The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism

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The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism Page 144

by Doris Kearns Goodwin

  Philippine National Assembly, 525–26

  Philippines, 350, 396, 408, 413, 428

  agriculture in, 429

  Augustinian missionary work in, 18

  disease outbreaks in, 289–90

  independence for, 409, 410–11, 526

  Nellie Taft in, 16

  popular assembly in, 307

  railroads for, 396–97, 429

  Samar massacre in, 288–89

  self-government as goal for, 272, 302, 431

  Senate Committee on the, 301–2

  Spanish-American War in, 224

  Spanish friars problem in, 302–4

  Taft as governor general of, 11, 14, 239, 264–77, 288, 385–92, 521, 557, 558, 560, 571, 572, 575, 653, 667

  Taft on, 410–11, 422, 499

  Taft’s popularity in, 271, 304, 389, 411, 431, 525–26

  Taft’s return journeys to, 429, 431–33, 525–26, 532

  tariff on imports from, 38, 302, 307, 397–98, 414, 429, 498, 503, 507, 517, 526, 594, 598

  TR’s desire to be governor general of, 259–61, 275

  U.S. Army in, 267–70

  Phillips, David Graham, 481–83, 485

  Phillips, Jennie, 178, 477

  Phillips, John S., 157, 163–64, 166, 170, 190, 195, 746–47, 750

  at American, 490–95, 628, 723–24

  insurgency supported by, 628–31

  at McClure’s, 168–69, 178, 179, 180, 188–89, 234, 327, 331, 335, 358, 370–71, 438–39

  on McClure’s reckless behavior, 470–79

  at McClure’s syndicate, 167, 476

  resignation from McClure’s by, 478–80, 487–88

  on Taft, 629, 630–31

  on TR, 671

  on Wheelman, 165, 476

  Phillips, Wendell, 163, 452, 540

  Phillips Exeter Academy, 245

  Phoenix, Ariz., 353, 604

  photo engraving, 168

  Pierce, Frank, 612

  Pierce, Franklin, 76

  Pinchot, Amos, 673–74, 679, 708–9

  Pinchot, Gifford, 12, 244–45, 360, 362, 517, 632–33, 649, 656, 740

  Ballinger’s disagreements with, 605–19, 621–27, 630, 633, 639

  La Follette and, 670, 673–74, 676

  Taft and departure of, 605, 620–21

  on TR’s 1912 candidacy, 676, 679

  TR’s relationship with, 561, 605, 608, 632–33, 643–44

  Pinkerton Agency, 193

  Pinkham, Lydia E., 464–65

  pipelines, 439, 441

  Pittsburgh, Pa., 298, 509

  Steffens on corruption in, 369, 373

  Pittsburgh Press, 690

  Pittsfield, Mass., 308

  plague, 290

  Platt, Orville, 292, 293–94, 310

  Platt, Thomas Collier, 235–37, 240, 242–43, 246–49, 254–56, 368

  and TR’s vice-presidential candidacy, 258–59, 263, 273

  White’s profile of, 281–84, 341

  Platt Amendment, 505

  Plaza Hotel, 673

  Pocatello, Idaho, 508

  Poland, Ohio, 173

  Poland Union Seminary, 173

  police, salaries of, 77

  Police Department, NYC:

  bipartisan board of, 204, 211

  Lexow Committee hearings and, 200, 206–7, 371

  TR as commissioner of, 7, 156, 195, 200–201, 203–14, 217, 228, 232, 242, 244, 387

  Police Headquarters, NYC, 200, 203

  police power, 192, 466

  Polk, James K., 76

  Pompey, 28


  charity towards, 34–35

  private charity and, 36–37

  Pope, Albert, 165, 169

  Pope Manufacturing Company, 165

  Populists, populism, 187, 191, 193, 212, 248, 252, 280, 296, 400, 445

  economic change called for by, 221

  southern, 573

  Spanish-American War and, 226

  White on, 187, 193–94, 195

  Porcellian Club, 44, 47, 681

  Port Arthur, 432, 433

  Porter, John Addison, 105–6, 221

  Portland, Maine, 412

  Portland, Ore., 353, 603–4, 657–58

  Portsmouth, N.H., 433

  postal rates, 632

  Post Office, 484

  civil service abuses in, 139–40

  Potomac Park, 578–79

  Potomac River, 580

  Potter, Grace, 118, 121

  power trust, 608

  President Grant, SS, 532


  tabloid, 329

  Taft’s relationship with, xiii–xiv, 547, 574–75, 589–91, 626–32, 641, 643

  on TR’s European reception, 2

  TR’s relationship with, xii–xiv, 7–8, 70, 76, 217, 243, 256–57, 280–81, 287, 293, 320, 323, 351, 480–87, 574, 589, 641, 651–52, 701, 739–40

