Riley's Rescue: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

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Riley's Rescue: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Page 17

by Erin Osborne

  “She is. What happened?” he asks, wanting to know details I’m not sure I’m ready to give him.

  Before I can say anything, the doctor knocks on the door at the same time he opens it up. “Welcome back. I’m happy to see you awake finally.”

  I look at the man sitting beside me and there’s so many questions that I want to ask him. Fuck! I’m just remembering that Carrie gave me a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Is the baby okay? Does Gage know already that I’m pregnant? So many more things just got added to the questions in my head and I feel like I’m going crazy as I wait for the doctor to go over the chart that he’s holding in his hands.

  “You have cuts and bruises all over your body and we’ve made sure they’re clean and started you on an antibiotic. We’ve also been running fluid through an IV because you were dehydrated when you were brought in three days ago. Your husband has asked why you passed out and I’m thinking that it’s a combination of being exhausted, dehydrated, and not getting enough nutrition for yourself, let alone the baby you’re carrying,” he tells me, and I immediately look over to Gage so I can see what his reaction is.

  Astonishment and excitement fill his face as he continues to look between the doctor and myself. “Wait, is the baby okay?” he asks, concern now filling his features once again.

  “As far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with the baby. But, we can get an ultrasound ordered so you both can see for yourself. Did you know you were pregnant?” the doctor asks, looking directly at me as he starts to exam me.

  “I found out just before I was kidnapped,” I answer, looking at Gage to make sure my answer is right about the kidnapping part. He responds with a slight nod of his head.

  As soon as the doctor finishes his exam and asking me questions, he tells me that he’ll be back in a little bit to make sure that nothing else has changed. Then we’ll discuss releasing me so that I can go home and be with my family. I sit up a little more in bed as he leaves the room and wait for the door to close before Gage and I talk about things.

  “So, are you okay with havin’ another baby since Shelby isn’t even a year old yet?” he asks, the excitement taking over once again at the thought of becoming a dad. Again.

  “I’m more than okay with it. I know this baby was made with someone I care about and want to get to know,” I tell him, as his head whips back around to face me to see my sincerity.

  “Are you for real right now?” I hear him ask, picking my hand up and leaning his face against my palm.

  “I am. I had a lot of time to think about everything when skankarilla had us locked in a room. Is Shelby okay?” I ask, needing to see my daughter even though I know we need to talk some more.

  “She’s okay. The doctor looked her over and she’s been with Slim, Butcher, and Grim since we got here. They’ve brought her in here, but she got upset when she couldn’t lay next to you,” Gage says, making to stand up and walk toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, knowing that the ultrasound tech will be here soon.

  “I’m goin’ to get our daughter,” he replies simply, walking out the door.

  My jaw drops when I hear him call Shelby ‘our’ daughter. This is the man that I was trying to push away from me. The man that I didn’t think I was good enough for. Everything that we have been through in the short amount of time I’ve known him and all that the skankarilla, Nicolette, has done to me has proven that I’m not going to break when he needs me to be strong. I can, and will, be the girl that he needs me to be.

  By the time Gage and Shelby come back into the room, I’ve gotten over my shock and I know that we’re going to be a little family. There isn’t going to be anymore pushing Gage away and we’re going to have to learn to lean on one another when we need it. That may be me needing to learn to do this and not try to do everything on my own. Especially now that we’re going to have a baby.

  “Mama!” I look up immediately when I hear my daughter say mama. Tears fill my eyes and I know that today can’t get any better.

  “I-is t-that the first time she’s said something?” I ask Gage, needing to know how much I’ve missed since being in the hospital. Three days might not seem like a lot to miss out on, but when it comes to kids, it seems like an eternity. They grow and learn new things every day and I don’t ever want to miss another moment with Shelby.

  “She says ‘dada’ too,” he says, sitting down next to me and letting Shelby reach her little arms out to me.

