A Most Desirable M.D.

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A Most Desirable M.D. Page 12

by Anne Marie Winston

  “Damn.” He pulled her to a stop. “You’ll be late for work.”

  She dropped her towel, then worked his away from his waist and dropped both to the floor, pressing her bare body against his. “No, I won’t. I traded at the last minute yesterday. I’m going to work the night shift. I thought you might want some moral support today.”

  He stood stock-still as he absorbed her words.

  She stepped a pace away and looked up at his face, doubt flickering in her expressive eyes. “But if you’d rather meet them alone, I understand. I just thought—”

  “Thank you.” He pulled her close again and found her mouth with his. “I’d like to have you with me.” That sounded too needy to his ears, so he forced a smile before he reclaimed her lips. “Just in case I get the urge to do this again.”

  When the dark-colored rental sedan pulled into the driveway of Melrose Manor, Allison thought she could have cut the tension in the air with the dull kitchen shears she’d found in one of Kane’s kitchen drawers when she’d moved in. The four of them had automatically moved out onto the flagstone porch to welcome their guests, but the silence didn’t exactly feel welcoming.

  She glanced at Miranda. The older woman was clearly very nervous, clenching and unclenching her clasped hands and biting her lower lip. Kane and his sister were both still, in contrast. Both somber. Both, she thought, probably feeling a bit threatened by this whole thing, even if they were adults who didn’t require their mother’s physical care anymore. It would be immensely unnerving to learn that you were going to be sharing your mother with two complete strangers who had as much right to her affection as you did.

  The sedan braked to a halt, and the driver’s side door opened. A dark-haired man unfolded himself from the seat and came around the car with his hand extended. “Mrs. Fortune? Flynn Sinclair. Glad I could be of help in bringing this reunion about.”

  Miranda took his hand, but her attention was focused on another man, tall, also dark-haired, emerging from the car. He wore a conservative dark suit. Everything about him, from the well-groomed dark hair to the tips of his expensive black loafers, shouted that this man was a success. He gave the assembled group a swift, assessing look out of laser-blue eyes, then dismissed them in the same moment to give his attention to the woman to whom he’d extended his hand. She was much shorter than he, shorter than any of them, dark-haired like her twin, although her hair was shoulder-length and wisps of curl waved around her face. She wore sandals and a loose gauzy dress that was as inexpensive as her twin’s attire was costly. And as she moved from behind the car door, Allison heard Miranda give a soft gasp. The girl was pregnant. Quite pregnant.

  Sinclair, the private investigator whom Lloyd Carter had hired under false pretenses, reached out to draw the pair closer, his hand hovering protectively at the young woman’s back. “Mrs. Fortune, this is Emma Michaels.”

  The pregnant woman stepped forward. Miranda spontaneously threw out both arms but the other woman reacted quickly, thrusting out a hand and shaking Miranda’s once before backing off. “It’s…” she hesitated. “…. interesting to meet you, Mrs. Fortune,” she said with a wry smile that revealed a dimple in her left cheek.

  Must be from her father’s side, Allison thought. The twins shared more than simply that dimple. Though Justin was significantly taller than his sister, there was a distinct resemblance in their coloring and their features, especially around the eyes…eyes that were carbon copies of Miranda’s blue orbs, she realized with a shock. Neither Kane nor Gabrielle had gotten their mother’s eye color. Still, the four siblings shared an eerie familial quality.

  “Miranda. Please call me Miranda.” Kane’s mother’s eyes were shiny with tears.

  “This is Justin Bond.” Emma turned and indicated the watchful dark-haired man a pace behind her.

  Miranda had regrouped as she spoke and recovered her social mask. With the flawless manners she usually displayed, she gave Justin a very appropriate, brief handshake. “It’s very nice to meet you both,” she said. She turned to indicate the trio ranged just behind and to her left. “This is my daughter Gabrielle Grayhawk, my son Kane Fortune and his wife, Allison.”

  There was yet another excruciatingly polite round of handshakes and meaningless murmurs. When those had concluded, everyone looked at Miranda again.

