Forever Caspia

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Forever Caspia Page 5

by Michelle Hoppe

  “There is nowhere to run, Princess,” the man holding her said. “Stay here with me, and let us talk about your future.”

  “Let me up, and we can talk.” She wanted away from his body, his hard cock throbbing against her hip.

  “You have nothing to fear. I don’t rape women. I only want to hold you, maybe kiss your lips and taste your salty skin a bit.”


  “Because you’re a beautiful woman, and I’m afraid, after sleeping next to your naked body all night, I’m a little horny.”

  She fought for control, knowing she needed time to plan. This human knew Cyrus and intended to turn her over to him. She needed time to think. Playing along, she tried to distract him. “I didn’t ask you to sleep by my side, human. Nor did I ask you to bring me here.”

  “True, but now that I have you—I might as well satisfy my curiosity.”

  “Your curiosity about what?” Callista’s voice cracked in surprise.

  “The taste of your lips.” Not waiting for her to respond, he moved quickly to roll her on top of his chest. His arms wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her body even closer, her breasts pressed against his chest. His tongue parted her lips with ease, darting in and out of her mouth. His hands massaged her spine, starting high on her shoulders and weaving down her body to her ass.

  Callista allowed his tongue to play with hers, relaxing into his body. She wanted him to think she’d surrendered. Her mind worked fast. If I can make him want me, maybe even get him to fall in love, he’ll be like putty in my hands, and I’ll make him release me.

  His tongue left her mouth and traveled down her neck. The warmth of his skin on hers, the hard lines of his body molding against her, and his scent all conspired to overwhelm her senses. Get a hold of yourself, she cautioned. He is supposed to be putty in your hands, not the other way around.

  As his lips continued to move against hers, a gentle heat started deep inside, flames building as he devoured her mouth. Relaxing into him, she relished the feel of his hands on her flesh and pressed her hips tight against him. Pulling his lips away from hers, he looked into her eyes, smiled, and before she knew what to expect, he’d latched onto her nipple, sucking it into his mouth. A low moan escaped her throat as her body jolted at his hot mouth on her breast.

  Forgetting about escape plans and putty, Callista experienced an awakening, the sensation of her woman’s body coming to life. Her head arched back, driving her breast higher into his mouth. With his hand feeding her flesh to his lips, he drew a large amount of her tit into his mouth and sucked hard. Her cry of pleasure sounded strange to her ears, and her hips pumped, creating so much heat her skin burned.

  “Your body hungers for a man’s touch, Princess. You’re ripe for the taking.”

  “Yes!” Her voice was a breathless sigh. No longer able to think, she surrendered her body to his touch. She would think about her plan to seduce him later. His lips once again gathered her nipple inside his mouth and started sucking. The ache between her legs became demanding, waiting for something unnamed. “I need—” she started to say, but could not continue. She didn’t know what she needed. She’d never been with a man before.

  “What you need, Princess, I cannot give you.” He released her from his embrace, rolled her off his body, and sat on the side of the bed, his back to her.

  His sudden withdrawal caused confusion. “Why did you stop?” She demanded.

  “Because, Princess, you’re to be mated soon, and it would be unfair for me to take you knowing that.”

  Her anger welled, driving away the need burning between her thighs. “Mated to a traitor,” she sputtered. “I’ll die first.”

  “I can’t allow that, Callista. It’s my job to keep you safe until Tiro arrives.”

  “Who the hell is Tiro?”

  He turned his body to look at her. “Tiro is the eldest son of Cyrus. He is to be your mate before the full moon passes.”

  “Cyrus’ son?” She didn’t understand. Damn it, why didn’t my father warn me. Why didn’t he tell me about the vlaca curse?

  “Don’t get your hopes up, Princess. Tiro is not a man to take lightly.”

  Callista didn’t respond. She sat quietly, waiting as he gathered his clothing and left the room.

  Her plan could work. She’d seduce the human, use him to escape, and turn him over to her father to kill. But not until he showed her how to relieve this fire he’d created deep inside her body.