  Before I can take her, there’s another knock on the door. A lady pokes her head in and I’m guessing that this is the ultrasound tech we’ve been waiting for. She answers my question when I see the machine that she’s wheeling in. Gage holds on to Shelby as she sets everything up and gets me ready. Instead of throwing a fit, our daughter sits on his lap and watches everything that goes on with interest covering her little face.

  “You ready to see your little one?” she asks, a smile on her face.

  We both nod our heads to let her know that we can’t wait to see the baby. Even if it’s too soon to really tell what we’re looking at. She squeezes some gel on my stomach and begins to move the wand around. Before too long we hear the heartbeat and see our little peanut on the screen. Shelby is looking around the room, trying to figure out where the noise is coming from while we laugh. She’s too stinking cute.

  When the tech is done and prints us out our pictures, I have Gage set Shelby in the bed with me and we spend the next few hours talking and laughing. Slim comes in just before visiting hours are over to take Shelby back to the clubhouse with him. Carrie is staying there so that she can watch the baby while the guys handle their business and don’t have too many interruptions going on right now. Apparently, Butcher has been at the hospital since I was brought in and he refuses to leave until I do.

  I’m sure he’s blaming himself for me being kidnapped, but it wasn’t his fault. He’s not the one that told Shadow to stay there and not follow me to Carrie’s house. It’s not his fault that Nicolette was unhinged and refused to leave me and my daughter alone because she wanted some part of Sam with her. Her quest cost her her life because she laid her hands on the wrong little girl. I can still see the bruise on Shelby’s cheek and the rage that fueled me that day fills my body again. The heart monitor I’m connected to starts to go crazy and Gage starts talking to me.

  “Beautiful, you need to calm down. The nurses and doctors are going to come runnin’ in here if you don’t. I thought you said you wanted to go home today,” he says, reaching out and stroking my cheek until I feel myself relax.

  “I know I do, but she put her hands on our little girl. I’m not sure what else she did when I was passed out from whatever drug she gave me when she took me,” I tell him, filling him in on a little bit more of how she got to me. “What about the cops? Are they going to arrest me?”

  “No. Butcher and Slim took care of them and other than a question or two, they aren’t goin’ to bother you at all. The only thing you need to say is that you were kidnapped and never saw the person’s face that did it,” Gage responds, letting me know that they’ve taken care of everything while I was out cold.

  Once Shelby is gone, Gage climbs in the bed with me. He tells me that he can’t spend another day without lying next to me and I feel the same way. We spend the rest of the evening talking about things and me learning that he has been working at the house doing a project he can’t wait to surprise me with. So many things run through my mind as I think about what he could’ve done for me. Nothing comes to mind though. The doctor doesn’t even bat an eye when he comes in to tell me that I’ll be able to go home in the morning. They want one more night of observation before releasing me.

  Just as I’m getting ready to fall asleep on his chest, Gage blows my world away. “You have given me a beautiful gift by allowin’ me to stay in your life. It got even better when we finally found Shelby and brought her home with us. Now, you’re givin’ me another gift that I can’t wait to see wi
th the baby we made together. I promise you I’m goin’ to be the best dad that I can be. And I’ll be the best man I can be for you. We might not have been together for a long time, but I know what I feel. I love you Riley and I don’t expect you to say anythin’ in return. Not until you’re ready to say it. Please, Riley, spend the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me?”

  Tears fall from my eyes as I nod my head yes. I can’t form any words right now. Since finding out about the baby, I was worried what Gage would think. Now, I know he’s happy about it and I’m going to get to make memories to last a lifetime with the little family we’re creating. There’s only one thing that would make my world perfect and I’m never going to hope for that dream to come true.

  Chapter Thirteen


  BUTCHER TOLD US WE COULD STAY at his clubhouse when I got out of the hospital, but there’s still too much pain that Gage feels. So, we’re staying with Grace that way she can spend some time with Shelby before we head home in the morning. I wanted to leave tonight, but the caveman in my life refused. Grace has an extra room downstairs and is being kind enough to let us sleep in it while Shelby sleeps in the crib still residing in her room. I don’t know if I’m comfortable having my baby out of my sight, but Grace did take care of her for so many months, so I might as well just agree to it. Besides, Gage isn’t going to let anything happen to our baby girl.

