With a dirty leer, Luz spun around and straddled Filo’s chest, giving him a spectacular view of his ass. “Let’s see if this helps.”
Filo could feel the new suction down his length. The noisy, sloppy sucking was obscene and he reached up and squeezed each of Luz’s buttocks to voice his approval. It was enough distraction to keep him under control. Barely.
Luz’s hard cock lay in the valley between the halves of his chest. Given their height discrepancy, the best he could manage was a strained lick to the underside of Luz’s sac, but since he was doing his best to impale his throat on Filo’s dick, he didn’t want to interrupt him. The Claus Day lights banished any shadow, showing off the full balls resting on his collarbone, and when he pried those luscious haunches apart, he swore the tiny opening beckoned to him. If only he could bury his face and drill the tender ring. The distance frustrated him yet sparked his creativity.
Reaching out he found the compartment along the side of the couch where he kept a few supplies stored, doing his best not to disturb Luz’s suckling. By touch he found the vial he hadn’t seen since Luz’s arrival. It was still half full in spite of the number of nights in front of this monitor polishing himself to his favorite smut.
Or it had been his favorite smut until Luz gave him this most excellent show.
After flipping open the top with one hand, he drizzled a thread of oil over the tight rosebud and rubbed it in with the pad of his thumb. Luz shuddered. Filo stroked the opening, feeling the muscle give way as he fed it more pressure and more slick. He dipped in a finger, and Luz moaned with his mouth full. Before long, Filo had worked in two, then three fingers, curling them deep to find the hidden trigger.
Luz nearly screamed when he found it, bucking back on his fingers for more. Buttocks quivering, he humped Filo’s chest as he sought what he needed. Filo pumped and stretched his hole while Luz’s moans became wilder. He’d stopped sucking, only holding Filo’s cock in his mouth as he rutted. Arm around Luz’s waist, Filo held him there as Luz’s tremors grew. Raising his head, he chewed at Luz’s taint and felt his ass tighten.
Luz wailed around Filo’s cock as his whole body spasmed. Each pulse could be felt against his mouth as Luz unloaded gush after gush between them, wetting Filo’s chest hair. He kept stroking Luz’s channel until the quake subsided.
Taking care to extract himself, Filo rolled Luz to the floor, ignoring the cooling seed soaking his furry pecs. Crawling over Luz, he was careful to let him catch his breath. Luz looked completely fucked, and Filo was filled with pride. With a chuckle, he dropped a soft kiss on Luz’s gasping mouth.
“Holy shit. That was over a lot faster than I planned.”
Filo rubbed their cocks together, noting how Luz’s hadn’t lost its firmness. “We’re not done yet.”
“You’re damn right we’re not done yet.”
Luz leaned up, running his tongue along Filo’s neck until he found his mouth. Before the kiss could drift into a new frenzy, he pulled back. “This may not be the best time to ask, but when the next ship comes, is there any chance I can stay?”
Filo stared down at Luz, stunned. “You’d stay with me?”
“At least until the next ship. Maybe longer. We can figure out if we can stand each other for the long haul. I thought we’ve done all right so far. So what d’ya say?”
Words halted, frozen in Filo’s throat. His mouth wouldn’t form the sounds, so he kissed Luz with everything he had, nodding like the happy fool he was. Eyes glassy, he gazed into Luz’s, finding everything he’d ever asked for. Luz raised his legs and settled them around Filo’s hips. With a tiny shift, Filo found the wet pucker with his aching meat. Curling his hips, he sank into the slippery heat and spent the night showing Luz all the things he couldn’t articulate out loud.
HIS LEGS had never been so shaky, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Only a single string of lights gave a sultry glow to the bedroom, allowing him to see without the harsh glare of the installed lamps. Ducking into the bathroom, Filo peered over his shoulder. Luz slept like the dead, cocooned waist-high in the sheets, face-first in the pillow. It wasn’t surprising. Filo had lost count of how many times they’d coupled, and he wasn’t sure it was important to know. The mirror, however, told a raunchy tale of their exploits.
