Expedition (Galactic Neighborhood Book 1)

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Expedition (Galactic Neighborhood Book 1) Page 14

by Alexander Elliott


  An emergency drone from the Poseidon appeared in Pacifica space less than three hours after their departure. When the message was received, including scan data and visual records, shock and grief hit them like a sledgehammer. Setting it all aside, Expedition, escorted by two Sentinels, appeared in lunar orbit within the hour to begin the rescue effort. All available medical personnel were brought on board and were busy assessing and treating the survivors.

  Some were strong enough to be moved with a transfer beam, but many others were too fragile. In the end, the critical patients were loaded into stasis chambers and transferred back to the waiting ship. Once all the survivors were secure aboard Expedition, the ship returned to Pacifica and began the delicate task of restoring them to health. When Governor Thriss was informed of the tragedy on Earth, she sent Councilor Tholon and her medical team to assist Doctor Crawford in any way possible.

  Poseidon stayed behind for another day while they scoured the moon, Earth, and its orbit for any records or intact satellites which might contain valuable clues. The Sentinels Admiral Perry left behind made the task much easier, and it was because of them the team retrieved electronic records from underground military installations. In their powerful sweeps of the surrounding space, they also located weather and observation satellites among the floating debris in orbit.

  Mosis’ theory of an attack rather than an unfortunate natural occurrence, was further bolstered by the discovered remains of a strange ship which was clearly not made by human hands. Hopefully, when everything was analyzed, they would be able to piece together a clearer picture of what happened and who was behind it. With their work finished here for now, Mosis recalled the Sentinels and returned home.


  The influx of colonists presented something of a challenge, especially since the new medical facility was not yet finished. Instead, one of the spacious warehouses on Zeta was hastily converted into a makeshift hospital. It was here the unneeded stasis chambers removed from Expedition were temporarily stored. Due to a shortage of skilled personnel, they had not yet been dismantled, much to the relief of the combined medical team. No one imagined they would be so desperately needed.

  The most critical patients remained in stasis for the majority of their treatment, while the others were provided beds nearby. Slowly, as they healed, they were told about Expedition’s journey, their discovery of the Vingah and Lydokk, and the new colony here on Pacifica. It was a lot to absorb, especially considering their dreadful physical condition. Some, whose spirits and minds were broken, eventually returned to stasis and were treated within the virtual world which the crew shared aboard ship. There they were carefully monitored, counseled, and allowed to heal at their own pace.

  Most of the survivors were in their fifties and sixties, but all were in such terrible condition they looked and acted much older. After treating their obvious physical ailments, each were given the nanotech regeneration therapy, leaving them young and healthy. With new leases on life, they were provided homes and allowed to select a suitable career path which would benefit the colony.

  Some vowed never to venture into space again, and chose to pursue a wide range of occupations, from medicine to agriculture. Others were encouraged to join the growing PSF as pilots, engineers, or administrators. A smaller group of undecideds were assigned to the crèche, where they would help care for the babies who were soon to be born.

  While the medical staff was busy caring for the survivors, Admiral Perry took initial steps to secure and restore the Earth. A new fleet of Sentinels was created to help protect the planet, restore its ecological balance, and clean up the surrounding space. The goal was to eventually establish a colony on Earth sometime in the distant future.

  Meanwhile, Mosis was tasked with sifting through the gathered evidence. The alien ship was thoroughly studied and thought to be a small scout vessel. Little was learned of its makers, but the visual records showed an entire fleet of alien ships escorting the assembly of asteroids, aiming them towards Earth, and then quickly disappearing. This hostile force could return one day, and if they did, Perry was determined to protect the Earth and monitor the Sol system for intruders.


  As Mosis needed no sleep, he often spent his evenings responding to requests for information, research or personal correspondence. Tonight, he opened a message from the salvage team who was sifting through the various records removed from the lunar base. Apparently, one of the survivors had been hastily entrusted with an extensive history of the Earth. Once the team discovered how to access it, they realized its value, and downloaded the entire archive into the Pacifica data nets.

  Of particular interest to Mosis, were the five hundred years of history following their own departure from Earth. On a whim, he searched for records of Expedition and settled in to read the accounts. Several cross references were noted in the text, and when he looked them up, it became clear this information was of much higher importance than anyone realized. Though it was late, he knew Admiral Perry would still be awake. The man often spent his evenings with a good book, and though Mosis loathed to interrupt him, he knew it was for a very good reason.

  He punched in the Admiral’s code and received a prompt response, Perry’s curious face filling the view screen.

  “Good evening, Mosis. How may I help you?”

  Mosis launched into a brief explanation, and then dropped the bomb.