  “How are you feelin’ beautiful?” Gage asks, sitting on the bed next to me and running his hand through my hair.

  “I’m okay. I still feel really tired and I’m a little sore. But, peanut and me are doing okay,” I tell him, leaning into his touch.

  “Do you need anythin’ before I hop in the shower?” he asks, wanting to take care of me before himself. It’s the same way he is with Shelby too.

  “No. I’m good, thank you. I think I might take a nap while Grace has Shelby,” I tell him, wanting him to know that I am going to take a nap so I can get some sleep.

  I watch Gage stand up and make his way toward the bathroom that’s attached to the room. He has an ass I could watch all day long. I’m not even ashamed to be caught when he looks back at me and throws a wink over his shoulder. Before, I would probably be turning a hundred shades of red and wanting to hide in the nearest hole. Not today. Today I’m turning over a new leaf and accepting that Gage is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. Hell, he asked me to marry him and I said yes. I get to spend the rest of my life looking at him and building a life together.

  My only concern is whether or not I’m strong enough to stand by his side when it comes to the club. I’ll do what I have to do, but I’m going to turn into a raging bitch if I have to continue to put up with bitches throwing themselves at him every time I turn around. They’ll know that he’s mine and I don’t share. I don’t care what other men do, other than Crash and Trojan because Darcy is my friend, but I won’t stand by and let him cheat on me. Our relationship will be over in a heartbeat if he decides to go down that road.

  I’ve spent the entire time Gage was in the shower thinking about everything to the point that I don’t hear him come back out when he’s done. Sitting on the bed next to me, he runs his fingers through my long hair, almost lulling me into a trance. I need to have this conversation with him though. If we’re getting married, we need to know what one another expects. At least I do.

  “Gage, we need to talk,” I tell him, turning to face him and letting my emotions rule my face.

  “What’s the matter beautiful?” he asks, concern lacing his voice.

  “Well, I’m over pushing you away and whatnot. But, there are things that I won’t accept whether we’re married or not. And I’m still not sure that I’m strong enough to be at your side when you’re the President of the club,” I tell him honestly.

  “I know you’re strong enough to help me rule the club. What won’t you accept though?” Gage asks, getting comfortable on the bed and pulling me into his lap.

  “I won’t stand for you cheating on me. I know that the club girls are there constantly and that they’re all over you and the rest of the guys there. But, I’m not going to be around all the time. And while I do trust you, I don’t trust them. If you’re going to cheat then we need to end this right now,” I tell him, looking up in his face.

  “Why would I go for loose pussy when I have you? You’re the only one I want and the only one I’ll be fuckin’. Have I slept with the club girls? Yes. That was before I met you though. I haven’t even gone near them since the first time I laid eyes on you. Is there anythin’ else?” he assures me while asking a question of his own.

  “That’s the main one. We’ll have to come up with the rest as we get to different situations. But, I need to know my role in the club. I’ve never been around one, and I don’t want to fuck up and embarrass you,” I answer, letting another fear out.

  “Well, you’ll be by my side. If there’s things that need to be done, like cookouts, organizin’ certain events, and you’ll be in charge of the girls. Any old lady and club girl is under your watch. It will be up to you to make sure things are stocked when there’s a lockdown and if we have visitin’ clubs. We’ll go over things as they come up. The only other thing I’m goin’ to say is don’t ever argue with me in front of the guys. You want to fight and scream at me when we’re alone, have at it. I have to have respect in front of the men though. Can you handle that?” he asks, still stroking my hair and making me comfortable enough to go to start drifting off to sleep.

  “I can handle that,” I tell him, not bothering to hide the yawn that escapes.

