At their daily meetings, Cody and Nightshade and the rest of the growing delegation received regular briefings on the political situation. Carter Wingfield came down to Chehalis to give them one, and he brought along with him none other than newly-made Lieutenant Nigel Moore, who had been known as Jumping Jack Flash in his Alpha Company days. Moore was now a military intelligence officer. “How did you end up in intelligence?” asked Nightshade.
“It’s the Oxford accent, old girl,” Moore explained. “It makes me sound intelligent and James Bondish. Up for a spot of the old cloak and dagger, eh what?” Moore was also sporting SS tabs on his collar now, which Cody envied. “Oh, by the way, Cody, I need to mention that before I left Seattle I called on Miss Shipman.”
“How’s she doing?” asked Cody.
“As well as could be expected. I just wanted to let her know that she hadn’t been forgotten in all the sound and fury surrounding recent events.”
“And does Kelly think your accent sounds intelligent?” asked Nightshade with a malicious grin.
“Actually, she’s a very sharp and self-possessed young lady, she’s born up well indeed after her terrible encounter with diversity, and I’m quite impressed with her,” replied Moore. “I think what’s happened has served as what you Yanks refer to as a wake-up call for the entire family. They were most impressed with our expeditious handling of the Mitchell Newman situation. I believe I was at least able to dissuade her family from immediately fleeing the country, and yes, I suppose my accent did go some way towards convincing the Shipmans that we’re not all Daryl and his other brother Daryl from the tall timber.”
Wingfield and Moore handled the briefing together. “We were able to wring that character Regenthal dry,” Wingfield told the group. “For those of you who don’t know, that’s the American army officer that Lieutenants Brock and Nightshade helped us catch getting up to no good at a church in Bellevue a week or so back. We also arrested a half-assed preacher named Sheldon, and took them down to the old FATPO facility in Renton. Neither of them liked the available seating arrangements, and they spilled their guts. Literally. They puked in terror, but after that they couldn’t tell us everything they knew fast enough. Sheldon was just a common or garden variety Amurrican dumb-ass, but Regenthal turned out to be a mine of information, and putting it all together with what we know from the media and from other sources, here’s the scoop. It turns out that Comrade Nightshade was spot on that day when she said that Israel is in trouble. Big trouble. I’ll let Lieutenant Moore give you the background, since he’s the one with the degree in political science.”
“My degree course in the ivied groves of academe was interrupted by Special Branch, actually,” said Moore diffidently as he got up at the head of the table. “But in order for us to understand just what is going on in the upper echelons of power, I need to go over some recent history. I’m sure that you all know this, but bear with me. It’s relevant. On September 11th, 2001, someone hijacked four passenger aircraft and crashed two of them into the World Trade Center in New York, and one into the Pentagon in Washington. The fourth one crashed in mid-flight, and no one knows for certain what the target was. Muslim extremists were immediately blamed, of course, and it is known that there were nineteen young Muslim men from Egypt and Saudi Arabia on board who appear to have known one another and who might have had something to do with it.
“And that, comrades, is to this very day all that is known for certain about what happened on September 11th, 2001, or at least all we have been allowed to know. There were indications at the time that the Israeli Mossad may have been guilty of prior knowledge, at the very least. There were a number of little bits and pieces of the puzzle that didn’t fit, such as the four Israelis who were arrested on top of a nearby building videotaping the fall of the twin towers and laughing about it. There were also some peculiar attempts by so-called Israeli art students to get into top secret American military installations during the months immediately prior to the attack, and other things. All of this information was immediately suppressed by the Bush government, of course. To this very day, most Americans swallow the idea that 9/11 was some kind of Muslim terrorist thing, because they have never been told the full story, and it is by now entirely clear that the United States government does not intend that the full story shall ever be told. You can actually go to prison these days if you suggest any Israeli involvement in 9/11. It’s now a specifically prohibited hatecrime.
“Jug-Ears used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Afghanistan. Of course it was pure coincidence that Bush’s oil cronies wanted to run an oil pipeline through Afghanistan from Soviet central Asia to tanker ports on the Indian Ocean, and the previous Taliban government was balking, or at least asking too high a price. The Americans installed their puppet Karzai, and of course immediately got their pipeline. Then came the invasion of Iraq in March of 2003, which had no foundation whatsoever in anything in the real world, and everything to do with grabbing the largest oil fields in the world outside of Saudi Arabia itself. Now, all of this is actually pretty common knowledge. By now most Americans pretty much accept that this ghastly débacle in the Middle East involves the seizure of the world’s major petroleum reserves by the American oil company cartels. That is of course true as far as it goes, but like so much else in geopolitics, there is an even more sinister sub rosa layer to it all. The Middle East mess operates on a number of levels, and of these the Israel level is probably the most important. Another reason that America embarked on this asinine idea of conquering the Middle East was in order to terminate native rule in that part of the world, and impose Western-style democracy by force, as Chelsea Clinton admitted in her speech recently.”
“Read install American puppet régimes,” put in Wingfield.