  * * * *

  The yacht sailed closer, her sleek body slicing through the water at a rapid clip, sails full of wind, pulling her onward. Through binoculars, Mark could see his mother and father standing on deck, looking toward the Dream Maker. He’d run up a caution flag, letting his father know not to approach too closely. One hundred and fifty yards off their port side, the Dream Star tacked left, her sails quickly brought down from her riggings. The yacht sat still on the water, her anchor chain pulling against the current.

  Ten minutes later Mark stood on deck, the smell of Amara’s perfume still lingering from her embrace. Cyrus paced back and forth, waiting for him to finish greeting the family before launching into his questions. “Do you have Callista? Did the serum work? Is she onboard the Dream Maker?”

  “Father, slow down and let me answer one question at a time. Let’s get some coffee, sit in the salon, and I’ll fill you in.”

  “Where is Tiro?” His mother’s voice sounded a little concerned.

  “He is still on the Dream Maker playing some new game with the princess.”

  Having arrived in the salon, Cyrus took a seat and immediately started questioning him again. “What game?”

  “Tiro is letting Callista think he’s just some human hired by you to capture her. He’s planning to seduce her and wants everyone to stay away for a few days so he can work his stupid plan.”

  A troubled expression settled on his mother’s face, giving him a moment’s pause. “He is an honorable man, Mother. He will not mate with her until she knows who he is.”

  “Don’t be too sure about that.”

  Turning toward the doorway, Mark didn’t respond. Tiro entered the room and bent to kiss their mother’s cheek before taking a seat next to Cyrus on the couch. Tiro sat silently and offered no further comments on his plan, so Mark continued. “The serum worked, and Callista is on board the Dream Maker. So far she’s been pretty quiet, and big brother’s plan seems to be working. Well, except for the black eye she gave him.” Mark laughed.

  Tiro remained silent.

  Cyrus took advantage of the quiet. “Explain this plan, son.”

  “I don’t know if you can call it a plan,” Tiro stated. “I just don’t want Callista to know who I am yet. Right now, she doesn’t see me as a threat and might even harbor some hope I can help her escape.”

  “An interesting idea,” Cyrus continued. “Perhaps a little risky, considering what might happen when she finds out.”

  “True,” Tiro acknowledged. “Oh, and apparently Callista thought we planned to mate her with you, Father.”

  This statement brought a soft laugh from his mother and a smile to his father’s face. They exchanged glances and seemed to share a secret joke. “You don’t seem surprised by this, Father.” Tiro looked puzzled.

  “Knowing Metri, I was certain he would never allow his daughter to be given details about his past.”

  “Yes, his failure to tell her how real the danger was made it easier for us to capture her,” Tiro responded. “Since we still have a week, I want a few days with Callista before she starts fighting me.”

  Mark noticed a concerned look on his mother’s face. “What do you think of Tiro’s plan, Mom?”

  Everyone turned to look at Amara. She shifted in her seat and said, “I do not think it fair or wise to play with the girl’s feelings this way. She is to be your mate, son. Honesty is important.”

  “I haven’t been dishonest, Mom. I just didn’t tell her who I am.”

  “And what do you t
hink will happen when you do tell her?”

  “I imagine she’ll be upset. However, once we’ve mated it won’t matter. She’ll be mine, and nothing can change her fate.”

  Amara’s sharp intake of breath announced her rising concern. “You do not mean to say you plan to bed her before you tell her who you are?”

  Tiro stood and walked to the windows, his body stiff and unyielding. “When I bed my mate is my business. There is nothing in the curse which says she has to know my name in order for the damage to be undone.”

  “This is your future wife!” Amara reminded him.

  “Please, Mother. I’ve agreed to do this. Let me do it my way.”

  Tiro’s voice held a note of anger, and Mark feared another fight with their father. Forestalling any response, Cyrus spoke. “Perhaps we should allow Tiro time to work things out with his lady. We still have a week, and there is no harm in a short delay.”