  TR’s return hailed by, 6–7

  Price, Overton, 616, 620, 626


  direct, 629, 640, 641, 656, 682, 684, 686–90, 693–96, 721

  TR’s success in, 698

  Princeton, N.J., 722, 738

  Princeton University, 739

  Pringle, Henry, 25, 61, 138, 223, 587

  private enterprise, 453

  privilege, Tarbell’s hatred of, 172

  profits, 31–32, 186, 338

  Progress and Poverty (George), 126, 183

  Progressive Conference, 670

  Progressive era, xi, 170

  Progressive Federation of Publicists and Editors, 656

  Progressive League, Minnesota, 713

  Progressive movement, magazines and, 326

  Progressive Party, see National Progressive Party

  progressives, 598, 667, 741

  Alphonso Taft as, 26–27

  anger at Ballinger by, 607–8

  Democratic, 368, 407, 457, 552–54, 722

  investigative journalists defended by, 487

  Republican, 11–12, 13, 236, 248, 279–80, 368, 378, 423, 456, 457, 514, 552–54, 572, 586, 593, 597, 598, 629, 645, 647, 650, 663, 669, 703, 704–5, 712–17

  Steffens on, 492

  on Taft, 571

  Promise of American Life, The (Croly), 644

  property, 445, 483, 530

  private, 192, 386, 402

  Republican party and, 254

  rights, 31–32, 77–78, 217, 296, 716

  protectionism, 408, 495–96, 498, 658

  Protestants, 303, 305

  Providence, R.I., 727

  Providence Journal, 169

  public lands, 606–8, 627

  public spending, 408

  public works programs, 184–85

  Puck magazine, 279, 347, 365, 444, 467, 516, 534

  Puerto Rico, 513, 519

  Pulitzer, Joseph, 222

  Pullman, George M., 185–86

  Pullman, Ill., 185–87

  Pullman Palace Car Company, 185–87, 216, 349

  Pullman Strike, 185–87, 194, 215–17, 297, 355

  Pure Food and Drug Act, 12, 464–65, 466, 484, 584

  Putnam, Carleton, 40, 48

  Putnam, Herbert, 310–11

  Putnam’s, 66

  Quebec, 160, 219

  race, Baker on, 492, 493–94

  railroads, xi, 31, 158, 291, 297, 329, 363, 375, 434, 540

  anti-regulation campaign by, 448

  Baker on, 445–48, 449–53, 455–59, 479, 494

  bankruptcy of, 199

  brakes on, 244

  coal-carrying, 312

  colonial, 397

  in depression of 1893, 159

  hours legislation for, 517

  ICC and, 564, 638

  Jim Crow laws on, 455

  La Follette’s defiance of, 368

  McClure’s on, 445–47

  mergers of, 399

  The Octopus and, 327–38

  in Philippines, 396–97, 429

  popular resentment of, 453

  preferential treatme
nt by, 440, 441, 445

  rates of, 19, 171–72, 191–92, 201, 337, 340, 343, 450, 451–53, 458, 514, 638

  refrigerated freight cars on, 299–300

  regulation of, 11, 12, 406, 445, 449–59, 464, 466, 484, 591, 592, 716

  right to strike of workers on, 216–17

  worker safety and assumption of risk regarding, 217–18

  “Railroads on Trial, The” (Baker), 449–53

  Railway Congress, 448

  Rainier national forest, 517

  Raleigh Hotel, 683

  Rappahannock River, 510

  Rauschenbusch, Walter, 628

  Rawlins, Joseph, 301

  Reade, Charles, 190

  Reclamation Act of 1902, 352–54

  Red Cross Magazine, 747

  Redding Ridge, Conn., 495

  redwoods, 351–52

  Reed, Thomas, 147–48, 188

  reformers, 242, 246–47, 406

  George and, 126

  reform schools, 26

  Reid, Whitelaw, 538

  “Reign of Lawlessness: Anarchy and Despotism in Colorado” (Baker), 402–5

  Reno, Nev., 622

  Republican National Committee, 213, 406, 418, 548, 683, 725, 738

  contested seats for 1912 convention and, 698–701, 705

  Credentials Committee of, 707–10

  TR proposed as vice president by, 259

  White’s resignation from, 723

  Republican National Convention:

  of 1856, 25

  of 1884, 84, 109

  of 1900, 261–64, 272, 292

  of 1904, 379, 401, 405–7

  of 1908, 542–47, 617

  of 1912, 697–713, 715, 723, 733

  direct election of delegates to, 656

  Republican party, 31, 48, 54, 56, 60, 62, 83, 105, 126, 183, 187, 193, 196, 200, 204, 210, 226, 236, 289, 374, 377, 422, 429, 430, 535, 549–50, 602, 618, 620, 658, 689, 716