  “We weren’t the only colony ship, Admiral. In 2152 the Odyssey left Earth on a similar mission, and in 2198 the Exploration was launched. Both were sent off in different directions than we were, but we all had the same mission of establishing a human colony on an Earthlike planet. From what I learned so far, the three ships were almost identical, and shared the same tech base. I believe this information requires a response, Sir.”

  Perry quirked an eyebrow and leaned in toward the pickup.

  “I have known you far too long, my friend, to believe for one instant you have not already formed a plan. My instincts tell me we should send buoys out to search for them, but it’s a very big universe, Mosis, so our chances of success are slim. Nevertheless, we would be remiss in our moral obligations if we did nothing. Send me a formal proposal, and route a copy to the Chancellor for good measure. You are to be commended, Captain. I hope someday to discover we are not the only representatives of the human race in the galaxy after all.”


  Perry waited patiently on a bench facing the small waterfall which gurgled and splashed quietly before flowing into a small stream which meandered through the botanical garden. This was his favorite part of the Vingah embassy here on Pacifica, and he particularly enjoyed the riotous bursts of color from the native Khrusallis plant life cultivated here. The garden was a small part of the huge dome which encompassed the embassy complex. It provided a controlled environment and plenty of room to fly, as well as housing and meeting areas. Jet outdid himself in creating such a lovely space for the visiting Vingah, and they were very fond of their home away from home.

  Perry looked up as Thriss approached, recognizing the beautiful color patterns of her outstretched wings. She asked to see him before returning to Khrusallis, and he was looking forward to visiting with her. She landed gently and extended her mid-limbs in greeting.

  It is good to see you again, Admiral. This is a fine day on Pacifica, and your people are most fortunate. I do not believe I ever told you we were very fond of this planet. If the gravity were more suitable, we would have chosen it as our new home.

  “Good afternoon, Thriss. I suspect you would have been very happy here under other circumstances, but we are grateful you found it for us. I apologize we could not meet earlier in your visit. Much of my time lately is spent overseeing our new spaceport, and I am often aboard ship for days at a time.”

  The two began a leisurely walk through the garden as they spoke.

  No apologies are necessary. The demands on my time are equally burdensome, but I was determ
ined to see you before returning to Khrusallis. The Council wishes me to extend our compliments on the wonderful progress you have made here. We are also most grateful for the cooperation of your people in securing both of our systems against an outside threat.

  The Vingah, as you know, are a peaceful people, and we are unaccustomed to thinking in such terms. Our shared experience with the Lydokk, the sea dwellers in your ocean, and the attack upon your home world have convinced us your focus on security is not an overreaction - as some of our people initially suggested. Though we eschew living and working in space, we would value a partnership with the PSF to further enhance the security of Khrusallis.

  “Much of what we have accomplished here is due to the generosity and commitment of the Vingah people. Anything which draws us together will ultimately benefit both of our worlds. I would be delighted to entertain your proposals, and can think of several areas which would benefit from a closer partnership.

  You are most generous, Admiral. I will instruct Councilor Threen to contact you when I return home.

  There is another matter I wish to discuss with you. When word of Earth’s destruction reached me, I was deeply troubled. Indeed, all our people keenly felt your overwhelming loss. Among other things, our two peoples now have this in common as well. We, at least, had time to prepare for the end of our home world, whereas you were caught unawares.

  “Thank you for your concern, Thriss. Though we never originally planned to see the Earth again, we were looking forward to reestablishing ties and sharing what we have learned over the years. We always took comfort from the thought that even though we were far away, the Earth would continue as the very foundation of our kind. We were dismayed to find ourselves truly alone in the universe, with our entire history wiped out by an unseen enemy. It is our hope to eventually colonize many worlds, and ensure the continuation of the human race, just as the makers of Expedition intended.”

  If we may be of any assistance, you have only to ask. Our people are also in the planning stages of a similar expansion once we are thoroughly settled on Khrusallis. Mosis has explained to us the search for your other colony ships. Councilor Thataar has agreed to help create a more efficient search pattern. We sincerely hope you will meet with success.

  “Your assistance is most appreciated, Governor, and we will keep you informed of any developments in the future. Looking back on the last few years, it is amazing we have accomplished so much in such a short time. Yes, there are still challenges ahead, but the future looks bright, my friend, and our journey has only begun.”


  The naval academy grounds were packed with family, friends, visitors and foreign dignitaries. This was the largest graduating class in the twenty-five-year history of the school, and contained almost as many Vingah as Humans. The Vingah still declined to serve aboard ships, but excelled in academic and support positions in every field imaginable. They became an important part of the PSF and made up at least a quarter of the academy professors. As was custom, the ceremony was being held outside in the amphitheater, part of the campus complex on Beta.

