as reliable, hardworking, and loyal, 557–58
renomination of, 710–11
as revenue collector, 135
“Roosevelt luck” lacking for, 18
on Roosevelt’s administration as “great crusade,” 14
schism between TR and, xiii, 530, 650, 663–65, 678, 682–83, 687, 689, 693–717, 725–26, 737, 743–44
second notification ceremony of, 715–17
as secretary of war, 38, 385, 390–400, 401, 426–29, 499, 502, 508, 511–15, 557, 574, 667
seen as overdependent on TR, 548–49, 559–60
silver anniversary party of, 661–63
on Sixth District court of appeals, 154, 214–19, 221, 575
as solicitor general, 11, 14, 132, 143–49, 152, 154, 393, 557, 558, 575
South Carolina assigned as escort to TR by, 5
Steffens on, 540
as superior court judge, 62–63, 101–2, 105–7
Supreme Court ambitions of, 14, 15, 50, 145, 152, 215, 264–65, 386, 521, 677
as Supreme Court Chief Justice, 748–49
Supreme Court position refused by, 386–88, 392, 497–502, 515, 576
on tariff, 606, 629–30, 632, 649, 658–60
teaching and deanship at Cincinnati Law School by, 219
temperament of, 54, 69, 86, 143, 588
temporary rapprochement between TR and, 653–54
tension between TR and, 513–14, 556, 561, 610, 620, 645–47, 743–44
tensions in inner circle of, 604–33
on TR and Spanish American War, 224
on TR as presidential candidate, 275, 277
TR’s agenda pressed by, 570
as TR’s anointed successor, 11, 517–25, 531–32, 547, 551–56
on TR’s convention chair defeat, 641–43
TR’s disillusion with, 635–37
TR’s friendship with, 13, 16–17, 20, 108, 132, 135–37, 150, 151, 221, 266, 301, 392–93, 394, 400, 502, 517–18, 523, 553–54, 737, 744–45
at TR’s funeral service, 747–48
on TR’s 1912 candidacy, 682–83
on TR’s popularity, 2–3
on TR’s presidency, 287–88
TR’s reconciliation with, 743–45, 747
on TR’s return, 634–35
in TR’s shadow, 13, 571, 594
TR’s support for candidacy of, 551–56
TR’s temperamental differences from, 19, 20, 48–49, 53–54, 69, 132, 136–37, 143, 741
on TR’s third party, 715
visit to Rome of, 302–5
Washington overwhelming to, 107–8
weight and health of, 13, 19, 21–22, 27, 34, 42, 100, 106, 136, 153, 219–20, 269, 271, 276, 290, 300–301, 390, 391–92, 395, 427, 434, 502, 503, 508, 551, 569, 573–74, 666, 749
Western tours of, 599–604, 665–67
Wilson and, 728, 739
on women’s equality, 29, 96, 98
workers’ rights and, 102–3
as Yale class orator, 32
on Yale Corporation, 219, 513, 647
Taft, William Howard, speeches of, 219, 524, 666
Boston primary, 693–95
first State of the Union address, 588
inaugural address of, 594, 569–70
at Lincoln University, 18
maiden political, 55
Maine Republican State Committee speech of, 503–4
in 1904 campaign, 410–12
Notification Day, 547–51, 559
Philippines inaugural address of, 276
pro-Herrick speech by, 434–35
on tariff, 601–3
at Villanova, 18, 637
Taft School, 104–5, 149, 392, 414, 561, 729
“Tale of Two Cities, A” (Steffens), 381–83
Tammany Hall, 68–69, 79, 156, 281, 325, 363, 367, 380, 713, 723
Democrats and, 237
police force and, 200, 206–7, 213, 242
Sunday closing laws and, 209, 211
Tarbell, Esther, 172, 176
Tarbell, Franklin, 171–72, 330, 438
Tarbell, Ida, xii, 170–79, 193, 195, 234, 324, 365, 383, 427, 458, 467, 474, 480, 487, 488, 489, 530, 617, 746–47, 749, 750
at American, 490–92, 494–96, 584
childhood and education of, 171–73, 181
as desk editor of McClure’s, 178
insurgents supported by, 629
on Lincoln, 168, 177–78, 179, 225, 330, 492
McClure managed by, 331, 332
at McClure’s, 176–79, 180, 188, 189, 196, 201, 227, 358–59, 495
