Empress in Lingerie: Lingerie #5

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Empress in Lingerie: Lingerie #5 Page 15

by Penelope Sky

  Her hostility began to simmer, but it didn’t disappear altogether.

  I kissed her harder, bringing her into the moment with me. I elicited her desires, made her want me again. I swallowed her fear with desire, made her focus on her arousal and the moisture between her legs.

  My hands glided down her body until I found her panties. I pulled them down her long legs as I kissed her, feeling them slide down toward her knees. I broke our kiss so I could move them all the way down. I noticed how perfectly maintained she was down below, which was obviously done for me. If she really didn’t care, she wouldn’t have bothered. But she kept her pussy in perfect shape for my dick and my mouth. I pulled her panties off and spotted the pool of moisture that had settled into her thong.

  And she only had them on for five minutes.

  I looked at her, my face triumphant.

  She closed her knees because that was the only power she had.

  I set the panties aside then undressed. I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped my jeans. My boxers came last, revealing my dark dick and the red tint from all the blood that left my head. I grabbed her panties and wrapped them around my length, smearing her pussy juice all over me.

  I moaned as I slathered myself in it, feeling the slickness and the stickiness.

  Vanessa watched me, her knees slowly falling apart again.

  If she oozed this much into her panties, then her slit must be overflowing.

  For me.

  The man who wanted to kill her.

  Once my cock was covered in her arousal, I tossed her panties aside and moved on top of her.

  She took a deep breath when she felt my weight, and she tugged on the belts, like she might get lucky and they would come free. “Please let me go…” She never begged before, not even for her life when a knife was pressed to her throat. But having her freedom stripped away bothered her on a much deeper level. She was too independent and fiery to be chained down. She was a wild mare, an animal that needed to be free and unsaddled.

  But everything would change with me.

  I pinned my arms behind her knees and opened her wide apart, the perfect position for her small cunt to take my big dick. I loved taking her deep, getting all of my cock inside her, so she could take every drop when I was finished.

  I pressed my crown through her entrance, feeling the squeeze of my girth as I first slid inside. I inched farther in, gently pushing more and more.

  She breathed as she felt me, like she forgot just how big I was in the last three days.

  I pushed until I was balls-deep, and I held myself on top of her, feeling her slickness surround me completely. I pinned her legs back farther, my face just inches from hers. I loved the desire in her eyes as well as the fear.

  She tugged on the belts automatically, like she was trying to touch me rather than get away.

  I moaned in her face, feeling like a king who had just conquered a land and took the queen. She forgot how big I was, and I forgot how amazing her pussy was.

  How the fuck could I forget?

  I started to thrust inside her, to take her perfect pussy with my big dick. I slid through her slickness over and over, all the muscles in my body tightening because every nerve inside me was firing off. Every time I took Vanessa, I took a little more of her. Now I was having all of her, seeing her tied up to the bed and shifting back and forth with my thrusts. Her red pumps were still on, right next to my head.

  So fucking good.

  She breathed with me, her nipples hard and rising toward the ceiling. She enjoyed it, but not the way she usually did. She normally came within the first few minutes, but now it seemed like she might not at all.

  I knew it was because of the belts.

  I pressed my forehead to hers and breathed with her, enjoying myself so much that I didn’t care about her discomfort. This woman was my prisoner, my slave. I could do whatever I wanted because I owned her.

  But I wanted to make her come. I loved watching her give in to her carnal needs, loved watching her give up the fight because my cock felt so good. So I gave her what she needed. I kissed her softly, my lips moving with hers in the way she liked. She liked my hard kisses, but the one she loved most were the soft ones, the kind that were more sensual than aggressive. I kept moving inside her, kissing her like a man kissed the woman he loved.

  Fuck, it felt so good.

  Her pussy felt even better now. When my mouth was on hers, I got a little stiffer. Our tongues moved together, and my chest tightened in ecstasy. I breathed into her mouth, and she reciprocated. She stopped pulling on the belts and concentrated on me.

  It’d been days since I had this pussy, but it felt like months. I wanted to come, to dump my seed inside her and feel it spill out onto the bed. But I restrained myself like every man should, making sure I finished last.

  Real men finished last.

  Thankfully, her lips started to quiver, and she moved her hips with me, taking my cock faster because she wanted to be pushed into a blinding orgasm. She missed me when we were apart. There was no doubt about that. I expected sex in the morning and at night, and her body did the same—even if her parents were in the same house.

  She started to breathe harder, panting as the explosion ruptured between her legs. She came with a whimper, the orgasm so good it sounded like she was crying. She was particularly tight around my dick, flooding me with pussy juice and cream.

  “Fuck, baby.” I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to make her come again before I released, but when her cunt felt this good, that wasn’t possible. I had the rest of the night to catch up on sex, so I released with a final thrust, stuffing her with as much come as possible. I filled her to the brim, moaning uncontrollably as I hit my trigger.

  So damn good.

  She finished her orgasm when I finished mine because hers seemed to last a lot longer. Feeling my cock twitch before it released must have fired her up a little more. She looked up into my face with a flushed expression, clearly satisfied by how I just made her feel.

