To Hunt a Sainte

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To Hunt a Sainte Page 17

by Marie Harte

  “Trust me, I’ll find you. You could say electricity and I are best friends.”

  “Yeah. He’s hell at parties,” Hunter muttered. He leaned forward and closed the partition between them, ignoring J.D.’s snicker of laughter. “Now, angel, you’re good to go. Right?”


  “Play your part, and we’ll do just fine. Do not adlib it. I mean it.”

  He sounded hard and mean, and desire for him flared in an instant.

  “Hell.” Hunter took a deep breath and sighed. “Try not to distract me too much, okay? Omaney’s going to be eyeing you like a piece of meat, and we definitely don’t want to see you on the auction block. Remember, you’ve hooked Jed on that sweet ass of yours. He’s going to stick to you like glue and rub it in Omaney’s face. We just need to see Rebecca and the others, then give the team enough time to get to wherever we’re going.”

  Alex did her best not to roll her eyes. They’d been over this a dozen times already. As he continued to warn her about everything and anything that could go wrong and what to do to fix things, she traced patterns over his hand, taken with the energy she could almost feel buzzing through his skin.

  “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said,” he muttered. “Dammit, Alex—”

  “I heard you. I heard you. Now relax. We have a job to do, so let’s do it.”

  “We’re here,” J.D. said through the intercom. The car slowed and came to a stop. “Good luck.”

  THE PLANE RIDE LASTED an hour, but most of that had been flying in circles. Even an inexperienced traveler like Alex knew when a plane changed direction several times. After the plane taxied and came to a complete stop, the silent guards who’d ridden with them escorted Alex and Jed outside to a dark SUV. Blindfolded, she and Jed rode for another forty-five minutes before being freed from their blindfolds. A guard escorted them out of the vehicle and to a mansion sitting in a tropical paradise. Beyond the house she could see snatches of ocean. Great, they were somewhere off the coast. So much for a best guess of their location. And still no sign of Peter Omaney. Though the guards mentioned Peter had been unavoidably detained, Alex had a bad feeling about his absence.

  The front doors opened. “Welcome to Ray’s Island,” a swarthy man with dark hair and eyes commented, his gaze intense as he studied them both. He wore linen slacks and a silk, short-sleeved dress shirt that screamed money. “Please follow me. Joshua will have your things delivered to your room.”

  They followed him through several wide hallways. Alex’s heels echoed against the gold-veined marble beneath her. Birds of paradise and bougainvillea peeked in at her through the open windows allowing a cool breeze to pass. Were it not for the circumstances surrounding their visit, Alex would have stood in awe of such beauty. Yet all she could think about were abused women probably caged like animals amidst this paradise.

  “I’m Yasef. Should you need anything during your stay, feel free to ring for me. I am at your disposal,” he said warmly, but Alex felt something hungry and dark through his eyes when they fixed on her. A shiver of foreboding unnerved her, and she took a step closer to Hunter.

  Yasef led them to an outdoor patio full of guests—male guests. Their faces matched the detailed list of attendees she and Hunter had been given last night. And there was Ulie, that bastard. Hunter’s solid hand on her back pulled her together, and she smiled at the surprised and appraising looks sent her way.

  Yasef led them toward a man in the middle of the party. “Ray, your newest guests have arrived.” Ray excused himself from his conversation and turned to them. The moment of truth.

  Raymond Guest. Wraith.

  Tall and slim, he possessed an innate grace she wouldn’t have imagined in a murderer, thief, and slaver. His pale blond hair and light blue eyes twinkled merrily, startling her anew that someone so terrible could seem so handsome and happy. Though she’d seen a blurred photo of him at a much younger age, he still appeared the exact opposite of what she’d expected, and the knowledge threw her.

  “Ray, this is Jed Black and his enchanting companion, Ms. Alexandra Tyrell,” Yasef introduced.

  Ray nodded, his gaze calculating yet approving. She watched as Jed did the same thing before reaching out to shake Ray’s hand. The grip looked firm, but not overly so, and both men smiled, probably at the pleasure of meeting someone they considered an equal.

