Hurd, Harriet “Hattie,” see McClure, Harriet Hurd “Hattie”
Hurst’s Roadhouse, 69
Hutchinson News, 436, 501
hydroelectric power, 606–7
Idaho, 124, 510
Illinois, 159, 186, 192, 349, 407, 462, 511, 601, 650, 683
direct primaries in, 687–88, 689, 693
immigrants, 11
Japanese, 653–54
Jews as, 77
Riis and, 204, 205, 213
in stockyards, 459–61
immigration law, 416
“Impending Roosevelt, The” (Baker), 633
Independent, 296, 384
India, 271
Indiana, 160, 397, 406, 650, 699, 705
insurgents in, 627
Indiana Democrat, 322
Indianapolis, Ind., 139, 414, 699, 730
Indianapolis News, 455
Indianapolis Star, 17, 602, 626, 635
Indian Territory, 436, 439
individual rights, 217
industrial growth, unchecked, 323
industrialism, 295, 325, 540
industrialization, 400, 402
problems of, 12, 157–58, 183, 280, 282, 339
Industrial Revolution, 15, 31, 126, 158, 253, 425, 564
consolidation in, 717
governmental regulation of, 78
labor vs., 102–3
In re Jacobs, 78
In re Phelan, 215–17
insurance, life, 509
insurance companies, 256
Insurance Department, New York State, 255–56, 258
insurgents, 586–87, 593, 597, 599, 603, 627–30, 638, 639, 655
reciprocity attacked by, 659–60
TR’s compromise decried by, 649
Insurgents’ Club, 670, 673
Interior Department, U.S., 561–62, 605–27
General Land Office of, 611
Internal Revenue, Taft as Collector for Cincinnati, 55–56
International Harvester, 418
Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, House, 453
interstate commerce, 594
Interstate Commerce Act, 192, 669
stock-watering amendment to, 19
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 192, 333, 445–47, 451–53, 457–58, 564
railroads and, 564, 638
interstate traffic, 215
interventionism, 504–5, 508
“In the Depths of the Coal Mine” (Crane), 311–12
Iowa, 241, 292, 454, 457, 538, 603, 650, 729
insurgents in, 627
Ireland, 159, 170
Ireland, Archbishop, 131
iron ore, 292
irrigation, 306, 352–53, 359
Irving, Washington, 111
Irwin, Will, 170, 488–89
Isham’s Spring Water, 465
Island Queen, 550–51
Isthmian Canal Commission, 396
Italian Riviera, 632
Italy, 2, 28, 38, 128, 331, 470
Jaccaci, August, 178, 180, 189, 195, 332, 335
Jackson, Andrew, 31, 314, 565, 569, 694
Jackson, Harry, 120
Jaffray, Elizabeth, 581–82
James, William, 540
Japan, 432, 525, 566
California legislation against immigrants from, 653–54
Russia’s tensions with, 432–34
Jefferson, Thomas, 31, 295, 694
Jeffries, James Jackson, 622
Jerome, William Travers, 363
in cigar-making industry, 77
immigrant, 77
in New York, 168
Parisian, 174
Jim Crow, 455, 493–94
John Brown Memorial Park, 643
Johnson, Hiram, 667, 674, 712, 721
Johnson, Hugh, 357
Johnson, Jack, 622
Johnson, Tom, 368, 383, 434
Jones, Samuel, 368
Jones, Wesley, 618
journalism, journalists, 750
costs of war, 225–26
investigative, xii–xiii, xiv, 467–68, 480, 483–84, 488, 491
muckraking, 12, 201, 324, 467, 480, 491, 538, 616, 656
political, 225
progressive, 485, 487
yellow, 222, 224, 486
see also specific newspapers and magazines
Journal of Commerce, 501
judicial review, 456, 457
McClure’s critique of, 325
Taft’s defense of, 684, 694–95, 711, 716
TR’s attack on, 679–80, 682, 687, 694, 711
Judiciary Committee, New York State, 72–75
Judiciary Dinner, 395
Judiciary Square, 136
“Juggling with the Tariff” (Tarbell), 590–91
Julius Caesar, 28
Jungle, The (Sinclair), 460–64, 468
Jusserand, Jean Jules, 67, 286, 345, 567, 576
