Fug You: An Informal History of the Peace Eye Bookstore, the Fuck You Press, the Fugs, and Counterculture in the Lower East Side

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Fug You: An Informal History of the Peace Eye Bookstore, the Fuck You Press, the Fugs, and Counterculture in the Lower East Side Page 41

by Sanders, Ed

  growth of

  investigated for JFK assassination (Garrison)

  kills Che Guevara

  Operation Chaos

  Ramparts exposé

  suppresses underground press

  Cisco, “Zip Gun Cisco”

  City Lights Books

  “City Midnight Junk Strains” poem (Ginsberg)

  Civil disobedience and nonviolence

  Civil Rights Act of 1964,

  Civil Rights Act of 1968,

  Civil rights movement

  and Birmingham violence

  discussed on Firing Line

  Great March on Washington

  and Meredith at Old Miss

  Clark, Tom

  Clarke, Shirley

  Cleveland, Ohio


  and d. a. levy


  Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

  The Connection play (Gelber)

  Contracts and royalties

  Cornyn, Stan

  Corso, Gregory

  on harmonium

  Kerouac’s death

  as poet

  at University at Buffalo

  Country Joe and the Fish

  Crabtree, Lee

  as driver

  with Fugs

  Creeley, Bobbie

  Creeley, Robert

  home in New Mexico

  as poet

  Crowley, Aleister

  Cuban missile crisis


  Dahlberg, Edward

  Daley, Richard

  Davis, Rennie

  Day, Dorothy

  Dellinger, Dave

  Democratic Convention (1964)

  Demonstrations and sit-ins


  Free Speech Movement

  to legalize marijuana

  Demonstrations and sit-ins against mandatory civil defense drills

  New York AEC

  See also General Strike for Peace; under specific events

  Despair anthology (ed. Sanders)



  and John Sinclair


  underground press

  Di Prima, Diane


  Dog Star Man film (Brakhage)

  Don’t Stop! Don’t Stop record set

  Dorn, Ed

  Dorough, Bob

  The Draft

  numbers increases


  Duncan, Robert

  Dylan, Bob

  censored by Columbia Records

  on Cuban missile crisis

  and Ginsberg

  motorcycle accident

  performances, recordings

  East Village Other (EVO) newspaper

  Eat film (Warhol)

  Egyptian Death Barge

  Egyptian hieroglyphs. See Hieroglyphs

  Egyptian language

  8th Street Bookshop

  Electric Chair paintings (Warhol)

  “Elegy for Neal Cassady” poem (Ginsberg)

  Ellsberg, Daniel

  Epstein, Jason

  ESP Disk

  Esquire magazine


  of Joseph McCarthy’s grave

  of Pentagon

  for Warren Dorn

  Eye of Horus

  Fainlight, Harry

  The Family (Sanders)

  Fass, Bob


  files reports, bugs apartment

  investigates The Fugs

  investigates L.H. Oswald–Village connection

  on riots of 1967

  stops ads in underground press

  taps King’s hotel room

  Feinberg certificate (loyalty oath)

  Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

  Festival of Life in Chicago (1968)


  permits sought

  event, with police brutality

  Fetta, Charles

  Fillmore Ballroom, San Francisco

  Fillmore East

  Film Culture magazine

  Film-Makers’ Cooperative

  Films (underground)

  of Al Fowler

  of brother’s wedding

  footage lost in raid

  as genre


  of Jane Mansfield

  Martin Luther King’s speech

  Mongolian Cluster Fuck film

  of Pentagon Exorcism

  at Secret Location

  shut down by police

  Firing Line television program

  Fitzpatrick, Linda


  Flaming Creatures film (J. Smith)

  Flower Thief film (Rice)

  Folklore Center

  Folkways recording of The Fugs

  Forest, Jean

  Forest, Jim

  Fowler, Al


  and The Fugs

  heroin habit

  and L.H. Oswald FBI investigation

  as poet

  death of

  Frank, Robert

  Frank O’Hara Award

  Frankenheimer, John

  Free Catholic Church

  Free speech/Free Speech Movement

  Free stores

  Freedom Summer (1964)

  Freedom Summer murders

  Froines, John

  Frontier Press

  Fuck You/ A Magazine of the Arts

  becomes more political

  cover glyphs

  early issues


  God issue–position paper

  mailing address

  “Notes on Contributors”

  typed at Catholic Worker office

  Warhol cover

  The Fugs

  formation of

  concerts (see under specific venues)


  on David Susskind Show

  early performances, first album

  exorcise J. McCarthy’s grave

  live recordings

  movie project

  musicians listed


  The Fugs benefit performances

  The Fugs Eat It album

  The Fugs First Album

  The Fugs movie project

  The Fugs Second Album

  The Fugs Songbook (Sanders)

  The Fugs tours

  cross-country anti-war tour


  Prague. Czechoslovakia


  in U.S.