  Then Ray turned to her. “Alex, may I call you that?” She nodded. “What a pleasure.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it before letting her go. He did nothing improper, yet Alex had the uneasy sensation that he wanted to, which surprised her. With the unlucky harem at his disposal, why would he possibly want her? And where the hell was Peter?

  Ray nodded politely. “You’re quite lovely, Alex. You’re a lucky man, Jed.”

  Jed pulled Alex closer to his side, his hand running over her hip with familiarity. “You have no idea,” he murmured and kissed Alex’s neck. He raised his hand to her ribcage, sitting right below her breast.

  Alex smiled up at Jed, aware of the importance of this first meeting. Play it cool and sophisticated, but show him part of that good girl lurking beneath that tight skirt, Hunter had said. A good thing, since she couldn’t control her blush at such public fondling.

  “Luck’s a funny thing,” Ray said thoughtfully. “One minute it’s there, and the next it’s gone.”

  “Too true. That’s why I like to leave very little to chance,” Jed murmured.

  Ray nodded. “I like the way you think, Jed. Perhaps that’s why we’ve both been so successful for so long.” After a moment, he turned a puzzled expression toward Yasef. “Where’s Peter?”

  Hunter answered him. “Peter never showed at the airport, but his guards told us he’d be joining us as soon as he’d taken care of some business.”

  “Ah.” Ray nodded. A trio of men in designer suits motioned for his attention. “If you’ll excuse me?”

  “Please, don’t let us keep you.” Jed continued to hold her, his caresses growing bolder as the men around them gave her more and more attention. Ray frowned and left them. “I think we should find our room,” Jed whispered into her ear as his hand roved over her bottom and pulled her into his erection.

  “Good idea.” Get me away from these sharks. She nipped his earlobe.

  “Yasef,” Hunter called to the man studying them both. “We’d like to see our room.”

  “Of course, Mr. Black. Right this way.” He led them back through the house. They walked down the large main hallway and then turned left down a wing full of rooms.

  “This is the south wing,” Yasef informed them. “All of Ray’s guests are in this wing of the house. In the east wing you’ll find most of the festivities planned for this weekend. In the west wing are the kitchen and dining areas. And in the north wing are Ray’s personal quarters. There’s a small map in your room.”

  Yasef stopped at a door marked Angel Suite. “Ray thought you’d like this.” He pushed the door open.

  The ceiling had been painted a soft blue under a fresco of cupid’s minions shooting naked men and women alike. Creamy silk paper covered the walls, over which several antique paintings of angels and saints sat. The floor was a soft, tan pebbled carpeting that complemented the room, and the only part of the room not covered with angelic decor.

  A king-size bed and a matching dark-mahogany armoire and dresser completed the furnishings. All in all, the room spoke of decadence, which would have interested her more if she hadn’t been so unnerved by her host.

  “Cocktails will begin in an hour, dinner served soon after,” Yasef said, looking at his watch. “Just go back to the main hallway and take a right. You’ll hear everyone milling about by then.” He smiled. His gaze moved over Alex like grimy hands. “Enjoy,” he murmured and closed the doors behind him when he left.

  Alex had no chance to speak before Hunter took her mouth in a possessive kiss.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jed guided Alex toward the bathroom as he con
tinued to kiss away her will to resist.

  “How about a shower to cool us off, baby?” he said roughly. He entered the bathroom, closed and locked the door behind him, and mouthed, “They’re listening.” He pointed all around.

  She nodded and played along with his mock seduction, moaning with him while he looked for electronic bugs.

  He removed his belt and held it up in front of him. To her confusion, he held the belt up to first one wall, then another, running the belt over surfaces like a scanner. He stepped inside the shower and again searched for listening devices, she assumed. After checking everything, including the showerhead and drain, he gave her a thumbs up.

  Hunter turned on the shower, then removed his shoes. Pushing apart the heel from his left shoe, he took out a tiny device and plugged it into an outlet. After a few seconds, he put it back in his shoe and locked the heel into place. He continued to undress and nodded at her to do the same. “We’re clean.”