  Alphonso Taft in, 25, 26

  on anti-trust legislation, 307, 342, 347

  big business and, 291, 307, 346, 417–20, 703

  bosses of, 210, 211, 212–13, 291, 292, 368, 376, 383, 405, 423, 703

  conservative-progressive divide among, 13, 14, 19, 20, 45, 55, 378–80, 434–36, 444–45, 564, 595, 627–28, 650

  discontent with TR among, 321, 455, 527

  insurgents in, see insurgents

  machine politicians in, 45, 67–68, 235, 237–38, 240, 246, 256, 258, 324, 423, 437

  moderate, 457, 645, 679

  national headquarters of, 556

  in 1902 elections, 319

  in 1906 midterm elections, 510

  in 1910 midterm elections, 651

  in NY Assembly, 76–77

  in NYC, 67–68, 126–27, 155–56

  Old Guard conservatives in, 12, 278–81, 287, 293, 380, 382, 402, 405, 407, 415, 416, 443, 444–45, 453, 457, 503, 504, 514, 517, 542–43, 553, 572, 586, 600, 627, 629, 638, 641–43, 647, 649, 650, 651, 655, 660, 669, 711, 726

  on Philippine railroad bill, 397

  platform of, 406

  progressives in, 11–12, 13, 236, 248, 279–80, 368, 378, 423, 456, 457, 514, 552–54, 572, 586, 593, 597, 598, 629, 645, 647, 650, 663, 669, 703, 704–5, 712–17, 727

  railroad regulation and, 444–45, 454, 458

  regional differences in, 602, 736

  southern, 321

  support for Wilson among, 713–14

  Taft’s warning to, 422–23

  tariff and, 309–10, 509, 585–86, 600

  third-party split in, 708–17, 726, 737

  TR as gubernatorial nominee of, 236–38

  TR’s balancing act with, 504

  TR’s goals for, 291

  trusts and, 307, 313, 398, 400

  unity of, 540

  Walcott criticized by, 360

  Western, 309

  Republican press, 318, 386

  Republican State Committee, Maine, 503–4

  Republican State Committee, New York, 242

  Republican State Committee, Ohio, 519

  reservoirs, 352–53, 361

  Review of Reviews, 169

  Reynolds, James, 462

  Reynolds-Neill Report, 463–64

  Rhode Island, 91, 292, 307, 308, 397, 413

  Rhodes, Cecil, 331

  Rhodes, James Ford, 684

  Rhône, 470

  Rice, Alice Hegan, 159, 469–70

  Rice, Cale, 469–70

  “Riddle of the Negro, The” (Baker), 493–94

  “Right to Work, The” (Baker), 356–58

  Riis, Jacob, 7, 37, 45, 64, 230–31, 238, 320

  TR as governor and, 243–44

  and TR as NYC police commissioner, 203–4, 206, 208–10, 213, 217, 228

  and TR’s presidency, 286, 361

  on TR’s vice-presidential nomination, 264

  writing and journalism of, 204–6

  rinderpest, 289, 387

  River of Doubt, 743, 744

  Robinson, Beverly, 7

  Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt, 6, 35–36, 81–82, 112, 130, 231, 237, 294

  as asthmatic, 37

  Edith’s childhood friendship with, 4, 115–18, 120–22

  literary ambitions of, 120

  marriage of, 80, 121–22

  at Republican National Convention of 1900, 261, 263–64

  on TR, 20, 34, 44

  TR encouraged by, 156

  TR’s letters to, 128, 366, 420

  Robinson, Douglas, 80, 81, 130, 261

  TR’s expression of frustration to, 294

  Rochester, N.Y., 628

  Rock Creek Park, 134, 286, 545, 566

  Rockefeller, Abby Aldrich, 293

  Rockefeller, John D., 31, 171, 330, 334, 336–41, 343, 345–47, 358, 403, 441, 442, 445, 468, 486, 492, 667

  bank of, 363

  Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 293

  Rockefeller, William, 341

  Rockefellers, 297, 450

  Rocky Mountain region, 360, 415, 425, 600

  Rogers, Henry H., 334–35

  Roland, Madame, 170, 173, 175, 176, 177

  Roman Catholic Church:

  in Philippines, 302–5, 526

  Taft on, 18

  Rome, 28, 302–4, 388

  Roosevelt, Alice, see Longworth, Alice Roosevelt

  Roosevelt, Alice Hathaway Lee, 4, 73–74

  pregnancy and death of, 79–83, 109, 110, 122

  TR’s courtship of, 46–48, 82, 121

  TR’s inability to speak of, 82–83, 129

  Roosevelt, Anna “Bamie,” see Cowles, Anna “Bamie” Roosevelt

  Roosevelt, Anna Hall, 150–51

  Roosevelt, Archibald Bulloch “Archie,” 6, 240, 421, 747, 748

  birth of, 155

  Roosevelt, Corinne, see Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt

  Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Shaack, 34, 35, 115

  Roosevelt, Edith Carow, 114, 127, 150, 212, 219, 275, 306, 309, 310, 353, 367, 425, 434, 545, 570, 635, 700, 711, 715, 745, 746, 748

  anxiety about TR in Spanish-American War suffered by, 231

  appearance of, 241

  and assassination attempt on TR, 734–35

  at Bull Moose Convention, 720

  Butt and, 566, 677–78

  disapproval of TR’s proposed mayoral run by, 156, 231

  domestic nature of, 133, 287, 320–21

  education of, 116–17, 133

  engagement to TR of, 109, 113, 122–26

  health of, 227, 680

  marriage to TR by, 4–5, 126–28

  meticulous and thoughtful nature of, 4–5

  Nellie and, 132–33, 147, 636–37

  on 1912 election, 680, 720, 738, 740

  in Panama, 510–11

  poetry by, 118–20

  pregnancies and childbirth of, 129, 131, 132, 155, 227

  reading by, 116, 117, 122, 123–24, 129, 131, 133, 141–42

  reserved nature of, 129, 130, 132, 142, 240–41, 320, 576–77, 720

  reunion with TR by, 3–
4, 120–22

  on Roosevelt family finances, 131, 259–60

  on Taft, 20, 394

  Taft’s anniversary party missed by, 663

  Taft’s present to, 654

  TR’s childhood friendship with, 4, 15, 38–39, 109, 112, 115–21

  at TR’s gubernatorial inauguration, 240

  at TR’s wedding to Alice, 64, 121

  on vice presidential nomination, 259–64

  in Washington, 108, 130–33, 141–42, 147, 154–55

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 6, 150

  Roosevelt, Eleanor Alexander, 6, 10

  Roosevelt, Elliott, 35, 36, 45, 82, 117–18, 120

  deteriorating mental health and death of, 150–51

  education of, 41–42

  epilepsy of, 37, 41–42

  Roosevelt, Elliott, Junior, 150

  Roosevelt, Ethel, 5, 150, 240, 367, 414, 635, 680, 734, 735

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 6

  Roosevelt, Hall, 150

  Roosevelt, James, 34

  Roosevelt, Kermit, 637, 713

  on Africa tour, 5

  birth of, 132

  Edith’s letters to, 5, 117, 680, 740

  education of, 240, 367

  TR’s letters to, 319, 342, 345, 410, 420, 426, 454, 456, 466, 510, 519, 530, 536, 555, 565

  Roosevelt, Margaret, 34

  Roosevelt, Martha “Mittie” Bulloch, 35–36, 37–38, 46, 120

  illness and death of, 80–81, 122

  Roosevelt, Quentin, 6, 227, 240, 367, 414

  Roosevelt, Robert, 35

  Roosevelt, Theodore, xi–xiv, 1, 21, 303, 339, 385, 467, 573, 655, 659, 661

  and 1904 nomination, 291, 304, 321, 367–68, 379, 382, 393, 405–7

  and 1912 Republican nomination, 603, 645, 646–47, 650, 656, 658, 661, 663, 667–71, 672–90, 693–717

  ability to compromise by, 649

  accession to presidency by, 278, 279–81

  accusations of subjection to machine leveled at, 242–43

  active nature of, 250, 259

  African safari of, 1–2, 3–4, 6, 8, 43, 541, 560, 605, 621, 630, 633, 639, 653

  aggressive temperament of, 141, 214, 221, 607, 664–65, 702, 737

  Alice Lee’s death and, 82–83, 110, 112

  on Alice’s wild nature, 396

  as ambitious, 714, 737

  anti-trust initiative against Northern Securities by, 218, 297–300, 313, 317–18, 321, 322, 386, 398–400, 669

  anti-trust initiatives of, 218, 297–300

  appearance of, 8, 249, 657

  arrival in New York by, 1, 2–3, 13, 19–20

  assassination attempt on, 732–35, 740

  as assistant secretary of the Navy, 203, 213, 221–23, 500

  athletic pursuits of, 250, 345, 546, 567, 573–74, 653, 715

  as author, 65–67, 111, 112, 123, 128, 129, 131, 155, 212, 540–41; see also Outlook, TR at

  autobiography of, 743

  with Baker on Salt River, 359–62

  balancing act of, 280, 400, 402, 406–7, 415, 416, 504, 679

  barber’s hour of, 285–86

  in Battle of San Juan Hill, 230


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