  Tiro left the salon without further comment. Mark joined him on deck. “I’m gonna stay here with the family. Radio if you need anything.” Mark relaxed as Tiro climbed down the ladder, started the motor on the dingy, and headed back to the Dream Maker.

  Chapter 8

  Callista paced the small confines of the cabin for hours, her pique mounting with each step she took. How dare he leave me here all day without food, without company? Her mind raced back over the last four days, his naked body sleeping next to hers each night. Every morning he tasted her lips, suckled at her breast, and left her with an unnamed ache deep in the pit of her womanhood. With each passing day, she found herself more frustrated.

  She still didn’t know his name, but she had learned a little about his life. He had a brother and two sisters, although she didn’t know if they were older or younger. Not that it mattered, but she believed him to be the oldest. From what he’d told her of their teasing and joking, it was obvious he enjoyed a special closeness with his siblings, and he even worked with his brother. Both his parents were still alive, and when she asked what his mom called him, he’d almost said his name, but caught himself. He’d reached over and pinched her nipple for almost tricking him on that one.

  Callista smiled, thinking about the short time they’d spent together. Somehow, she felt like she’d known him all her life. When he wasn’t kidnapping Mermaids, he was a commercial angler. This boat, the Dream Maker, belonged to him, a gift from his father when he turned eighteen.

  What a surprise to discover she’d gotten so much information out of him. He’d told her of parties, trips, and his many girlfriends. His favorite subject, however, was his love of the ocean. Sailing, skiing, and something he called surfing, although she never did understand what he meant by riding the barrel. So why, damn it? Why wouldn’t he tell her his name?

  Two days before, Callista decided to stop fighting him, giving in to her urge to explore his body, using her hands, her lips, and her tongue. For hours they played, talking, touching, licking, sucking, and then talking some more. She told him about her love of art. He told her his plans to own a fleet of ships. She tried to explain what it felt like to breathe through gills and to swim for hours underwater without air tanks. He’d spent half an hour trying to explain how a regulator worked, and then finally took her on deck to demonstrate. They’d talked for hours before falling asleep entwined in each other’s arms. After that first night, he became more affectionate and attentive, spending his time with her. Yet part of her current aggravation stemmed from his refusal to continue his exploration of her body. Each time they came close, he pulled back.

  Callista wondered when her plan stopped being as essential as her desire for him. Her escape was impossible without his help, but she feared what would happen once they left this ship. He couldn’t return with her to Caspia. Her father would kill him.

  “Thialo, where is he?” she asked the walls, and then continued pacing, her mind once again wondering about her seduction of him. If she succeeded in escaping with his help, they had no place to go, no future together. Somehow, the idea made her heart ache.

  The sound of footsteps pulled her from her thoughts. Holding her breath, she waited. The knob rotated, and the door silently swung in. Framed in the soft light from the hallway outside, he looked like he’d just taken a shower. He stood in the doorway staring at her, his eyes shimmering like deep pools of liquid chocolate, his dark hair still wet, pearls of water visible on his broad shoulders.

  She waited while he set a tray of food on the table. “I’m sorry to have been so long in bringing food. I had to report to Cyrus again,” he offered as his explanation.

  He extended his hand to her in an offer to join him. Once they’d taken their seats, he poured her a glass of wine. “What? No anger because I’m late?”

  Callista tried to conceal her excitement at his arrival. “I’ve decided to ignore you.”

  “Is that so?” He smiled. “So we’re eating in silence tonight?”

  Without a word, Callista picked up a fork and started eating, which brought a hearty laugh from him. After ten minutes, she could take no more. “What’s your name?”

  He looked into her eyes. “Do you know no other question, Princess? I’ve told you already my name is not important.”

  “Didn’t your mother call you by a name?”

  “Of course.”

  “So, what the hell is it?”

  “Feisty tonight, aren’t we? Tell you what. You can call me whatever name makes you happy.”

