by Becca Taylor
This time he looks deep in my eyes. “Exactly baby, home.”
Not wanting to break the moment but I had to ask, “Where do we go from here?”
“Right now, sleep. If you are feeling anything like me, my head is swimming. Tomorrow, we are going to fit whatever we can in my truck, and you are moving in here with me.”
My jaw went slack with his words. “Are you sure about this? It’s pretty fast. Shouldn’t we try a weekend first or something?”
He pulls me on his lap, putting my hair behind my ear, cupping my neck. “Never been more sure. Before all this happened, when you needed to move, I was going to ask you to live here with me. The first morning that you were here making me breakfast, it felt right with you here. Every night you aren’t here, it felt like something was missing. So that’s what I want. You here with me. You got me?”
“Yes, Caleb. It’s what I want to, but we don’t need to rush. I can stay at Aly’s for a while.”
“We will talk more about it tomorrow. Now, get your pretty little ass in our bed, and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be busy.”
As we head back to his room, I feel the exhaustion kick in. Caleb goes into his drawer and grabs a t-shirt. He helps me out of my clothes. His breathing increases as I stand in front of him, in only my bra and panties. Reaching behind me, he undoes the clasp dropping my bra to the floor. “You are the most beautiful woman, the sexiest woman in the world.” He slips the t-shirt over my head, smoothing it down my body, causing me to moan. He slaps my ass, “Bed, Kat.”
I climb in bed, bringing his shirt to my nose. He laughs at me. “You like my detergent, baby?”
“Yes, it smells like you. And you smell good. So get used to it. I will be sniffing you. Often.”
As he laughs at me, he toes off his boots and socks. “Same here, baby. No one smells as delicious as you.” He pulls off his shirt, tossing it to the floor. I just take in the site as he unbuttons and slides his jeans off. Sadly, he replaces them with sweats. After turning off the lights, he climbs in beside me, spooning me. He turns my head, softly kissing my lips. “Night, baby girl.”
I pull his arms tightly around me, tangling our legs together. “Night, Caleb.” For the first night in six weeks my body relaxes. Knowing that I am back where I should’ve been all along.
THE SENSATION OF Kat’s lips on my chest wakes me the next morning. “Morning, baby.”
Katerina is smiling, looking up at me. “Morning, did you sleep alright?”
After a lot of late night runs to exhaust myself, having Kat here finally gives me the rest I needed. “Fantastic. You want to go out for breakfast?” She shakes her head no. “You want me to cook?” Again she shakes her head no. “You want to cook?”
She laughs. “No, Caleb.”
“Well, what do you want?”
She climbs over my hips, ripping the t-shirt I gave her over her head. She holds it pinched in her fingers for a moment, before letting it fall to the floor. “You, Caleb. Just you.”
Kat grips my hips pressing herself down on my fast growing cock. We spent the next few hours rediscovering each other’s bodies. First in bed, then again in the shower. In the kitchen, after we finally got around to eating breakfast. And one more time on the lanai, when we were going to have coffee.
Now that I have her completely relaxed, I ask her again about moving in. “You ready to go get your clothes and stuff?”
She is laying on the wicker swing with her head in my lap. I got it for her, since she seemed to like Bentley’s so much. She drops the book she was reading on her chest, then looking up at me, “I think we should wait a little bit before I move in.”
Groaning my frustration at her, “I thought we settled this last night.”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t move in with you. Eventually, yes. But, I think we should give it a little time though. We’ve been together one night, Caleb.”
“I don’t care Kat. One night, one week, one month- I want you here.” I need her here with me. I want her here, so I can take care of her this time. I want her here in my arms all night. I wanted her close, so I wouldn’t lose her again.
Reading my thoughts, she caresses my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere. And Travis is no longer a threat.”
“It’s more than that, Kat. Yes, I want to protect you. But you here like this, it feels right. I want this all the time. Us sitting out here, you lying in my lap. Together.”
