A Most Desirable M.D.

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A Most Desirable M.D. Page 9

by Anne Marie Winston

  She was smiling into his eyes as her hips accepted the press of his flesh. “Look,” she said.

  He glanced down and another surge of heavy lust roared through him. The tiny red panties tied at the hip; as he watched, her slender fingers tugged loose the tiny fastenings. The panties slipped away, to be discarded on the floor, leaving her clad only in the disheveled bustier, silky stockings and high heels.

  He sucked in a breath. “If you’re trying to drive me insane, you’re going about it right.” His voice sounded like a stranger’s, deep and rough. He set his hands at her hips and lifted her, bracing her back against the wall as she wrapped her silk-clad legs around him. The moist cove between her legs pressed against his length for a moment, then he moved back and shoved himself inside her, using her weight to slide himself deeply into her. At his back, he could feel the dig of a heel into his buttock; it was incredibly arousing. A mad wildfire tore through him, burning away restraint. He held her pinned against the wall as he began to thrust—long, powerful strokes that made her writhe and cry out each time he pressed forward again. “Look at us,” he said hoarsely, watching himself penetrate her humid depths. She did as he directed, a long moan shuddering out of her at the erotic sight.

  The sound of her arousal signaled the end of his control. He anchored her with his hands clasping the soft globes of her bottom and the wall supporting her weight as he increased the driving speed of his thrusts, hammering a frantic beat that lasted only moments before he stiffened and shattered as he spent himself. She convulsed around him at the very moment of his release, and he shivered in reaction when her soft flesh squeezed him repeatedly. His body sagged against her as the intense climax receded and he buried his head in her neck for long moments until finally he could breathe again. He raised his head, looking into her eyes as he set his mouth on hers and kissed her deeply.

  Lifting his head again, he looked around them and began to laugh. “Oops. The bed’s over there.”

  He felt her tighten around him as she chuckled, too. “Oh, well. We can try it out later.”

  “Later? What’s wrong with now?”

  “Now?” She sounded startled. “But I thought you’d need time…”

  He thrust once, letting her know that their recent lovemaking had done little more than take the edge off, and her eyes fluttered closed. He freed himself and set her down long enough to step out of his pants. Then he retrieved fresh birth control before lifting her into his arms again.

  Wryly, she smiled as she shook her head. “Mm-m-m.”

  He clasped his hands more firmly beneath her bottom and began to walk across the room toward the bed, and he shuddered, feeling the rise of a pulsing need beating through his veins again.

  “On second thought,” she said as they passed the wide mirrored desk. “The bed’s awfully far away. Do you think you can make it?”

  He turned, still holding her, so that his buttocks rested on the desk. He braced his legs wide apart, letting her weight sink fully over him again before he lifted her and began to move her up and down in an easy rhythm that made her eyes close again and her head fall back in pleasure.

  “Oh, I can make it,” he said. “But I can’t make it to the bed. Not this time.”

  The rest of the day was perfect, as far as she was concerned. They had time for a short stroll along the River Walk before dinner. As they walked along the wide stone pathway, occasionally passing beneath the graceful trees that arched over the green currents of water, Kane held her hand, his thumb brushing absently over the ring he’d put on her finger. They didn’t talk much, and she wondered if his body felt as tingly as hers did, as if each cell had been sensitized by their earlier lovemaking.

  Dinner was at Boudro’s on the River Walk, and he’d specifically requested a table right beside the river. There was a bottle of champagne chilling in a silver bucket and a large spray of white roses graced the table to which the maître d’ led them. She could feel tears rising in her eyes, and she turned to him, lifting herself on tiptoe to kiss his newly-shaven jaw.

  “Thank you,” she said, “For making this so special.”

  “I wanted it to be special,” he said. “This is the first day of our lives together. It should be memorable, something we can tell our children.” He grinned. “God knows, we’re going to have to censor what we tell them about how we first met!”

  She made a face at him. “We worked together,” she summarized. “And one day we just realized we wanted to get married.”

  “A little skimpy on details, isn’t it?” Kane chuckled. “You’d better hope we have a son instead of a daughter. I can’t imagine a girl being satisfied with a wimpy explanation like that.”

  Son…daughter. His handsome features blurred around the edges as she gazed at him across the table and her happiness faded slightly. She’d been feeling the heavy, bloated feeling that usually preceded her period for the past few days. She doubted that they were going to have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy, and though she should be pleased, she wanted Kane’s baby so badly…

  “What’s wrong?” He reached around the lighted candle centerpiece and took her hands in his.

  “Nothing.” She managed a smile. “I was just thinking about how lovely the ceremony was.”

  He accepted her words at face value, thanking her for the way she’d let his mother help with the wedding, and then the waiter came to take their order.

  Their loveplay continued during dinner. She slipped her foot out of her sandal and rubbed it lightly up his leg; he nearly jumped out of his chair. “Stop that,” he muttered, trying his best to scowl at her. “Or the other diners are going to get a shock when I stand up.”

  She was giggling helplessly as she removed her foot.

  “If I can stand up,” he added.

