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A Rancher's Honor

Page 14

by Ann Roth

  “No, you wouldn’t,” Kate said. “I want a pair, too, in red. So, Dani, is there a special guy you want to wear them for?”

  Dani sighed. “I just went through a breakup.”

  Lana felt for her, but she was also confused. “When we met for coffee, you weren’t seriously involved with anyone.”

  “As with most of my relationships, it didn’t last long. But hey, if I wear these, some cute guy is bound to ask me out. Why don’t we each try on a different color?”

  Kate nodded. “I’m in. This way, Lana, you can test them out and see if you can walk in them.”

  A few minutes later, Lana admired herself in the mirror. “Yay, me,” she said, very pleased with herself and the silver sandals. “I’ve walked to the wall and back and haven’t stumbled or fallen over. And wow, look at my legs.”

  “Very sexy.” Kate grinned. “If I were you, I’d wear them tomorrow night.”

  Dani’s eyes widened. “You have a date tomorrow night! Who with?”

  Lana glared at Kate. Her friend shrugged. “Hey, I didn’t say anything.”

  “It’s not an actual date,” Lana explained. “Sly and I—”

  “You and my brother are finally going out? Score!”

  “I repeat, it isn’t a date,” Lana stated firmly. “We’re getting together to talk—that’s all.”

  “Sounds like a date to me.” Dani looked like the cat who’d swallowed the canary. “You should definitely wear those sandals.”

  Lana itched to tell her about the pregnancy, but she’d given Sly her word. Things between them were precarious enough without her breaking her promise. She rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll buy them. But it isn’t a date.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Wishing she could relax with a glass of wine instead of making due with sparkling water, Lana sat across the table from Sly at an Italian restaurant on the outskirts of town. The out-of-the-way eatery was packed, and diners filled every table. Carpeting and acoustic ceiling tiles muted the noise level, and dim lighting, linen tablecloths and generous spacing between the tables added an air of privacy. Sly had chosen the perfect place for them to talk over dinner.

  Lana was glad she’d dressed up in a silk sheath and, yes, the new silver sandals. Sly had also dressed up. In dark pants, a pressed shirt and tie, he was movie-star handsome. But then, he also looked great in jeans and a T-shirt.

  “I’ve never eaten here before,” she said. “How did you find this place?”

  “A couple years ago, I stopped here for lunch on the way home from a cattle auction. The owner’s mother makes the pasta from scratch using old family recipes. I think you’ll like it.”

  Lana was already salivating. “I’m sure I will.”

  “I also figured that way out here in the boonies, there’s less of a chance we’ll run into family.”

  He’d thought of everything. On the forty-minute drive here, they’d made small talk. Lana had shared that Dani had assumed they were on a date tonight, which had caused some muttering. Then she’d updated Sly on her phone call with Sophie and shared a funny story about one of the kids at the day care, a boy who’d pretended he was a dog all week, barking and crawling around.

  “Does he have mental problems?” Sly asked.

  Lana shook her head. “He’s fine, just quirky. Some kids are.”

  “I once had a dog who believed he was a person,” Sly commented, his lips curling into a smile. “He was quirky, too.”

  He told Lana about a run-in with a coyote and the family of meadowlarks that had hatched in his backyard.

  It was a conversation any couple on a date might have. Except this wasn’t a date. They were here to talk about the baby—or so Lana thought. Waiting for the real conversation was nerve-racking. But she wanted to give Sly the space he deserved.

  Meanwhile, doubts ate at her. What if he wanted nothing to do with her or their child? She felt an anxiety that all but killed her appetite. But if that was the case, she doubted they’d be sitting in this nice restaurant, having a nondate.

  The waiter delivered the salads.

  “Remember, we’re going Dutch treat,” she reminded Sly as they reached for their forks.

  He nodded.

  “I haven’t heard lately—what’s happening with the lawsuit?” she asked, wanting to know.

  “Not a damn thing.” He snorted in frustration.

  “What’s taking so long?”

  “Your cousin. He’s stalling. My attorney is doing what he can, but I’m about out of patience.”

  “Cousin Tim is about as easy to budge as a boulder,” Lana said.

  “On that, we both agree.”

  A short while later, the waiter removed their salad plates and placed their dinner in front of them. “I don’t want to talk about the lawsuit anymore,” Sly said. “I want to enjoy this meal.”

  Throughout the delicious main course, Sly steered the conversation away from serious matters and kept things light and easy. Despite the amazing food, Lana’s frustration level grew until she wanted to scream. Why wouldn’t he get to the point?

  Finally, the waiter cleared their plates. “Dessert?” he asked.

  Lana shook her head, but Sly ordered coffee, tiramisu and two forks.

  When the dessert arrived, Sly nudged the plate between them. “Half of this is yours.”

  “I’m too nervous, Sly.” And too impatient to wait one more second. “I feel like there’s an elephant in the room. You invited me to dinner to talk and I’ve been giving you space to bring up our situation when you’re ready, and I’m frustrated.”

  With a somber expression, he set down his fork. “I was planning to wait until after the meal, but if you’d rather talk now, it’s okay by me. I made a decision about the baby.” He paused, his steady gaze revealing little.