  Once naked, Alex followed him into the glass-walled haven. “Literally,” she murmured as she stood under the water. When she realized Hunter stayed well away from the spray, she started in dismay. “What about your face? You shouldn’t be in here.”

  “I just need to keep my eyes closed so my contacts don’t fall out. The dye will keep, as will the prosthetics. This isn’t my first job, Alex.”

  She flushed. No, it was hers. “So, now what?”

  “Now I do what I’ve been needing to since we got on that damned jet and entered this house of sin,” Hunter snarled. He pulled Alex to him and kissed her hungrily. “I need you.”

  Alex wrapped herself around him, and he groaned. His kissed his way down her body, paying special attention to her breasts.

  “I love your nipples. They get so hard for me.” He licked and sucked, until she nearly begged him to end it. But he wouldn’t be rushed. By the time his lips again met hers, she could barely stand. Hunter lifted her up and braced her against the tiled wall. Then he lowered her body over his until she gloved him.

  Alex threw back her head in ecstasy as Hunter took her. The cold Jed Black didn’t exist in here with her. Hunter Greye claimed her. He possessed her and loved her until she cried out her release. As she clenched around him, he shuddered and poured into her on a groan.

  After what felt like forever, Hunter unlocked her legs from behind his back and withdrew. He lowered her gently to the floor once more.

  “I wanted to kill every one of those bastards for the way they looked at you,” he said in a low voice. “You’re mine.”

  She thrilled to hear him say it. He bent to clean her up, and once again she realized that, were it not for the Pill, she might become pregnant by this man. A sense of longing consumed her, adding yet another layer of confusion to this already complex play.

  “You okay?”

  I will be once I get my biological clock under control. “I’m great, now. So we can’t talk in the bedroom safely, right?”

  “No.” He frowned. “And I’ve no doubt he’s got cameras in there as well.”

  “How will we communicate? We can’t keep running for the shower.”

  “No, but we’ll make the most of it when we do. It’ll be easy enough to spot his cameras. J.D.’s a pain in the ass, but his spy gear is top rate.” Hunter pointed at his belt. “I can find anything electronic with that.” He paused. “Any thoughts on Omaney?”

  “No. He should have been here. Do you think he backed off because he knows who we are?” She lowered her voice. “Did you see the room they put us in? The Angel Suite? Because I’m a Sainte? Coincidence?”

  “Believe it or not, yes. If Ray had any idea of who you really were, he’d have killed us before we got on the plane. Trust me, I know how this guy works.” He slicked her hair back. “Don’t worry. The transponder’s working. Even now, J.D.’s pinpointed our location and a crew is standing by.” He sighed. “Now, as much as I’d rather spend the rest of the night in here with you, we need to dry off and dress. We also have to play to the cameras. But you know, I’m a savvy guy. We won’t give Ray too much of a show.”

  After they dried off, they entered the main room again. Hunter stilled for a moment, then angled himself between her and the dresser. At his nod, she dropped her towel and redressed quickly, in clean, dry panties this time. Hunter didn’t move until she’d covered herself, though he quickly reverted to Jed. He made crude remarks about Alex’s sexual acrobatics and alluded to her heavenly mouth while he subtly swept the room with his belt buckle in the palm of his hand. Then he turned to the ornament on top of the mirror above the dresser and smiled.

  “If you want to see more, you have to deal with me, Ray. We can talk about it after dinner.”

  Jed took Alex in his arms again and kissed her like a starving man, his hands fondling her intimately. When he let her go, he winked at the camera.

  RAY WAITED FOR THEM in the dining hall with the others. He kept his irritation hidden under a bright smile while he plotted Black’s destruction.

  He’d watched Black and Alex leave earlier, had seen the sexual touches and the knowing glint in the man’s eyes. Excusing himself, Ray had hurried back to his study to watch them through one of his many hidden cameras.

  He’d been more than disappointed when they left the bedroom for the lavatory. As much as Ray liked control over others, he hadn’t wanted to see such base human functions on-screen, so he’d refrained from putting cameras in his bathrooms.

  When they returned to the bedroom, Ray had seen the satisfied look on the bastard’s face and knew that he’d just had sex with Alex in the bathroom. Ray hadn’t expected Black’s bold announcement directed right at the hidden camera though.