She sits up facing me. “I promise, we will have that. I just want to give it a little time. Besides you might want to kick me out after you find out what I’m really like.”
I can’t imagine her being hard to live with. “Are you going to go crazy on me if I leave the toilet seat up? I promise I’ll be good.”
She shrugs her head. “Maybe. I can be a little OCD about things. You’ve never lived with anyone other than Bentley, and my only attempt at living with someone . . . well we know how that ended.”
I don’t think us living together will be anything like her and that asshole. “We will learn. It will be good. I love you, Kat.” I didn’t mean to say it so soon. But it’s what I feel. I hear her intake of breath. And I see her eyes start to water, so I tell her again. “I love you, Katerina. You’re it for me, and nothing will change that.”
She wipes her eyes. “I love you too, Caleb.”
“Say it again, Kat.”
And she does. “I love you, Caleb Hayes.” With those words, the grip that has been squeezing my heart since she was gone, finally releases. Pulling her lips to mine, I kiss the woman who has worked her way into my life and heart.
CALEB AND I HAVE been back together for almost a month. His birthday is this weekend, and I wanted to surprise him. We have a party planned for tomorrow. Tonight, I’m officially moving in. I am here every night anyway. I pull into his driveway with the last of my things in the trunk. In my hands is the cake I made at Aly’s. I spent all day perfecting it. Or at least, I did my best. I tried to make it look like his bass guitar, but it took a lot longer than I expected. When I walk inside, Caleb is in the kitchen waiting for me. “You’re late.”
“Sorry I got held up. I have a surprise for you.” I hand him the cake, but that wasn’t the surprise I was talking about. Another reason why I was at Aly’s so long, I was getting ready for his other present.
“You’re moving in finally.”
I make a face at him. “You know that already. The last of my stuff is in the car.”
He laughs at me. “I know Bentley called, complaining. He wanted to know why he was the one loading everything. I told him I would have helped, but you threatened me with bodily harm to junior if I went anywhere near the place. I told him I’m very fond of that particular body part, so I was staying away.” He puts the cake on the island before opening the box. “You made this?”
“Yes, and its chocolate just like you said you wanted. From scratch too.” Aly and I had tried out so many recipes, I think I gained five pounds.
“Can we eat it now?” He’s licking his lips, staring at the cake.
“No, not before dinner. It’s in the car. Can you get it while I put the cake in the fridge?”
While he goes to get the food, I set up my surprise. I push the sofa aside. Placing two chairs in the living room. I get my music set up. The first night I saw Caleb play, he told me what he wanted for his birthday- me to dance for him. For the past month, I went back at the gym, taking an aerobic striptease class with Aly and Lexi. And the routine we learned is perfect for my song selection. With the song ready to play, I wait for Caleb to come back inside.
“KAT, I THINK WE need to heat up the food before we can eat.”
I walked straight to the oven. I was just about to put the food in to warm when Kat talks. “You might want to wait for that.” When I look up, I almost dropped everything on the floor. Barely managing to save dinner, I put it on the counter.r />
Kat in the living room, foot propped up on a chair. What the fuck did she do to the furniture? She’s sipping a beer. I’m not sure why I didn’t realize what she was wearing before, but I notice now. I think she purposely distracted me with the cake. Her body was hidden behind the big box with the cake inside.
She has on a short black trench coat, tied at the waist. Black skyscraper heels that lace up her legs to mid-thigh. I think my heart stopped. It doesn’t matter that I can’t see what she has on underneath that coat, this is the sexiest I’ve ever seen this woman. My jeans are getting tighter by the second. “You want a sip?” All I can do is shake my head yes. “Put the food away and get over here before I finish it.” I think I like this side of Kat. A confident, in control woman. I toss the food in the fridge, rushing to her side.
She pushes me to the chair, placing her high heel leg on my thigh. She tips the bottle to my lips for me to take a drink. Just as I reach for her leg, she slaps my hand away. “You know the rules. No touching allowed.” With those words my heart rate picks up tenfold, and all I want to do is touch every fucking inch of her body.