  If only Lana could read his mind. He claimed that he didn’t want to abandon their child, but for all she knew, his idea of sticking around could be to offer monetary support and nothing more.

  Aware of how he felt about having a child, she assumed that had to be it. Disappointed, but determined not to let on, Lana widened her eyes. “What did you decide?”

  “I want to be part of his life.”

  She was surprised, and so relieved she sagged in her seat.

  His expression confused, Sly scrutinized her. “You’re not happy about that.”

  “Just the opposite. I’m so glad our baby will have the chance to get to know his or her daddy. What do you have in mind?”

  “I’m still working on that, but for starters, I’ll go with you to your next doctor’s appointment. If the offer is still open.”

  “It is. It’s going to be a very special appointment. We’ll get to hear the baby’s heartbeat.”

  Sly didn’t exactly seem excited, but at least he’d agreed to be there. It was a beginning, and Lana decided she’d do whatever she could to encourage him.

  “What time should I pick you up?” he said.

  “Since I’ll be coming straight from work, it’ll be easier if we meet at the clinic.”

  He nodded. “Give me the details and I’ll be there.”

  Lana gave him the information, then picked up her fork. “Now I’m ready to eat some of that tiramisu.”

  * * *

  “WE WERE SUPPOSED to split the bill,” Lana said as Sly pulled onto the highway and headed toward her place. “You should have let me pay my share.”

  Despite her words, she didn’t seem too upset that he’d insisted on paying. The truth was, she hadn’t stopped smiling since he’d announced he wanted to be part of the baby’s life.

  His chest was full and warm. Maybe he didn’t want a kid, but he felt good that his decision had made her happy. He wasn’t about to analyze why that was so important. It just wa

  Darkness had fallen, but in the faint light of the dash he caught that soft smile. Desire slammed into him. If not for the truck’s bucket seats, he’d have pulled Lana close and snuggled her against his side.

  But that wasn’t what tonight was about, and if he was smart, he’d spend the rest of the evening pissed off at her cousin or thinking about how being a father would mess with his life. Or anything to keep his mind off sex.

  Unfortunately, his body wasn’t cooperating. It wanted other things—specifically, to get nice and close to Lana. Fighting the hunger wasn’t easy, but Sly was damned if he’d give in.

  “You pay next time,” he said.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  They were both quiet, until out of the blue she turned to him. “You’ll make a great father, Sly. I know it.”

  He wasn’t at all sure of that, but since he was going to be a father regardless, he intended to do much better with this kid than he had with Seth.

  “When are you breaking the news to your family?” he asked.

  The smile he so liked disappeared. “Probably after the next doctor’s appointment.”

  It was as clear as day that she wasn’t looking forward to that.

  For the rest of the drive, they rode along in comfortable silence while the radio spit out a steady stream of rock ’n’ roll and country-and-western songs.

  When Sly stole a glance at Lana sometime later, he saw that she’d fallen asleep. He lowered the radio volume. At last, he pulled up in front of her town house and shut off the truck.

  Reluctantly he woke her. “Lana, honey, we’re here.”

  “Hmm?” She yawned and stretched, then smiled at him, her eyes unfocused and drowsy. “I guess I fell asleep. It’s the pregnancy—I’m always tired.” She frowned at the front of her dress. “I must have spilled something on myself.”

  The tender feelings that stirred in Sly’s chest were new to him and difficult to understand. He gave her a goofy smile and blurted the first thing that came to mind. “That’s just a little slobber. You slept with your mouth hanging open.”

  “I didn’t. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “You looked cute.”

  For a moment he lost himself in her warm eyes, forgetting where he was and what he was doing. All that mattered was being here with Lana.

  That worried him on several levels. He didn’t like his strong feelings and didn’t want her to get the wrong idea and assume he was getting serious about her. He wasn’t.

  Sly was wondering how fast he could make an exit without being a jerk when the raw desire on her face stopped him.

  Fresh hunger roared through him. No, not fresh. His desire for Lana was a constant simmer inside him. It had just flared up. He’d never wanted a woman so much.

  He glanced away, grateful for the lights around the town-house complex and for the people still outside after ten at night. They had no idea how bad he needed chaperoning.

  “Thanks for everything, Sly,” she said. “For your decision to be a part of our baby’s life and for a really great dinner.”

  “Sure,” he said, once again all warm in his chest. “I’ll walk you to your door.”

  “Don’t bother. It’s only twenty feet away, and you see all the neighbors out and about. Besides, this isn’t a date, remember?”

  The manners his parents had once taught him wouldn’t allow that. “I don’t care what it is,” he said. “I’m walking you to your door.”

  “Stubborn cowboy.” She let out a soft laugh. “All right, walk me if you must.”

  By the time he rounded the truck and reached the passenger side, Lana was standing beside it, waiting for him. Her dress clung to her curves and showed a good length of leg. Her skimpy little sandals made her legs seem impossibly long.

  Sly itched to run his hands up her calves and thighs. All the way up...

  Hardly aware of what he was doing, he slipped his arm around her and shortened his stride so that his steps matched hers.