  He smiled at something Congressman Ulie said while his mind dwelled on his perfect angel. Peter’s picture hadn’t done her justice. In the flesh, Alexandra Tyrell spoke to him on another level entirely. She made him crave, the epitome of temptation, and he realized his father’s words were finally coming to fruition. The demon son would finally fall, then ascend through an angel’s eyes. With Alex, Ray could finally complete his life’s work with Corruption of the Saint.

  He exhaled a soft sigh of satisfaction as Black and Alex finally joined them in the dining room. Alex looked breathtaking. The patterned, skintight dress in bright hues enhanced her golden skin. And the color of her eyes... Absolutely magnificent.

  He imagined her dressed in white, her wings spread out behind her as he dominated her body, mind, and soul. He loved that painting. It defined him.

  As ordered, Yasef seated Alex between Ray and Black.

  “I hope you feel well rested,” Ray said and watched her blush becomingly.

  Jed’s obnoxious laughter boomed. “Hell, Ray. Rest was the last thing on our minds, right, baby?” Ray stared at the man in distaste; Jed Black had no class. Alex, he noted, glanced at Black with disgruntlement.

  Perhaps she wouldn’t be so hard to steal from Black after all. The man must have been good in bed, or Alex wouldn’t still be with him. As much as Ray contemplated the ethereal, he knew flesh and blood women had needs. Just like the men at this table had needs.

  As everyone sampled their lobster bisque, Ray studied Alex and her present companion. From a purely aesthetic viewpoint, he had to admit that together they looked spectacular. Alex’s light hair and golden skin complemented Jed’s black hair and darker complexion. The couple glowed with health, and both appeared to be in top physical shape. Ray’s gaze lingered over Alex’s curves, approving such vibrancy.

  “So, Alex, how did you meet Jed?” he asked, curious to hear it from her.

  “She met me at Seneca’s, right before I stole her from Peter,” Jed answered him.

  “I believe I was speaking to the lady.” Ray frowned. The warm smile Alex rewarded him with lifted his spirits, as well as other lagging parts of his body. Jed shrugged and turned his attention to the oil magnate next to him.

  “It’s like he said, Ray. Is it all right if I call you Ray?” Alex asked softl

  He placed a hand over hers on the table. Pure heat generated at the contact, and Ray dropped his hand. “That’s fine, Alex. Everyone calls me Ray.”

  She smiled, disarming him again. “I met Jed at Seneca’s, like he said. Peter and I had spent some time together. He seems like a wonderful man. I do hope to see him later. I really liked him, but I can’t explain it. The minute I saw Jed, it was like magic. He kissed me, and it was over.” Ray noticed that she didn’t look pleased over the admission.

  “So long as you’re happy.” Ray sampled his bisque, but he didn’t taste it. Every part of him fixated on Alexandra Tyrell.

  “Ray? Where are all of your female guests?” Alex looked around the table.

  “I’m afraid this is a business trip for most of my friends. Though you haven’t seen their wives and girlfriends, they’re here.” He smiled. “You’ll probably see some of them tomorrow night at the party. Unfortunately, business sometimes comes first.”

  Alex nodded. “I know. I model, and after this weekend I have to hurry back to Savannah to start my shoot for Chic magazine.”

  “How wonderful! I’m sitting next to someone who’s going to be the next face of the year, I’m sure. I know a lot of people in the industry. You have the face and body of a woman destined to go places.” He gauged her reaction and saw her hanging onto his every word, her body turned from Black.

  Alex blushed, and Ray’s body reacted violently. He carefully readjusted the napkin on his lap and scooted closer to the table. As he did so, Jed refocused his attention on Alex. The man didn’t look happy.

  “Ray,” a tall Texan down the table called out. “When are we going to get down to business?”

  The rest of the table grew silent waiting for Ray’s response. Even Jed turned his attention to his host.

  “In due time, Hal,” Ray chided the man. “Enjoy your dinner first. And rest assured that, after tonight, you’ll better understand the details of just what I can offer you.”


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