“Precisely,” agreed Moore. “The object being not only to secure the oil reserves for American petrochemical multinationals, but to preserve the existence of the state of Israel. Originally this was a hidden agenda, but eventually the United States government found that they didn’t have to hide it. The fact is that Americans are so bloody stupid that they will swallow pretty much anything that the television tells them to swallow, and when you add this peculiar Protestant evangelical religious cult that worships the Jews as God’s Chosen People into the mix, then you have a solid base of popular support for pretty much any atrocity that America wishes to commit in the name of Israel, oil, or bringing on the Rapture. Over the years, United States foreign policy has pretty much been reduced to two simple points: seize every drop of raw petroleum on earth, and at all costs protect the state of Israel from the consequences of its own behavior. The original strategy involved taking out all of Israel’s hostile neighbors, beginning with Iraq, and then with Lebanon and Iran and Syria, and then Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The object was first of all to swathe Israel in a protective cocoon of pliable and friendly Zionist puppet states, but secondly to secure the co-operation of the American-installed puppet régimes in those countries for the mass deportation of the indigenous Muslim inhabitants of Palestine, or transfer as it was called. The idea was to load around five million Palestinians onto buses and trucks and cattle cars, take them out into the Jordanian and Iraqi desert, and dump them all, thus creating the so-called Greater Israel. The resistance to this idea turned out to be so fierce, both by the Palestinians themselves and also by the nations of Europe such as France and Germany who suddenly seemed to locate a pair of testicles, that the transfer was only partially successful. But even so, the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who ended up deported to the refugee camps only added to the problem.
“You see, the central difficulty with the whole Zionist experiment has always been that Israel was never viable as an independent country. The Jews of the twentieth century simply didn’t belong there any more, and never had anyway, since the Jews of today aren’t the Israelites of the Bible at all. I’m not Christian Identity myself, but I have to concede that this one element of their theology is entirely correct. The idea of
trying to turn back the clock two thousand years was such an absurd pipe dream that I am still amazed to this day that anyone ever took it seriously. Palestine is a tiny patch of barren desert, with no natural resources of any kind, not like our own rich and wide Homeland which can be quite easily made economically and demographically viable. In addition, the Zionists were never the true pioneers they were made out to be. They weren’t even very good farmers on their kibbutzes. To this day, they can’t even feed themselves. Throughout the entire history of its existence, Israel has always imported food. Israel has always existed on massive subsidies from the United States and various Jewish communities and Jewish-controlled governments around the world. And it’s not just a matter of economics. Mentally and spiritually, Jews cannot exist in an environment all on their own. Parasites can’t feed off of other parasites. They must have a host.”
“I’ve been there,” spoke up Cody Brock. “Israel is like one big open-air insane asylum. Those people literally run around in the streets screaming and waving their hands in the air, and ramming one another with their cars. They hate each other as badly as they hate the Arabs. It’s like locking up five million sewer rats into a basement. They go insane and start chewing on their own tails and eating each other. They have to have the Arabs there. Somebody has to wash their dishes, haul their garbage, dig their ditches and do all the hot work out in the sun while the Jews lounge by their swimming pools. Jews won’t do that stuff for themselves. They honestly believe that they are a master race, and that all the goyim in the world were put here to be their slaves.”
Moore nodded. “Yes, they more or less admitted that by failing to follow through on the transfer. While the Palestinian population was somewhat reduced by the deportations into the desert that did take place, enough cheap Arab labor remained behind to create a potentially dangerous fifth column. Now we’re getting closer to the relevance of all this to our own situation today, here in the Northwest. There’s an old saying that if you shoot a tiger, you had better be ready to finish the job. For the past generation, Israel and America have maimed and wounded and tortured the Muslim tiger to the point of madness, but they never quite managed to finish him off. Down through the years, slowly but surely, the United States has been forced to withdraw from most of its Middle Eastern conquests due to a campaign of unremitting guerrilla warfare. The American military were forced out of Lebanon and Syria last year, and earlier this year American rule in Iran finally collapsed. The mullahs are back and they are screaming for Jewish blood. The American forces in Egypt and Saudi are beleaguered and can just barely hang on in the major cities, and the American puppet régimes are on very shaky ground indeed. Iraq is just as bloody and chaotic as it ever was, and some of you may have noticed the military coup in Jordan which overthrew their last little Hashemite king and finally installed a pro-Palestinian government in Amman after generations of toadying to Washington and Tel Aviv.”
“Their chickens are finally coming home to roost,” said Carter Wingfield. “After the events at the Bellevue Assembly of God, once we knew what to look for, we made an effort to reach out to some of our sources, through our friends in Russia and elsewhere who have contact within the Arab world. What we have learned is that the Muslims are preparing a major onslaught. Within the next year there is going to be the mightiest military offensive in world history, backed with men and money by every Muslim nation in the world, and especially by those who have recently managed to throw the American monkey off their back and restore native rule to their countries. The goal of this offensive will be to liberate the remaining Muslim lands which are occupied by the United States, and to erase the state of Israel from the map. This will involve millions of troops and jihad guerrillas, and it will have the covert backing at least of the Europeans and the Russians and the Chinese. The U. S. A. and Israel have finally worn out their welcome. The rest of the world has had it with American and Jewish bullshit. They’re tired of this mess. They have decided that Israel is a luxury humanity can dispense with, and it’s time that American troops came home, one way or the other.”