Dried sweat left a dirty sheen to his skin. Flaky patches of semen littered his beard, chest, and groin as well as a few stray shots in other areas. The worthwhile exhaustion in his face was as easy to see as his satisfaction. Common sense told him to shower, but he declined for now. He liked the evidence of Luz’s passion on him after three frustrating months. Two sets of heady scents mingled together, pungent and virile. The last thing he wanted was for any of it to fade.
And the risk of it disappearing was the underlying fear, wasn’t it?
Loneliness, depression, hallucinations, and delusions.
Everything about Luz was the flawless maintenance to every faulty circuit board in his life. It ended the isolation and brought out the best parts of him. He showed him the unrestrained joy of a holiday. A Claus Day miracle. Life could be good with Luz, and the sexy man wanted him—no, craved him—if the musky fluids staining his body were any proof.
It was all so flawless. Why were there doubts?
Opening the cabinet, the blister packs of dyeniproxinol taunted him. Rows of Company-approved mental health continued to sit untouched since several days before Luz arrived. Stopping his regimen couldn’t have created a life full of blissful fiction in such a short period. Could it?
Hallucinations and delusions.
He picked up one sheet and rolled it in his fingers. Printed text reminded him of the dosage schedule: one tablet per day.
Their world was good now, but it wasn’t effortless. They struggled to find each other. Agonized over unrequited attraction on both sides. If Luz hadn’t found the courage, they might never have learned how to communicate, to tear down their boundaries. Filo might never have found his miracle.
Although, in a world of corporate tech and binary code, miracles weren’t quantifiable.
Filo’s hand began to tremble and his pulse quickened. It would be easy enough. One pill would put any lingering doubts to rest.
A soft sound drew his attention behind him. Snuffling into the pillow, Luz rolled and kicked, dragging the sheet down far enough to expose the enticing spheres of his backside. The sight caused memories of carnal hours and feverish enthusiasm to replay in his head. One sentence echoed in the back of his mind, smothering his traitorous mind.
“…when the next ship comes, is there any chance I can stay?”
It was everything he ever had or ever could ask.
Back and forth, he glanced at the meds in his hand, and the man in his bed. Over and over. Making sure he was doing the right thing. Standing on the cusp.
Luz began to murmur, breathy and incoherent.
“…Mmm… Filo… love you… mmhmm….”
Scooping up the entire lot, he chucked every card of corporate-grade pharmaceuticals into the recycle. Back in the bedroom, he climbed in next to his slumbering man, the warmth in his heart swelling beyond his experience. Taking care not to disturb him, Filo draped his arm over Luz and dropped a gossamer kiss to his shoulder. Without waking, Luz shifted in his sleep, rolling and backing up until they were spooned together. This time with nothing between them. A perfect fit. Filo had never been so happy.
Some questions didn’t need to be tested to find the answer.
While spending years more focused on visual arts, J. ALAN VEERKAMP never let go of his innate passion for storytelling, wanting to write and draw comic books when he grew up. Once he discovered M/M fiction, a whole new world opened filled with possibilities. Why couldn’t you have fantastic and dynamic sexy tales with an M/M cast? He started reading the online tales of authors like Night Tempest, Rob Colton, and Alicia Nordwell, which only fueled his need to create. Eventually he found GayAuthors.org, and with a little coercive nudge, started sharing his ta
les with an unexpected level of positive response. The experience and support gave him the courage to cross his fingers and aim for the world of M/M publishing.
Born and raised in Michigan, J. Alan continues to type away, wishing it was practical to use a noisy old-fashioned keyboard that clacks with each strike, if only to annoy his loving partner and spoiled miniature dachshund.
Blog: jalanveerkamp.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jalanveerkamp
Twitter: @jalanveerkamp
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jalanveerkamp
By J. Alan Veerkamp
Salvaging Claus Day
Published by
5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Salvaging Claus Day
© 2017 J. Alan Veerkamp.
Cover Art
© 2017 Paul Richmond.
Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.
All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA, or www.dreamspinnerpress.com.
Digital ISBN: 978-1-64080-292-6
Published December 2017
v. 1.0
Printed in the United States of America
Salvaging Claus Day Page 4