on McClure’s reckless behavior, 470–79
McClure’s relationship with, 331, 332–33, 336, 469–70, 496
on Napoleon, 176–77, 225, 330
as New Woman, 339
in Paris, 170, 173–76
resignation from McClure’s by, 478–80, 487–88
satire of, 486
and Spanish-American War, 223–25, 231
as stabilizing force, 372, 468, 495
on Standard Oil, 171, 324, 326, 330–43, 346–47, 358, 363, 436, 438–42, 445, 468, 469
Taft and, 589, 629–30
on tariff, 492, 495–96, 584–85, 590–92
TR and, 224, 539–40, 723
on trusts, 254–55
tariff, 147, 173, 293, 346, 350, 503, 629–30, 632, 658–60, 736
commission on, 598
consumer prices and, 309
on Cuban exports, 307
large corporations and, 548
and 1912 election, 649, 731
on Philippine imports, 38, 302, 307, 397–98, 414, 429, 498, 503, 507, 517, 526, 594, 598
special session of Congress regarding, 582, 584, 588, 591–99
Taft on, 503–4, 547, 583–84, 586–87, 590–604
Tarbell on, 492, 495–96
TR on, 309–10, 406, 539–40, 541–42
Tariff Board, 638
“Tariff in Our Times, The” (Tarbell), 495–96
Tarkington, Booth, 228
Tavera, Pardo de, 429
Tawney, James, 565, 587, 601–3
corporate, 19, 246–49, 253, 258, 368, 594, 598, 603, 736
income, 193, 517, 548, 594–95, 598, 644, 679, 741
inheritance, 517, 564, 570, 594, 644, 721
in Philippines, 267, 270, 598
single, 183
Teddy bears, 9–10, 320–21, 544, 559, 702
telegraphs, 233, 246, 329, 555–56, 564
telephones, 246, 564
Telluride, Colo., 402, 405
Tenement House Commission, 229
tenements, 77–78, 209, 213, 325
sweatshops in, 244
Tennessee, 152, 267, 309, 566
Tennessee Club, 214
Tennessee Coal and Iron Company (TC&I), 529, 667–68
Terrell, Mary Church, 513
Terrell, Scurry, 732–33
Texas, 42, 511, 572, 699, 705, 712
Rough Riders reunion in, 425
Texas (horse), 240
Thayer, James, 219
Thayer, Marian, 692
Thayer, William Roscoe, 681–82
“There’ll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight,” 262, 274
Thompson, Hugh S., 140
Thompson, Winifred, 149
Thucydides, 124
Tidal Basin, public park in, 16
Tilden, Samuel, 242
Tillman, Benjamin, 321, 454–58, 531, 565, 572
Times (London), 697
Tingley, Jeremiah, 172, 181
Titanic, RMS, 690–93, 695
Titusville, Penn., 171, 176, 330, 332, 335, 337, 438
Titusville High School, 172
tobacco, 77–78, 291, 307, 397, 414, 498, 526
Tobacco Trust, 668
Tokyo, 433, 578
Toledo, Ohio, 214, 368, 381, 543, 684
Tolstoy, Leo, 124, 159, 355
Tomlin, Miss, 58
Topeka, Kans., 251
Torrey, D
elia, 22–25, 388, 532, 666, 696
Alphonso’s correspondence with, 27, 32, 54–55
Torrey, Louise, see Taft, Louise Torrey
Torrey, Samuel, 22
Torrey, Susan Waters, 22
trade unions, 243–44, 354
Tranquillity (Roosevelt summer home), 4, 37, 112, 118
transportation rates, 173
Treasury Department, U.S., 135, 528
Trevelyan, George Otto, 367, 421, 429, 505, 542
Trinity Church, 325
Trollope, Anthony, 95, 190
Troy, N.Y., 104
Trust Company of America, 528
trusts, 218, 253, 254–55, 256, 291, 293, 295, 296, 306–8, 309, 322, 324, 326–27, 330, 345, 350, 386, 398–400, 406, 407–8, 440–41, 442, 445, 459, 476, 503, 539–40, 594, 670
labor racketeering and, 362
“Trust’s New Tool—The Labor Boss, The” (Baker), 362–64
Tulsa, Okla., 429
Turner, Charles H., 370
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 66, 158
Turner, George Kibbe, 170, 488, 632, 656
Twain, Mark, see Clemens, Samuel
“Tweed Days in St. Louis” (Steffens and Wetmore), 371
Twentieth Century Club, 339
Twenty-first Assembly district, New York, 7
Tyler, Daniel, IV, 114–15, 121
Tyler, Emily Lee, 114–15