  She bit her lip. “Why don’t you all come inside and we’ll continue this with some cool drinks and lunch?”

  The whole group trooped inside in silence. As they moved through the house, Allison noted that Emma was looking around in awe, clearly unused to the level of wealth so casually enjoyed by her mother. Justin, on the other hand, didn’t appear to be nearly as impressed. Miranda led them out to the shaded terrace where a light buffet had been set up. Just beyond, the blue waters of the inground pool sparkled beneath the Texas sun, comfortably warm even in early February.

  Miranda poured drinks and handed them around while Flynn Sinclair spoke quietly to her. Gabrielle hovered protectively at her mother’s elbow. The twins stuck close together, Allison noted, walking out into the sunshine to look at the pool. They obviously had met before this morning because they appeared to be relatively comfortable with each other—and as clearly uncomfortable with the idea of embracing any additional family members.

  Snagging a glass of lemonade, she approached the pair. “Welcome to San Antonio,” she said. “The climate can’t be beat this time of year.”

  “It’s certainly a change from Pennsylvania,” said Justin.

  “I imagine so. You’ll have to go downtown while you’re here. San Antonio is a charming city.”

  “I doubt I’ll be doing much sight-seeing. I have a flight out tomorrow.” Justin lifted his drink to his lips.

  “That’s awfully soon.” Kane had come up beside her. “We’d hoped you’d stay for a few days.”

  Justin shook his head. “Business calls.”

  And it’s a good excuse, Allison thought. She supposed she couldn’t blame him. “I guess this is quite a shock, finding not only your birth mother but a twin and lots of other relatives.”

  “Famous ones, at that,” Emma put in.

  Allison smiled. “If it’s any consolation, I can identify in a small way. Kane and I just married a week ago. I’m still easily overwhelmed by all the Fortunes running around. Not to mention all the money running around with them.”

  Kane nodded. “It can be overwhelming.”

  “But you must be used to it. You’re one of them…a Fortune,” said Emma.

  “You’re one of them now, too.” Kane chuckled, smiling, and Allison marveled at how easily he turned on the charm. But she wasn’t fooled. Standing close enough to him that their arms brushed, she could feel the nervous tension practically vibrating through him. “And no, I’m not that used to it. Until just a few years ago, I didn’t know I was a Fortune, either.”

  “What does that mean?” Justin was definitely the tougher nut of the twosome. If he’d smiled yet, Allison hadn’t seen it. Would he look more like Kane, or less, if he ever did smile?

  “It meant exactly what it sounded like.” Kane’s voice was easy. “Mother was estranged from the family when she was a teenager. Gabrielle and I grew up without knowing of the Fortune connection. In fact, it’s only been about six years since we were welcomed into the family.” He smiled again. “It’ll be kind of fun to watch someone else trying make sense of the whole crazy clan.”

  “That’s assuming we decide we want to be welcomed in to the family,” Justin said.

  “True.” Kane’s smile faded. He shifted to face his half brother squarely. “I hope you’ll give Mother a chance. Let her explain the circumstances surrounding your birth.”

  Justin nodded noncommittally. His expression was unreadable. “I look forward to hearing it.”

  “So,” said Allison, trying to ease the tension that had reappeared with Justin’s cool words. “Justin is from Pennsylvania. Where are you from, Emma?” Miranda was approaching across the terra
ce with the investigator Sinclair trailing behind her. Allison didn’t want the older woman to hear them discussing her behind her back.

  “I’ve been living in New Mexico.” The petite brunette rubbed a hand over her swollen belly and shifted as if she were uncomfortable. “But I won’t be returning there.”

  “Oh? Where will you be going?” Miranda asked as she joined them. The way she looked from one twin to the other and back again was heartbreaking to watch, as if she were trying to store up a lifetime of memories in a few moments.

  Emma hesitated. “I haven’t really decided yet.”

  “But surely you must have plans. What does your husband want to do?” Miranda looked shocked. “You can’t be far from your delivery date.”