“How about something a little stronger?” Kat asks me.
I think I might need it too, if she is about to do what I think she is. I was joking when I told her all those months ago that for my birthday, she could show me what she learned at her dance class. I’m not now. She can be like this anytime. Back in the day I might have went to a few strip clubs with the boys. In all honesty, it was nothing like this. The women were pretty enough, but the women in front of me is on a whole other plane.
I watch as Kat bends down, reaching in the cabinet, getting our favorite tequila. I smile at the memory. She goes to the fridge grabbing the limes we always keep in supply. Returning with shot glasses in hand, handing both to me. She licks her wrist, after applying the salt, takes a lick herself. Then offers me a taste. We drink our shots then she offers me a slice of lime.
“Another?” The woman has me so tongue tied, all I can manage to reply with gestures. After the second shot, I try to grab for her, again she pushed my hands away. “No touching. Only if you follow the rules, will you get your surprise.” Clenching my hands on my thighs, I let her know I will play along. She brushes her lips lightly to my ear whispering, “Good boy.” The sensation of her lips on my ear causes me to groan.
She presses play on the stereo bringing the music to life. Love her song choice. She picked Madness by Muse to dance for me. It’s rock, electric, and sexy as fuck. Just like my woman.
When she turns around, the woman before me is not the sweet, fun girl I know. The look in her eyes screams desire. She walks towards me, crossing her legs as she steps, looking at me like I am her next meal. She stops half way dipping to the floor then rolling her body back up to the beat. Teasing me by grabbing the belt of her jacket, and damn if I didn’t want to see what she had on underneath.
She sways to the beat, lowering to the floor stretching her one leg in the air that has me gripping my thighs a little tighter. When she stands, she turns around bending at her hips giving me a view of her perfect ass, rubbing her hands up her body as she stands completely.
After a few more sexy moves, she undoes the belt of her jacket. I take a deep breath, holding it in anticipation of seeing what is underneath. She teases me, holding it closed as she walks closer. In one quick move, the jacket opens, sliding down her arms, she tosses it across the floor. And, goddamn, the woman was going to giving me heart palpitations at the site of her.
The light pink color gives the illusion of innocence. But the way she looks, it definitely isn’t innocent. Her barely there bra wraps around her neck tying between her cleavage. The scrap of material hardly covers her and the tie at the middle causes her breasts to pop up, giving me a great view of those perfect mounds. The bottom is just as delicious as the top. Her panties are cut so low, hitting just below her hipbones. Like I said, Sexy as fuck. It has the tiniest skirt that ties on one side, with the string hanging down her leg. And fuck, if that doesn’t make me want to grab it and pull her to me. The skirt attached doesn’t even fully cover her, I get a view of her beautiful pussy through the thin material. Without even knowing it, my hands are gripping the sides of the chair, panting like a fucking dog.
The whole time I was studying her body, she never stopped dancing. When I finally reach her face, she has a knowing smirk on her lips. That little half smile makes me want to kiss the hell out of her. But being the good boy I said I would be, I sit here white knuckled, gripping the chair.
Before I snap out of my trance, she is sitting on a chair in front of me. I have no clue how she got it there. Damn, if I didn’t think she was hot before, Kat decides to turn the temperature up with the way she works her body on that seat. I lean my elbows on my knees, head on my steepled fingers, to get a closer view. She works herself facing one way, then the other, by opening and closing her legs, baring her center to me. With her hands behind her on the chair, she walks her legs off. How she managed to stay upright, I have no clue.
With a quick spin, she is standing with one leg on the chair, pumping her chest giving a view of her breasts. Now my hands are running through my hair, trying to keep them from grabbing for her. When she makes her way around the chair, I finally get a look at the back of her. Placing her palms on the seat, she gives me a view that will be imbedded in my brain, forever. The panties, if you can call them that, are a thong. A fucking thong that shows her perfect ass.