Jusserand, Mme., 567
justice, distributive, 195
Justice Department, U.S., 108, 135, 145, 146, 149, 300, 361, 669
Standard Oil prosecuted by, 441–43
Kaiserin, 1, 3, 6, 11, 636
Kansas, 189, 248–52, 263, 282, 313, 333, 477, 511, 523, 532, 589, 597, 643, 644, 710
insurgents in, 627
Oil War in, 436–38
progressivism in, 587
Republican conflict in, 628–29
Standard Oil in, 436–40
Kansas, University of, 190–91
Kansas City, Mo., 104, 188, 251, 440, 539
Kansas City Journal, 194
Kansas City Star, 194, 251, 501, 534, 579
Kansas City Times, 518
Karger, Gus, 524, 556, 574
Karnow, Stanley, 276, 525
Katsura, Taro, 432–33
Kelsey, Clarence Hill, 33
Kent, William, 368, 649
Kentucky, 152, 177, 215, 509, 524
Kerby, Fred, 623–24
Kermit, Ann Eliza, 115–16, 121, 132
Kermit & Carow, 114
Kettle Hill, 230
Keys, Alice (Allie), 58, 90–91, 93–96, 98–99
Key West, Fla., 226
Khartoum, 2, 3, 637
kindergarten, 103
Kipling, Rudyard, 118, 143, 159, 167, 188, 476
Kirk, William, 58
Knickerbocker Trust Company, 528
Knight case, 218
Knights of Labor, 173
Knob Creek Farm, 566–67
Knox, Frank, 673
Knox, Philander C., 298–99, 314–16, 398, 409, 481, 498, 543
as Taft’s Secretary of State, 560, 562, 563
Knox College, 162–64, 169, 170, 188
Knox Student, 164, 165
Kohlsaat, Herman H. (H. H.), 250–51, 305, 361
Korea, 432–33
labor, 102–3, 158, 193, 292, 388, 396, 399, 403–4, 406, 503, 535
Baker’s reporting on, 183–87, 194, 201, 324, 326, 358–59, 415–17, 445, 472, 494
capital vs., 183, 318, 324, 351, 414–15, 679
Democrats and, 415
racketeering by, 362–64
rights of, xi, 11, 657
TR’s evolving position on, 76–78
Labor Department, U.S., 403
labor unions, 173, 216–17, 294, 314, 356, 364–65, 402, 416, 541, 724
La Crosse, Wisc., 601–2
Ladies’ Home Journal, 464, 575, 576
ladronism, 290
La Farge, Grant, 244
La Follette, Belle, 376, 676
La Follette, Robert, 368, 547, 588, 627, 655, 659
Aldrich challenged by, 593
in 1912 presidential nomination contest, 670–71, 672–76, 688, 696, 703, 705–6, 711
as progressive, 655–57, 670, 686, 688
railroad fight in, 446
Steffens on, 376, 484, 540, 673
on tariff, 595
Wilson supported by, 71
laissez-faire economics, 12, 31, 76, 77, 183, 201, 218, 244, 347, 447, 570, 638, 730, 741
Lake Shore Limited, 700
Lambert, Alexander, 530, 734–35
Lamson, Johnny, 120
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 441–42
Land Office, 562
land ownership, 183
lands, protected, 606–7
Lansing, Mich., 180
Laredo Times, 441
Las Guásimas, 229–30
Latham, Frank, 158
Laughlin, Lucy Herron, 89, 581
Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 660, 665
Lausanne, 331
Lawler, Oscar, 613, 623–26
Lawrence, Kans., 190–91
Lawson, Miss, 58
lawyers, 193
McClure’s critique of, 325
Standard Oil’s, 346
Leary, John, 744–45
Lease, Mary, 192–93
Leather Trust, 585
Lebanon, 40
Lee, Alice Hathaway, see Roosevelt, Alice Hathaway Lee
Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 727, 740
Lee, Robert E., 25
Lee, Viscount, 67, 286
Legarda, Benito, 431
Leipzig, 167, 198
Leo XIII, Pope, 303
Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly, 326
Lewis, Alfred Henry, 482
Lewis, Vivian, 651
Lewis and Clark national forest, 517
Lexow, Clarence, 200
Lexow Committee, 200, 206–7, 371
Liberal Party:
Canadian, 660, 665
Cuban, 505–6, 508
Library of Congress, 177, 310
Life magazine, 486
Lincoln, Abraham, 25–26, 427, 479, 661
popularity of, 1, 658
