Part-Time Lover [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Part-Time Lover [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Tara Rose

  One of them held a bottle to her lips, and once she’d drunk her fill, he kissed her gently on the cheek. “Thank you for this.” Jagger’s voice was soft and sultry, and it sent shivers down her spine.

  “You’re welcome, Sir. And thank you.”

  “We’re both enjoying it,” said Ian, his voice quiet and tender. “I’m so pleased you are, as well.”

  “It’s exquisite, Sir.”

  He grabbed her hair again. “And it’s not over yet.”

  A bamboo cane smacked her across both ass cheeks, and the leather paddle with the holes in it tortured her pussy and her sore nipples. It was almost too much for Kai, even though she loved both toys. But once they started alternating their swats with soft caresses and tender kisses, she slipped into her special place again.

  Pain and pleasure were all mixed up once more, and arousal so intense that another orgasm began to build. Gary didn’t allow penetration at his play parties, but every few minutes one of them came very close to pushing a finger into her soaking wet pussy. Since she had no clue who it was, she moaned loudly each time, aching for them both to fill her with their fingers, their tongues, and their dicks.

  When they finally took off her blindfold and cuffs and wrapped her in a blanket, they sat with her and took turns holding her on their laps. One of them held a bottle of water to her lips and she drank it. She glanced around for the first time, surprised by how crowded and noisy it was. She hadn’t noticed any of that until now.

  It also eventually struck her they were sitting on the floor. “Why are we down here?”

  “He has way too many people here tonight.” Jagger didn’t look or sound happy, and she hated that. Had she done something wrong, or was he reacting to the atmosphere of the party? “Want to get out of here instead of waiting for a sofa to be free?”

  “Whatever you want, Sir.”

  They helped her dress, and then once they were outside she realized their hair was as damp as hers, and a fine sheen of sweat covered their faces and arms. They’d been working hard in there. Jagger helped her into the front seat of his car and asked for her car keys. “Ian will drive your car over to my house. You’re in no condition to do so right now.”


  He held out his hand. “Car keys, Kai.”

  She dug in her bag, and then handed him her keys. He was right. She felt drunk. They usually spent a lot more time on aftercare and by the time they left a party, she was fine to drive. But not tonight.

  As they made their way along the dark streets, Kai leaned back against the leather seats and closed her eyes, breathing in the fragrant scents and listening to the song of the insects. Even in early October, the island was alive at night with smells and sounds, and it was still warm enough to drive with the windows down.

  “Did you bring along a change of clothes in your bag tonight?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She always did, just in case.

  “Can you spend the night?”

  His voice was so tentative that she opened her eyes and shifted in her seat to face him. “Sir, have I upset you in some way?”

  “No. Not at all. I was upset by how many people were at the party. We couldn’t play as long as we wanted to, and we had no time for proper aftercare. I’m sorry about that.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “That’s why I was hoping you could stay for a while.” He gave her a quick look, but it was filled with longing and tenderness. “Ian and I don’t feel right that we had to cut things short like that.”

  Kai sighed to cover up the moan that bubbled up. Between his voice and that look on his face, she nearly came again. It was especially at times like this when he demonstrated such care and thoughtfulness that she realized how much more she wanted from their relationship. “Do you want to play more at your house?”

  “No. We just want to spend time with you, and make sure you’re okay.”

  “I had an amazing time tonight. I hope you both did, as well.”

  “Absolutely. It’s just that neither of us wanted the evening to end so soon.”

  Her pulse raced, and it was all she could do to stay in her seat. “It doesn’t have to end this soon. I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”

  “Even with Ian there?”

  “I’m okay with it if you are.”

  He smiled. “I’m all right with it.”

  A quick glance at his face had her wondering if he’d expected her to be upset by that admission. Was he out of his freaking mind? “Then it looks like I’m staying.” Kai grinned like an idiot and watched the road ahead, willing the damn thing to fold in on itself so they’d be up this freaking hill already and in Jagger’s driveway. This night had just turned into one filled with infinite possibilities, and she couldn’t wait to see where it led them.