  When the meal ended, the same waiter brought out a single slice of lemon cake for them to share. She was touched. Kane had recently learned that lemon cake was one of her weaknesses. For a man who hadn’t had time to take a honeymoon, he certainly had put a great deal of thought into making this one evening special for her.

  Before they left the restaurant, he had the roses wrapped in paper and gave them to her.

  But the evening wasn’t over yet. He hailed one of the pretty boats that plied the river and helped her in, paying the guide so that he wouldn’t pick up any additional passengers. Kane led her to the graceful bench along the very back and they sat beneath the lights of swaying paper lanterns spaced along the boat’s canopy, letting the water rock them. Kane’s arm encircled her and she sat with her head on his shoulder, more content than she’d ever imagined she could be.

  No matter what happens in the future, she thought, I’ll always have this.

  His shoulder shifted beneath her then, and she looked up at him in enquiry.

  In answer, he slipped his hand out of the pocket into which he’d reached and set a small, silver-wrapped box in her lap.

  “What’s this?” She touched the shiny ribbon with a tentative finger.

  “A gift for my bride.” His eyes were warmer than she’d ever seen them, and his palm caressed the ball of her shoulder.

  “But I didn’t get you anything!” She was dismayed. Beyond dismayed. She’d never expected this.

  “Allison.” He cradled her jaw, using his thumb to tilt up her face so she would meet his eyes. “You’ve changed my life in so many ways, all for the better. Don’t you know you’ve given me more gifts already than I can count?”

  She swallowed, touched to tears by his words.

  “Now open your present.” He picked up the box again and held it under her nose. “Aren’t you the least little bit curious?”

  She smiled ruefully. “You know me too well.” Taking the box from him, she shook it gently near her ear, then slowly and carefully untied the ribbon and set it aside. She pried up the tape that closed one end of the package without tearing the paper and carefully smoothed back the wrapping.

  “Don’t tell me you’re one
of those.” Kane sighed with exaggerated impatience. “I can’t stand the suspense. Just open it.”

  “But I like to take my time.” She patted his cheek. “Once it’s open, all the suspense is over.” Slowly, she lifted the lid on the small box. Inside was an item heavily swathed in tissue on a bed of dark blue velvet. She carefully pushed aside the tissue—

  And there, sparkling in her palm, was a miniature crystal kitten, posed in a playful position with a ball of yarn crafted of gold whose strands were tangled around the tiny cat.

  She drew in a shocked breath and promptly burst into tears.

  “Wha—” Kane straightened and took the crystal figure from her, setting it carefully in its box before drawing her against his chest. “Don’t you like it? I can return it?” His usually unflappable voice held a distinct note of panic.

  “No, it’s not that.” She stifled a sob. “It’s lovely.”

  “Then…what?” He combed his fingers through her hair and held her face away from his chest so that he could see her expression.

  She sniffled, closing her eyes. “It’s just that…you remembered my collection. This year was the first birthday in my whole life that I didn’t receive a little cat. No matter where my father was or who he was married to at the time, he never forgot. Even though I never did anything more than write him a killingly polite thank-you note, he still remembered my birthday every single year.” She sighed, stroking the tiny kitten with a gentle finger. “It’s a beautiful, thoughtful gesture, Kane. And you’ll never know how much it means to me. Thank you.”

  He kissed her forehead. “You’re welcome. Just look at it this way: your father passed on the torch to your husband. Your crystal cats are a tradition carried on by the men in your life.”

  She almost sobbed aloud again, regret for the years she’d denied her father nearly choking her.

  Apparently sensing her inner anguish, Kane pulled her close again, stroking her back with his large palms. “He knows, Allison. Even though he’s not here, I’m sure he knows you care.”

  She nodded against his chest. “I hope so.”

  There was a long, comfortable silence between them as the boat glided along the serene water of the river. She replaced the gift in its box, and Kane tucked it into his pocket for safekeeping.

  After a long time, she said, “I used to play with the cats when I was little. My mother always fussed at me when she caught me. I’m sure she was afraid I’d break one. But after my father left, she never even noticed when I got them out.”

  “Too busy trying to make ends meet?”

  “No.” Allison shook her head. “Daddy might not have been good about visiting but he was faithful about child support.” She shrugged. “After he left, Mom stayed in bed all the time.”

  “All the time?”

  She nodded, reliving the dull, deadened atmosphere of her childhood in those days. “She was in bed when I left for school, and still in bed when I got home at the end of the day. Sometimes she’d get up and fix dinner, but mostly she forgot. I realize now she was depressed, but back then, all I knew was my father did that to her. To me.”

  Kane stroked her hair. “Sounds pretty terrible.”

  She nodded quietly. “It was. Mom gradually got better, but she was never the same after that.” She made an effort to shake off the dark mood, not wanting to spoil the perfect evening he’d planned, saying in a lighter tone, “I guess we both had deadbeat dads, didn’t we?”

  He murmured assent.

  “But that was a long time ago. And look at us now.” Smiling, she turned into his arms. “You’ve made me happier than you’ll ever know.”