Republican party under, 279–80
Tarbell on, 168, 177–78, 179, 225, 330, 492
as TR’s hero and role model, 79, 83, 279–80, 314, 317, 320, 322, 452, 540, 566, 687, 689
Lincoln, Tad, 287
Lincoln, Willie, 83, 287
Lincoln Club, 107
Lincoln University, 17, 18
Lindsberg, Kans., 692
Lion and the Mouse, The, 340
Literary Associated Press, 166–70
Literary Digest, 641
Littauer, Lucius, 597
Little Boar’s Head, 93, 95
Littlefield, Charles, 504
Little Italy, 203
Little Missouri River, 110
Liverpool, 28, 41
Lloyd, Harlan Page, 57, 86, 98
Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 192, 330, 356
Lloyd’s Neck, 367
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 253, 309, 313, 381, 481–82, 640–41, 650, 744
at 1908 Republican National Convention, 543–46
as reformer, 84, 95
on Taft, 221
Taft on Supreme Court supported by, 498–99
Taft’s cabinet offer declined by, 560
on TR, 8, 212, 409, 484
on TR’s attack on judiciary, 680, 682
as TR’s closest friend, 7
TR’s correspondence with, 124, 139–40, 155, 156, 210–11, 253, 408, 429–30, 603, 633, 647–48
on TR’s vice presidential candidacy, 259–63
in Washington, 131, 141, 150, 241, 301
Lodge, Anna “Nannie,” 141, 142, 150, 301, 396
Loeb, William, 407, 419, 514, 545
Loewenthal, Henry, 72
Logansport, Ind., 309
London, 123, 127, 128, 133, 176, 198, 199, 372, 469, 471, 472
“Lone Fighter, The” (Baker), 364–65
Long, Chester, 532
Long, John David, 222–24, 264–65
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 116, 118
Long Island, 4, 230, 489
see also Oyster Bay; Sagamore Hill; Tranquillity
Long Island City, 361
Long Island Sound, 112, 232, 367
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 5, 8, 240, 567, 635, 637
Bamie’s care for, 109, 113, 125, 128
birth of, 4, 80, 82–83
on Butt’s death, 692–93
Edith and, 128–29
in Newport, 366–67
and 1912 presidential nomination, 680–81, 688, 689
TR’s message to Butt through, 671, 677
wild nature of, 395–96, 430–31
Longworth, Nicholas, 6, 430–31, 553, 635, 680–81, 738
Lorimer, William, 689, 694
Los Angeles Times, 339, 346, 417
Louisiana, 527
Louisiana, 510
Louisville, Ky., 214, 426
Lounsbury, Thomas, 743
Low, Alfred Maurice, 326–27
Low, Seth, 380
Lowell, James Russell, 111, 205
Lowell Sun, 339
Lowville, N.Y., 88
Lubow, Arthur, 230
Lucerne, 331, 470
lumber, 352, 592
Luneta, 271, 578, 579
Lurton, Horace H., 214
Lydia E. Pinkham Company, 464–65
Lyman, A. W., 70
Lyman, Charles, 140
Lynn, Mass., 464
Lyon, Cecil Andrew, 699
Lyon, Peter, 167, 325
MacArthur, Arthur, 267–70, 273, 276
McClure, Elizabeth, see Simpson, Elizabeth McClure
McClure, Harriet Hurd “Hattie,” 162–66, 168, 170, 331, 488, 750
McClure’s infidelity and, 469, 471–74
McClure, Samuel S., xii–xiii, 157, 311, 328, 445, 464, 656, 750
affairs of, 469–74
Baker and, 179–80, 187, 233–34, 297, 354–58, 364
childhood and education of, 160–64, 201
country club blackballing of, 341–42
expansion plans of, 475–79
exuberant and intense personality of, 160, 163, 171, 178, 196, 331, 489, 496
in formation of January 1903 issue, 326–27, 331
genius vs. eccentricities of, 332–33
on January 1903 issue, 324–25, 339
La Follette and, 676
loss of McClure’s by, 709–10
manic and depressive episodes of, 328–30, 342, 468–80, 489–90
marriage of, 166
on power of press, 201–2
press syndicate of, 166–70, 476
reading by, 160–61
on staff departures, 487–88
Steffens and, 259, 368–73, 375, 383