  Gage rolls us over and lays behind me. He wraps his arms around me and I snuggle in as close as I can get to him. This is my favorite time with him if I’m honest. It’s just the two of us and we can talk, not worry about the outside world, and just relax. Right now, there’s no club business, no one trying to gain our attention other than Shelby, and everything is forgotten.

  “There’s a few surprises I have when we get home,” Gage tells me. “Some you might like, and some might be a little much to handle. But, I’ll be by your side through it all.”

  “Gage, can I tell you something?” I ask, knowing in my heart now is the time to say what I want to say to him.

  “You can tell me anythin’ at any time, beautiful,” he responds, placing a gentle kiss on the back of my neck.

  “I love you,” I tell him softly. The words come out so low that I’m not sure if he even heard me or not.

  “Are you for real?” he asks after a few minutes.

  “I am. I had a lot of time to think while skankarilla had us and I know without a doubt that you’re the man that I’ve been looking for,” I answer, turning my face so I can place a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

  I’m not sure if it’s what I just told him or what, but Gage rolls me over so I’m facing him and kisses me hard and deep. Our tongues duel for control of the kiss that steals my breath away. This can’t happen in Grace’s house though. Not after everything that has happened to her. It’s not right and I’m not going to allow it to happen. So, I pull away and try to catch my breath. Gage looks at me and I can tell that he sees the emotions running through my face. There’s so much want and lust, but I’m going to respect Grace enough not to do what I really want to do.

  “When we get home,” is the only response Gage has as he rolls me back over and pulls me close to his chest.

  Before I know it, I’m fast asleep and Gage watches me. He only stops when it’s time to go check on Shelby.

  I slept so soundly with Gage by my side that I wake up the next morning, rested and ready to get on the road for home. The guys that stayed with Gage spent the night at Butcher’s clubhouse and I’m anxious to get back to Dander Falls for a few reasons. Knowing that Gage has some surprises waiting for me has me ready to head home. Plus, the girls are there, and I really want to see them. Before I can contemplate too much more, I run to the bathroom and get sick. This is the part of pregnancy tha
t I forgot about.

  My man is right by my side, holding my hair back and rubbing soothing circles on my back. When I’m sure that nothing else is going to come up, I let Gage know and he hands me a washcloth to wash my face with. Brushing my teeth, I make myself presentable and head out in search of my daughter. I find her at the table in a high chair with Grace feeding her.

  “Morning,” Grace says, looking up momentarily. “How did you sleep?”

  “Good, thank you. How was Shelby last night?” I ask, leaning down to place a kiss on her head.

  “She went right out and didn’t wake up all night,” she responds, continuing to feed my little girl.

  “I’m glad. She was probably whooped from all the excitement. Thank you for everything, Grace. For my daughter and letting us stay here last night,” I say, needing her to know that I truly appreciate everything she has done for me and that there’s no way I’m going to be able to repay her.

  “It’s nothing, honey. Now, when are you guys leaving?” she asks, brushing off my words when I know that they’re getting to her.

  “As soon as these two are done eatin’,” Gage says, coming up behind us and placing a kiss on Shelby’s head before giving me one. “You know, you’re welcome in Dander Falls anytime you want to get away from her?”

  “I do. Thank you so much. I may just take you up on that offer,” Grace answers, smiling at both of us. “Help yourselves to anything.”

  Gage tells me to sit down and he goes toward the fridge to grab stuff to make for breakfast. He keeps talking to us the entire time he’s cooking while we all pay attention to Shelby. This is a nice change of pace where we are all spending time together and enjoying a relaxing environment. But, I’m ready to go. If I could get away without eating anything right now just so we could get on the road, I would. I know that he’s not going to let me get away with that though.

  After about twenty minutes, a plate is set in front of Grace and myself. Gage sits down next to me with his plate and I can’t take my eyes off of him long enough to finish eating my breakfast. He’s a man that has gone above and beyond to help me with anything that I need help with. When I was kidnapped, both times, he dropped everything to come and get me and my daughter. Gage helped reunite me with my daughter and I can never thank him enough for what he’s done for me.


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