  “Good.” His voice was thick as he sought her mouth, his kisses deep and possessive. “I want you to be happy.”

  They left the boat at the same point they’d picked it up and walked back along the river in silence, hands clasped. As they entered the lush grounds of their hotel, he stopped her and pulled her tightly against him, kissing her until her head swam and she clutched at his strong shoulders for support.

  He lifted her into his arms, then, and carried her right into the hotel and up to their room, despite her embarrassed pleas to be set down. Finally, she simply gave up and buried her face in his shirt. She couldn’t possibly look anyone in the eye.

  Back in their room, he made love to her again and again, stroking and kissing her as if it were the first time.

  Afterward, Allison slept through the night in her husband’s arms and when he turned her on her back at dawn and entered her with slow, lazy strokes, she let the pleasure carry her along to an extended, pulsing climax that mirrored his. Then they showered together and ordered breakfast from the room-service menu before driving home to the northern suburbs.

  They dropped by Miranda’s home two days later to return the veil that Allison had had dry-cleaned. Kane came around to help Allison out of the Explorer and together they walked into the house. It gave her definite flutters in her stomach when she thought about the fact that she was a Fortune now.

  Miranda came to greet them. “Would you like to stay for dinner? Don’t feel you have to if you have other plans or you just want to be alone.” She took Allison’s hands. “I promise I won’t be one of those needy, interfering mother-in-laws who can’t let go of their little sons.”

  Allison laughed. “Somehow I can’t make that image fit either you or Kane!”

  They had an informal meal in the kitchen while his mother plied them for every detail about their honeymoon. Allison let Kane do most of the talking, knowing she would do nothing but blush if she thought about that magical twenty-four hours when Kane had seemed like a different man, a man who loved his new bride.

  They were just finishing dinner when the stately chimes of the doorbell sounded. Miranda looked surprised. “I wasn’t expecting anyone.” She started to rise but Kane waved her back into her seat as he rose and laid his napkin aside. “Stay there, Mother. I’ll get it.”

  He walked from the dining room into the foyer, striding across the imported Italian tiles and firmly swinging open the heavy doors. “Good evening. May I help you?”

  There were two people standing on the stone of the entranceway, a man about his own height wearing a dressy ivory cowboy hat with a beaten silver band around the crown, and a woman in a too-tight, too-short pink dress who clung to his arm.

  “I’m here to see Miranda Fortune.” The man’s voice was deep. It quivered slightly with nerves, and his gaze skittered to Kane’s and away again. Was there something familiar about it? No, probably just a similarity to someone he’d talked with recently. As a doctor, Kane knew better than to make snap judgments, but something about this man made his hackles rise. There were always opportunists and hangers-on trying to ride on the Fortune coattails; he’d bet his last nickel this shifty cowboy was one of them.

  “Ms. Fortune’s not available at the moment,” Kane said smoothly. “I suggest you call tomorrow for an appointment.”

  He started to shut the door, but the woman stepped forward and grabbed his arm. “Ms. Fortune’s going to want to see us, mister.”

  “Hush up, Leeza.” The man roughly pulled her back, but he put his booted foot in the door before Kane could close it. “Wouldja just get Miranda, mister? This won’t take but a minute.”

  “Listen, cowboy,” Kane said in a dangerously quiet voice. “You can leave quietly now or I can help you out. I can promise you won’t like my assistance.” He flexed his shoulders deliberately, holding his eye contact with the man.

  “Kane?” Rapid footsteps on the tile alerted him just as his mother came up behind him. “Who is it?”

  The cowboy’s face creased into a more confident expression as he caught sight of Miranda. “Randi! I just got into town and I wanted to come by and say howdy.” Then he turned an appraising eye on Kane, the skittishness apparently banished. “So you’re Kane. I always wondered what kind of man you’d turned into.”

  “Lloyd.” As his mother took a step backward, Kane i
nstinctively put his arm around her, his mind reeling with shock.

  The man with the weathered face and surprisingly charming smile standing in his mother’s entry was his father. The man who’d never bothered to contact or see his family since Kane had been a year old.


  “Well, if this isn’t just great.” Lloyd Carter aimed a warm smile at his son. “You turned out just fine, boy.”

  “That’s Dr. Fortune to you.” Kane relaxed the fingers he’d curled into fists with a conscious effort.

  “Doctor? You’re a doctor? That’s really something!” Then his tanned features clouded. “You changed your name to Fortune?”

  Kane ignored the question. He held the pressure on the door, barely restraining himself from slamming it right on the cowboy’s foot. “I can guess what you want.”

  “I bet you can.” The woman in the pink dress spoke again. “Nice, smart fella like you—”

  “This here’s my wife, Leeza,” Lloyd broke in. “We, uh, we—” He stopped, removed his hat and hauled out a large white handkerchief and mopped his shiny forehead with it. “We came to talk to your mother about a matter I brought up on the phone a few weeks ago.”

  “You mean your blackmail demands,” said Kane between his teeth.

  “This doesn’t concern you, son,” Lloyd said. “This is just a little private business between your mother ’n’ me.”


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