Tyndall, John, 170
typhoid, 81, 83
Tyree, Frank, 7
unemployment, 159, 169, 184, 185
Union, 35
Union Army, 36
Union Club, 317
unionization, 158–59
Union League Club, 36, 208, 446–47, 743–44
Union Pacific Railway, 300, 380, 527
Union Square, 4, 34, 118
Union Station, 17, 314, 604
United Mine Workers (UMW), 311–19
United Press, 556, 609
United Shoe Company, 585
United States, 302
Bering Sea fishing rights and, 148
closing of the frontier in, 158
as leading industrial power, 31
separation of church and state in, 303
in War of 1812, 65
United States Steel Corporation, 291, 297–99, 529
Taft’s anti-trust suit against, 667–68
University of Michigan Law School, 182–83
Utah, 300, 739
Valparaiso, Ind., 161
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 31, 297, 363, 481
as chair of TR’s reception, 6–7
Vanderbilt, William, 481
Van der Stucken, Frank, 220
Van Sant, Samuel, 400
Van Wyck, Augustus, 237
Venezuela, 426, 428
Venice, 128, 331
Vermont, 23, 84, 308, 411–12, 413, 739
Versailles Peace Conference, 746, 747
veto power, 731
Vienna, 57, 94
Villanova, Pa., 17–18, 637
Voight v. Baltimore, 217
Vorys, Arthur, 520
Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois, 192
Wabash Railroad, 217
Wadsworth, James, 463–64
wage labor, 445, 724
wages, 158, 244, 406, 577, 721, 731, 736
cost of living and, 584
cuts in, 186
Wagner, Richard, 95
Walbridge, Cyrus P., 377
Walcott, Charles, 353, 359–60, 362
Waldron, George, 226
Wallace, John, 428
Wallace, William, 139
Wall Street, 71, 192, 199, 280, 292, 297, 299, 316, 335, 364, 399, 444, 527, 530, 649, 676
political influence of, 682, 723, 724, 731
Wall Street Journal, 344, 364, 403–4, 440, 536–37, 551
Walnut Hills, 94, 97
Wanamaker, John, 139–41
War College, 546
War Department, U.S., 223–24, 394, 395, 427, 511, 513, 543, 546
Warren, Ohio, 413
Washburn, Charles, 43
Washington, Booker T., 18, 321, 380, 513
Washington, D.C., 11, 17, 27, 51, 83, 96, 100, 105, 149, 177, 178, 249, 266, 277, 281, 282, 290, 301–2, 319, 333, 367, 388, 391–93, 429, 444, 446, 448, 481, 495–96, 499, 512, 528, 534, 543, 559, 566, 582, 596, 607, 612, 621, 628, 631, 637, 656, 688, 690, 724, 740
cherry trees in, 578–79
Coxey’s Army march on, 184–85
Edith in, 130–33, 141–42, 241
Nellie’s ambitions for, 88–90, 96, 101–2, 106–8, 132–33, 147–48, 152–53, 578
New York compared to, 134–35
summertime in, 150, 223
Tafts’ D Street house in, 414
TR on, 134
Washington, George, 580, 694
Washington Bee, 515
Washington Evening Star, 9
Washington Herald, 643
Washington Nationals, 706
Washington Post, 45, 140, 156, 339, 343, 378, 409, 449, 457, 519, 748–49
on Butt’s death, 691
on coal strike, 318
on 1908 Republican National Convention, 542, 544
on 1912 campaign, 683, 688
on 1912 Republican Convention, 704
on Taft, 154, 504, 542
Washington State, 517, 618, 705
direct primaries in, 699
Washington State Leavenworth Echo, 658
Washington Times, 295, 388, 394, 424, 625, 660, 686, 690, 709
on Taft, 639
on Tarbell, 339
on TR’s vice-presidential nomination, 263
water conservation, 352
waterpower, 606–10
Watertown, Conn., 105, 392, 414, 561
Water Users Association, 359–60
Watson, James E., 557, 705
Ways and Means Committee, House, 432
arrogance of, 386
concentration of, 31, 157, 232, 459, 467
corporate, 11
distribution of, 11, 173, 250, 280, 406, 540
gap between rich and poor, 11, 35, 158, 188, 195, 276, 308, 541, 717, 735
gospel of, 31
positive view of, 254
regulation of, 657