  Chapter Five

  Ian wished he knew what they were talking about in the car ahead of him. Jagger told him he wanted to make sure she was okay to drive home before he let her leave, but that left him with no way to get home since Jagger had driven him to Gary’s house. Did he intend for Ian to stay as long as Kai did? They hadn’t agreed to let him have sex with her, only play with her. Had that changed and Ian missed it? He doubted it.

  But no matter what happened when they reached Jagger’s home, he had to tell her how much fun he’d had tonight, and how much he appreciated it. He only wished the party hadn’t been so crowded and that they hadn’t had to cut their play or aftercare short. But Jagger had been really annoyed by the loud music, and the line forming to use the equipment they had her tied to. It was like being at the gym during peak hours, which didn’t make for a relaxed, attentive play session. He hoped they could try it again one day.

  When they finally reached Jagger’s house, Ian pulled Kai’s car into the garage next to Jagger’s, and then he followed the two into Jagger’s house. It was obvious how many times Kai had been here before. She looked totally comfortable tossing her bag onto a specific chair in the great room, and then taking a seat on the sofa.

  Jagger handed her a bottle of water and several pieces of chocolate that were waiting on the counter between this room and the kitchen. He must have planned for her to return here after the party. “I don’t think you had enough at Gary’s house. Let me know when you feel better.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I’m all right. Just a bit foggy still.”

  She took off her socks and shoes and curled her legs underneath her body, which hiked up her skirt. They’d put her panties back on, but Ian stared at them, remembering the slick look of her naked pussy as they’d played.

  Jagger had gone upstairs to change, and Ian let his gaze travel over Kai’s legs, then back up to her abdomen and over her breasts. When he finally made eye contact, he realized she’d been watching him check her out. But instead of looking embarrassed or upset, her beautiful green eyes were filled with lust. “I hope you like what you see, Sir.”

  He swallowed hard at the unmistakable seduction in her smoky voice. “Very much.”

  “Thank you. You look very sexy in that outfit.”

  He didn’t know what to say. It was rare he was at a loss for words in front of women, but he really didn’t know how deeply her relationship went with Jagger. Did she see other men? Did she have other play partners? He knew Jagger didn’t, but that wasn’t a guarantee they were both exclusive. He obviously let other Doms top her once in a while.

  Jagger came bounding down the stairs in sweat pants and a T-shirt. He addressed Ian. “Want a beer or something?”

  “Ah, sure. Okay.”

  “Kai? You need more water or anything else?”

  “I’m okay, Sir. Thank you.”

  Ian was surprised by the fact that Jagger let her sit there while he brought her things. Some subs he knew were expected to wait on their Doms hand and foot, even after play. Jagger either didn’t take this very seriously, or he was simply very attentive to her needs.

  When he returned, he handed Ian a beer and sat next to Kai, placi
ng an arm around her shoulder. “Okay. I know we didn’t get to play as much as we usually do, but tell us the truth. How was it being topped by us both?”

  She smiled up at him, and Ian’s heart gave a little lurch. What he wouldn’t give to see a look like that in a woman’s eyes, directed at him. Would that ever happen?

  * * * *

  Kai didn’t think about it. She just blurted out the truth. “It was amazing, Sir. Everything was enhanced this time.”

  He looked so pleased with himself that she squirmed in her seat. To know he wasn’t upset sent her heart soaring. “Even with all the noise and shitty music?”

  “I didn’t hear it.” She cut her gaze toward Ian. “All I heard were your voices. You’re both amazing at that. At making everything disappear for me except what you want me to hear.”

  Ian gave her a look filled with so much gratitude and lust, she had to fight to keep from crossing the room to kiss him. “I’m so pleased you enjoyed it that much. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. Both of you.”