“Fuck, Kat.” And you know what she does. She wiggles her hips, looks over her shoulder, and winks. That causes me to growl, loudly. Once this damn song ends, because now it seems like the longest four and a half minutes of my life, I will be tossing her over my shoulder. Spanking that ass for putting me through this, then take her how I want her.
Making her way back to the floor, she feels the need to torture me some more by getting on all fours, spreading her legs, and flipping her long hair. When she lies her back pumping her hips up. Never missing a beat to my now favorite song. Watching her, seeing how flexible she is, sends visions to my head. All the positions I will have her in.
On her knees, she slides her hands up her body, stopping between her breasts. Licking my lips in anticipation, she unties her top tossing it on my lap. Before I can take in the site of her, she is on her hands and knees, crawling towards me. Her hands move up my calves, stroking up and down my inner thighs. Kat climbs up my legs, straddling them, wiggling her hips over me. Once she does that, I’ve had enough. A man can only show so much restraint. I grip around her thighs, tossing her over my shoulder. “Caleb, I haven’t finished my dance yet.”
This earns her a quick slap to the ass. “Woman, I’ve seen enough. Your dance is done. It’s my turn to show you what I can do.”
She answers. “Oh, ok then.”
I THINK CALEB liked the dance. In fact, I was positive he did. At the moment, I am hanging over Caleb’s shoulder, while he heads towards the bedroom. He kicks the door open with his foot, aggressively. He moves me from his shoulder to standing in front of him. With his eyes focused on me, he grips his shirt behind his head, ripping it off. He kicks his shoes and socks off as he unbuttons his pants, but leaves them on. My breathing is erratic, not from the dancing either, but from the man before me. His eyes are giving off more than lust, they have a look of possession.
“On the bed, Kat. You have two seconds before I throw you on there.” While that would be incredibly hot, I do what he says. Not before I give him a view of my ass as I crawl on top of the bed.
I look over my shoulder, “Is this what you wanted?” This earns me another growl from Caleb, as he removes his jeans. He walks to the edge of the bed, grabbing my hips, pulling me to his length. I sway my hips to the music still playing in the background. When he pushes against me, my moans of pleasure start.
“Kat, now that I saw what your body is capable of, we are going to be working our way through that Kama Sutra book, every goddam
n position. You good with that?”
Since I was in a playful mood, I say, “You mean every one tonight?”
My response causes him to flip me on my back, where he then lays flat on top of me. “No, baby, not all tonight. I figured we could try some tonight, maybe even one a day. How does that sound?”
He is looking right in my eyes, holding my hands above my head, and I can’t think straight. “Ok, Caleb. But I have one question first.”
As he caresses my cheeks with his thumbs, he says, “Ask away, but make it fast. I’m ready to devour you.” He begins to roll his hips, and I lose my whole train of thought. “Now you know what you did to me out there. You had a question you wanted to ask me?”
“Do you own this book, Caleb? Have you used it before?”
He looks at me as if I have two heads. “No, Kat I do not own it. I figured we would go get it tomorrow. I’ve flipped through it before. A friend of mine’s mom had a copy. We were about fourteen, when we discovered it. So, to answer your second question, no, I have not used it before. I did however get a good look at a few pages, before she caught us. Those pictures are imprinted in here.” He taps the side of his head. “And before you even think of asking, you will be the first I try them out on. Now, can we get started? Because you lying here half naked is making it very difficult to hold back.”
“Yes, I’ll shut up now.” He slams his lips to mine as soon as I stop talking.
It is one of those kisses you never want to end. Heat runs through my whole body as his tongue melds with mine, instantly my panties are soaked. The sensation he is creating by sucking on my lip, then my tongue, is almost too much. Gentle then rough. Putting his thumb under my chin, he tilts my head back. Lips are now on my throat, making their way around to the sensitive part under my ear. He knows when he kisses me there, it is a weak spot for me. Soft moans are coming from me non-stop.