on Taft, 632
Tarbell and, 170–71, 175–78, 438
TR and, 195, 231, 378
at Wheelman, 165–66, 476
White and, 189, 194–95, 235, 249
McClure, Thomas, 160–61
McClure’s Journal Company, 477
McClure’s magazine, xii, 157, 160, 170–202, 223, 324, 329–30, 358, 373, 415, 417, 459, 465, 484, 492, 494, 539, 632, 749–50
Big Four at, 201
circulation of, 176, 177, 325–26, 327, 328, 456
founding of, 168–70
influence of, 378, 383, 440, 467–68
January 1903 issue of, 324–27
last great series in, 676
Life satire of, 486
McClure’s loss of, 709–10
meticulous research by, 482
middle class as audience for, 189, 254–55, 325, 417
on Panama, 427
Platt profiled in, 281–84
Progressive era reforms at, 170, 202, 383–84, 385
on railroads, 445–47
schism at, 468–80, 487–90
shift to contemporary events in, 224–27
staff writers at, 169–70
Taft and, 170
TR’s relationship with, 169, 170, 202, 232, 258–59, 285–86
Wilkinson’s poetry in, 469
see also Baker, Ray Stannard; McClure, Samuel S.; Phillips, John S.; Steffens, Lincoln; Tarbell, Ida; White, William Allen
McClure’s Universal Journal, 475–77
nbsp; McCormick Reaper plant, 158
McGovern, Francis, 705–6
Mack, John, 91
Mack, Tom, 147
MacKenzie, Donald, 94
McKim, Charles, 306
McKinley, Dan, 478
McKinley, Ida, 281, 287
McKinley, William, 245, 251, 261, 285, 309, 390, 406, 415, 733
assassination of, 1, 7, 278–82, 293, 295, 296, 299, 312–13, 425
in Civil War, 222
conservative policies of, 280–81, 380
in 1896 elections, 187–88, 212–13, 253, 291, 292, 381
in 1900 election, 250, 272–73, 292
and Spanish-American War, 222–25
Taft sent to Philippines by, 14, 264–66, 288, 301
TR appointed to Navy Department by, 213, 221–22
TR’s differentiation of self from, 281, 294
TR’s impatience with, 224, 274–75
McKinley, William Brown, 683, 686, 700–701, 704
McKinley tariff, 147
McManus, John, 68–69
McNamara, John and James, 724
Madison, Wisc., 369
Madison Square Garden, 735–36
magazines, 168, 406, 674–75
see also specific magazines
Magoon, Charles E., 507–8
Mahan, Alfred, 222
Mahonay City, 357
Maine, 22, 39, 47, 110, 113, 125, 308, 503–4, 508
Maine, USS, 223, 225, 226
Malacañan Palace, 268, 276, 431, 572
malaria, 300, 303
Manchuria, 432, 433
Manhattan, 6
Manhattan Elevated Railway Company, 71–74
Manila, 265, 276, 289, 300, 304, 394, 395, 431, 508, 525–26, 578
infant mortality in, 271
Manila Bay, 267, 268
Battle of, 224
Mann, Katy, 151
“Man on Horseback” (White), 252
manufacturing, manufacturers, 31, 254, 309, 584
Marconi, Guglielmo, 233
Marine Band, 5, 89, 146, 573, 579, 716
Marines, U.S., 507
Marseillaise, 103
Marshall, Edward, 228–29
Marshall, John, 498
Marshall, Thomas, 746
Martin, Elbert, 732
Marx, Karl, 198
Maryland, 349, 556
direct primaries in, 687, 696
Massachusetts, 7, 84, 164, 185, 301, 308, 313, 406, 514, 546, 556, 650, 651, 684
direct primaries in, 687, 693–95, 696
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 551
Massachusetts Supreme Court, 386
Massillon, Ohio, 184–85
mass production, 158
Matterhorn, 65–66
Matthews, James Brander, 228
Matthews, John, 617
Matthews, Stanley, 26
May Day strike of 1886, 103
Mayflower, 433, 659, 701
Meadville, Penn., 172, 173
“Measure of Taft, The” (Baker), 631
meat inspection act, 12
meatpacking, 340
strike, 459
Mechanics Hall, 695
mechanization, 158
Medal of Honor, 512
The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism Page 142