  “May I ask a very personal question?”

  She glanced up at Jagger, waiting for him to answer Ian.


  “Do you two do this a lot? I mean, play with another Dom?”

  “Not too often. I’m kind of picky about who else touches her.” Jagger gave her shoulder an affectionate squeeze. “Why do you ask?”

  Ian looked slightly embarrassed. “Just curious about your underlying relationship.”

  An unsettled look passed over Jagger’s face, and Kai wondered what that was all about. Was he uncomfortable with Ian asking so many personal questions? “We keep things pretty loose.”

  “Well, I know you don’t see other women. But does Kai see other men?”

  “No,” she said, hoping Jagger didn’t mind her answering.

  “So, you are exclusive then.”

  Jagger shifted in his seat. She’d assumed he and Ian had discussed their relationship in detail, but apparently they hadn’t touched on this part of it. “Yeah. We are.”

  “Well, again, I’m thankful you let me top her tonight.”

  Jagger finally smiled. “I enjoyed it, too. Maybe we’ll repeat it one day.” He gave her a long, searching look. “Would you like that?”

  She didn’t know why he’d bristled a moment ago when Ian started asking about their relationship, but she knew that tone in his voice now. He might or might not give her what she wanted. He loved to mind fuck her almost as much as he enjoyed making love to her and playing with her. “Yes, Sir. I would. But the real question is whether you’re going to allow it. Right?”

  Jagger pulled her closer, cuddling her against his muscled chest. “You’re such a shit. You saw right through that, didn’t you?”

  She didn’t answer him. There was no need to. Instead she glanced over at Ian again to gauge his reaction.

  “What do you think?” asked Jagger, glancing at his friend. “Do you think we should give Kai what she wants? Or should we make her work for it?”

  The grin that spread over Ian’s face sent fresh wetness to her pussy. How the hell she could even still respond after that play session was beyond her, but she wasn’t going to argue with it. “Well, that depends. How do you usually make her work for things she really wants?”

  “That depends on what she wants. This is a huge request, don’t you agree?”

  Ian leaned forward in his seat, his eyes bright and alive with excitement. “Oh, absolutely. Huge request. And it’s obvious how much she wants it.”

  Jagger glanced down at her face. “You know, I think you’re right. I didn’t notice until now. Her face is flushed, her eyes are all sparkly, and I can smell how wet she is.”

  Kai couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips. They might only be teasing her right now, but she also knew that Jagger could sense her arousal. It was one of the reasons he was able to help her slip into subspace so quickly when they played.

  “See? There’s the tell, right there. She can’t stop the moans.”


  Jagger laughed, but it was a good-natured one. He nuzzled her neck. “That’s right, my sexy Kai. And I have a feeling that Ian is just as sadistic. So what shall we do to make you earn the right to have us both top you again?” He stroked his chin as if there was a beard there. “Hmmm…let me think…”

  “We could continue where we left off at the party,” said Ian.

  “No. She took a lot and has had aftercare now. Her head is in the wrong space for play again. But she was very aroused during it. I think we both noticed that.”

  “I know I did.”

  “And I’m not entirely sure she got all that out of her system.”

  “I agree.”

  She snapped her gaze to Ian’s face at the bold, sexy, confident tone in his voice. Then she watched him and Jagger communicate without words, fascinated by the way their auras mirrored the expressions on their faces. She’d seen Dominants do that before, but only during scenes. Had these two topped a sub together all that often? She hadn’t believed so. Maybe it was simply more of the Durante and Raleigh charm at work? Most of the men on this island from both families had charisma in spades.

  Jagger finally glanced down at her, a question in his eyes. “Exactly how aroused were you?”

  “I’m not sure I understand the question, Sir.” Her pulse raced. She’d understood it. But she needed to hear him ask it, specifically. She wouldn’t agree to something like that without confirmation it was what he really wanted, too.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he suspected she knew what he was talking about. He could read her so well. It was one of the reasons they did so well during play together. “Were you aroused enough to give something a try now? Something dirty and erotic?”