Wealth Against Commonwealth (Lloyd), 192, 330
Weaver, James, 193
Weekly Law Bulletin, 63
Weld, Minot, 120
Wellman, Walter, 285, 309, 312, 314, 552, 571
West, 524
Bryan’s base in, 407
development vs. conservation in, 607, 610
East vs., 605, 736
farmers in, 191
irrigation and, 353
La Follette’s popularity in, 656
national forest reserves in, 517
public lands in, 306
radical candidates in, 193
railroad regulations in, 454
Republicans in, 309–10
Taft’s golfing unpopular in, 552
Taft’s tour of, 599–604, 665–67
tariff opposed by, 583, 585, 602
traditional party leadership defied by, 591
TR’s popularity in, 262–63, 273, 277, 422
TR’s speaking tour of, 643–46
Westbrook, Theodore, 71–74, 85
West Chester, Pa., 17, 18
Western Federation of Miners, 402–5
Western Union, 556
Westinghouse, 606
West Point, 114, 204
West Townsend, Vt., 23
West Virginia, 309, 343, 714
Wetmore, Claude H., 371
“What’s the Matter with Kansas?” (White), 187–88
Wheelman, 165–66, 476
“Where Every Penny Counts” (Tarbell), 584
“Where the Shoe Is Pinched” (Tarbell), 584
Wherry, Edith, 473–74
White, Doc, 189–90
White, Edward, 748
White, Henry, 505, 684,
White, Mary Ann Hatton, 188, 189–90, 439
White, Sallie Lindsay, 194, 252
White, William Allen, xii, 13, 20, 136, 170, 187–95, 350, 439, 467, 474, 477, 530, 746–47
at American, 490–92, 496, 539, 628–29
on anti-trust legislation, 344
on Bull Moose Convention, 719, 723
childhood and education of, 189–91
on Democratic National Convention of 1912, 713
on Folk, 377–78
on Hanna, 368
at McClure’s, 188–89, 201
as newspaper editor, 187
on 1904 Democratic Convention, 407
on 1908 Republican Convention, 547
on 1912 Republican convention, 703, 706
on patent medicines, 465
on Phillips, 476
Platt profiled by, 281–84, 341
political transformation of, 187, 189, 195
Populists opposed by, 187–88, 193–94
as progressive, 656
Progressive Party supported by, 722–23
on railroad regulations, 456, 457–58
reading by, 190
on Republican National Convention of 1904, 405–6
scorecard for 57th Congress by, 547
and Spanish American War, 225, 226
on Standard Oil, 437
on state machines, 291
on Steffens, 374–75
Taft and, 539, 589, 630, 666
tariff and, 591
TR and, 249–53, 281, 518, 539, 643, 652, 655, 673
on TR and coal strike, 318–19
on TR’s 1904 inauguration, 425
White House, 19, 67, 108, 135, 260, 280, 283–84, 293, 345, 353, 360, 377, 378, 407, 420, 461, 484, 509, 513, 540, 545, 547, 598, 639
Cleveland’s invitation of TR and Edith to, 155
Edith as manager of, 5, 287, 319–20, 566
Lincoln Bedroom in, 567
Nellie’s childhood visit to, 89–90
Nellie’s entertaining at, 578–80
renovations to, 306, 319
Taft’s cabinet party in, 648–49
Taft’s invitations to TR’s, 395
Taft’s open house policy for, 572–73
Taft’s second Notification Ceremony in, 715–16
Taft welcomed by Harrison’s, 145–47
TR’s final weeks in, 565–68
TR snubbed by Harrison’s, 141
West Wing of, 306, 320, 653
Whitlock, Brand, 543
Whitman, Walt, 355
Wickersham, George, 580, 612, 614, 616, 623–26, 649, 668–69, 737
Wiley, Harvey, 464
Wilkes-Barre, Penn., 355
Wilkinson, Florence, 469–74, 477
Willard Hotel, 568
Williams, Alex “Clubber,” 207–8
Wilson, Ellen, 739
Wilson, James, 563, 620
Wilson, Woodrow, 651, 674, 724, 725, 743, 744
Baker’s support for, 722
campaigning by, 727–28, 734, 735
election of, 738–40
limited government interest theory of, 730
New Freedom of, 730–31
The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism Page 147