  I didn’t pull my cock out even though it began to soften. I kept it in there, feeling my come slide past as my size became smaller. I was staying in that same position all night, filling her tight pussy over and over.

  Once we were caught up, I’d let her go.

  I kissed her again, our tongues moving together as our breath filled each other’s mouth. It was the intermission between the pleasure and the beginning of the next orgasm. Less than a few minutes later, I was hard again.

  She broke our kiss. “Let me go…”

  I thought I finally got her mind off that. “You’re a prisoner. Prisoners wear chains.”

  “A powerful man doesn’t need chains,” she whispered. “His authority is enough.”

  I’d said something similar to her when we first met. Now she was throwing it back at me, trying to manipulate me. “Why do you want me to let you go?” I hadn’t hurt her. I’d just overridden her, used her.

  She held my gaze in silence, like she didn’t want to answer me. She didn’t want to admit she hated not having control, even though we both already knew that. Unless there was something else she wasn’t sharing with me.

  “Why?” I repeated.

  “Because…I want to touch you.” She spoke with shame written all over her face, and that was how I knew it was sincere. She hated herself for saying it out loud, but she wanted it bad enough to admit the truth.

  “Where do you want to touch me?”

  Disappointment filled her eyes at the question. “The back of your neck…your shoulders…your chest.”

  My dick was at full attention, and I started to thrust into her again. “I’m going to tie you up a lot, baby. You should get used to it.”

  “Why restrict me when I want to feel you? Why stop a woman from fucking you?”

  I shoved myself completely inside her and felt my moan vibrate in my neck. “Because I’m the one who does the fucking, baby.” I started to thrust into her, and this time, I fucke
d her a lot harder than last time. I sank her into the mattress and fucked her at full speed, giving it to her so deep and so hard.

  And she took it.

  When I released the belts from her wrists, she immediately moved away and massaged the irritated parts of her arms. They were chafed in some areas because she had them on for a few hours. She dropped the red bra she was wearing and then grabbed a t-shirt from her drawer. She didn’t turn to look at me.

  I knew she was pissed at me.

  “You aren’t sleeping here tonight.” She ran her fingers through her hair then looked back at me. “I mean it, Bones.”

  I lay against her headboard, naked and comfortable. It was almost midnight, and I had no intention of going anywhere. She couldn’t make me if she tried. If she went for her gun, she would learn that it was empty.

  And then she’d be in deep shit.

  I stared at her in silence, telling her I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Go,” she commanded. “Put your clothes on and leave.”

  “I’m not deaf,” I said quietly. “You can stop repeating yourself.”

  “Then why aren’t you moving?”

  “Because I don’t give a shit what you want. I’m staying here as long as I wish. Get over it.”

  “Get over it?” she hissed. She put both hands on her hips, her t-shirt covering her panties because it reached down to her thighs. “No, I won’t get over it. I put up with a lot from you, but I don’t feel like putting up with you right now.” She stormed out of the bedroom and shut the door behind her.

  I stayed still, wondering if she would grab the gun and come back. But all I heard was the sound of her making up the couch, getting it ready with a pillow and a blanket so she could sleep somewhere else.

  I could just ignore her protest and keep the entire bed for myself.

  But I didn’t like her defiance.

  And a part of me actually felt bad for making her so angry.

  I pulled on my boxers then walked into the living room. She was lying in the dark, pulled into a small ball on the couch. She had two blankets on her to stay warm, but that was still nothing compared to my body heat.

  She knew I was there, but she kept her eyes closed.

  I moved to the floor and leaned back against the couch, my face close to hers. I could hear every single breath she took. I noticed the way her breathing increased, obviously aware of my proximity. “You’ll freeze out here.”

  “I’d rather freeze out here than lie with you.”

  I stared at her window, the curtains drawn shut. Only the light from the kitchen illuminated the front of her apartment. “You came, so I don’t understand why you’re so angry. I’ve done worse things than tie you up. Doesn’t make sense for you to get so worked up over that.”

  “You crossed a line, and you know it. I said no.”

  “No means nothing to me.” I sat on the floor of her apartment, the cold temperature not bothering me in the least. I thrived in the cold. The summer was the time of year I despised most.

  “That’s a lie.”

  “You don’t know me very well.”

  “I know you better than you think, Bones. This situation has been difficult for me, and I’ve cooperated. But I don’t want to be tied up again. I hate the way it feels. I hate being restrained. It makes me feel lost.”

  “Then why did you come?” I countered.

  “Because you made me…”

  I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Tell me you won’t do it again.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Bones,” she said forcefully. “I’ve made my wishes clear, and you will honor them. This is something I’ll fight you over forever.”

  “Did it ever occur to you that I like it when you fight?” I asked coldly. “That I like it when you suffer? I want you to be scared. It gets me hard, baby. That’s the kind of guy I am.”

  “You’re more than that.”

  I scoffed because her statement was stupid.

  “I don’t disagree with your statement. I just think you have more potential than that. I don’t believe you’re as evil as you say you are.”