  “There is no husband,” Emma said. Allison had to admire the easy acceptance in her voice. If she were in Emma’s shoes, pregnant and apparently alone, she’d be a basket case. “I have a little while to make plans.”

  Kane snorted. “That’s a recipe for an early delivery if I ever heard one. Don’t wait too long. Babies aren’t very predictable.”

  Emma’s face registered her surprise at his knowledgeable voice.

  “Kane’s a doctor. He specializes in pre-term babies,” Allison explained.

  Emma’s eyebrows rose and she smiled broadly. “Then I’m in good hands if I go into labor today, hmm?”

  Kane made an expression of exaggerated horror. “I certainly hope that doesn’t happen. But if it should, you are indeed in good hands. Allison is a pediatric nurse. In fact, we met at the hospital.”

  “Oh, that must have been romantic.”

  Kane’s eyes caught hers in amusement. Allison smiled at him, wondering if he was thinking of incubators and intravenous lines as she was. Romantic wasn’t the term she’d have picked.

  Miranda’s eyes had been far away as the conversation wove around her. Into the lull that followed Emma’s response to Kane’s words, she said, “So you don’t have definite plans, Emma? Because if you have the time and you’d like to visit, I’d love to have you stay here for as long as you like.”

  Allison could see immediate refusal rising in the younger woman’s face. Hastily, she said, “Don’t decide now. Take some time and think about it.” She turned to Miranda. “I think Emma needs to get out of this sun. Why don’t we eat?”

  The meal went far more easily than she’d expected. Kane went out of his way to set his siblings at ease, telling stories about his work at the hospital. Gabrielle showed off pictures of her daughter, and Flynn Sinclair responded tolerantly to her questions about the art of investigation. It was surface conversation, but she sensed it was what the twins needed as they absorbed the impact of this new situation.

  Finally Kane rose. He eyed the door and Allison immediately caught on. Setting down her napkin, she rose as well.

  “Thank you for the meal, Mother,” he said as he walked around to kiss her cheek. “We have to get going. Allison and I don’t often have days off at the same time, and we have things to take care of.”

  Justin and Flynn both stood. Emma began to rise but before she could, Kane placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pressed her back into her seat. “No, don’t get up,” he said. He bent and brushed a kiss along her cheek. “It’s great to meet you.”

  Emma’s hands rose and she clutched his hands where they rested on her shoulders. “Thank you. You’ve made this much easier than I imagined it would be.”

  Kane went around the table then, shaking the men’s hands while Allison said her farewells. Moments later, he helped her into the Explorer and they headed home.

  He didn’t seem to want to talk on the drive, and she respected his privacy. He clearly was troubled and the taut line of his lips drew thinner and thinner as the silence grew heavier and heavier.

  He flopped down heavily in his large recliner the moment they were home.

  Allison went to the kitchen and made them each a cup of coffee. Bringing his to him, she set hers down on an end table and walked around behind the chair. She set her hands on the tense muscles of his neck and shoulders, humming disapprovingly at what she found. “This feels like concrete.”

  Quietly, she began to knead his muscles, digging her thumbs into the tight knots and holding pressure on them until the cramps relaxed. Kane sighed under her ministrations. He moaned. He groaned occasionally when she hit a particularly touchy spot. He leaned forward to give her better access to his back and drew his shirt over his head so that her hands cruised over his bare flesh.

  She slipped around and settled herself on one arm of the chair, still massaging. Her fingers slid up into his hair and rubbed over his scalp repeatedly, then she made gentle circles at his temples before turning her attention to his back again.

  He felt good beneath her hands, so good that she couldn’t help but want him and she shifted on the arm of the chair as she became aroused. Her body ached to press against his but she couldn’t bring herself to initiate lovemaking. If he rejected her attentions, she’d die. Still, she couldn’t resist lowering her head and brushing gentle, open-mouthed kisses along his spine.

  Kane shot straight upright. He made a sound deep in his throat as he stood and reached for her, drawing her against him. They both groaned.

