “We can’t,” I protested, trying to focus my eyes on my sister. Sara’s face was ashen with stress, her arms crossed over her chest. “We’re leaving.”

  “Yes, we are,” Beau agreed.

  We were talking about two different things—but I could no longer stay awake. My eyes sealed shut as I burrowed deeper in Beau’s arms and let the heavy sleep take over me.

  Chapter Eight

  When I woke up, the foul taste in my mouth had blossomed into a whole new kind of foul, and my head throbbed. I sat up, realizing that I was on someone’s couch. That explained the crick in my neck and the drool tracks down the side of my face. I wiped them away and frowned at my surroundings.

  It looked like I was in some sort of rustic lodge. The couch was an ugly country plaid, and the walls were some sort of log planks.

  The room itself was huge, the windows large, filling the room with sunlight. A braided rug decorated the floor, and I caught a glimpse of a spacious kitchen across the living room. This wasn’t just a log cabin—this was a log cabin on steroids.

  Beau’s house? I vaguely remembered him saying he would take me home.

  But where was Sara? Where was my sister?

  The world came rushing back and I bolted through the rooms, looking for her. She was nowhere to be found. I opened a dozen doors, but I was the only one in the house. It hit me like a ton of bricks then.

  I’d been drugged. That bastard Ramsey had given me something to knock me out. Stupid fool that I was, I’d thought it was something to make me relax. Nope. It was something to make me unconscious.

  I ran my hands down m
y dress. My panty hose were intact and my hair was still a disgusting mess. I felt a little better.

  Beau. “Time to get you home, Bathsheba. To my place.” Alarm returned as full memory did.

  A monster had been in my house. Sara had panicked and changed, and a bunch of were-cougars had arrived to save the day. I put a hand to my forehead. Where was Beau? Why had I been left here alone?

  Fear set in. Had he gone to exchange my sister with the wolves? Is that why I was here by myself? Worried, I went back through the house again, this time thoroughly searching each room.

  The ceilings were arched and spacious, and there was a second floor with a master bedroom. A massive bed dominated the room, a fact not lost on me. There was also a jet tub in the bathroom, a lovely deck surrounding the house, and miles and miles of trees.

  I stared at the gorgeous scenery in dismay. We were obviously no longer in Fort Worth. East Texas? Oklahoma? And where the heck was the driveway? I circled the deck twice to make sure I hadn’t missed anything, but there was no driveway leading from the cabin; just more woods and a footpath.

  So how on earth was I supposed to escape? Being a city girl, I didn’t trust myself alone in the woods. I didn’t even know which direction to run to. I scanned the skies, where a wall of gray clouds brought a chill, icy breeze with them.

  Still frowning, I went back inside. There was a TV in the big den and a library of DVDs nestled on a nearby shelf. The movie shelf was full of current releases, and the bookshelves were lined with both classic and popular books. Tolstoy sat next to Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Dan Brown. Most of the books were action-adventure, with the occasional classic tossed in. I pulled out a pristine copy of The Great Gatsby and then put it back when I noticed a well-worn paperback next to it—An American Werewolf in London.

  The irony was not lost on me.

  On the far side of the house, a door slammed. All my senses went on alert again, and I raced across the house to confront my kidnapper.

  I heard the sound of easy whistling as I turned the corner and saw Beau’s broad back in the kitchen. A large box was on the island counter, and as he whistled, he pulled food supplies out of it.


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