  “Like what?” Her voice came out all breathy, but honestly. How was she supposed to help that?

  “Like something more than play with both of us at the same time?”

  He was such a damn tease! Why not just come out and ask it already? Kai shifted her body so she could see both of them easier. “Sir, I’d like to know specifically what you both want me to do. Please.”

  Jagger grinned then brushed a finger along her face, over her collarbone, and into the valley between her breasts. When he moved it over her left breast, he circled her nipple. She struggled to keep breathing, and she swore she heard Ian moan softly, which sent her own arousal through the fucking roof.

  “If you want us to top you in play again one day, we’d like you to have sex with us tonight.” Jagger’s voice was soft but full of command. “Both of us. At the same time.”

  She stared into his eyes, searching. She had to know this was what he really wanted even though she was ready to jump out of her skin. “I will if you want me to, Sir.”

  “I want you to.” No hesitation. None at all. And no uncertainty in his tone of voice or deep in his eyes. “And so does Ian. The question is, do you want the same thing?”

  She finally dared to glance at Ian, and she nearly came at the look of lust on his face. But she also glimpsed doubt there, and she hated that. This confident, sexy man had no reason to doubt his seductive powers. They’d both seduced her tonight with their strength, their dominance, and their words.

  She glanced up into Jagger’s face again. “I would love to do that, Sir.” Kai moved her gaze from him to Ian, and then back again, waiting. She had the feeling her life was about to change in ways she’d never imagined, and she welcomed it with her entire being.

  Chapter Six

  Jagger whispered in her ear. “Thank you, Kai.”

  She smiled at him, grateful that this was what he really wanted, because she’d been dying to make love to Ian since being blindfolded at Gary’s house.

  Jagger addressed Ian. “She’s on the pill, so I don’t use condoms except for anal. And she has no STDs. I don’t either, and suspect you don’t either, right?”

  He shook his head. “I have none.”

/>   “And her safewords apply during sex as well as play.”

  He nodded like one of those bobbleheaded figures. “Sure. Absolutely.”

  How long had it been since the poor guy had been laid?

  “And just so you know, we’ve never done this before. She’s been topped by me and another Dom, but never this. She’s never had sex with me and another man.”

  “I figured as much. Thank you. Both of you. It means a lot to me that you trust me so much.” He sounded like he was ready to lose it, and her heart went out to him. How lonely had his life been since that stupid bitch Eden hurt him?

  Jagger grinned. “But don’t forget that this is advance payment for more play with both of us. So make her work for it.”

  Kai moaned again at the images racing through her mind. She couldn’t help it. She’d always wondered what it would be like to have sex with two men at once, and now she was actually about to find out. It was almost too much to take in at once.

  “Why don’t you go take care of business and meet us in my bedroom?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  As she stood, he gave her ass a half-hearted smack. “We’ll be up in ten minutes. Don’t keep us waiting.”

  “I won’t.”

  Kai grabbed her bag and sprinted up the stairs. After she used the bathroom and freshened up, she took out the short satin robe she’d brought along and put that on, but nothing else. It was her favorite one because the edges were trimmed in lace. She didn’t have too many girly things, and Jagger loved this robe, so she usually brought it along in case she spent the night.

  Then she sat on the edge of Jagger’s bed and waited. Every nerve ending was on fire. She hadn’t expected her fantasy would become reality so soon, if ever. He’d dropped hints every now and then about watching another man fuck her, but since it had always been during play, when he’d been mind fucking with her, she’d assumed it was part of the game. She never knew he’d actually want to do it.

  When they came up the stairs, she leaned back and crossed her legs, smiling in what she hoped was a seductive way. Jagger eyed her with a sly grin on his face, and then he lit a couple of candles and put on soft jazz music.


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