  It was a warm night and her silk dress had tiny sleeves that barely covered her shoulders. Her skin was smooth under his hand, and the faint scent of lavender he’d come to associate with Lana filled his senses.

  His whole body tightened. If not for the unsuspecting chaperones all around, he would have stopped right here, pulled her to him and kissed her until they were both out of their minds.

  Stepping onto her little concrete slab of a porch, she faced him. “This was the best nondate I’ve ever had.”

  “You go on a lot of those, do you?” he said, his lips twitching.

  Laughing, she placed her hand on her barely rounded stomach for a nanosecond. It was long enough to draw Sly’s attention.

  He sobered. “You touched your belly a lot tonight. Does it hurt?”

  “Not at all. I’m hardly aware that I’m doing it. I just— It’s because I’m growing a baby, and I still can’t quite believe it.”

  The joy on her face was something to see. “May I touch?” he asked.

  Her smile broadened. “Sure, but you won’t feel anything yet. It’s too early. We should probably go inside first. Lord knows what the neighbors might think if they notice your hand on my stomach.”

  Sly told himself to remain outside, where they were both safe. But when she unlocked the door, he followed her inside.

  She stopped in the entry and turned to him. “Now you can touch me.”

  He gently placed his palm against her stomach. Her silk dress was thin, and through it he touched her navel and her warmth. Maybe he didn’t feel the baby, but he felt plenty. He was lit up from the inside out. Not the same kind of heat as sexual desire. This was different.

  “You’re right—I don’t notice anything different,” he said, his voice husky from his tender emotions. “You sure don’t have much of a belly yet.”

  “Even after all the food I ate tonight?” Lana laughed again. “Actually, I have grown a little. That’s why I’m wearing a dress without a waist. Some of my skirts and pants are already too tight to button. In another month, this pregnancy will be obvious. Just wait and see.”

  His hand was still on her belly. He realized that he couldn’t feel the elastic band of her panties. Maybe she was wearing bikini panties. Or maybe...

  Sweet Jesus, was she naked under there?

  “I don’t want to wait for anything.” Forgetting that he should keep his distance, he cupped her behind. He didn’t find elastic there either, just warm, soft flesh. “Are you wearing panties tonight? Because I sure don’t feel any.”

  “It’s a thong. That way, you don’t notice a panty line through the dress.”

  He growled softly. “Yeah?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Her pupils dilated and her lips parted in the signal he’d been waiting for.

  “You drive me crazy, you know that?”

  She started to say something, but before she could, he pulled her hard against his body and kissed her.

  * * *

  THE SPICY SCENT of Sly’s aftershave filled Lana’s senses and his shoulder muscles bunched under her hands. Her heart thudded so loudly, she was sure he and the entire neighborhood could hear it. Then he kissed her and everything else faded away.

  Home. She was home.

  All too soon, the kiss ended. He touched his forehead to hers. “I’ve missed this.”

  The silver flecks in his hot eyes seemed to glow with heat. After weeks of wanting him, Lana was in no mood to stop now. Eager to melt into another kiss, she tightened her arms around his neck. “Come back here, cowboy, and do that again.”

  Sly groaned and kissed her with a fierce need she felt clear to her toes. He slid his tongue across hers. He tasted of coffee and tiramisu and passion. Between her legs she grew damp and aching for him. She tried to hook her leg arou
nd his thigh but her dress was too tight. Stepping out of her sandals, she stood on his boots so that she could fit her body to his. With a sound of pure male satisfaction, he walked her backward toward the sofa. Thigh to thigh, hip to hip, his body hard in all the right places.

  They sank onto the sofa, glued so tightly together they may as well have been one person. Only their clothing prevented them from joining fully. Several long, heated kisses later, Sly slid his hands to her breasts. Lana nearly moaned in relief.

  He started to cup her through her dress, then hesitated. “Are you still sore?”

  “Not so much.” She pressed her palms to his hands, showing him what she wanted.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  She nodded. “That feels... Yes.”

  While his skilled fingers delivered dizzying pleasure to her breasts, he kissed her neck. Somehow her skirt got hiked up and one amazing hand traveled up the inside of her bare thigh. Lana’s muscles became mush, and she was glad she was sitting down.

  “You have the softest skin,” he murmured as his warm hand slid toward the part of her that most wanted his attention.

  Lana caught her breath until finally he breached her thong. It soon disappeared. Then, oh, dear God, he touched her most sensitive spot.

  Moaning in pleasure, she lifted her hips right off the sofa.

  “Your passion turns me on,” Sly said before he caught her in a searing kiss while his fingers drove her toward the brink.

  “Sly,” she gasped against his lips. “If you keep doing that, I—I’m going to...”

  “Climax? That’s good, Lana.”

  “But I...” Whatever she was planning to say faded away. She flew apart.

  When she floated back to earth, he kissed her. “That was beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

  Lana knew better. She was probably a big mess. She smoothed the skirt of her dress down, brushed her hair out of her eyes and glanced at Sly’s pants. His erection was obvious.

  The corners of his mouth lifted. “I’m a guy—I’m used to it. I’d better leave now while I still can.”


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