  Admiral Perry, who would present the diplomas, was seated on the platform along with the various officials and speaker. His wife, Catherine, one of the moon survivors, and three of their children were seated near the front. It was an important day for their family, as their eldest child, Kiren Thriss Perry, was graduating with high honors. Kiren’s namesake was gathered with the other Vingah in attendance today, comfortably ensconced in the custom-made observation blister. Thriss was accompanied by her mate and two of her many children, themselves current students at the academy. After retiring from the Governorship, she found comfort in creating a family and pursuing artistic endeavors, much like her ancestors.

  After the opening comments, the graduation speaker was invited to the platform. General Aaron Moreland was one of Pacifica’s most celebrated citizens, a popular academy instructor, and well-liked by most everyone he met. To those who knew him on the journey from Earth, it was sometimes difficult to associate Mosis with his new name.

  Though he was gracious when people forgot, the new name represented his new life, and marked his identity as a unique individual. Even now, the Vingah were working on a life-like android body which would be as close to human as possible. The applause subsided, and Moreland smiled out at the audience before beginning. His remarks were filled with humorous stories, the benefits of a life of service, and belief in a positive future.

  “Never underestimate the contribution of a single individual. Some of you may find fame or fortune, but wherever life leads you, I challenge you to give your very best. Not only will it benefit our society, but you owe it to yourself as well. I wish all of you great success.”

  Once again, applause filled the air, and General Moreland stepped away to reclaim his seat. He stiffened suddenly, paused, and then walked quickly over to Admiral Perry. As they spoke in hushed tones, the audience began to murmur in discomfort as the scene played out. Finally, Perry stepped to the podium, with Moreland at his side, and the crowd waited with rapt attention. His face was a curious mix of excitement and emotion, eyes filled with tears.

  “My friends, we have just received a communication from Expedition’s sister ship, the Odyssey. After many years of searching, they were contacted today by one of our buoys and sent us the following message.”

  The large data screen at the back of the platform came alive with the image of an attractive woman in a dark blue high-collared jacket. Emotion showed clearly on her face, unshed tears threatening to fall, as she spoke with some difficulty.

  “This is President Olivia Morales of the planet Sahara in the Wadi sector. You cannot imagine our surprise when your message buoy arrived earlier today. We are delighted to know at least one of our other colony ships has succeeded in their mission. The Odyssey arrived here some eighty standard years ago, and despite the dry conditions, established a colony. We are eager to initiate regular contact and discuss a mutually beneficial relationship. At the same time, our hearts were broken by the news of Earth. We had no way of knowing, of course, and never expected to have contact of any kind, but…we grieve with you. This event has created a deep unease for my people, and we request your aid in bolstering our defenses. I look forward to an exchange in the very near future. Meanwhile, the people of Sahara wish you well.”


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  About the Author

  I grew up in a big house, with a big family, and a big imagination. My writing began back in Junior High school, and over the years has included unpublished stories, music, poetry and drama scripts. I enjoy reading and writing in several genres, including science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and romance.

  Since my writing style is primarily plot-driven, readers may notice my books don’t rely as heavily on detailed character development. My goal is to create stories which are interesting, generally upbeat and have a happy ending. If you enjoy my work, I would love to hear from you.

  Email: [email protected]

  Website: www.aelliottbooks.com

  Other Titles by Alexander Elliott

  Galactic Neighborhood Trilogy: Expedition, Odyssey, Exploration

  The Galactic Neighborhood Trilogy traces the fate of three Earth colony ships, sent out into the void to find new worlds for man to conquer. Though their futures are ultimately intertwined, each face the uncertainties of a galaxy filled with wonder, danger and incredible opportunity.

  Author’s note – though each book may be enjoyed as a stand-alone, I recommend reading them in sequence to get the complete backstory.

  Expedition Galactic Neighborhood – Book 1

  The humans of Earth planned for a long intergalactic journey. What they didn’t plan on was running into the neighbors.

  In 2096 Captain Christopher Perry led the starship Expedition on a centuries-long search for a suitable world to
colonize. Assisted by Mosis, a sentient AI, the unsuspecting crew is awakened by an alien transmission, leading them to the remains of the Vingah race, preserved in stasis.

  With a rescue mission in full swing, the allies are challenged by an aggressive species, bent on acquiring the Vingah’s secrets. The confrontation’s outcome will change the destinies of three disparate races, and allow the victors to spread their influence throughout the galaxy.

  Odyssey Galactic Neighborhood – Book 2

  Colonization of an inhabited planet is forbidden. Someone broke the rules.

  Under mysterious circumstances, the colony ship, Odyssey, settled on the strangely barren world of Sahara. Eighty years later, and with no help in sight, their long-term survival is in question.

  When help finally arrives, long buried secrets of the past, and the machinations of a scheming politician, threaten to upset carefully laid plans for prosperity.


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