  “Kolo.” Callista smiled.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I can’t explain. It’s part of your body.”

  “Interesting choice.”

  Callista stared across the table at him. She wasn’t used to his teasing. “You’d rather I call you kolo than tell me your name?”

  “Why does it matter so much?”

  She couldn’t answer the question. Couldn’t let him see how important his touch had become. “It doesn’t,” she snapped, her tone harsher than she’d intended.

  “Don’t pout, Princess. I have a name. If you continue to behave, do as I tell you, and kiss me like you did this morning, I’ll tell you someday.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Does this mean you’ll help me escape?”

  His head cocked to one side, his eyebrow arching in surprise. “I’ve been giving it some thought.”

  “And?” Callista almost jumped out of her chair. She could feel freedom.

  “Don’t get excited, Callista.”

  The sound of her name, spoken with his deep rich voice, sent a shiver down her spine. “We only have two more days before the full moon. If you’re going to help me, it must be tonight.”

  “We will need to wait until dark when the others have gone to bed.”

  Callista knew exactly what she wanted to do while they waited for nightfall. Without words, she stood in front of him. She slowly stripped out of the clothes he’d given her and held out her hands to him.


  Tiro needed no further invitation. He picked Callista up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Laying her down, he knelt between her legs and bent his head to her lips. Pressing firmly, Tiro pushed his tongue between her lips and tasted her mouth. His tongue danced over her teeth, exploring along the inside of her cheeks. Tasting, sucking, he deepened the kiss. Her tongue answered every thrust and parry, growing bolder.

  With his lips still pressed tightly to hers, Tiro’s hands moved over her naked body. Using gentle strokes, he trailed his fingers down her side, over her hips, then up her inner thigh. Wanting more, Tiro lightly pressed his thumb on her clit. Her body responded. She lifted her ass off the bed, driving his hand tighter against her mons. His finger dipped into her pussy. Finding warm wetness, he pushed his fingers deeper.

  A soft moan escaping her throat vibrated through his still clinging lips. Pulling away, Tiro looked at her face. Her eyes closed and her lips parted as his finger continued to work its magic. Lowering his head to her breast, he pulled her nipple into his mouth. Rolling
it around with his tongue, hand cupping below to push her breast to his face, he slowly increased the pressure of his lips.

  Callista’s soft moans urged Tiro on, his fingers becoming bolder in their rhythm, his suckling at her breast harder. His head filled with pleasure as her body responded to every touch. He remembered the look of love in her eyes when she’d told him about swimming free. He wanted her to look at him with the same passion. Using his thumb, he danced on her clit, stroking faster and faster.

  Her body quivered, juice flooding from her pussy, coating his fingers. Her back arched, driving her clit hard into his thumb, making it harder to thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy. Pulling free, he grabbed her ankles, draping them over his shoulders. Holding her ass in his hands, he lowered his lips to her opening. His tongue delved inside, licking along her pussy lips, tasting her sweet honey.

  She screamed, the orgasm erupting from deep inside, her body shaking and her legs trembling. Tiro continued to suck her clit. She is mine. The thought hit like a cold shower, pulling him back to reality. He released her, his body tensing with need, frustration raging through his veins. “I can’t, Princess.” He wanted nothing more than to continue. His body ached and his cock throbbed, but he needed to send a message to the family. Once he consummated his mating with Callista, there would only be a short period of time before they’d have to return to the water.

  Her body still shook from the force of her first orgasm. An angry spark smoldered in her eyes. “Can’t! Why the hell not?”

  “You’re not mine to use. Your body belongs to another.”

  Her voice shook with rage. “You would—”

  “Damn it, woman, I have no choice,” Tiro interrupted.

  “Yes, you do! To hell with Cyrus. To hell with Tiro. They’ll never own me!”

  Pushing himself off the bed, he walked to the door. “You’re wrong, Callista. Tiro will make you his before the full moon. Have no doubt.” He stepped into the passageway, not giving her time to respond. A scream of frustration followed him down the hall.


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