  “Thank you. That felt great.” His breathing was fast and harsh in her ear. “This feels even better.” His hands moved to the buttons and hooks on the simple dress she’d worn to lunch and in seconds it fluttered down around her ankles. The dress had a halter-style top so she wasn’t wearing a bra and, as he looked down at her pretty breasts nestled in the palms of his big hands, a dark flush of desire rose high on his cheekbones.

  He dragged his belt open and tore at the fastenings of his pants, shoving them down just far enough to draw her against his hot, naked body, holding her hard against the powerfully aroused flesh at his groin and grinding himself against her. “I want you,” he growled, dragging her backward to the couch.

  Moments later they drove steadily toward a heaving, tumultuous climax that left her shivering in his arms.

  She slumped forward, her head bowed and her forehead resting against his throat while his chin brushed the top of her head while they both gasped for air. Then, while she was still limp and pliant, Kane thrust a big hand through her hair and cradled the back of her scalp, turning her face up to his.

  He kissed her. The kiss was surprisingly sweet, intimate and open in a way he hadn’t been before. She couldn’t have put it into words, but there was something different. Then he raised his head a fraction, dragging his lips from hers. “Allison…” He hesitated for a moment.

  “Yes?” She felt as if she were on the verge of some stunning new discovery.

  “You love me, don’t you?” His eyes were a blazing green as they bored into hers.

  She fell off the edge of the precipice on which she’d been balancing. Her eyes closed. Would he be angry if she said yes? Instinctively, she began to withdraw mentally, wondering how she could smooth it over. Had she said it aloud during their lovemaking? She didn’t remember.

  “Allison?” He shook her lightly and she opened her eyes apprehensively. He was smiling, a slightly crooked, diffident expression. “Do you love me?”

  “I—” That smile sealed her fate. Casting common sense to the winds, she whispered, “Yes.”

  “Say it.”

  “I love you.” She searched his eyes, wondering what was going through that complicated brain of his, but all she saw was satiated pleasure.

  “Good,” he said with satisfaction. “I thought you did.” He drew her close against his chest again, snagging a lap blanket from the back of the couch and draping it over her bare back. He yawned. “I’m glad.”

  Neither of them spoke again for a long while. She hadn’t ever expected to hear him say that he loved her, so she wasn’t disappointed…at least that’s what she told herself. It would have to be enough that he’d accepted her love. After all, she’d never even dared to hope that she’d be m
arried to him, so their new closeness was merely icing on the cake. Of course it was.

  Kane napped. At least he thought he did. When he opened his eyes again, Allison was still snuggled in his arms and he was still embedded deep within her. Experimentally, he moved his hips a fraction and was rewarded as her inner muscles contracted briefly around him. He sucked his breath in in reaction. How in the hell could he feel like this again so soon?

  He felt her lips move as she formed a soft kiss against his breastbone. “Was that an invitation?”

  He laughed. He couldn’t help it. Damned if she didn’t make him happy. Why hadn’t he married her years ago? And why had he been fighting this so hard? “Yeah,” he confirmed. “It was. An invitation to spend the rest of the day in bed.”

  She sat up slowly, shaking her hair back over her shoulders, and he could feel it brush his thighs, a whole new sensory delight that opened up a whole host of new ideas. “All right,” she said. “But you have to feed me.”

  He lifted her off him long enough to rise, then slipped his arms beneath her knees and back and swept her into his arms. “Don’t worry,” he said, nibbling at her kiss-swollen reddened lower lip. “I’ll feed you.”

  By early evening, they were both too worn out to move. The remains of a turkey sub lay in a messy lump on a paper plate on the bedside table. Kane lay on his back with Allison cradled in one arm.

  “I wonder if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow,” he said speculatively. “If my knees give out in the delivery room, they’re liable to think it was the sight of blood.”

  “That would be preferable to other things they might think,” Allison said primly.

  He grinned and stroked a hand down over her frothy, disheveled curls. “I didn’t thank you for today,” he said, his grin fading. “You really have a knack for making people feel at ease. Your presence probably had a great deal to do with how successful that first meeting with my new sister and brother was.”

  “I hope it was successful,” she said reflectively. “I know the whole thing has been difficult for you.”


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