  Gallo, Bob (Talent Master Studio)

  Garrison, Jim

  The Gay Place (Brammer)

  Gelber, Jack

  Geldzahler, Henry

  General Strike for Peace

  Genet, Jean

  Ginsberg, Allen

  at 1964 Democratic Convention

  album liner notes

  and attempted drug bust

  and Barbara Rubin

  in Chicago for Festival of Life

  donates catalog items

  exorcizes Joseph McCarthy’s grave


  as Guns of the Trees narrator

  helps form LeMar

  in India

  and Kerouac

  with open sexuality

  organizing principles in position paper

  readings/concerts (see also under specific venues)

  researches campaign against underground press

  testifies on obscenity cases

  in “Vancouver Report”

  See also under specific poem titles

  “The Gobble Gang Poems” sho-sto-po (Sanders)

  God Loves Rock and Roll album

  Goldbart, Lionel

  Golden Filth (The Fugs live at the Fillmore East) album

  Goldwater, Barry

  Goodman, Andrew

  Grady, Panna

  and Olson

  parties, filming, at the Dakota

  supports the arts

  Graham, Bill
  Gramercy Arts Theater

  Grateful Dead

  Great Society

  Great March on Washington

  Greenwich Village Peace Center

  Greer, Maretta

  “The Grey Monk” poem (Blake)

  Griffith, Emile

  Groovy (Groovy Hutchinson)


  and Linda


  Grossman, Albert

  Grossman, Stefan

  Grove Press

  Guest, Barbara

  Guevara, Che

  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  Guns of the Trees film (Mekas)

  “The Hairy Table” story (Sanders)

  Hall, Donald




  magic mushrooms




  See also Amphetamine; LSD

  Hamburg, Dan

  Hamer, Fannie Lou

  Hardwick, Elizabeth

  Harriman, John

  Hart Island Workhouse

  Hayden, Tom

  Heliczer, Piero

  Hendrix, Jimi

  A Heritage of Stone (Garrison)

  Hernton, Calvin

  Heroin and heroin-related crime



  on F.Y. cover

  in liner notes of It Crawled

  purported tattoos

  The Hippie Trip (Yablonsky)


  movement, as Firing Line topic

  named as Manson commune

  and police in Chicago

  as term

  Hoffman, Abbie


  Chicago 7 trial, conviction

  and Chicago Festival of Life

  Revolution for the Hell of It

  Hoffman, Julius

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hopper, Dennis

  The Hotel Wentley Poems (Wieners)

  House of Hospitality, Catholic Worker

  “How Sweet I Roamed from Field to Field” poem (Blake)

  Howl (Ginsberg)

  Humes, H. L. “Doc”

  Huncke, Herbert

  “Hymn to Aphrodite” poem (Sappho)

  I, a Man film (Warhol)

  “I Couldn’t Get High” song (Weaver)

  “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” song (Beatles)

  Impact Sound (RLA)

  It Crawled into My Hand, Honest album

  “Jack Off Blues” song (Kupferberg)

  Jackson, Jimmie Lee

  Jacobs, Jake

  Jade Companions of the Flowered Dance

  Jail or prison time

  for Al Fowler

  for Charlotte Moorman

  for Chicago

  for children in Selma

  depicted in The Brig

  fact sheet for civil disobedience

  for John Sinclair

  for Jonas Mekas

  for Ray Bremser

  for Sanders in Hart Island Workhouse

  Jail Poets reading

  Jefferson Airplane

  “The Jesus Christ of Marijuana,” East Village Other

  Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye (O’Donnell)

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  and CIA’s Operation Chaos

  Civil Rights Act of 1964

  and demonstrators’ chanting

  elected (1964)

  escalates Vietnam War

  Great Society

  helps defeat MFDP

  occupies Santo Domingo

  protects civil rights marchers

  and riots

  War on Poverty

  Jones, LeRoi (Amiri Baraka)

  to be in Fugs film

  Berkeley Poetry Conference

  as poet

  rent party

  Joplin, Janis

  at Fillmore East opening


  and success phenomenon

  death of

  Kaddish and Other Poems (Ginsberg)

  Kalb, Jon

  Katzman, Allen

  Kearney, Pete

  as Fugs guitarist/songwriter

  with Holy Modal Rounders

  leaves The Fugs

  Kelly, Robert

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Kennedy, John F.

  and civil rights movement

  Cuban missile crisis

  and Daley

  and Marilyn Monroe

  on nuclear weapons testing

  and Seven Days in May

  assassination and aftermath

  possible CIA involvement in assassination

  Kennedy, Robert

  and Marilyn Monroe

  supports civil rights

  and young people

  assassination and aftermath

  Kerouac, Jack

  hostility on Firing Line

  and Orlovsky, Ginsberg

  and Pranksters’ flag

  on unself-confident egomaniacs

  death of

  Kerouac, Jan

  Kesey, Ken

  Keys, John

  “Kill for Peace” song (Kupferberg)

  Kimball, George

  King, Carole

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  in Birmingham

  Great March on Washington

  as leader

  supports MFDP

  assassination and aftermath

  Kinsey Institute

  Kittell, Miriam. See Sanders, Miriam Kittell

  Kolb, Jim

  Kootch, Dan


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