  I shook my head. “Then you’re dumber than I thought…which is a huge disappointment.”


  I wouldn’t look at her.

  “Bones,” she repeated, this time with more emphasis.

  I sighed before I turned my head to look at her.

  She propped herself on her elbow so we could be eye to eye. “I don’t like it, and I don’t want you to do it anymore. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you.” She held my gaze with authority, holding on to whatever power she had left. She stared at me without shaking, making a request that she had no right to make.

  Why did I even listen to her? Why did I walk out of the bedroom and join her in the living room? Why was my ass sitting on the floor when she should be the one at my feet? There was something about this woman that forced me to a have a little humanity…something I didn’t think I was capable of. “Pick your battles wisely, baby. You’ve won this fight, but I won’t be accommodating for the next one.”

  Relief shone in her eyes, and she released the breath she was holding. “I shouldn’t have to say this but…thank you.”

  I turned my head forward again. “Why is this so important to you? What am I missing?”

  “It just…nothing.”

  I turned my gaze back to her, holding on to the last word she spoke. “It’s not nothing. Tell me.”

  “If a woman is bound…it feels like rape. But if she’s not…then it’s consensual. I feel like I don’t have any rights or any decision in the matter. Something is being done to me. And it makes me think of what my mother must have gone through…because she never would have stopped fighting…” Moisture coated her eyes instantly, the tears appearing from nowhere. “She must have been tied up and…” She closed her eyes, but the tears escaped from underneath her eyelids and streaked down her face.

  I felt like shit.

  It was the first time I really felt that way.

  It was the first time I felt like I did something wrong.

  It was the first time I cared.

  That I actually felt something close to guilt and empathy. I couldn’t bring myself to apologize, but now I wanted to give her what she wanted. I didn’t want her to feel that way, to ever feel like I was doing what my father did to her mother.

  I turned my body into the couch and cupped her face. My thumbs brushed away her tears before my fingers glided into her hair, comforting her the only way I knew how. My face moved into hers, and I brushed away the remaining moisture with my lips. “Baby…” I scooted my arms underneath her and carried her into the bedroom where she belonged. Her arms immediately wrapped around my neck, and she pressed her face into my shoulder.

  I put her in bed and got her under the covers before I lay beside her. This time, she didn’t push me away. She moved into my chest and snuggled with me like she did every other night. She pushed me away just minutes ago, but now she held on to me like she needed me.

  My fingers moved through her hair, gently caressing her.

  “Why didn’t you do it?” she whispered.

  I knew what she was asking even though it was ambiguous. When she first became my prisoner, she expected me to rape her. I probably would have if my father had never done it to her mother. It seemed wrong to me, so that was a line I never crossed. I’d kill people and torture them, but forcing a woman against her will seemed wrong, even if it turned me on. My mother was a whore, and men used her for her body. Why would I want to be another asshole like that? I already was an asshole, but that was a different level. “I knew my father did that to your mother…so it felt wrong to do that to you. I have nothing because of what your parents did to my family, but I won’t pretend that my father’s actions were okay. I wanted to make up for his mistake by not doing it with you…so we’re even.”

  She held her breath after I finished speaking, like she w
as replaying my words in her mind again. Her fingertips lightly dragged down my chest and stomach, and when she breathed again, she seemed to be back to normal. “Thank you…”

  “I didn’t do it for you. I just want to right the wrong…that way I have every right to destroy your family.” I said the words as I held her, held this Barsetti in my arms. My fingers stroked her hair, and I lay in bed with her, our naked bodies intertwined together.

  “So you won’t tie me up again?” She didn’t seem surprised that my vendetta was still as alive as ever. But that was probably because she intended to kill me with that gun she brought home.

  If she fired that gun, I wasn’t sure what I would do in retaliation. I may have to beat her senseless to punish her. Or I may have to kill her. There would need to be some kind of punishment for her ill-advised decision.

  I just wasn’t sure what it was yet.


  She gripped me harder and moved farther onto my chest. Now she was all over me, treating me like a lover rather than a master. “Promise?”

  “I told you men like me don’t make promises.”

  “But you make promises to me…”

  I tilted her chin up to look at me, and I kissed her softly on the mouth. “Yes…I promise.”



  I walked into the bathroom and found Bones standing at the sink with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was brushing his teeth.

  With my toothbrush.

  “That is so disgusting.”

  He kept brushing his teeth, but he wore an arrogant expression in his eyes. He stared at me in the reflection, all the muscles of his body tightening and shifting as he moved around. The muscles in his forearms shifted like piano keys as he scrubbed his teeth. He finished what he was doing then spit in the sink. “I like disgusting.”

  I slept like a rock last night. While I stayed with my parents, my sleep was just okay. And it wasn’t because I was up late at night with too much wine in my belly. I knew it was because I’d gotten used to sleeping on his warm and hard chest. I felt like a cat that loved to feel his owner’s heartbeat underneath his paws. I was scared of this man, but when I was with him, I knew nothing else could ever happen to me.


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