“The Americans and the Israelis are of course perfectly well aware of what is going to happen,” said Moore with a smile. “It’s impossible to keep something like this a complete secret. And the fact is that there is not one bloody thing they can do about it. They’ve exhausted all their options. What are they going to do? Drop bombs on defenseless Muslims? They’ve been slaughtering Muslims by the lorry load for a whole generation now, and all it’s done is raise the anger and the hatred to the level of pure madness. Invade everybody in sight again? With what? America has invaded over twenty nations in the past twenty years and the country is exhausted, draft evasion is at an all-time high, the people are sick of this perpetual war, war, war with no end in sight, and with a little bit of help from Operations Applesmash and Pigkill, the United States is now bankrupt. It’s finally going to happen. The Beast is about to bleed to death from the million and one little wounds that have been inflicted on it. Well done, lads and lassies!” There was a sudden outburst of cheers and applause from the Volunteers gathered around the mahogany conference table.
“They are going to have to throw every available soldier, every available weapon and every available dollar into one last attempt to pull Israel’s chestnuts out of the fire and save the oil empire,” said Wingfield. “They’re so short on troops and supplies that the Feds had to make a choice. They can either continue fighting an endless civil insurgency here in the Pacific Northwest, or else they can shore up the crumbling empire and create a kind of Fortress Israel to save the Light Unto the Nations. They can’t do both, not any more. They chose to save Israel instead of their own country. And the icing on the cake is, most likely even that ain’t gonna work. It looks to me like the Jews have finally bought it this time. They’ve been treating those Palestinian people like dogs for a hundred years, and they’re going to find out that dogs can bite.”
“So that’s why they are negotiating now?” asked Barrow. “These bastards are actually willing to let a part of the territory of the United States go in order to save Israel?”
“You got it,” said Wingfield. “It’s like the old right-wing conspiracy theorists used to tell us in the grubby little tabloid newspapers most of us got our start on. They really are Israel-Firsters. Of course, there are some people in the U. S government who are fighting tooth and nail against it, headed by Howard Weintraub. He’s the hebe who was behind this little attempt to use evangelical yay-hoos as vigilantes to sabotage the Republic before it gets off the ground. You need to keep an eye on the scumsucking kike when you get down to Longview, Frank. He’s smart and he’s treacherous and he wants all of us dead.”
The meeting moved on to other matters. The Political Bureau of the Party put together a basic presentation or statement of intention for the negotiations. “It’s not exactly the Declaration of Independence, but it will do,” said Morehouse, passing out copies. “We’re handing these out by the bushel to the reporters, and for the first time these points are actually being broadcast and printed and discussed in public. There was a period of fifty years where you couldn’t even force the most basic of racial concepts past the wall of media silence.”
“That’s because of these, sir,” said Cody, hefting his Kalashnikov where he had leaned it against one of the walls of the conference room. “We have guns in our hands now, and people listen to other people with guns in their hands.”
“Anyway, we call these the Twelve Points,” said Morehouse. “Cribbed that one from Woodrow Wilson.”
Political Bureau of the Northwest Volunteer Army
The Moral and Political Basis for Northwest Independence
1. The United States of America, in its original form as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, was a political entity created by and for white people. The white race made America what it is today. American law and the United States Constitution are derived from Anglo-Saxon common law, going back to the Magna Carta. Such c
oncepts as democracy itself and the rule of law are based upon European thought, not African or Asiatic.
2. The United States of America as it exists today has only the most remote and tenuous historical connection with the country and the system of government which was originally established and envisioned by the Founding Fathers. The United States was never intended by the Founding Fathers to be multi-racial, or multi-cultural, or diverse. It was intended to be a national expression of what was viewed at the time as the Manifest Destiny of the white race. This is made abundantly clear by contemporary documents from the time of the Founding Fathers, in the writings of men such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin. Indeed, the only references to non-whites in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were in passing, where Indians are referred to as enemies of the colonists and where for census and apportionment purposes, blacks were considered to be three-fifths of a man.
3. The present government of the United States of America has become irredeemably corrupt, and its continuation in power is antithetical to the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The United States has become tyrannical, poisonous, and deeply repulsive to every concept of human decency. America today is riddled with crime, corruption, poverty, sexual perversion, unemployment, ill health, mistreatment of the elderly, the destruction of the national infrastructure, a dysfunctional educational system, and national malaise and demoralization. America today has been bankrupted and morally poisoned by a series of foreign wars fought on behalf of the Jewish people which are in fact counter to America’s interests, wars which have been as pointless as they were immoral. These problems simply did not exist to any significant degree in the past, when the white man was in charge.
A Mighty Fortress Page 34